The Obama Legacy: War


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.
Funny, Israel didn't ask permission before building nuclear weapons. Guess the same rules don't apply.

And wait, don't you love Man of Action Putin? He made that deal as well...
How many US airstrikes against Isis in Syria today? I've not heard any reports. Anyone? listening?
Josh Earnest just said we and Russia are on the same page visavis Syrian airstrikes. He failed to acknowledge its the same page in different books.
More on the Obama Legacy:

1. "The declaration by President Abbas that the Palestinian Authority is, as the New York Times put it, “no longer bound” by “mutual agreements with Israel,” including the Oslo Peace Accords....

2. ....the news comes in the wake of the report in the Israeli daily Haaretz that Secretary of State Kerry blocked a meeting from taking place between Mr. Abbas and Prime Minister Netanyahu. The plan for such a meeting emerged from a meeting in Paris between the Palestinian leader and four retired Israeli ambassadors.

3. ....quoted Mr. Abbas as telling the group that in recent weeks he’d expressed a willingness to meet with Mr. Netanyahu but that a “third party who is not Israeli” had blocked the meeting.

4. For years the bedrock strategy for peace has been direct talks between the Palestinian Arabs and Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu once went before the United Nations and said he was prepared to walk out of that chamber and, without preconditions, go into direct peace talks with his Palestinian Arab counterpart — that very evening. It has always been the Arab side that has demurred. So what happens when Mr. Abbas is ready to meet? America [read 'Obama'] blocks it.

5. Our guess is that the Obama administration fears leaving the Israelis and Palestinian Arabs to their own devices..... [Kerry] and the President have been all too glad to tilt the table against the Jewish state. For them to manage the Palestinian peace talks can mean nothing but trouble.
[Of course....then there might be a chance for peace.....not part of Obama's plans.]

6. ....Obama’s allies actually funded and ran a political operation to drive Prime Minister Netanyahu from office and get Mr. Herzog elected premier. They were famously humiliated by Israel’s voters. So now they’re advising Mr. Abbas to hang back from direct peace talks until Secretary Kerry can intervene, as he long ago did to pave the way for a communist victory in Vietnam and more recently to grease the appeasement with Iran. Being unbound from Oslo is the least of it."
Abbas Unbound? - The New York Sun
1. "The declaration by President Abbas that the Palestinian Authority is, as the New York Times put it, “no longer bound” by “mutual agreements with Israel,” including the Oslo Peace Accords....
No reason in the world why they should be...
The topic title promised me a war. Where is it?

When Obama took office, the US had three ongoing wars. War on Iraq, War on Afghanistan, War on Terror. Costing a few gazillion dollars each.

What would the world look like if we had, say, not started one of those wars? I bet the Middle East would be a LOT less messy.
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.
Are the other world leaders that worked out this deal worthy of your disdain or just President Obama?

From the link:

Diplomatic sources have said that Israel and Iran’s regional rival, Saudi Arabia, have been discussing how to respond to the nuclear deal and their fear that the lifting of sanctions, expected in the coming months, will embolden Iran to pursue a more aggressive foreign policy in the Middle East.

Without naming countries, Netanyahu said Israel was in touch with Arab states about Iran.

“Israel is working closely with our Arab peace partners to address our common security challenges from Iran and also the security challenges from ISIL (Islamic State) and others,” he said.

Israel is counting on Saudi Arabia to join the fight?


Saudi Arabia pays others to do their fighting for them. In fact, that's what pissed off Osama bin Laden. They paid us to do their fighting for them in Kuwait.

And now the Saudi royals will work with Israel? Oh, that's going to go over well with the Muslim extremists!

Yeah, Netanyahoo is pissing in the wind.
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.
Are the other world leaders that worked out this deal worthy of your disdain or just President Obama?

Disdain is far too weak a term for my analysis of Barack Obama.

I reserve 'disdain' for those who voted for him.

If you agree with endorsing nuclear weapons for the maniacal Iranian theocracy, you certainly deserve same.

I have seen the dozens of foreign policy failures, gaffes, mistakes by the President.

If you like, I'd be happy to list same.

From the link:

Diplomatic sources have said that Israel and Iran’s regional rival, Saudi Arabia, have been discussing how to respond to the nuclear deal and their fear that the lifting of sanctions, expected in the coming months, will embolden Iran to pursue a more aggressive foreign policy in the Middle East.

Without naming countries, Netanyahu said Israel was in touch with Arab states about Iran.

“Israel is working closely with our Arab peace partners to address our common security challenges from Iran and also the security challenges from ISIL (Islamic State) and others,” he said.

Israel is counting on Saudi Arabia to join the fight?


Saudi Arabia pays others to do their fighting for them. In fact, that's what pissed off Osama bin Laden. They paid us to do their fighting for them in Kuwait.

And now the Saudi royals will work with Israel? Oh, that's going to go over well with the Muslim extremists!

Yeah, Netanyahoo is pissing in the wind.

You are a fool....and, more of Obama's Legacy:

"Saudi Arabia to buy nuclear bombs from Pakistan: report"
Saudi Arabia to buy nuclear bombs from Pakistan: report
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.
Are the other world leaders that worked out this deal worthy of your disdain or just President Obama?

Disdain is far too weak a term for my analysis of Barack Obama.

I reserve 'disdain' for those who voted for him.

If you agree with endorsing nuclear weapons for the maniacal Iranian theocracy, you certainly deserve same.

I have seen the dozens of foreign policy failures, gaffes, mistakes by the President.

