The O.J. trial taught us one thing, we are still a racially divided nation.

Originally posted by nycflusher
Hey, fucking idiot.

Sputtered like a man hit with truth so solid he's lost his wind.

When you get up off the floor, maybe you'll have something smart to say, eh friend?
Originally posted by Big D
What a bunch of bull.

You mean a person could not dislike a group based on their own personal experience, and then learning about nation and world wide FACTS about that same certain group of people?

Don't worry, Bid D. I'm sure that you will be able to inform everyone around you (young and old) about how bad and dangerous is the Black population. You can feed their early brains full of bias (statically supported or not) and thereby create a foundation upon which people can filter their experiences. Continue to look for stories and statistics to support your opinion while turning away from any good stories about Blacks. Perpetuate your race war by feeding your sad stories and statistics to the next generation.
Originally posted by nycflasher
If you had a good point, you would probably be able to make it without calling me a pinhead.

Shit flasher.... call names. You're a fucking PRO at that! You've taken far more jabs at me with your sassy little cake hole than I have at you. And that goes for quite a few others here you like to sass as well.

So get used to it... what goes around comes around. You quit, I'll quit. Not before.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Don't worry, Bid D. I'm sure that you will be able to inform everyone around you (young and old) about how bad and dangerous is the Black population. You can feed their early brains full of bias (statically supported or not) and thereby create a foundation upon which people can filter their experiences. Continue to look for stories and statistics to support your opinion while turning away from any good stories about Blacks. Perpetuate your race war by feeding your sad stories and statistics to the next generation.

Yeah. I think Big D should do that. God knows there's enough statistics there to show how bad the situation is with black on white crime.

Then maybe we'd have a generation of people that were more apt to DO something about it, not bury their head up their ass and ignore it like you do matts.

Ignoring a problem never solved it.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Shit flasher.... call names. You're a fucking PRO at that! You've taken far more jabs at me with your sassy little cake hole than I have at you. And that goes for quite a few others here you like to sass as well.

So get used to it... what goes around comes around. You quit, I'll quit. Not before.

Hehehe don't you just love it when Flasher calls names(which personally I have no problem with) in one thread but in another thread he puts his skirt on and complains about name calling? What a hypocrite!
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Yeah. I think Big D should do that. God knows there's enough statistics there to show how bad the situation is with black on white crime.

Then maybe we'd have a generation of people that were more apt to DO something about it, not bury their head up their ass and ignore it like you do matts.

Ignoring a problem never solved it.

You're right Pale Rider, there are many statistics that demonstrate the level of violence committed by blacks against whites. In some of these cases the violence would justify, in my opinion, hate crime status. It seldom is, because there is an assumption that minorities do not hate the majority or entitled to do so. Either way, those are nonsensical arguments. The rate is too high and those that commit such crimes should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

There is more black on black crime though, than black on white crime and the preponderance of violence is here. It's not because black criminals hate blacks more than whites, just easier to victimize the innocents at hand.

There is a significant number of crimes committed by whites, the violent ones tend to be young males, same as blacks. There is more white collar crime committed by whites than blacks.

In no way is this an argument for affirmative action or something else that the government should be providing. Some generalizations of causes are fairly easy to make:

1. Young males tend to be more physical than the rest of the
2. Crime is mostly perpetrated on victims by opportunity. Whether
black on black, white on white, or white collar crime.
3. The black community does not provide enough appropriate
male role models for their young men.
4. Some crimes are motivated by hate, with blacks being
incarcerated in a greater proportion than whites.

I think that crime is a serious problem in our communities. I also think prejudice is something that needs to be dropped from our national identity, to the best of our abilities. I don't think we are going to eradicate either of them in our lifetimes.

I believe that reasonable laws, strictly enforced would help a lot. That means watching the time given off for 'good behavior' but it also means not allowing those with money just to get probation.
I think the comment you made with the most substance is this...

3. The black community does not provide enough appropriate
male role models for their young men.

Black kids today are into this "gangsta rap" thing, walking around in workout suits with huge gold chains hanging off them, gang banger headscarf with their hat on crocked, and struting like a lame chicken hanging onto their balls. That's what they see on TV, and that's what they all try and emulate. Seriously, if you owned a business, and had a position open for someone that had to deal with the public, would you hire one the these gasgsta wannabes, and have them dressed like that on the job? NO, you wouldn't. You'd scare all your business away except for the little gang bangers that looked just like him. Wouldn't take long and your till would be empty too.

True enough. Black youth today are in dire need of good examples to follow. The only change in that direction can only be effected by the black people themselves, and I don't see them wanting to do that.
Originally posted by Big D
Why do you think men commit more crime then women?

