The NRA vs "Me Too" Corporations

Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!
Isn't freedom great!??

Yet I can see you hate freedom....No surprise being that you are a religious nutzie...
Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!
You're accusing a mega-corporation of belonging to the left? Bwahahaha!!!

You have to be oblivious not to recognize it.

Maybe this is easier for you to process: Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Gates.

Wise up.

There's not a thing that the Delta upper management does that doesn't revolve around maximizing profits (and of course, their bonuses). And that's your idea of a leftist?
They are desperate when condemning a former ally..
Interesting.....not a single disagreement with this post:

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings.

Clearly, I hit the nail on the head.

You are clearly brainwashed .. They had a ban on your assault weapons that expired in 2004, this kid probably would not have been able to get a gun that would kill so many in such a short time.
Your crooked NRA paid off congress to not renew it..

The NRA is not the 2nd amendment.. they are a big money making machine that is corrupt as hell..and people like you are enabling them.


Let's agree that you couldn't be 'brainwashed' because, have no brain.,

"From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€˜assault weaponsā€™ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: Weā€™ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€œassault weaponsā€ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Councilā€™s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data ā€œdid not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.ā€ The Justice Departmentā€™s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that werenā€™t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review this down:

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings.

The only thing youā€™re consistent with is always being wrong.

"Assault weapons bans reduced the number of school shooting victims by 54.4 percent," Mark Gius of Quinnipiac University writes in the journal Applied Economics Letters.

Here's More Evidence That an Assault Weapons Ban Would Decrease School-Shooting Deaths

Take notes so you may appear less of a fool...

"Koper, 2004: Although the ban has been successful in reducing crimes with AWs [Assault Weapons], any benefits from this reduction are likely to have been outweighed by steady or rising use of non-banned semiautomatics with LCMs [large-capacity magazines], which are used in crime much more frequently than AWs. Therefore, we cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nationā€™s recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence, based on indicators like the percentage of gun crimes resulting in death or the share of gunfire incidents resulting in injury, as we might have expected had the ban reduced crimes with both AWs and LCMs."
2004 study led by Christopher S. Koper, ā€œAn Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003.ā€ That report was the final of three studies of the ban, which was enacted in 1994 as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.
The 2nd also allows me to carry a sabre yet those are deemed illegal but you idiots never bitch about that..
One side says they will follow the Constitution yet allow illegal; search and seizures by spot searching people on the streets without having committed a crime or a suspect of a crime..

The other side wants to stop illegal search and seizures yet take away the right to arms...

What is the difference in the two parties again?
Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!

i can't stop people from being in a mob of stupid. their choice, their call. i know they THINK they're doing the right thing but this problem we have with guns is NOT going to be fixed emotionally and it's NOT going to be fixed by making stupid demands under the guise of "common sense". we got a long way to go and one side pushing on the other is only going to be met with resistance.

what i can do however is support the NRA. when i got into my gun kick as obama was going for the guns he said he was never going for *giggle uh huh* i joined the NRA cause it seemed like a package deal. get guns, get membership, buy bullets and e-ha imma cowboy.

over the course of the year i seldom shot many of the guns i bought but i'd buy a few more. shot my AR15 a few times but even then it was too big a pain to have to clean every time and i wasn't into it enough to want to do that. sell AR buy AK carry on. but i kept getting more and more GIVE US MONEY mail from the NRA. when it expired they went into overdrive on GIVE US MONEY but i never did and that stopped after 2-3 times to be honest so it wasn't too bad.

now i'm back to supporting the NRA just because the left is being butt-nugget stupid and redefining stupidity with again saying WE MUST HAVE WHAT WE WANT WAH and joined up for another year. i don't carry my card, i don't ask for the discounts, it's simply a FUCK YOU to the protesting left. they protest more, i simply pay the people they're protesting and sit back and watch.


name one mass shooter that was a member of the NRA.

not a god damn one.

How Many Mass Shooters Have Been Members Of The NRA? ā€“ InvestmentWatch

yet they are held responsible because the left, as usual, needs someone to blame. we must get angry at someone/something and make them change their ways not because it needs to be done but because it will make them feel better about effecting change in the world.


the left is now upset with donald because he said he may take guns from the psychotic. HAHAHAHAHA they laugh DO YOU LIKE TRUMP NOW???

the question is, does the left like him now? they've been after doing this for 8 years under obama and while trump said we can give them due process "in time" (and yes there must be a system of due process in this or i'll be dead set against it.) due process is who we are and should never be a bargaining chip. period. but the left is the one who said "due process is killing us".

