The Obama Economy: Food Stamps and Unemployment

...the decline is the result of Bush's policies...
--and obamacare is all Bush's fault too...

Examples of the Democrat perverse disincentive toward productivity, self reliance and financial independence. It's Bizzaroland.

Bank ATM's hurt, food stamps help

Are you writing this down?

"What's more, SNAP is boosting the economy right now," the infographic says. "SNAP's effect extends beyond the food on a family's table--to the grocery stores, truck drivers, warehouses, processing plants and farmers that helped get it there." - See more at: WH: Food Stamps 'Are Boosting the Economy' | CNS News

""This tax package does a couple of things immediately for economic growth in Florida. Number one, for those folks looking for work right now, it extends their unemployment benefits. Two million people across the country would lose their unemployment benefits at the end of this month if we did not move forward on this tax agreement. And economists say that not only is that good for those families, it's good for the entire economy. It's probably the biggest boost that we can give an economy because those folks are most likely to spend the money with businesses, and that gives them customers," President Obama"

Obama: Unemployment Benefits "Biggest Boost" To The Economy | RealClearPolitics

John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"

[ame=]John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"Extended Interview 2008 - YouTube[/ame]

26 Tenets of the New World Order:

1) Men are inclined to evil rather than good.

2) Preach Liberalism.

3) Use ideals of freedom to bring about class wars.

4) Any and all means necessary should be used to reach their goals as they are justified.

5) Believe their rights lie in force.

6) The power of their resources must remain invisible until the very moment that they have gained the strength so that no group or force can undermine it.

7) Advocates a mob psychology to obtain control of the masses

8 ) Promotes the use of alcohol, drugs, moral corruption, and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.

9) Seize citizens’ private property by any means necessary.

10) The use of slogans such as equity, liberty, and fraternity are used on the masses as psychological warfare.

11) War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences are designed so that neither combatant retain territory rights.

12) Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen to public office who would be obedient to their demands, and would be used as pawns in the game by the men behind the scenes. The advisors will have been bred, reared, and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.

13) Control the press, and hence most of the information the public receives.

14) Agents and provocateurs will come forward after creating traumatic situations, and appear to be the saviors of the masses, when they are actually interested in just the opposite, the reduction of the population.

15) Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food, use these events to control the masses and mobs, and use them to wipe out those who stand in the way.

16) Infiltrate Freemasonry which is to be used to conceal and further objectives.

17) Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases, advocate lavish sounding promises to the masses even though they can’t be kept.

18) The art of street fighting is necessary to bring the population into subjection.

19) Use agents as provocateurs and advisers behind the scenes, and after wars use secret diplomacy talks to gain control.

20) Establish huge monopolies towards world government control.

21) Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by controlling raw materials, organized agitation among the workers, and subsidizing competitors.

22) Build up armaments with police and soldiers who can protect and further the New World Order's interests.

23) Members and leaders of the one world government will be appointed by the director of the New World Order.

24) Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of teaching the youth in the schools theories and principles known to be false.

25) Create and use national and international laws to destroy civilization.

26) Use estrogens & femicals to drive males gay and the female population insane thereby insuring the destruction of the family, hence more governmental dependency.
And among those changes were legal standards that encouraged people to sue for little to no reason. And gov't programs that enabled anti-social behavior.

But I see you are another of the "if gov't doesnt do it it wont get done" crowd.
What happened in 1900 when someone was hungry or homeless?

They either got real good and picking pockets and stealing food from carts or died.

Really? The Great Depression saw untold suffering in the US...and yet, even with no welfare, the people didn't starve. Other than some very well known criminals crime stayed the same...... and no one starved...

How is that possible...

People did starve during the depression, people would commit crimes just to go to jail and have a roof over their head and 3 meals a day.

Look it up it is a part of history.
Is it any wonder the economy sucks when you have people repeating this drivel? And from books I've read about the Obama Administration (both pro and anti), they really do think this way. They really believe in the Multiplier Effect. They really believe unemployment benefits stimulate the economy. They really believe higher taxes help. They really believe new regulations are beneficial. They really believe businesses have excess profits they can spend on workers' benefits.
It's scary, downright scary.