Probably cause women cant rape men very easily. Hence there are more crimes for men to commit. obviously if there are more crimes to commit men are more than likely to commit more crimes.

Besides we like violence.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Probably cause women cant rape men very easily. Hence there are more crimes for men to commit. obviously if there are more crimes to commit men are more than likely to commit more crimes.

Besides we like violence.
Could it maybe, just maybe be due to testosterone levels?
How much would it hurt to get "beaten in" to a hispanic gang? I'm thinking of joining one. Do you think they'll have me?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
goes back to our ancient hominid days. domination, territorial, aggression and competition? :dunno:
I just thought the levels of testosterone just might have a little something to do with it.

I wonder why males are bigger, stronger and better athletes,
I guess because we just like it?

Originally posted by Big D
I just thought the levels of testosterone just might have a little something to do with it.

well, your question was why do males like violence. not, why do black males like violence.
Originally posted by OCA
Hehehe don't you just love it when Flasher calls names(which personally I have no problem with) in one thread but in another thread he puts his skirt on and complains about name calling? What a hypocrite!

Yeah I'm learning to take him with a grain of salt OCA. I mean his head is so fogged up with that Thia Stick he's so fond of smoking, most of what he say's has little or no content.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
goes back to our ancient hominid days. domination, territorial, aggression and competition? :dunno:

I think DK nailed your "why are males more violent than women" question right here.

And to add to that, men would obviously commit more "violent" crime... BECAUSE THEY CAN. They have the physical advantage in strength over women.
Yeah. I think Big D should do that. God knows there's enough statistics there to show how bad the situation is with black on white crime.

(1.) Statistics don't tell people what should be done (if anything should be done).

(2.) To mention crime/race statistics once in a great while in a cold and objective manner may be informative. It may help inform concerned individuals and help them make an informed decision. Yet Big D regularly selects and collects only sad stories about Blacks (no good stories about Blacks) and statistics. He does so as if it is his one and only life-long hobby. He say such things as "Blacks are dangerous" (or words to that effect) on practically constant basis. I think that if many people were to follow Big D's approach on a regular basis, it does more harm than good. It throws wood on the fire. It promotes and contines the "race war".

Then maybe we'd have a generation of people that were more apt to DO something about it, not bury their head up their ass and ignore it like you do matts.

No. I think that if many people were to follow Big D's approach on a regular basis, it does more harm than good. It throws wood on the fire. It promotes and continues the "race war". It would simply make a White person more apt to hate a Black (regardless of the merits of the individual Black person's merits). There have been very few "solutions" mentioned in reply to the news given.

I do not have my head buried. I understand that there is a statistical imbalance. Per capita, Blacks commit more crimes than do Whites. That is a statistical conclusion. Now let's consider the causes and solutions:

(1.) Let us find the cause. Is this due to poverty which may be due to past slavery of the Blacks' ancestors and/or Is it due to societal (and police) expectation thanks to the spreading of sad stories and statistics (profiling and extreme focus on suspicious Black activity and resulting lack of concentration on White activity)? Is it due to conditioning and learned helplessness. A Black that is told often enough that he is dangerous and looked upon with suspicion will not behave in the same way as one who is not considered to be dangerous. Is it due to Blacks being genetically inferior (smaller brain size and mental ability and/or a natural genetic tendency toward crime regardless of education, expectation, and experience)?

(2.) Let us find a solution (if we can find a solution). Some things can't be fixed Do we as individuals try to expose Black children more often to good role models. Do we promote good stories about Blacks and encourage youth to emulate them. Should we praise them more often for the small successes they perform? On the other hand, do we practically "give up on them" and push for segregation (perhaps creating a "Berlin Wall"). We can split the USA in half and keep all Blacks on one side and All Whites on the other?

Don't you notice the difference in approach. Bid D continues to hammer us with sad stories and statistics about crimes by Blacks. Okay. We get it. Blacks commit more crimes than do Whites. To keep on and on, hammering us, with such stuff is not beneficial. What may be beneficial is to find out why and (better yet) consider what feasible solutions, if any, exist.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Is it due to Blacks being genetically inferior (smaller brain size and mental ability and/or a natural genetic tendency toward crime regardless of education, expectation, and experience)?
Yes, partly and also the fact that blacks have very high testosterone levels:

This report gives the results of assays of circulating steroid hormone levels in white and black college students in Los Angeles, CA. Mean testosterone levels in blacks were 19% higher than in whites, and free testosterone levels were 21% higher. Both these differences were statistically significant.

The solution is to NOT hide the genetic facts about blacks that make them so violent and ignorant.

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