Pro-gun control senator: 'Due process is killing us right now'

so trump says: take guns from the psychotic and include due process. as long as that due process is in a reasonable timeframe i don't have much of an issue. he's doing SOMETHING and obama never did.

except bitch and make green tipped ammo illegal and .22 rounds "unicorn tears". yay. that helped huh?

so let the left have their whiney shit fit. they're going to anyway and the topic seldom matters. in looking NRA membership is going nuts and when i see comments on these types of articles i see a LOT of people like me renewing their membership, some new, some going lifetime. this alone gives me hope the silent majority is quietly saying "fuck off" to the left.

keep it up and they will alienate even more in the coming years and fade away to a joke our kids made out the last 5+ years and in 45 years when something like this happens for a 2nd time in their lifetime (ie, this reminds me a lot of the late 60s early 70s) they will look to this time as a reference point of failure and a sad commentary on our society.

til then, fuck 'em. when they want to work together they can quit making demands and talk it out. i'll be waiting off to the side reading AMERICAN HUNTER and oiling my left handed .308 savage with a new wooden stock from buds stocks and eating venison chili laughing at 'em.
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Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!

i can't stop people from being in a mob of stupid. their choice, their call. i know they THINK they're doing the right thing but this problem we have with guns is NOT going to be fixed emotionally and it's NOT going to be fixed by making stupid demands under the guise of "common sense". we got a long way to go and one side pushing on the other is only going to be met with resistance.

what i can do however is support the NRA. when i got into my gun kick as obama was going for the guns he said he was never going for *giggle uh huh* i joined the NRA cause it seemed like a package deal. get guns, get membership, buy bullets and e-ha imma cowboy.

over the course of the year i seldom shot many of the guns i bought but i'd buy a few more. shot my AR15 a few times but even then it was too big a pain to have to clean every time and i wasn't into it enough to want to do that. sell AR buy AK carry on. but i kept getting more and more GIVE US MONEY mail from the NRA. when it expired they went into overdrive on GIVE US MONEY but i never did and that stopped after 2-3 times to be honest so it wasn't too bad.

now i'm back to supporting the NRA just because the left is being butt-nugget stupid and redefining stupidity with again saying WE MUST HAVE WHAT WE WANT WAH and joined up for another year. i don't carry my card, i don't ask for the discounts, it's simply a FUCK YOU to the protesting left. they protest more, i simply pay the people they're protesting and sit back and watch.


name one mass shooter that was a member of the NRA.

not a god damn one.

How Many Mass Shooters Have Been Members Of The NRA? ā€“ InvestmentWatch

yet they are held responsible because the left, as usual, needs someone to blame. we must get angry at someone/something and make them change their ways not because it needs to be done but because it will make them feel better about effecting change in the world.


the left is now upset with donald because he said he may take guns from the psychotic. HAHAHAHAHA they laugh DO YOU LIKE TRUMP NOW???

the question is, does the left like him now? they've been after doing this for 8 years under obama and while trump said we can give them due process "in time" (and yes there must be a system of due process in this or i'll be dead set against it.) due process is who we are and should never be a bargaining chip. period. but the left is the one who said "due process is killing us".

Pro-gun control senator: 'Due process is killing us right now'

so trump says: take guns from the psychotic and include due process. as long as that due process is in a reasonable timeframe i don't have much of an issue. he's doing SOMETHING and obama never did.

except bitch and make green tipped ammo illegal and .22 rounds "unicorn tears". yay. that helped huh?

so let the left have their whiney shit fit. they're going to anyway and the topic seldom matters. in looking NRA membership is going nuts and when i see comments on these types of articles i see a LOT of people like me renewing their membership, some new, some going lifetime. this alone gives me hope the silent majority is quietly saying "fuck off" to the left.

keep it up and they will alienate even more in the coming years and fade away to a joke our kids made out the last 5+ years and in 45 years when something like this happens for a 2nd time in their lifetime (ie, this reminds me a lot of the late 60s early 70s) they will look to this time as a reference point of failure and a sad commentary on our society.

til then, fuck 'em. when they want to work together they can quit making demands and talk it out. i'll be waiting off to the side reading AMERICAN HUNTER and oiling my left handed .308 savage with a new wooden stock from buds stocks and eating venison chili laughing at 'em.

