The NSA won't tell Congress how many Americans it's spying on


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
The author is confused. We don't have a democracy; we have an oligarchy.

The NSA won't tell Congress how many Americans it's spying on because our democracy is broken

Congress is trying to learn more about the NSA's surveillance programs, and it's not going well. In a letter delivered today to director of National Intelligence James Clapper, a group of 14 legislators (eight Democrats and six Republicans) asked for a ballpark figure on how many Americans are having their data collected under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Section 702 is the legal justification for many of the NSA's most invasive programs, including PRISM. But we still don't have an exact idea of how broad its reach is. So Congress asked! They passed FISA, after all, so it's only right that they should know how it's being used. They don't need an exact number on the Americans caught up in PRISM, just a ballpark. Is it a thousand? A hundred thousand? 318 million? Take an educated guess.

They've wanted that guess for a while now. Even before Snowden, members of Congress were asking for details on how 702 was being used, but it's gone on for five years now and the NSA has not responded in any way. So today, they asked some more!

You would think there would be some more tangible action Congress could take, given its constitutional mandate to provide oversight of the executive branch, but you would be wrong. In theory, they might repeal FISA, but it's pretty clear that's not going to happen. We've been doing this dance for three congressional terms now and this is basically all that ever occurs.

It's especially weird since the NSA's charter is for foreign intelligence, so the answer to "how many Americans are you spying on?" should really be zero. But we all know that's not true, thanks to documents leaked by a whistleblower who is unable to enter the country on pain of immediate lifetime imprisonment.

It's also worth remembering that the last time Congress tried to hold an intelligence agency accountable for its actions, the CIA literally broke into the congressional offices of the people investigating it, a gross violation of democratic norms for which the agency has still faced no repercussions.

It's enough to make you wonder if the organs of government are fundamentally no longer able to hold these agencies accountable, leaving them to operate as miniature authoritarian claques embedded in a nominally democratic state, slowly leaching power and legitimacy from the elected officials they claim to serve.
Spying is supposed to be secret. You doing something that would worry the NSA? If so, I hope they are spying on you. Transparency shouldn't extend to the CIA or NSA in my opinion. I know I'm hopelessly wrong-headed on this issue, but let them do their damned jobs. I highly suspect that most of the people screaming about this are doing or saying things they'd prefer to keep hidden.
Spying is supposed to be secret. You doing something that would worry the NSA? If so, I hope they are spying on you. Transparency shouldn't extend to the CIA or NSA in my opinion. I know I'm hopelessly wrong-headed on this issue, but let them do their damned jobs. I highly suspect that most of the people screaming about this are doing or saying things they'd prefer to keep hidden.

This was the same thing the R's said when bush ok'ed looking at your emails..."if you're not doing anything wrong, what are you worried about". It was wrong then and it is wrong now. Only a handful of people, such as yourself, want a corrupt govt spying, probing, digging into their lives.
I highly suspect that most of the people screaming about this are doing or saying things they'd prefer to keep hidden.

Or maybe they're intelligent enough to see the danger of an unaccountable spying agency that regularly violates the privacy of millions of Americans.
Spying is supposed to be secret. You doing something that would worry the NSA? If so, I hope they are spying on you. Transparency shouldn't extend to the CIA or NSA in my opinion. I know I'm hopelessly wrong-headed on this issue, but let them do their damned jobs. I highly suspect that most of the people screaming about this are doing or saying things they'd prefer to keep hidden.

This was the same thing the R's said when bush ok'ed looking at your emails..."if you're not doing anything wrong, what are you worried about". It was wrong then and it is wrong now. Only a handful of people, such as yourself, want a corrupt govt spying, probing, digging into their lives.
And I live with the fact that the majority rules. Just because I have a truly boring life that no government would find interesting, I realize it's not my place to insist others live that way, too. You do have to remember two things, however: (1) The NSA is digging into the lives of suspected criminals and terrorists, in order to hopefully arrest them and keep the rest of us safe from them, and (2) I do not believe the government is essentially corrupt. It has its moments, but this is not Mexico or Malaysia.
Spying is supposed to be secret. You doing something that would worry the NSA? If so, I hope they are spying on you. Transparency shouldn't extend to the CIA or NSA in my opinion. I know I'm hopelessly wrong-headed on this issue, but let them do their damned jobs. I highly suspect that most of the people screaming about this are doing or saying things they'd prefer to keep hidden.

This was the same thing the R's said when bush ok'ed looking at your emails..."if you're not doing anything wrong, what are you worried about". It was wrong then and it is wrong now. Only a handful of people, such as yourself, want a corrupt govt spying, probing, digging into their lives.
And I live with the fact that the majority rules. Just because I have a truly boring life that no government would find interesting, I realize it's not my place to insist others live that way, too. You do have to remember two things, however: (1) The NSA is digging into the lives of suspected criminals and terrorists, in order to hopefully arrest them and keep the rest of us safe from them, and (2) I do not believe the government is essentially corrupt. It has its moments, but this is not Mexico or Malaysia.

I have no problem with the NSA if they are obtaining warrants. Otherwise, they can go to hell. So can our corrupt govt.

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