The NRA vs "Me Too" Corporations

still waiting for someone to show me an NRA member who's committed a mass murder via shooting.

anyone? not saying they don't exist but i've not seen one yet.
still waiting for someone to show me an NRA member who's committed a mass murder via shooting.

anyone? not saying they don't exist but i've not seen one yet.

It seems that the ones you are waiting to respond to you are off, at home, on a.....

then why is this the fault of the NRA? fighting for gun owners rights is far from the same as advocating killing people with guns.

unless you're liberal then you don't need to understand, just whine a lot, protest and get a participation trophy to feel better about things.
then why is this the fault of the NRA? fighting for gun owners rights is far from the same as advocating killing people with guns.

unless you're liberal then you don't need to understand, just whine a lot, protest and get a participation trophy to feel better about things.

For Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.

Clearly, the NRA has naught to do with either forming Gun Free Zones, nor prescribing psychotropic meds....the two factors leading to mass shootings.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.
"REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
That was only three months ago. How quickly they forget.

Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious across the leftist media. There’s no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15 are to blame, apparently.

But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas thanks to a brave and well-armed citizen, Stephen Willeford."
REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting

Willeford was a special guy. He not only had a gun, but new how to use it. And, he was at the correct place at the correct time. But here is the truth, which PolitacalChic chooses to ignore (AS USUAL}.
1. Kelly, the shooter, had pretty much used his ammunition up, killing innocent people in the church.
2. Willeford shot at Kelly, but did not kill him. Kelly shot himself in the head, which is, as usual, fatal.
3.In over 90 percent of the mass shootings, no Willeford appears. None help the situation at all. Either the shooter kills himself, or the authorities kill the shooter, or the shooter gets away and apprehended later.

So, although Politicalchic would like you to believe a good guy with a gun, other than the authorities, stop these attacks routinely, that is completely untrue. But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar.

"But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar."

It seems that, in addition to forgetting how to spell 'knew,' you forgot to include any 'lie.'

One can only conclude that you are a pacifist out of necessity in a battle of wits.

With you, me girl, it is not necessary to name a particular lie. You see, you are a congenital liar, have been for years. You are also a con troll. So, it is kind of like saying the needles on that porcupine are sharp. Everyone know they are, just as anyone who is rational knows you lie.
As to what you know about me, such that you can call me a pacifist, you are, as they say, technically full of shit. I own quite a few guns, have hunted for over 50 years, know more about guns than you by far. Relative to the guns of the nut case mass shooters, I would never own one. You see, they are inferior to any decent bolt action or lever action gun for hunting. I need one shot. Anyone using an AR is suggesting they need to take up a new hobby, One shot is enough, and 20 or more suggests you are failure at gun use.

"With you, me girl, it is not necessary to name a particular lie."

An admission that you are the liar?

No one will be surprised.

Nope. I never lie. I prefer truth. And integrity. You may need to look up the key words in the last sentences. But your response does suggest that you could use some help with the english language.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?
Appears that I was correct.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.

Now.....focus like a laser:

These are the two solutions to mass shootings:
Eliminate Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

How....exactly, would the NRA be responsible for accomplishing these???????
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.

Be sure to let me know when you are ready to conclude that all the hand-wringing and chest-thumping by Democrats/Liberals is simply an obfuscation of their real desire: eliminating the second amendment.
then why is this the fault of the NRA? fighting for gun owners rights is far from the same as advocating killing people with guns.

unless you're liberal then you don't need to understand, just whine a lot, protest and get a participation trophy to feel better about things.

For Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.
No, never does. But it does show you to be stupid. And a con troll.

Clearly, the NRA has naught to do with either forming Gun Free Zones, nor prescribing psychotropic meds....the two factors leading to mass shootings.

Gun free zones are only believed to be the reason for mass shootings by idiots. Typically, congenital idiots. For instance, Japan has gun free zones, way more of them than we have. Yet they have no mass shootings.
Australia set up gun free zones everywhere after the last mass shooting in their country. Alas, they have had no mass shootings since 1996. Most of the 35 other countries in the world have gun free zones commonly. They have near zero mass shootings.
So, either you are WRONG, or you are simply lying. It is, after all, a NRA claim. And that of con trolls. And other liars. Which is you, me girl.

