The number of potentially fraudulent ballots exceeds the vote margin between Trump and Biden.

Dems actually believe there's no case because a few Obama and Clinton appointed judges won't look at it and the MSM is hiding it.
No people believe there's no case because you never manage to back up the case with evidence.

If some judges wont look at it then why is it not available for all to see?

You damn sure have NEVER posted so much as the tiniest SHRED of evidence.
^^^Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.
Dems actually believe there's no case because a few Obama and Clinton appointed judges won't look at it and the MSM is hiding it.

People believe there is no case because no evidence supports the accusation.

Where is the evidence?
I see the coward who moved this thread won't identify themselves.
Another sucker punch hit and run by the desperate left.
In what respect are they "questionable"? Your hyperlink wouldn't allow me to read the article without entering my email address which I declined to do.

A data analyst performed 35 experiments in 5 states regarding voter data in the presidential election. According to his findings, in at least three of the states the number of questionable or potentially fraudulent ballots exceeds the vote margin between Trump and Biden.

The leader of the Voter Integrity Project and former Trump Data and Strategy Director, Matt Braynard, explained his findings in an interview with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp. Braynard said he found over 1,000 voters in Georgia who listed themselves at addresses that are post offices or other facilities the Postal Service leases or owns like FedEx or UPS stores. They also disguised their PO boxes as apartments.

Matt Braynard: “So rather than saying PO box 123, the address is listed as Apartment 123. And that’s a major red flag. And what’s also remarkable about these individuals, is that almost all of them voted early absentee, very few voted in person. So that really raises a red flag because they’re illegally registered. And it’s—and not just incidentally, but intentionally meant to deceive by listing suite number or unit number rather than technically what it is, which is a box number.”

For example, a voter listed his or her address as 724 Charlie Smith Senior Highway, Saint Marys, Georgia, Apartment 5402.

According to the Federal Voting Assistance Program, when requesting an absentee ballot, a PO box cannot be used as a mailing address.

Now on to Pennsylvania. Braynard had teams call people the state marked as having received a ballot request, but from whom the state never got the actual ballot. In other words people who supposedly requested a ballot, but it never arrived to be counted in their name.

Matt Braynard: “The first question we asked is, did you actually request that ballot? And in many cases, they said no, which is a big red flag because somebody had to request that ballot. And by law, it had to be them or somebody that they designated legally to do so.”

Here is an example of a call his team made to a Pennsylvania resident.

“We show that *BLEEP* in the state of Pennsylvania is marked as having received an absentee ballot request from you but did not receive your absentee ballot. Did you request an absentee ballot?”

Resident: “No.”

The second question they asked was if the voter returned the ballot. Many (who did receive a ballot) said yes, which Braynard says is a red flag because the state did not receive it and their vote was not counted.

Matt Braynard: “We’re hoping that by making this State discovery that will lead to judicial remedies that could bring greater scrutiny to the election such as signature evaluation or manual recounts, as well as law enforcement to look into exactly who requested those ballots. And then, if the people did mail them back in, or why they didn’t get counted, why they didn’t make it to the clerk’s office.”

Braynard says his analysis should have been done before the election by cleaning up voter rolls to remove ineligible voters—and during the election by objecting to ballots that should not be counted. He says once the ballots are taken out of the absentee envelopes, it’s hard to remedy the problem, short of a judge ordering a complete do-over of the election.
The issue regarding the physical address versus a P.O. box masquerading as a physical location might be prohibited in some states for voter registration but it's hardly sinister. Lots of people use companies that provide physical addresses with a box/unit number specifically so that it doesn't appear as a P.O. box. Some of the stores that provide this service also are able to act as an agent for service of process (they can access service of legal documents on behalf of the owner of the box) so there are many advantages to a person using services such as this that doesn't indicate anything nefarious.

So do they know how many people who requested a ballot for which there is no record that it was returned, and what percentage of voters that number represents if indeed their vote went uncounted? In other words, while this definitely needs to be looked into and way prior to our next election, for the current election is the number high enough to change the result of the election?
As you'll see. Trump was ready for this on many fronts.
But if they have documentation of this, not just sworn affidavits with no supporting evidence, why haven't they submitted it to the courts in one of their many lawsuits? This would at least hopefully survive a 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss because this would presumably be a genuine material issue in dispute.

On the other hand though, unless they can show at least 8 million votes for Trump that went uncounted, even if they could prove that something unlawful occurred, it would not change the election results. Proving that in one state or even all 50 states, that let's say 10,000 votes that should have gone to Trump didn't, that's still only half a million votes and is not enough to change the outcome of the election. That's why judge Bibas stated that overturning the election would be grossly disproportionate to the harm that Trump's team is alleging.
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