Well, if you don't believe in a multiplier effect, then you don't believe tax cuts stimulate the economy and obviously must have opposed the Bush tax cuts which created a huge deficit with no compesating stimulative effect. Also if there is no multiplier effect, government spending and stimulus programs cannot cause inflation. You need to rejoin reality or rethink your batshit crazy economics. I know a couple of models that support your comments, but I am convinced you never read them and could not understand them if you did, based on the above comments. And they have a terrible track record (think Chile).
Is it any wonder the economy sucks when you have people repeating this drivel? And from books I've read about the Obama Administration (both pro and anti), they really do think this way. They really believe in the Multiplier Effect. They really believe unemployment benefits stimulate the economy. They really believe higher taxes help. They really believe new regulations are beneficial. They really believe businesses have excess profits they can spend on workers' benefits.
It's scary, downright scary.

Well, if you don't believe in a multiplier effect, then you don't believe tax cuts stimulate the economy and obviously must have opposed the Bush tax cuts which created a huge deficit with no compesating stimulative effect. Also if there is no multiplier effect, government spending and stimulus programs cannot cause inflation. You need to rejoin reality or rethink your batshit crazy economics. I know a couple of models that support your comments, but I am convinced you never read them and could not understand them if you did, based on the above comments. And they have a terrible track record (think Chile).

What does the multiplier effect of gov't spending have to do with tax cuts? Oh yeah ,nothiing.

Your knowledge of economics sounds like it came from the back of a matchbook cover. With the important parts torn off.
They either got real good and picking pockets and stealing food from carts or died.

Really? The Great Depression saw untold suffering in the US...and yet, even with no welfare, the people didn't starve. Other than some very well known criminals crime stayed the same...... and no one starved...

How is that possible...

People did starve during the depression, people would commit crimes just to go to jail and have a roof over their head and 3 meals a day.

Look it up it is a part of history.

Believe me I have, and the percentages were no greater than before.
Examples of the Democrat perverse disincentive toward productivity, self reliance and financial independence. It's Bizzaroland.

Bank ATM's hurt, food stamps help

Are you writing this down?

"What's more, SNAP is boosting the economy right now," the infographic says. "SNAP's effect extends beyond the food on a family's table--to the grocery stores, truck drivers, warehouses, processing plants and farmers that helped get it there." - See more at: WH: Food Stamps 'Are Boosting the Economy' | CNS News

""This tax package does a couple of things immediately for economic growth in Florida. Number one, for those folks looking for work right now, it extends their unemployment benefits. Two million people across the country would lose their unemployment benefits at the end of this month if we did not move forward on this tax agreement. And economists say that not only is that good for those families, it's good for the entire economy. It's probably the biggest boost that we can give an economy because those folks are most likely to spend the money with businesses, and that gives them customers," President Obama"

Obama: Unemployment Benefits "Biggest Boost" To The Economy | RealClearPolitics

and take happy once self supporting insured folks

and raise their premiums so high

that they become dependent on the government to "help" pay for it

what a frikkin disaster
And among those changes were legal standards that encouraged people to sue for little to no reason. And gov't programs that enabled anti-social behavior.

But I see you are another of the "if gov't doesnt do it it wont get done" crowd.
What happened in 1900 when someone was hungry or homeless?

They either got real good and picking pockets and stealing food from carts or died.

Really? The Great Depression saw untold suffering in the US...and yet, even with no welfare, the people didn't starve. Other than some very well known criminals crime stayed the same...... and no one starved...

How is that possible...

The Great Depression is the reason we have many of the social programs we have today. Apparently, your "soup kitchen" solution didn't solve many problems.
They either got real good and picking pockets and stealing food from carts or died.

Really? The Great Depression saw untold suffering in the US...and yet, even with no welfare, the people didn't starve. Other than some very well known criminals crime stayed the same...... and no one starved...

How is that possible...

The Great Depression is the reason we have many of the social programs we have today. Apparently, your "soup kitchen" solution didn't solve many problems.

Never let a crisis go to waste.
The social programs have been responsible for more misery than their lack.
Expat, that's the direct result of Bush's policies.
OK, the decline is the result of Bush's policies, the increase in the Dow is the result of Obama's policies. Because anything good is due to Obama, anything bad to Bush.
Get it?

