The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.

Dream on, Dante. Obama still uses threats against people he hates as his #1 political tactic, for which he will go down as the least-liked president this nation ever suffered.

The only reason Obama was re-elected was union omerta pandemic cheating at the polls. His election numbers did not resemble the day-before-election polls in which Romney was ahead. That threw the underground ACORN club into overdrive, so it would appear Obama won the election by a hefty margin. I ain't buyin' it. Romney should be president today same as Coleman should be a Senator and not the hateful actor Al Frankenstein who couldn't command a radio audience if nobody owned a tv. This cheat-cheat-cheat-cheat-cheat-cheat-cheat shit has gotta go.

I agree with other posters...too much of a type of post one would expect from a 5 year old :(
I get $5 a post and $1000 for every poster I report

I don't smoke weed, I waste my money on overpriced Bourbon

I will be calling the IRS on monday to report your untaxed and unreported income of $86K, you will enjoy Levenworth, its especially nice in the winter.

I fully pay my taxes. Like all loyal paid internet posters

However, I recommend you call the IRS by Monday. Republicans are shutting them down on Tuesday

I doubt both comments. Liberals do not pay their taxes, most of obama's cronies are tax cheats.

If the govt shuts down on Tuesday, it will be obama doing it by refusing to negotiate with the house----------while he negotiates with the terrorist regime in Tehran. :cuckoo:
2010 proved that, right? :cuckoo:

You mean when the won a Gerrymandered House?

LOL,,, have you ever looked at congressional districts in NY, Philly, Chitown, LA, Atlanta. the dems have gerrymandering down to a science---and they still lost. :lol:

How the hell do you gerrymander when you don't have control of the state Government (Georgia and Pennsylvania)

And New York is one of the most blue leaning states in the country and it still has a republican senate...yeah, that's really gerrymandered.
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.


he got re-elected Dante because of the the 2nd rater running against him and because of all the people in this country who are too chicken shit to cut their parties cord and vote for someone who is not a Party Puppet....
Your statement does not make sense. You are saying that romney was a second rate candidate and that people refused to cut their party ties. Does that mean that people should have cut those ties and voted for the 2nd rate candidate? Frankly I think Obama won because he ran a better campaign and because romney was never able to earn the trust of the American people. His 49% statement doomed him. Obama was not the greatest president but considering the Congress he had to work with, he has done well. We are out of one war and soon to be out of the second one. Is that bad?
Your statement does not make sense. You are saying that romney was a second rate candidate and that people refused to cut their party ties. Does that mean that people should have cut those ties and voted for the 2nd rate candidate? Frankly I think Obama won because he ran a better campaign and because romney was never able to earn the trust of the American people. His 49% statement doomed him. Obama was not the greatest president but considering the Congress he had to work with, he has done well. We are out of one war and soon to be out of the second one. Is that bad?

And Osama Bin Laden is dead
And there is Health Care Reform...which like it or not it's better then the crap system we have now
And the first time in history there is 3 females on the supreme court, I think that's worth mentioning.
Your statement does not make sense. You are saying that romney was a second rate candidate and that people refused to cut their party ties. Does that mean that people should have cut those ties and voted for the 2nd rate candidate? Frankly I think Obama won because he ran a better campaign and because romney was never able to earn the trust of the American people. His 49% statement doomed him. Obama was not the greatest president but considering the Congress he had to work with, he has done well. We are out of one war and soon to be out of the second one. Is that bad?

And Osama Bin Laden is dead
And there is Health Care Reform...which like it or not it's better then the crap system we have now
And the first time in history there is 3 females on the supreme court, I think that's worth mentioning.

OBL is dead because of intel gathered by the Bush admin, Intel that obama shut down

ACA is the worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation--nothing to be proud of there

3 females on SCOTUS, so what? They were not nominated because they are female, they were nominated because they are practicing liberals.
Your statement does not make sense. You are saying that romney was a second rate candidate and that people refused to cut their party ties. Does that mean that people should have cut those ties and voted for the 2nd rate candidate? Frankly I think Obama won because he ran a better campaign and because romney was never able to earn the trust of the American people. His 49% statement doomed him. Obama was not the greatest president but considering the Congress he had to work with, he has done well. We are out of one war and soon to be out of the second one. Is that bad?

