The number one reason Obama was re-elected...


President: Republican
House: Democrat
Senate: Both at different times.


President: Democrat
House: Republican
Senate: Both at different times


President: Republican
House: Both at different times.
Senate: Both at different times.

I like how through decades of split rule, it's only the Republicans spending. Sure it is, sure it is.

No one said only under Republicans,,,,so why avoid the question of 'how much' debt did conservatives and Repiblicans saddle Americans with? Please, conservatives keep claiming it is "tax and spend" liberals or Democrats yet debt always doubles or worse under their watch and rule... :eusa_whistle:

Whow, the only time that the Republicans were in charge of Congress was during the glory times of Clinton. Certainly seems disingenuous to blame just them considering that the democrats have been in charge of at least 2/3s of the government since 2006.
FweeWeeWittleWillie have twouble with weading and compweehension?

Point out where and how you see only WeeWittleWepublicans being bwamed :eek:
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President: Republican
House: Democrat
Senate: Both at different times.


President: Democrat
House: Republican
Senate: Both at different times


President: Republican
House: Both at different times.
Senate: Both at different times.

I like how through decades of split rule, it's only the Republicans spending. Sure it is, sure it is.

No one said only under Republicans,,,,so why avoid the question of 'how much' debt did conservatives and Repiblicans saddle Americans with? Please, conservatives keep claiming it is "tax and spend" liberals or Democrats yet debt always doubles or worse under their watch and rule... :eusa_whistle:

Come on man, you're somebody! Don't put yourself down. You said that. Clearly. Stop girling out and stand behind what you said. With a split DC, you blame only Republicans for spending. Or you say you do.

No one said only under Republicans ...somebody blamed only Democrats and Dante reminded them that Republicans did it too. The sad fact that Sheeple like you and FweeWillie read more into a reply than is there, or was meant to be there shows how ill you people have become with your anger and hate of most of America. After all it is most of America that voted for President Obama and Obamacare
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Evidently, the economy recovered to the extent to give a victory by a large margin

I guess all that "worst president in history" propaganda didn't work

Oh and besides the fact that he has taken care of Wall Street, the Health Care industry and drug companies. The middle class, not so much.

You forgot the UAW, the GM bailout was to save the union---------now the union is asking to be excused from obama, after supporting it--------WTF?

The bailout saved JOBS good jobs. But freaks like you see another Obama conspiracy :eek:

You people hate good paying jobs and healthy Americans? Why do you people bother getting out of bed every day?
Oh and besides the fact that he has taken care of Wall Street, the Health Care industry and drug companies. The middle class, not so much.

You forgot the UAW, the GM bailout was to save the union---------now the union is asking to be excused from obama, after supporting it--------WTF?

The bailout saved JOBS good jobs. But freaks like you see another Obama conspiracy :eek:

You people hate good paying jobs and healthy Americans? Why do you people bother getting out of bed every day?

It broke the Union contract and made the CEO a lot of money, plus they still owe us. Too bad they didn't see the need to help so many other companies. But I guess that is the price of picking sides.
I'd like to see some network gather up real people who are in need of insurance..or who are being compelled by circumstance to change policies..and watch them access the exchanges, grapple with the decisions they will have to make, see what the actual cost is, and have experts explain why it is a benefit or a disaster for them. Could make riveting tv and cut thru the D C bs and clutter
No one said only under Republicans,,,,so why avoid the question of 'how much' debt did conservatives and Repiblicans saddle Americans with? Please, conservatives keep claiming it is "tax and spend" liberals or Democrats yet debt always doubles or worse under their watch and rule... :eusa_whistle:

Come on man, you're somebody! Don't put yourself down. You said that. Clearly. Stop girling out and stand behind what you said. With a split DC, you blame only Republicans for spending. Or you say you do.

No one said only under Republicans ...somebody blamed only Democrats and Dante reminded them that Republicans did it too. The sad fact that Sheeple like you and FweeWillie read more into a reply than is there, or was meant to be there shows how ill you people have become with your anger and hate of most of America. After all it is most of America that voted for President Obama and Obamacare

OMG get some hair conditioner you are splitting hairs.