Wow, I actually agree with you guys for once. Bush's economic policies were far better than Obama's. I lean progressive, ideologically, on certain things, but Bush was OK. I didn't like his foreign policy, but his expansion of Medicare was the right thing.
Expat, that's the direct result of Bush's policies.
OK, the decline is the result of Bush's policies, the increase in the Dow is the result of Obama's policies. Because anything good is due to Obama, anything bad to Bush.
Get it?

Wow, I actually agree with you guys for once. Bush's economic policies were far better than Obama's. I lean progressive, ideologically, on certain things, but Bush was OK. I didn't like his foreign policy, but his expansion of Medicare was the right thing.

And you probably liked his steel tariffs and the bailout of Chrysler and GM, amiright?
Expat, that's the direct result of Bush's policies.
OK, the decline is the result of Bush's policies, the increase in the Dow is the result of Obama's policies. Because anything good is due to Obama, anything bad to Bush.
Get it?

Wow, I actually agree with you guys for once. Bush's economic policies were far better than Obama's. I lean progressive, ideologically, on certain things, but Bush was OK. I didn't like his foreign policy, but his expansion of Medicare was the right thing.

And you probably liked his steel tariffs and the bailout of Chrysler and GM, amiright?

I supported the bailout of the auto industry. I didn't support the bailout of Wall Street. I'm not a fan of tariffs, I align with the Right on that issue.
Wow, I actually agree with you guys for once. Bush's economic policies were far better than Obama's. I lean progressive, ideologically, on certain things, but Bush was OK. I didn't like his foreign policy, but his expansion of Medicare was the right thing.

And you probably liked his steel tariffs and the bailout of Chrysler and GM, amiright?

I supported the bailout of the auto industry. I didn't support the bailout of Wall Street. I'm not a fan of tariffs, I align with the Right on that issue.

Whats the difference between bailing out banks and bailing out car makers?
And you probably liked his steel tariffs and the bailout of Chrysler and GM, amiright?

I supported the bailout of the auto industry. I didn't support the bailout of Wall Street. I'm not a fan of tariffs, I align with the Right on that issue.

Whats the difference between bailing out banks and bailing out car makers?

Huge. One produces a tangible product( capital goods) and another speculates. Investment banks are largely inconsequential to the real economy, but real goods and services matter.
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I supported the bailout of the auto industry. I didn't support the bailout of Wall Street. I'm not a fan of tariffs, I align with the Right on that issue.

Whats the difference between bailing out banks and bailing out car makers?

Huge. One produces a tangible product( capital goods) and another speculates. Investment banks are largely inconsequential to the real economy, but real goods and services matter.

Wow, that's completely wrong.
The car companies' major earnings source was their financing. No large business could get capital without investment banks.
Cars are not capital goods, anyway.

Thanks, I think you've revealed what you know about economics. Zilch.
Whats the difference between bailing out banks and bailing out car makers?

Huge. One produces a tangible product( capital goods) and another speculates. Investment banks are largely inconsequential to the real economy, but real goods and services matter.

Wow, that's completely wrong.
The car companies' major earnings source was their financing. No large business could get capital without investment banks.
Cars are not capital goods, anyway.

Thanks, I think you've revealed what you know about economics. Zilch.


#1 what business model do think automobile manufacturers employ?

#2 change your screen name. As a Jew, I find it offensive
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Huge. One produces a tangible product( capital goods) and another speculates. Investment banks are largely inconsequential to the real economy, but real goods and services matter.

Wow, that's completely wrong.
The car companies' major earnings source was their financing. No large business could get capital without investment banks.
Cars are not capital goods, anyway.

Thanks, I think you've revealed what you know about economics. Zilch.


#1 what business model do think automobile manufacturers employ?

#2 change your screen name. As a Jew, I find it offensive

1. They finance what they sell, so make money off their financing activity.
2. You can't be a Jew. No Jew is that stupid.
Wow, that's completely wrong.
The car companies' major earnings source was their financing. No large business could get capital without investment banks.
Cars are not capital goods, anyway.

Thanks, I think you've revealed what you know about economics. Zilch.


#1 what business model do think automobile manufacturers employ?

#2 change your screen name. As a Jew, I find it offensive

1. They finance what they sell, so make money off their financing activity.
2. You can't be a Jew. No Jew is that stupid.
You must be mistaking Jews for Cherokee breeds, a common mistake, we're the smarter ones.

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