The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS. defining what a Nation is. "...of the People, by the People, for the People...' ...

That is what AMERICA is, and almost no other nation in the history of the world.

Were the painfully poor, painfully hungry, painfully terrified people living within the borders of the Soviet Union each personally responsible for every decision and action of the Politburo of the USSR? Do you really believe that each such miserable individual had anything like influence or political power within the Soviet Union? Should each such person have been executed, in your opinion?
... Throwing away American lives would have been criminal if there were other options. I-and most Americans-are glad there were.

Pursuing even the possibility of a much earlier peace was an option that, if it had worked out, would have saved many more lives. fdr was not interested in that. He demonstrated no concern for human life (or freedom or the US Constitution, for that matter), American or not.
There was only one possibility to force Japans to surrender earlier - test The Gadget by dropping it on Kyoto at Jul, 16. But the scientist decided that they need a test (and there were another political reasons).
... Throwing away American lives would have been criminal if there were other options. I-and most Americans-are glad there were.

Pursuing even the possibility of a much earlier peace was an option that, if it had worked out, would have saved many more lives. fdr was not interested in that. He demonstrated no concern for human life (or freedom or the US Constitution, for that matter), American or not.
There was only one possibility to force Japans to surrender earlier ...

"Only one possibility"? Stop drinking for a minute and think about that.
Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS.
They were not "beaten" until ...

Tell Admiral Leahy.
He is already dead.
Since Unkotora is ignoring me you all need to keep asking him for links to his lies and misinformation.
... Japan had not been defeated at the time in question.

" The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender."
- Admiral William Leahy
There is a difference between "ready to surrender" and "surrendered", isn't it?
And anyway, it is just an opinion of the Admiral.

I'm sure you know better than he did. After all, you were there and you outranked him, right?
He also said stupid things about A-bomb:
"That is the biggest fool thing we have ever done," he observed in his sturdy, salty manner. "The bomb will never go off, and I speak as an expert in explosives."
He also didn't predict how quickly the Soviets will crush Kwantung army and retake Sakhalin and Kuril islands. Waiting more would mean Soviet invasion in Hokkaido and Honshu.
Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS.
They were not "beaten" until ...

Tell Admiral Leahy.
He is already dead.
Just like your argument.
... Throwing away American lives would have been criminal if there were other options. I-and most Americans-are glad there were.

Pursuing even the possibility of a much earlier peace was an option that, if it had worked out, would have saved many more lives. fdr was not interested in that. He demonstrated no concern for human life (or freedom or the US Constitution, for that matter), American or not.
There was only one possibility to force Japans to surrender earlier ...

"Only one possibility"? Stop drinking for a minute and think about that.
Yes. " Possibility " if we are talking about abstract branches of alternative history, "opportunity" if we are talking about actual decisions.
But we were not interested in the abstract "peace". We were interested in "Peaceful, democratical Japan".
Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS.
They were not "beaten" until ...

Tell Admiral Leahy.
He is already dead.
Just like your argument.
And your "argument" never was alive.
Do you have any real document that Japan government already and actually surrendered before bombs were dropped?
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Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS.
Fact: At Pearl Harbor the Japanese also killed women and children as well as other non-combatants as well as military members of a country with which they were not at war proving they had no honor and no valid claim to be treated honorably.
Fact: At the time in question the enemy in question was continuing to wage war, was continuing to kill Americans, and had proclaimed they would continue to fight to the last and had recently done exactly that on several islands. If they were defeated they were unwilling to admit it. If they were willing to suffer extermination rather than admit defeat that was their choice, their fault, and their problem.
Since Unkotora is ignoring me you all need to keep asking him for links to his lies and misinformation.
Sarge- Actual recorded history makes it plain that he has no interest in actual history and he thinks he can be believed no matter what he says so long as he claims his entirely imaginary moral high ground. He is simply a revisionist that wishes to alter history to suit his agenda. Many are like him on this site and no sense in letting them get to you. They are worth refuting as a benefit to those who might not know the facts should they read the thread but he is not here to discuss anything and you'll never convince him of anything resembling truth.
ure wasn't. Killing during war is not murder be it mass or otherwise.