The above bolded babble was what was implied. Looking at the information, and history, the last time the Republicans had control of congress, was during the glorious Clinton years. You know the balanced budget and all that the left likes to brag about. Considering that it has been democrat rule since 2006 when most of the debt has been racked up to try and change the subject back to the party who is not and has not been in power well is just a liberal lying thing to do.

Now, let's talk about how much you have contributed to the debt, that question makes about as much sense.
I'd like to see some network gather up real people who are in need of insurance..or who are being compelled by circumstance to change policies..and watch them access the exchanges, grapple with the decisions they will have to make, see what the actual cost is, and have experts explain why it is a benefit or a disaster for them. Could make riveting tv and cut thru the D C bs and clutter

I am soon going to be a victim of Obamacare and will have to make the decisions. Other then deductible what will be the decision,? How far I will have to travel to receive treatment if I can receive it at all? What doctor is in network? Other then deductible I have never really had any other choice in health care.
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.


WRONG....The proof is in voting patterns that but for the white suburban moderate( libs in practice) vote, Obama would be toiling in the private sector.
romney had a shitty campaign. I just dont understand the level pussy that was in that camoaign.
he has foreign policy experience? :eek:

From the start I looked upon Romney as one of these moderate big tent hands across the aisle politically motivated people with no ideological compass.
Of course Romney's biggest mistake was not making sure his security people swept a certain room where some member of a catering staff planted a cell phone to record his now infamous 47% comment.
Had that not happened, Romney would be president.
And guess what? There would be another version of a health insurance plan on the table.
Perhaps one that would make much more sense. But a national plan nonetheless.
Romney lost because he misread the public. He knew that pretty much half of the American public would vote democrat because that's where they get their goodies from. He just misread the remainder. His entire campaign was built around the erroneous belief that Americans wanted jobs. They don't want a job. They wanted an obamaphone.

Election analysts estimated that 3 million people who voted for Mc Cain did not bother to vote in 2012 because they for the most part thought Romney either could not win or they viewed him as too centrist.
I notice > a few conservatives using a FOREIGN paper (The Guardian) as a ref as of late. :eusa_think: What self-respecting Red stater would reference a foreign source? :eusa_naughty:
What do you expect? Name one publisher other than Newscorp which published very few dailies that is conservative biased in it's editorial positions.
Clearly, save for talk radio, liberal biases dominate the print and electronic media.
Perfect for the low info voter who at best reads the headlines of the local paper and has a ten second attention span.
These are the people who claim they don't take the time to become informed but rely on others to spoon feed them information.
They are too busy carting their little cupcakes to soccer practice or heading off to the mall.
I agree halfway, Dante. But, I think in general Americans LIKE their president. It's the home team thing to do. Sure, there are extremes in both sides of the electorate. But, if Ford hadn't had the RW challange of Reagan, and the Nixon pardon, and then the gaffe about Poland, he wins in 76. Carter, though a policy wonk who was proved right by time in the ME, interest rates, stealth technology, energy efficiency ... was God awful politican, and Reagan was very likeable guy. I never voted for him as governor or potus, but I genuinely liked him. BushI ... look at the swing states he lost. If the extreme of the RW hadn't erupted over taxes, they'd never had Bill Clinton to drive them into a state of insanity. BushII scared the shit outta everybody to get re-elected, but he really isn't a bad person. Horrible potus, but not a bad guy.

Unless, you're an old white person, Obama has an admirable backgroud. In some ways he's post racism
. He showed some courage on the Iraq war.

You see the posts here. "Obama won because haflfthe country gets a handout." Clue: generally elections are around 47-53 or thereabouts. You don't think Mitt got rich by sucking off the tit? There's a cayman island just for you. When Mitt made the 47% comment, he was dead.

And that's why Cruz is poison. A party can't win by playing on divisions and divisiveness. Sure, Duckass got killed on Willie Horton, but all Duckass had to say is "I'd have wanted to rip his heart out," but he whimped out. Tagged as a whimp. BushII tagged Kerry as a flipflopper because he IS a filpflopper.