And Osama Bin Laden is dead
And there is Health Care Reform...which like it or not it's better then the crap system we have now
And the first time in history there is 3 females on the supreme court, I think that's worth mentioning.
Your statement does not make sense. You are saying that romney was a second rate candidate and that people refused to cut their party ties. Does that mean that people should have cut those ties and voted for the 2nd rate candidate? Frankly I think Obama won because he ran a better campaign and because romney was never able to earn the trust of the American people. His 49% statement doomed him. Obama was not the greatest president but considering the Congress he had to work with, he has done well. We are out of one war and soon to be out of the second one. Is that bad?

And Osama Bin Laden is dead
And there is Health Care Reform...which like it or not it's better then the crap system we have now
And the first time in history there is 3 females on the supreme court, I think that's worth mentioning.

bump it up your ass--already answered--post #167
And Osama Bin Laden is dead
And there is Health Care Reform...which like it or not it's better then the crap system we have now
And the first time in history there is 3 females on the supreme court, I think that's worth mentioning.

bump it up your ass--already answered--post #167

332-206...shove that UP YOUR ASS.

Obama, according to you, killed OBL with no intel whatsoever. It pretty much confirms what we already know, you're commentary is retarded.
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.


Here's why he was re-elected.

Alexander Tytler: A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy.

He got it within a few decades and nailed our economic malaise as well. But basically greedy, liberal voters are now the majority. And that is why he won.
obama got a second term because just over half of the country refused to admit that the first black (er half black) president was a failure.

they got so wrapped up in the PC bullshit that they could not see reality, quite pathetic.

As I recall the Republicans in Congress decided on day one that they would do everything in their power to make his administration a "failure". So either Obama succeeded or they failed. Take your pick. :eusa_whistle:

his administration has been a failure, and not because of anything the GOP did. Obama's failure is on him, no one else.

What the dumb bastard does not comprehend is that he is not a fricken king, he cannot refuse to negotiate with congress and expect to get anything done.

the dumb asshole wants to negotiate with Iranian radical terrorists but refuses to negotiate with the US congress. Fuck him-----let the govt shut down, its all on him..

Just so that I understand you correctly, you are saying that the GOP failed in their quest to make Obama's first term a failure? :eek:
As I recall the Republicans in Congress decided on day one that they would do everything in their power to make his administration a "failure". So either Obama succeeded or they failed. Take your pick. :eusa_whistle:

his administration has been a failure, and not because of anything the GOP did. Obama's failure is on him, no one else.

What the dumb bastard does not comprehend is that he is not a fricken king, he cannot refuse to negotiate with congress and expect to get anything done.

the dumb asshole wants to negotiate with Iranian radical terrorists but refuses to negotiate with the US congress. Fuck him-----let the govt shut down, its all on him..

Just so that I understand you correctly, you are saying that the GOP failed in their quest to make Obama's first term a failure? :eek:

Their goal was to make sure that obama's socialist and marxist policies failed. It was not personal or racial as you libs want to pretend.

His first term was a failure, but because of him, not the GOP.
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.


Here's why he was re-elected.

Alexander Tytler: A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy.

He got it within a few decades and nailed our economic malaise as well. But basically greedy, liberal voters are now the majority. And that is why he won.

Is that why the GOP are still in power in Congress? We just had 8 years of a republican president and 4 years of republican majority control in the White House and Legislative branch? They did nothing about abortion or reducing or eliminating welfare for the rich and poor.

bump it up your ass--already answered--post #167

332-206...shove that UP YOUR ASS.

Obama, according to you, killed OBL with no intel whatsoever. It pretty much confirms what we already know, you're commentary is retarded.

52-48 is the real number if we are talking about public support. I am well aware of how the EC works, you look like a fool continuing to post those numbers--we know.

currently only 43% think obama is doing a good job.