Just a minor can never apply the term THINK to the Left's drones....

Rather, they have been trained to accept and follow orders.

Time and again their doctrines and policies don't word....the 'assault weapons ban'....yet they cling to failed options and continue to vote Democrat.
Since gun bans don't work, yet are still the major program by the Left, isn't it time for them to admit that the real plan is to disarm the populace?
Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!

There's this......

"Dickā€™s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

This is not the first time Dick's has made changes in response to a school massacre. In 2012, after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Dick's removed assault-style rifles from its main retail stores. But a few months later, the company began carrying the firearms at its outdoor and hunting retail chain, Field & Stream.

This time, Mr. Stack said, the changes will be permanent."
Major gun retailer Dick's Sporting Goods will stop selling assault-style rifles

And, then, there's this, from the NRA...

"...some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve."
"These Are the Victims of the Florida High School Shooting"
These Are the Victims of the Florida High School Shooting

Every school in Florida is mandated to be a Gun Free Zone.

if it's a gun free zone then there never should have been a shooter. i mean, we had rules and laws that we need more of...

These Liberal concepts are equally successful and effective:

Gun Free Zones

Yet the folks who endorse feeling over knowing, keep voting for both.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.
Toomey on if GOPers are scared of the NRA: I donā€™t know of anybody that ought to be scared of anything. You represent the people of your state and you should only be afraid of the people in your state.
"REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
That was only three months ago. How quickly they forget.

Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious across the leftist media. Thereā€™s no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15 are to blame, apparently.

But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas thanks to a brave and well-armed citizen, Stephen Willeford."
REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting

Willeford was a special guy. He not only had a gun, but new how to use it. And, he was at the correct place at the correct time. But here is the truth, which PolitacalChic chooses to ignore (AS USUAL}.
1. Kelly, the shooter, had pretty much used his ammunition up, killing innocent people in the church.
2. Willeford shot at Kelly, but did not kill him. Kelly shot himself in the head, which is, as usual, fatal.
3.In over 90 percent of the mass shootings, no Willeford appears. None help the situation at all. Either the shooter kills himself, or the authorities kill the shooter, or the shooter gets away and apprehended later.

So, although Politicalchic would like you to believe a good guy with a gun, other than the authorities, stop these attacks routinely, that is completely untrue. But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?
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"REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
That was only three months ago. How quickly they forget.

Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious across the leftist media. Thereā€™s no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15 are to blame, apparently.

But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas thanks to a brave and well-armed citizen, Stephen Willeford."
REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting

Willeford was a special guy. He not only had a gun, but new how to use it. And, he was at the correct place at the correct time. But here is the truth, which PolitacalChic chooses to ignore (AS USUAL}.
1. Kelly, the shooter, had pretty much used his ammunition up, killing innocent people in the church.
2. Willeford shot at Kelly, but did not kill him. Kelly shot himself in the head, which is, as usual, fatal.
3.In over 90 percent of the mass shootings, no Willeford appears. None help the situation at all. Either the shooter kills himself, or the authorities kill the shooter, or the shooter gets away and apprehended later.

So, although Politicalchic would like you to believe a good guy with a gun, other than the authorities, stop these attacks routinely, that is completely untrue. But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar.

" He not only had a gun, but new (sic) how to use it. "

As I have posted, the training of teacher's who would volunteer to be armed in school is the answer.

And.....eminently cost efficient.
"REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
That was only three months ago. How quickly they forget.

Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious across the leftist media. Thereā€™s no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15 are to blame, apparently.

But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas thanks to a brave and well-armed citizen, Stephen Willeford."
REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting

Willeford was a special guy. He not only had a gun, but new how to use it. And, he was at the correct place at the correct time. But here is the truth, which PolitacalChic chooses to ignore (AS USUAL}.
1. Kelly, the shooter, had pretty much used his ammunition up, killing innocent people in the church.
2. Willeford shot at Kelly, but did not kill him. Kelly shot himself in the head, which is, as usual, fatal.
3.In over 90 percent of the mass shootings, no Willeford appears. None help the situation at all. Either the shooter kills himself, or the authorities kill the shooter, or the shooter gets away and apprehended later.