Reagan, Clinton, LBJ .... never would have dismissed any portion of the electorate as being "less worthy." And Romney by all reports is a decent man. He certainly was not divisive as a governor. Not a backslapper, but not tossing anyone out of the boat. He seemed insincere, imo, because he was insincere. He had to run as a TPM to get the nomination, but the country simply isn't gonna elect a TPM as potus.

all that long winded spew just to call people lovey...and there isn't anything admirable about a man who goes around putting down the very PEOPLE HE REPRESENTS...hell, he even put down his WHITE grandmother who helped raise him...I'm sure she didn't expect the ugly human he turned out to be ...that's how despicable a man he is

now you can kiss his picture at night, but don't think everyone will fall for this fairy tale you write

If you think I called you a racist, you're projecting ... but possibly with good reason. I'll have to leave that up to you, since I don't know you. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll simply have to note the the only group Mitt solidly won was old white people. I'm sorry that fact is unpleasant for you.

No..With each of these backhanded comments your side delivers, you imply that white people will not vote for a black candidate.
That is FALSE..
As a matter of fact, but for the white moderate voter, Obama's only visits to the Oval Office would be to get called on the carpet by the sitting POTUS.
You forgot the UAW, the GM bailout was to save the union---------now the union is asking to be excused from obama, after supporting it--------WTF?

The bailout saved JOBS good jobs. But freaks like you see another Obama conspiracy :eek:

You people hate good paying jobs and healthy Americans? Why do you people bother getting out of bed every day?

It broke the Union contract and made the CEO a lot of money, plus they still owe us. Too bad they didn't see the need to help so many other companies. But I guess that is the price of picking sides.

Wow, talk about an entitlement mentality!
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.


WRONG....The proof is in voting patterns that but for the white suburban moderate( libs in practice) vote, Obama would be toiling in the private sector.

In other words Obama was reelected by a coalition of voters representing a majority.
The now infamous 47% comment is what really sank Romney's campaign. Both parties use divisiveness as a political tool in elections, but hearing a candidate pretty much refer to half the country as freeloaders was seen as the ultimate divisive comment. Go figure, half the country doesn't like a seeing a rich man calling them bums, looking for a handout. As crappy of a president as Obama might be, Romney deserved to lose over that comment alone.
No one said only under Republicans,,,,so why avoid the question of 'how much' debt did conservatives and Repiblicans saddle Americans with? Please, conservatives keep claiming it is "tax and spend" liberals or Democrats yet debt always doubles or worse under their watch and rule... :eusa_whistle:

Come on man, you're somebody! Don't put yourself down. You said that. Clearly. Stop girling out and stand behind what you said. With a split DC, you blame only Republicans for spending. Or you say you do.

No one said only under Republicans ...somebody blamed only Democrats and Dante reminded them that Republicans did it too. The sad fact that Sheeple like you and FweeWillie read more into a reply than is there, or was meant to be there shows how ill you people have become with your anger and hate of most of America. After all it is most of America that voted for President Obama and Obamacare

You listed times when power was split, like when Reagan was President, and only blamed Republicans. Democrats over the last decades have had a bunch of periods where they had control of the Presidency and both Houses. Republicans in my lifetime have had only one brief period at the start of the W Presidency.

You can say you don't get it, but the time periods you referenced were split power and you blamed only one party. The Republicans.
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.


WRONG....The proof is in voting patterns that but for the white suburban moderate( libs in practice) vote, Obama would be toiling in the private sector.

In other words Obama was reelected by a coalition of voters representing a majority.

The question, oh deep thinker, is WHY he got a majority. I mean duh.
The now infamous 47% comment is what really sank Romney's campaign. Both parties use divisiveness as a political tool in elections, but hearing a candidate pretty much refer to half the country as freeloaders was seen as the ultimate divisive comment. Go figure, half the country doesn't like a seeing a rich man calling them bums, looking for a handout. As crappy of a president as Obama might be, Romney deserved to lose over that comment alone.

Insulting the electorate means that Romney was unfit to be the President of We the People.
The now infamous 47% comment is what really sank Romney's campaign. Both parties use divisiveness as a political tool in elections, but hearing a candidate pretty much refer to half the country as freeloaders was seen as the ultimate divisive comment. Go figure, half the country doesn't like a seeing a rich man calling them bums, looking for a handout. As crappy of a president as Obama might be, Romney deserved to lose over that comment alone.

Insulting the electorate means that Romney was unfit to be the President of We the People.

Please, nobody who was "offended" by that statement wasn't already an Obama voter

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