The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

The demented lunatics with hard-ons for people being blown up
are the lowest life-form on the planet.
The worst disease ever is war profiteering.
Not people, they were the enemy who were trying to kill Americans.
Well, firstly, Japan had already surrendered before the first atomic bomb was dropped, the United States refused that surrender and dropped not one, but two nukes.

Secondly, those were civilians, not "enemies". They were random people, going about their own lives, no say in the war, no say in the surrender terms. These were cities, not military bases. 7000 innocent people were murdered by those who call themselves Government, and you're trying to justify it. What the Hell were they doing from across the ocean, in their own homes, to harm anyone on this plot of land?
Japan did NOT surrender, they offered a CEASEFIRE and return to 1941 start lines EXCEPT in China where they offered NOTHING.

Overtures to surrender were floated even before the Yalta Conference. The scumbag fdr ordered that they be ignored. As a result, many many more American servicemen died before his lackey could finally use their new toy to incinerate hundreds of thousands of civilians, as he had wanted more than anything.
I have read the intercepts from source documents which I have provided in links several times , at NO time did Japan offer to surrender what they proposed was a ceasefire and return to 1941 start lines no disarmament no occupation and no concessions in China.
I have read the intercepts from source documents which I have provided in links several times , at NO time did Japan offer to surrender what they proposed was a ceasefire and return to 1941 start lines no disarmament no occupation and no concessions in China.
You've been here since 2007 ?
If only you could place yourself back to December 8th 1941 will you be able to understand the prospective of that day.....and I'm sure no one in these 157 pages can do that....
That's exactly what it does. It makes the use of the nuclear weapon 100% moral and 100% necessary. We saved lives by ending the war. The use of the nuclear weapon has prevented a WW III and a WW IV and a WW V. All of which would have happened by now. But nobody wants any part of nukes after we dropped them. And that's the point - you immature idealist. Grow the fuck up already.

Leave it to Poodle to say something crazy.

Sorry, man, living in fear of nuclear annihilation wasn't a good thing. You'd know this if you weren't 25 and fetching the big man's coffee.
Imagine if we had nuked Iran. A lot less innocent people suffering and dying right now. But hey, you're anti-Americans so you're going to root for the enemy every time.

You are a retard, aren't you? Covid-19 is bad, but it's only killed 10K people world wide so far.

A nuclear war would kill hundreds of thousands.

Here's a study of the results of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan, which would be "limited".

If India and Pakistan have a nuclear war, scientists say it could trigger Ice-Age temperatures, cause global famine, and kill 125 million people
If only you could place yourself back to December 8th 1941 will you be able to understand the prospective of that day.....and I'm sure no one in these 157 pages can do that....

That panic will make you do stupid things? We know that from 9/11 or Covid-19.
Pearl Harbor wasn’t necessary either.

True, because FDR should not have provoked Japan to attack us. In the months leading up to Pearl Harbor, the Japanese tried repeatedly to get FDR to lift the crippling sanctions he had imposed on Japan. They offered enormous concessions, including ignoring the Tripartite Treaty. But, FDR, who was ever willing to excuse Soviet atrocities and tyranny, refused to show even half as much flexibility toward anti-communist Japan. Instead of making Japan our ally and letting the Japanese carry out their plan to invade the Soviet Union, FDR, desperate to save the Soviet experiment, provoked Japan to war.

Then they provoked us into nuking them. And have ceased their privations ever since.
The demented lunatics with hard-ons for people being blown up
are the lowest life-form on the planet.
The worst disease ever is war profiteering.
Not people, they were the enemy who were trying to kill Americans.
Well, firstly, Japan had already surrendered before the first atomic bomb was dropped, the United States refused that surrender and dropped not one, but two nukes.

Secondly, those were civilians, not "enemies". They were random people, going about their own lives, no say in the war, no say in the surrender terms. These were cities, not military bases. 7000 innocent people were murdered by those who call themselves Government, and you're trying to justify it. What the Hell were they doing from across the ocean, in their own homes, to harm anyone on this plot of land?
Japan did NOT surrender, they offered a CEASEFIRE and return to 1941 start lines EXCEPT in China where they offered NOTHING.

Overtures to surrender were floated even before the Yalta Conference. The scumbag fdr ordered that they be ignored. As a result, many many more American servicemen died before his lackey could finally use their new toy to incinerate hundreds of thousands of civilians, as he had wanted more than anything.
I have read the intercepts from source documents which I have provided in links several times.....

You found one link to one document that you cannot understand in context. You have been provided with dozens and dozens of links to information informing your ignorant ass about the reality of the time, but you have ignored all of them because you stopped thinking long ago.
If only you could place yourself back to December 8th 1941 will you be able to understand the prospective of that day.....and I'm sure no one in these 157 pages can do that....

That panic will make you do stupid things? We know that from 9/11 or Covid-19.
That wasn't panic Joe it was self defense...we placed our nation on a war footing....this is the same thing....we are in a war against an invisible enemy unleashed on to the world by a real enemy...China....things are going to change forever now...China will be essentially dead to any company that refuses to leave China will be left behind by the American people....this includes Apple and Nike.....I am hearing rumbles of Nike returning their manufacturing to the United States...and open border liberals supporting us closing our borders.....yep some big changes are coming...

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