So, although Politicalchic would like you to believe a good guy with a gun, other than the authorities, stop these attacks routinely, that is completely untrue. But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar.

"But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar."

It seems that, in addition to forgetting how to spell 'knew,' you forgot to include any 'lie.'

One can only conclude that you are a pacifist out of necessity in a battle of wits.
"REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
That was only three months ago. How quickly they forget.

Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious across the leftist media. Thereā€™s no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15 are to blame, apparently.

But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas thanks to a brave and well-armed citizen, Stephen Willeford."
REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting

Willeford was a special guy. He not only had a gun, but new how to use it. And, he was at the correct place at the correct time. But here is the truth, which PolitacalChic chooses to ignore (AS USUAL}.
1. Kelly, the shooter, had pretty much used his ammunition up, killing innocent people in the church.
2. Willeford shot at Kelly, but did not kill him. Kelly shot himself in the head, which is, as usual, fatal.
3.In over 90 percent of the mass shootings, no Willeford appears. None help the situation at all. Either the shooter kills himself, or the authorities kill the shooter, or the shooter gets away and apprehended later.

So, although Politicalchic would like you to believe a good guy with a gun, other than the authorities, stop these attacks routinely, that is completely untrue. But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar.

"But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar."

It seems that, in addition to forgetting how to spell 'knew,' you forgot to include any 'lie.'

One can only conclude that you are a pacifist out of necessity in a battle of wits.

With you, me girl, it is not necessary to name a particular lie. You see, you are a congenital liar, have been for years. You are also a con troll. So, it is kind of like saying the needles on that porcupine are sharp. Everyone know they are, just as anyone who is rational knows you lie.
As to what you know about me, such that you can call me a pacifist, you are, as they say, technically full of shit. I own quite a few guns, have hunted for over 50 years, know more about guns than you by far. Relative to the guns of the nut case mass shooters, I would never own one. You see, they are inferior to any decent bolt action or lever action gun for hunting. I need one shot. Anyone using an AR is suggesting they need to take up a new hobby, One shot is enough, and 20 or more suggests you are failure at gun use.
"REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
That was only three months ago. How quickly they forget.

Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious across the leftist media. Thereā€™s no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15 are to blame, apparently.

But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas thanks to a brave and well-armed citizen, Stephen Willeford."
REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting

Willeford was a special guy. He not only had a gun, but new how to use it. And, he was at the correct place at the correct time. But here is the truth, which PolitacalChic chooses to ignore (AS USUAL}.
1. Kelly, the shooter, had pretty much used his ammunition up, killing innocent people in the church.
2. Willeford shot at Kelly, but did not kill him. Kelly shot himself in the head, which is, as usual, fatal.
3.In over 90 percent of the mass shootings, no Willeford appears. None help the situation at all. Either the shooter kills himself, or the authorities kill the shooter, or the shooter gets away and apprehended later.

So, although Politicalchic would like you to believe a good guy with a gun, other than the authorities, stop these attacks routinely, that is completely untrue. But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar.

"But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar."

It seems that, in addition to forgetting how to spell 'knew,' you forgot to include any 'lie.'

One can only conclude that you are a pacifist out of necessity in a battle of wits.

With you, me girl, it is not necessary to name a particular lie. You see, you are a congenital liar, have been for years. You are also a con troll. So, it is kind of like saying the needles on that porcupine are sharp. Everyone know they are, just as anyone who is rational knows you lie.
As to what you know about me, such that you can call me a pacifist, you are, as they say, technically full of shit. I own quite a few guns, have hunted for over 50 years, know more about guns than you by far. Relative to the guns of the nut case mass shooters, I would never own one. You see, they are inferior to any decent bolt action or lever action gun for hunting. I need one shot. Anyone using an AR is suggesting they need to take up a new hobby, One shot is enough, and 20 or more suggests you are failure at gun use.

"With you, me girl, it is not necessary to name a particular lie."

An admission that you are the liar?

No one will be surprised.

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