Wrong! As you know, and know well, there certainly can be murder during a war. Always has been and always will be.
True. I should have said killing the enemy during war (in compliance with the UCMJ) is not legally murder.

Come back when you've educated yourself on the subject. Until then you just seem proud of your ignorance.
ure wasn't. Killing during war is not murder be it mass or otherwise.

Wrong! As you know, and know well, there certainly can be murder during a war. Always has been and always will be.
True. I should have said killing the enemy during war (in compliance with the UCMJ) is not legally murder.

Come back when you've educated yourself on the subject. Until then you just seem proud of your ignorance.
Apparently you're talking to yourself again. Take your meds?
Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS.
Fact: At Pearl Harbor the Japanese also killed women and children as well as other non-combatants as well as military members of a country with which they were not at war ....


Pearl Harbor was a military instillation (and not one in the United States) . The target was clearly what they considered an enemy military. Does that in any way or to any degree excuse the attack? Of course not. It was clearly an act of war, and war was expected to follow. However, it was a military attack on another military. The 68 civilians who died during the attack were not the target of the attack. Does that mitigate the crime of their deaths or offer any comfort to their families? Of course not. However, the more than 200,000 civilians killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki at a time when the enemy military was already decimated and unable to wage war with any shred of hope for success were the specific and deliberate targets of the most terrible weapon in the history of the world.
Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS.
Fact: At Pearl Harbor the Japanese also killed women and children as well as other non-combatants as well as military members of a country with which they were not at war ....


Pearl Harbor was a military instillation (and not one in the United States) . The target was clearly what they considered an enemy military. Does that in any way or to any degree excuse the attack? Of course not. It was clearly an act of war, and war was expected to follow. However, it was a military attack on another military. The 68 civilians who died during the attack were not the target of the attack. Does that mitigate the crime of their deaths or offer any comfort to their families? Of course not. However, the more than 200,000 civilians killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki at a time when the enemy military was already decimated and unable to wage war with any shred of hope for success were the specific and deliberate targets of the most terrible weapon in the history of the world.
Hawaii WAS IN FACT PART of the US you MORON. And BOMBING Production Port and Army headquarters was a legit target in WW2 and even TODAY. As for civilians NO person above the age of 8 was a civilian in Japan once the Government ordered them to arm themselves and attack any allied forces.
Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS.
Fact: At Pearl Harbor the Japanese also killed women and children as well as other non-combatants as well as military members of a country with which they were not at war ....


Pearl Harbor was a military instillation (and not one in the United States) . The target was clearly what they considered an enemy military. Does that in any way or to any degree excuse the attack? Of course not. It was clearly an act of war, and war was expected to follow. However, it was a military attack on another military. The 68 civilians who died during the attack were not the target of the attack. Does that mitigate the crime of their deaths or offer any comfort to their families? Of course not. However, the more than 200,000 civilians killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki at a time when the enemy military was already decimated and unable to wage war with any shred of hope for success were the specific and deliberate targets of the most terrible weapon in the history of the world.
Would you prefer them dead or red?
And yes, weapon can not be "terrible". People can. And the Japs were really terrible. Nuking made them much better.
Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS.
Fact: At Pearl Harbor the Japanese also killed women and children as well as other non-combatants as well as military members of a country with which they were not at war ....


