The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

The demented lunatics with hard-ons for people being blown up
are the lowest life-form on the planet.
The worst disease ever is war profiteering.
Not people, they were the enemy who were trying to kill Americans.

Starving children and old women were trying to kill Americans?
We are talking about the morals of the day. children and old women though sad were considered collateral damage. Back then we played to win, not like today.
Today things have changed.

It was not 1000 years ago. Deliberately targeting civilians was understood as being morally wrong. Our own military leaders recognized this.
The demented lunatics with hard-ons for people being blown up
are the lowest life-form on the planet.
The worst disease ever is war profiteering.
Not people, they were the enemy who were trying to kill Americans.
Well, firstly, Japan had already surrendered before the first atomic bomb was dropped, the United States refused that surrender and dropped not one, but two nukes.

Secondly, those were civilians, not "enemies". They were random people, going about their own lives, no say in the war, no say in the surrender terms. These were cities, not military bases. 7000 innocent people were murdered by those who call themselves Government, and you're trying to justify it. What the Hell were they doing from across the ocean, in their own homes, to harm anyone on this plot of land?
Japan proposed a conditional surrender which was unacceptable the the United States, We demanded an unconditional surrender which we eventually got.
Okay, first I want to cut through that collectivist response; You had nothing to do with demanding an unconditional surrender, so this "we" is coming out of nowhere.

Secondly, the Japanese GOVERNMENT wanted to stay in power, which was their condition, and I want to point out that all those people that the US Government murdered with an atomic bomb had nothing to do with it. All they did was murder 7000 people they saw as nothing more than tax cattle, much like how the US Government views you.
Okay, first I want to cut through that collectivist response; You had nothing to do with demanding an unconditional surrender, so this "we" is coming out of nowhere.

Secondly, the Japanese GOVERNMENT wanted to stay in power, which was their condition, and I want to point out that all those people that the US Government murdered with an atomic bomb had nothing to do with it. All they did was murder 7000 people they saw as nothing more than tax cattle, much like how the US Government views you.
We've got folks who would love to nuke another country like North Korea or Iran.
I think Hillary is one of them personally.
You getting bored there at Coalfire or wherever your cover spot is ?
Angelo is so important, I've been assigned to track and discredit him. :lmao:

IN 2003, BOLTON got the war he wanted with Iraq. As an influential, high-profile, hawkish member of the Bush administration, Bolton put pressure on intelligence analysts, threatened international officials, and told barefaced lies about weapons of mass destruction. He has never regretted his support for the illegal and catastrophic invasion of Iraq, which killed hundreds of thousands of people.

Now, he wants a war with Iran. So say State Department and Pentagon officials, according to the Wall Street Journal, who were “rattled” by his request to the Pentagon “to provide the White House with military options to strike Iran last year.” The New York Times also reported that “senior Pentagon officials are voicing deepening fears” that Bolton “could precipitate a conflict with Iran.”

Should we be surprised? In March 2015, Bolton, then a private citizen, wrote an op-ed for the New York Times headlined, “To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran.” In July 2017, just eight months prior to joining the Trump administration, Bolton told a gathering of the cultish Iranian exile group Mujahedin-e-Khalq that “the declared policy of the United States of America should be the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime in Tehran” and that “before 2019, we here will celebrate in Tehran.”

John Bolton Wants to Bomb Iran — and He May Get What He Wants
True, because FDR should not have provoked Japan to attack us. In the months leading up to Pearl Harbor, the Japanese tried repeatedly to get FDR to lift the crippling sanctions he had imposed on Japan. They offered enormous concessions, including ignoring the Tripartite Treaty. But, FDR, who was ever willing to excuse Soviet atrocities and tyranny, refused to show even half as much flexibility toward anti-communist Japan. Instead of making Japan our ally and letting the Japanese carry out their plan to invade the Soviet Union, FDR, desperate to save the Soviet experiment, provoked Japan to war.

Axis Mikey trying to defend Pearl Harbor. That never gets old.
The demented lunatics with hard-ons for people being blown up
are the lowest life-form on the planet.
The worst disease ever is war profiteering.
Not people, they were the enemy who were trying to kill Americans.
Well, firstly, Japan had already surrendered before the first atomic bomb was dropped, the United States refused that surrender and dropped not one, but two nukes.

Secondly, those were civilians, not "enemies". They were random people, going about their own lives, no say in the war, no say in the surrender terms. These were cities, not military bases. 7000 innocent people were murdered by those who call themselves Government, and you're trying to justify it. What the Hell were they doing from across the ocean, in their own homes, to harm anyone on this plot of land?
Japan did NOT surrender, they offered a CEASEFIRE and return to 1941 start lines EXCEPT in China where they offered NOTHING.
The demented lunatics with hard-ons for people being blown up
are the lowest life-form on the planet.
The worst disease ever is war profiteering.
Not people, they were the enemy who were trying to kill Americans.
Well, firstly, Japan had already surrendered before the first atomic bomb was dropped, the United States refused that surrender and dropped not one, but two nukes.