The NRA, of course, is simply a lobbying organization for gun and ammo manufacturers. Their interest is in more gun and ammo sales. As any rational person knows. Since you are not rational, maybe that explains your lack of knowledge.

Here is another little question for you. Really a simple one. Lets see how you do, answering the simple question.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.

Now.....focus like a laser:

These are the two solutions to mass shootings:
Eliminate Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

How....exactly, would the NRA be responsible for accomplishing these???????

PERHAPS it would be good if you focused, me stupid con troll. Try these questions?
1. Where is the proof that the above two are solutions to mass shootings?
2. Have you always been this stupid, or are you just working on it now.

Really, me girl, your concepts are stupid. Get yourself checked out. I suspect you are a congenital idiot. And since the problem is congenital, there is nothing you can do to help yourself. You problem is, then, just plain bad luck. And part of acting as a con troll.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.

Be sure to let me know when you are ready to conclude that all the hand-wringing and chest-thumping by Democrats/Liberals is simply an obfuscation of their real desire: eliminating the second amendment.

Me poor con troll, thinking is so hard for you. But again, I have lots of guns, and know way more about them than you, me girl. I have hunted for over 50 years.
And, though you make the ridiculous assertion that I want to eliminate the 2nd amendment, you are simply repeating con talking points. Spent some time at the conservative talking point web site? Of course you have. Cons, by definition, do not use logic, and truth, and do not appreciate journalism, or other efforts at truth. Like yourself, other cons simply want to be told what to believe, and what to say. Sad, eh dipshit.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.

Now.....focus like a laser:

These are the two solutions to mass shootings:
Eliminate Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

How....exactly, would the NRA be responsible for accomplishing these???????

That is so much BS.

Turning schools into a armed camp will get more people hurt. A teacher in Georgia fired his gun in class. Fortunately no one was hurt. We should get rid of gun free zones but that is not the total answer. We need to be pro-active and get to these people before they make it to a school or workplace.

There is also no reason to allow the sale of a bump stock or any device that allows a semi-automatic to act like a automatic weapon. Also there is no rational reason to say that a 18 year old can't have a handgun but can have a rifle.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.

Be sure to let me know when you are ready to conclude that all the hand-wringing and chest-thumping by Democrats/Liberals is simply an obfuscation of their real desire: eliminating the second amendment.

Both sides are extremists. Liberal democrats want to go too far to the left and ban guns while right wing Republicans think that a no-brainer like raising the age for owning a rifle is too much. The NRA is a part of that extremism.
"REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
That was only three months ago. How quickly they forget.

Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious across the leftist media. There’s no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15 are to blame, apparently.

But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas thanks to a brave and well-armed citizen, Stephen Willeford."
REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting

Willeford was a special guy. He not only had a gun, but new how to use it. And, he was at the correct place at the correct time. But here is the truth, which PolitacalChic chooses to ignore (AS USUAL}.
1. Kelly, the shooter, had pretty much used his ammunition up, killing innocent people in the church.
2. Willeford shot at Kelly, but did not kill him. Kelly shot himself in the head, which is, as usual, fatal.
3.In over 90 percent of the mass shootings, no Willeford appears. None help the situation at all. Either the shooter kills himself, or the authorities kill the shooter, or the shooter gets away and apprehended later.

So, although Politicalchic would like you to believe a good guy with a gun, other than the authorities, stop these attacks routinely, that is completely untrue. But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar.

"But then, considering the source of the statement, it is not surprising that it turns out to be a lie. Once a liar, always a liar."

It seems that, in addition to forgetting how to spell 'knew,' you forgot to include any 'lie.'

One can only conclude that you are a pacifist out of necessity in a battle of wits.

With you, me girl, it is not necessary to name a particular lie. You see, you are a congenital liar, have been for years. You are also a con troll. So, it is kind of like saying the needles on that porcupine are sharp. Everyone know they are, just as anyone who is rational knows you lie.
As to what you know about me, such that you can call me a pacifist, you are, as they say, technically full of shit. I own quite a few guns, have hunted for over 50 years, know more about guns than you by far. Relative to the guns of the nut case mass shooters, I would never own one. You see, they are inferior to any decent bolt action or lever action gun for hunting. I need one shot. Anyone using an AR is suggesting they need to take up a new hobby, One shot is enough, and 20 or more suggests you are failure at gun use.