Pearl Harbor was a military instillation (and not one in the United States) . The target was clearly what they considered an enemy military. Does that in any way or to any degree excuse the attack? Of course not. It was clearly an act of war, and war was expected to follow. However, it was a military attack on another military. The 68 civilians who died during the attack were not the target of the attack. Does that mitigate the crime of their deaths or offer any comfort to their families? Of course not. However, the more than 200,000 civilians killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki at a time when the enemy military was already decimated and unable to wage war with any shred of hope for success were the specific and deliberate targets of the most terrible weapon in the history of the world.
Would you prefer them dead or red?
And yes, weapon can not be "terrible". People can. And the Japs were really terrible. Nuking made them much better.
You don't pretend to be Christian, do you?
Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS.
Fact: At Pearl Harbor the Japanese also killed women and children as well as other non-combatants as well as military members of a country with which they were not at war ....


Pearl Harbor was a military instillation (and not one in the United States) . The target was clearly what they considered an enemy military. Does that in any way or to any degree excuse the attack? Of course not. It was clearly an act of war, and war was expected to follow. However, it was a military attack on another military. The 68 civilians who died during the attack were not the target of the attack. Does that mitigate the crime of their deaths or offer any comfort to their families? Of course not. However, the more than 200,000 civilians killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki at a time when the enemy military was already decimated and unable to wage war with any shred of hope for success were the specific and deliberate targets of the most terrible weapon in the history of the world.
We could argue about some of the details of your "facts" and already have. My response to you is "So what?" Hundreds of millions of people died during that war and the majority of them were civilians as in most wars. That is a fact you can't seem to understand or come to terms with. Another is the fact that the Japanese, Germans, and Russians treated civilians and POWs far more brutally than the USA as standard procedure even when they gained nothing by it. Ask the Jews. Ask the Chinese or most anybody in SE Asia. As for nuclear weapons, The Germans were working on them when we entered the war. And both Germans and Japanese bombed civilian cities and most certainly would have used the bombs however they imagined would be most useful as soon as they were developed. We were at least nice enough to give warning and request they surrender and stop the blood shed. Their refusal; their choice. Real war is not about rules, honor or glory; It's about survival. Kill or be killed. Attend one sometime and, if you come back, I'll be willing to listen to what you have to say. I may not agree but I will listen carefully.
Their Nation attacked my nation and that made their nation an enemy of my nation. ...

Another nation's military attacked our military. Our military defeated their military and enervated their ability to wage war further. After the enemy military was beaten (according to the assessment of our top military commanders of the time), we then deliberately and specifically targeted and incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians via the most terrible weapon ever devised.

Those are FACTS.
Fact: At Pearl Harbor the Japanese also killed women and children as well as other non-combatants as well as military members of a country with which they were not at war ....


Pearl Harbor was a military instillation (and not one in the United States) . The target was clearly what they considered an enemy military. Does that in any way or to any degree excuse the attack? Of course not. It was clearly an act of war, and war was expected to follow. However, it was a military attack on another military. The 68 civilians who died during the attack were not the target of the attack. Does that mitigate the crime of their deaths or offer any comfort to their families? Of course not. However, the more than 200,000 civilians killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki at a time when the enemy military was already decimated and unable to wage war with any shred of hope for success were the specific and deliberate targets of the most terrible weapon in the history of the world.
We could argue about some of the details of your "facts" and already have. My response to you is "So what?" Hundreds of millions of people died during that war and the majority of them were civilians as in most wars. That is a fact you can't seem to understand or come to terms with. Another is the fact that the Japanese, Germans, and Russians treated civilians and POWs far more brutally than the USA as standard procedure even when they gained nothing by it. Ask the Jews. Ask the Chinese or most anybody in SE Asia. As for nuclear weapons, The Germans were working on them when we entered the war. And both Germans and Japanese bombed civilian cities and most certainly would have used the bombs however they imagined would be most useful as soon as they were developed. We were at least nice enough to give warning and request they surrender and stop the blood shed. Their refusal; their choice. Real war is not about rules, honor or glory; It's about survival. Kill or be killed. Attend one sometime and, if you come back, I'll be willing to listen to what you have to say. I may not agree but I will listen carefully.
He keeps outright LYING. He has repeatedly claimed, for instance, that HAWAII was not part of the United States.

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