OBL was located as a result of inhanced interrogation of 3 terrorist murderers, Obama shut that down. without that intel OBL would still be out there training terrorists to murder americans. all barry did was reluctantly give the ok.
his administration has been a failure, and not because of anything the GOP did. Obama's failure is on him, no one else.

What the dumb bastard does not comprehend is that he is not a fricken king, he cannot refuse to negotiate with congress and expect to get anything done.

the dumb asshole wants to negotiate with Iranian radical terrorists but refuses to negotiate with the US congress. Fuck him-----let the govt shut down, its all on him..

Just so that I understand you correctly, you are saying that the GOP failed in their quest to make Obama's first term a failure? :eek:

Their goal was to make sure that obama's socialist and marxist policies failed. It was not personal or racial as you libs want to pretend.

His first term was a failure, but because of him, not the GOP.

What Marxists policies did Oblama try to implement?
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.


Here's why he was re-elected.

Alexander Tytler: A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy.

He got it within a few decades and nailed our economic malaise as well. But basically greedy, liberal voters are now the majority. And that is why he won.

Is that why the GOP are still in power in Congress? We just had 8 years of a republican president and 4 years of republican majority control in the White House and Legislative branch? They did nothing about abortion or reducing or eliminating welfare for the rich and poor.

rinos are only slightly better than dem/libs. neither are capable of doing anything.
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Just so that I understand you correctly, you are saying that the GOP failed in their quest to make Obama's first term a failure? :eek:

Their goal was to make sure that obama's socialist and marxist policies failed. It was not personal or racial as you libs want to pretend.

His first term was a failure, but because of him, not the GOP.

What Marxists policies did Oblama try to implement?

Marx "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

obama " I want to redistribute the wealth" " you didn't build that"

Obamacare is a marxist collectivist program, its called socialized medicine.

when the govt forces you to buy something, you have lost freedom. If you are ok with that, fine, I am not.
bump it up your ass--already answered--post #167

332-206...shove that UP YOUR ASS.

Obama, according to you, killed OBL with no intel whatsoever. It pretty much confirms what we already know, you're commentary is retarded.

52-48 is the real number if we are talking about public support. I am well aware of how the EC works, you look like a fool continuing to post those numbers--we know.

currently only 43% think obama is doing a good job.

OBL was located as a result of inhanced interrogation of 3 terrorist murderers, Obama shut that down. without that intel OBL would still be out there training terrorists to murder americans. all barry did was reluctantly give the ok.

In fact, during his six years in Abbottabad, bin Laden was not the functioning head of al-Qaeda at all, but an isolated figurehead who had become irrelevant to the actual operations of the organization. The real story, told here for the first time, is that bin Laden was in the compound in Abbottabad because he had been forced into exile by the al-Qaeda leadership.

The CIA's claim that it found bin Laden on its own is equally false. In fact, the intensive focus on the compound in Abbottabad was the result of crucial intelligence provided by the Pakistani intelligence agency, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Exclusive Investigation: The Truth Behind the Official Story of Finding Bin Laden
332-206...shove that UP YOUR ASS.

Obama, according to you, killed OBL with no intel whatsoever. It pretty much confirms what we already know, you're commentary is retarded.

52-48 is the real number if we are talking about public support. I am well aware of how the EC works, you look like a fool continuing to post those numbers--we know.

currently only 43% think obama is doing a good job.

OBL was located as a result of inhanced interrogation of 3 terrorist murderers, Obama shut that down. without that intel OBL would still be out there training terrorists to murder americans. all barry did was reluctantly give the ok.

In fact, during his six years in Abbottabad, bin Laden was not the functioning head of al-Qaeda at all, but an isolated figurehead who had become irrelevant to the actual operations of the organization. The real story, told here for the first time, is that bin Laden was in the compound in Abbottabad because he had been forced into exile by the al-Qaeda leadership.

The CIA's claim that it found bin Laden on its own is equally false. In fact, the intensive focus on the compound in Abbottabad was the result of crucial intelligence provided by the Pakistani intelligence agency, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Exclusive Investigation: The Truth Behind the Official Story of Finding Bin Laden

you post a clip from a liberal blog and think it represents anything close to the truth :eusa_whistle:

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