"With you, me girl, it is not necessary to name a particular lie."

An admission that you are the liar?

No one will be surprised.

Nope. I never lie. I prefer truth. And integrity. You may need to look up the key words in the last sentences. But your response does suggest that you could use some help with the english language.
never seen her have a problem with the english language but i have seen people not able to comprehend english.

oooo baby what a wild world.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.

Now.....focus like a laser:

These are the two solutions to mass shootings:
Eliminate Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

How....exactly, would the NRA be responsible for accomplishing these???????

That is so much BS.

Turning schools into a armed camp will get more people hurt. A teacher in Georgia fired his gun in class. Fortunately no one was hurt. We should get rid of gun free zones but that is not the total answer. We need to be pro-active and get to these people before they make it to a school or workplace.

There is also no reason to allow the sale of a bump stock or any device that allows a semi-automatic to act like a automatic weapon. Also there is no rational reason to say that a 18 year old can't have a handgun but can have a rifle.

"Turning schools into a armed camp will get more people hurt."

Rumor has it that they have guys with guns in banks......

Why is that?
then why is this the fault of the NRA? fighting for gun owners rights is far from the same as advocating killing people with guns.

unless you're liberal then you don't need to understand, just whine a lot, protest and get a participation trophy to feel better about things.

For Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.
No, never does. But it does show you to be stupid. And a con troll.

Clearly, the NRA has naught to do with either forming Gun Free Zones, nor prescribing psychotropic meds....the two factors leading to mass shootings.

Gun free zones are only believed to be the reason for mass shootings by idiots. Typically, congenital idiots. For instance, Japan has gun free zones, way more of them than we have. Yet they have no mass shootings.
Australia set up gun free zones everywhere after the last mass shooting in their country. Alas, they have had no mass shootings since 1996. Most of the 35 other countries in the world have gun free zones commonly. They have near zero mass shootings.
So, either you are WRONG, or you are simply lying. It is, after all, a NRA claim. And that of con trolls. And other liars. Which is you, me girl.

The NRA, of course, is simply a lobbying organization for gun and ammo manufacturers. Their interest is in more gun and ammo sales. As any rational person knows. Since you are not rational, maybe that explains your lack of knowledge.

Here is another little question for you. Really a simple one. Lets see how you do, answering the simple question.
so by all this wall of text and shouting, i take it you can't name a single NRA member guilty of a mass shooting either, correct?

oh - and the US is #11.

Sorry, Despite Gun-Control Advocates' Claims, U.S. Isn't The Worst Country For Mass Shootings | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

you should really research your statements first.
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.

Be sure to let me know when you are ready to conclude that all the hand-wringing and chest-thumping by Democrats/Liberals is simply an obfuscation of their real desire: eliminating the second amendment.

Both sides are extremists. Liberal democrats want to go too far to the left and ban guns while right wing Republicans think that a no-brainer like raising the age for owning a rifle is too much. The NRA is a part of that extremism.

Let's review the facts.

a."Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

b. "From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ‘assault weapons’ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: We’ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on “assault weapons” was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Council’s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data “did not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.” The Justice Department’s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that weren’t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review

c. … the data shows that all mass shooting are in ‘Gun Free Zones,’ and when nearly all mass shooters are on prescribed psychotropic drugs…..
“At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

It is important to note the … cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public. To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatry-ist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been taking—though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatrist’s “care”.

Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published.

There have been 22 international drug regulatory warnings issued on psychiatric drugs causing violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis, and other violent type reactions. These warnings have been issued in the United States, European Union, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.”
Columbine | CCHR International

Did you find any reference to 'age' in any of those????
The NRA has brought this on themselves. Several of their videos have had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with cheap shots at liberals. They are more interested in dividing people. In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting they are saying no. There is no reason for bump stocks and it is illogical to assume that a 18 year old cannot handle a handgun but can handle a rifle. Also mental health and background checks need to be looked at. People who are mentally ill should not have guns. However we need to also maker sure that people's constitutional rights are protected. The NRA needs to be a part of the solution not the problem.