Secondly, those were civilians, not "enemies". They were random people, going about their own lives, no say in the war, no say in the surrender terms. These were cities, not military bases. 7000 innocent people were murdered by those who call themselves Government, and you're trying to justify it. What the Hell were they doing from across the ocean, in their own homes, to harm anyone on this plot of land?
Japan proposed a conditional surrender which was unacceptable the the United States, We demanded an unconditional surrender which we eventually got.
Okay, first I want to cut through that collectivist response; You had nothing to do with demanding an unconditional surrender, so this "we" is coming out of nowhere.

Secondly, the Japanese GOVERNMENT wanted to stay in power, which was their condition, and I want to point out that all those people that the US Government murdered with an atomic bomb had nothing to do with it. All they did was murder 7000 people they saw as nothing more than tax cattle, much like how the US Government views you.
Japan did NOT offer to surrender they offered a ceasefire with us RETURNING all the Japanese territory we had conquered. And they offered NO succession of war in China.
The demented lunatics with hard-ons for people being blown up
are the lowest life-form on the planet.
The worst disease ever is war profiteering.
Not people, they were the enemy who were trying to kill Americans.
Well, firstly, Japan had already surrendered before the first atomic bomb was dropped, the United States refused that surrender and dropped not one, but two nukes.

Secondly, those were civilians, not "enemies". They were random people, going about their own lives, no say in the war, no say in the surrender terms. These were cities, not military bases. 7000 innocent people were murdered by those who call themselves Government, and you're trying to justify it. What the Hell were they doing from across the ocean, in their own homes, to harm anyone on this plot of land?
Japan did NOT surrender, they offered a CEASEFIRE and return to 1941 start lines EXCEPT in China where they offered NOTHING.

Overtures to surrender were floated even before the Yalta Conference. The scumbag fdr ordered that they be ignored. As a result, many many more American servicemen died before his lackey could finally use their new toy to incinerate hundreds of thousands of civilians, as he had wanted more than anything.
Overtures to surrender were floated even before the Yalta Conference. The scumbag fdr ordered that they be ignored. As a result, many many more American servicemen died before his lackey could finally use their new toy to incinerate hundreds of thousands of civilians, as he had wanted more than anything.

FDR was dead by the time the Nuke was even operational... but don't let that stop you.

The problem with all of Japan's "overtures" for peace is they wanted to keep their ill-gotten goods.

The problem with anything less than unconditional surrender is you end up fighting another war in 20 years. This is the lesson they should have learned from WWI. Germany was beaten. They knew they were beaten. But because the allies let them have an armistice instead of demanding a complete surrender and taking guys like the Kaiser, Ludendorf, Hindeberg and the other war criminals and holding them to account, you instead got the "Stabbed in the Back" myth being perpetrated by these same characters, and that led to Hitler.

Nope. Unconditional surrender. The only thing we did wrong was not hanging enough of the bastards after the war.
Overtures to surrender were floated even before the Yalta Conference. The scumbag fdr ordered that they be ignored. As a result, many many more American servicemen died before his lackey could finally use their new toy to incinerate hundreds of thousands of civilians, as he had wanted more than anything.

FDR was dead by the time the Nuke was even operational... but don't let that stop you.

The problem with all of Japan's "overtures" for peace is they wanted to keep their ill-gotten goods.

The problem with anything less than unconditional surrender is you end up fighting another war in 20 years. This is the lesson they should have learned from WWI. Germany was beaten. They knew they were beaten. But because the allies let them have an armistice instead of demanding a complete surrender and taking guys like the Kaiser, Ludendorf, Hindeberg and the other war criminals and holding them to account, you instead got the "Stabbed in the Back" myth being perpetrated by these same characters, and that led to Hitler.

Nope. Unconditional surrender. The only thing we did wrong was not hanging enough of the bastards after the war.
Even if true, that still doesn't make the bombing necessary or moral.
Even if true, that still doesn't make the bombing necessary or moral.

Okay, here's the thing.

The world had been fighting a war for six years. The Japanese had been fighting China for more than 14 years at that point and had ALREADY KILLED millions of people.

We look back at this and see the first time a weapon that has horrified us our whole lives was used.

The people at the time were living real horror for years, and to them, the bomb was just another weapon.

Just look at how people are right now absolutely panicking over Coronavirus. Now imagine that 100 times worse, for years and years of rationing, people in uniforms coming to your home telling you to replace that blue star with a gold one, of millions of your loved ones fighting across the world, and you are told it might take another year to defeat Japan through an invasion. Stories coming back of the Concentration camps that had just been liberated in Europe.

No one at the time was upset that we nuked Japan. We were desensitized to the horror of it all by that point. The nuke was just another weapon, and winning the war was necessary and moral from their point of view.
Even if true, that still doesn't make the bombing necessary or moral.
That's exactly what it does. It makes the use of the nuclear weapon 100% moral and 100% necessary. We saved lives by ending the war. The use of the nuclear weapon has prevented a WW III and a WW IV and a WW V. All of which would have happened by now. But nobody wants any part of nukes after we dropped them. And that's the point - you immature idealist. Grow the fuck up already.

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