There are two situations, the elimination of which would essentially eliminate mass shootings.

Neither of which is the NRA, or even the AR-15.

Yet the Left, the Democrats, Liberals, endorse neither.

In point of fact....these groups are responsible for the mayhem...

The solutions are

Gun Free Zones


Restricting psychologist prescribed psychotropic meds.

And....trained to accept what your masters propose.....I predict you have nothing to say vis-a-vis the above.

Am I correct?

The NRA needs to be a part of the solution instead of saying no to everything. Some of the proposals that have been put and are opposed by the NRA are sensible.

Be sure to let me know when you are ready to conclude that all the hand-wringing and chest-thumping by Democrats/Liberals is simply an obfuscation of their real desire: eliminating the second amendment.

Both sides are extremists. Liberal democrats want to go too far to the left and ban guns while right wing Republicans think that a no-brainer like raising the age for owning a rifle is too much. The NRA is a part of that extremism.
Nonsense. I suppose there may be a few progressives that want to ban all guns, I have never met one. By far the most common is that many want to ban assault rifles. Me included. Because there is no other way to stop mass killings.
There are over 25 advanced nations in the world. Of those, 0 (as in ZERO) allow the sale of assault rifles to their citizens. And, all have less than 5% as many mass shootings as the US does. Most have almost NONE.

So, the real debate is whether we want to see our people killed by nuts with assault rifles, or if we want to get rid of a gun which has the primary civilian uses shooting refrigerators in garbage dumps or being used to shoot rock chucks. So, the determination in most countries is simple. Kids and adults are more important than getting to shoot appliances. Except to the gun and ammo companies, the NRA, and politicians and trolls paid by the NRA.
then why is this the fault of the NRA? fighting for gun owners rights is far from the same as advocating killing people with guns.

unless you're liberal then you don't need to understand, just whine a lot, protest and get a participation trophy to feel better about things.

For Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.
No, never does. But it does show you to be stupid. And a con troll.

Clearly, the NRA has naught to do with either forming Gun Free Zones, nor prescribing psychotropic meds....the two factors leading to mass shootings.

Gun free zones are only believed to be the reason for mass shootings by idiots. Typically, congenital idiots. For instance, Japan has gun free zones, way more of them than we have. Yet they have no mass shootings.
Australia set up gun free zones everywhere after the last mass shooting in their country. Alas, they have had no mass shootings since 1996. Most of the 35 other countries in the world have gun free zones commonly. They have near zero mass shootings.
So, either you are WRONG, or you are simply lying. It is, after all, a NRA claim. And that of con trolls. And other liars. Which is you, me girl.

The NRA, of course, is simply a lobbying organization for gun and ammo manufacturers. Their interest is in more gun and ammo sales. As any rational person knows. Since you are not rational, maybe that explains your lack of knowledge.

Here is another little question for you. Really a simple one. Lets see how you do, answering the simple question.
so by all this wall of text and shouting, i take it you can't name a single NRA member guilty of a mass shooting either, correct?

oh - and the US is #11.

Sorry, Despite Gun-Control Advocates' Claims, U.S. Isn't The Worst Country For Mass Shootings | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

you should really research your statements first.

And you should use rational and impartial sources. And links to your statements. Consider:

"When it comes to gun massacres, the US is an anomaly.
There are more public mass shootings in America than in any other country in the world."
America's gun culture vs. the world in 5 charts - CNN

"In other words, America has had more than one mass shooting every day since then, costing 1,846 lives. (The database includes ... America's gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher than a group of 22 other developed countries, according to the American Journal of Medicine."
America seems unable to solve a scourge that exists nowhere else

"Between 1983 to 2013, 119 mass shootings took place around the world. Sixty-six percent were in the U.S"

"The researchers measured the increase by calculating the time between the occurrence of mass shootings. According to the research, the days separating mass shooting occurrence went from on average 200 days during the period of 1983 to 2011 to 64 days since 2011."
6 Things to Know about Mass Shootings in America

Amazing what you can learn if you use respected and impartial sources.

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