If you like, I'd be happy to list same.
Nukes for all, M.A.D. works, peace at last.
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.

So the current administration is responsible for Netanyahoo's & Likud's hawkish position(s)? That's terrific logic Chica!

Fine! Let Israel initiate and fight their own freakin' war with Iran. Why should American forces be their proxy for any more of their dealings with their enemies? What has Israel ever done for the US? All Israel has done is put out their hand for aide, conduct espionage against the US and provide lip service pro and con vis-à-vis the US!

Hell, Israel even attacked a US Navy ship in international waters killing 34 and wounding 174 in June 1967. The reparations Israel agreed to pay to the survivors and next-of-kin of the USS Liberty's unprovoked attack were never paid by Israel. Israel kept trying to "bargain" them downward after the agreement for over a decade and they eventually were deducted from their usual foreign aide package! The US taxpayers paid the reparations for Israel.

Piss on Israel! Let them deal with Iran if they have the guts for it, the sniveling cowards!
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.

So the current administration is responsible for Netanyahoo's & Likud's hawkish position(s)? That's terrific logic Chica!

Fine! Let Israel initiate and fight their own freakin' war with Iran. Why should American forces be their proxy for any more of their dealings with their enemies? What has Israel ever done for the US? All Israel has done is put out their hand for aide, conduct espionage against the US and provide lip service pro and con vis-à-vis the US!

Hell, Israel even attacked a US Navy ship in international waters killing 34 and wounding 174 in June 1967. The reparations Israel agreed to pay to the survivors and next-of-kin of the USS Liberty's unprovoked attack were never paid by Israel. Israel kept trying to "bargain" them downward after the agreement for over a decade and they eventually were deducted from their usual foreign aide package! The US taxpayers paid the reparations for Israel.

Piss on Israel! Let them deal with Iran if they have the guts for it, the sniveling cowards!
Well, there goes your Zionist Christmas card. You are off their list.
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.
Are the other world leaders that worked out this deal worthy of your disdain or just President Obama?

Disdain is far too weak a term for my analysis of Barack Obama.

I reserve 'disdain' for those who voted for him.

If you agree with endorsing nuclear weapons for the maniacal Iranian theocracy, you certainly deserve same.

I have seen the dozens of foreign policy failures, gaffes, mistakes by the President.

If you like, I'd be happy to list same.
Nukes for all, M.A.D. works, peace at last.

See....not this time you are not're stupid.

The maniacal theocracy actually wants worldwide destruction, as it is a step advancing the appearance of the 12th mahdi.

"Ayatollah Khomeini cited in an 11th grade Iranian schoolbook, "I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against the whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all of them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom, which is martyrdom."
Would Iran Use the Bomb? | Iran Intelligence

"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes the most important task of the Iranian Revolution was to prepare the way for the return of the Twelfth Imam, who disappeared in 874, bringing an end to Muhammad's lineage. This imam, the Mahdi or "divinely guided one," Shiites believe, will return in an apocalyptic battle in which the forces of righteousness will defeat the forces of evil and bring about a new era in which Islam ultimately becomes the dominant religion throughout the world."

"In the days of the Cold War, this idea was known as MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction. In the Iranian case, no Muslim leader would risk an Israeli counterstrike that might destroy them. MAD doesn't work, however, if the Iranians believe there will be destruction anyway at the end of time. What matters, Bernard Lewis observed, is if the infidels go to hell and believers go to heaven. And if you believe that killing the nonbelievers will earn you a place in Paradise with 72 virgins, what difference does it make if you go out in a blaze of glory as a suicide bomber or in the shadow of a mushroom cloud?"
Ibid. must either be a fool, or an Obama supporter....

Or both.
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.
Are the other world leaders that worked out this deal worthy of your disdain or just President Obama?

Disdain is far too weak a term for my analysis of Barack Obama.

I reserve 'disdain' for those who voted for him.

If you agree with endorsing nuclear weapons for the maniacal Iranian theocracy, you certainly deserve same.

I have seen the dozens of foreign policy failures, gaffes, mistakes by the President.

If you like, I'd be happy to list same.
Nukes for all, M.A.D. works, peace at last.

See....not this time you are not're stupid.

The maniacal theocracy actually wants worldwide destruction, as it is a step advancing the appearance of the 12th mahdi.

"Ayatollah Khomeini cited in an 11th grade Iranian schoolbook, "I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against the whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all of them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom, which is martyrdom."
Would Iran Use the Bomb? | Iran Intelligence

"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes the most important task of the Iranian Revolution was to prepare the way for the return of the Twelfth Imam, who disappeared in 874, bringing an end to Muhammad's lineage. This imam, the Mahdi or "divinely guided one," Shiites believe, will return in an apocalyptic battle in which the forces of righteousness will defeat the forces of evil and bring about a new era in which Islam ultimately becomes the dominant religion throughout the world."

"In the days of the Cold War, this idea was known as MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction. In the Iranian case, no Muslim leader would risk an Israeli counterstrike that might destroy them. MAD doesn't work, however, if the Iranians believe there will be destruction anyway at the end of time. What matters, Bernard Lewis observed, is if the infidels go to hell and believers go to heaven. And if you believe that killing the nonbelievers will earn you a place in Paradise with 72 virgins, what difference does it make if you go out in a blaze of glory as a suicide bomber or in the shadow of a mushroom cloud?"
Ibid. must either be a fool, or an Obama supporter....

Or both.
Jews waiting for the Messiah, Christians waiting for Jesus to return. Lots of nutters around, don't let them spook you.
If you agree with endorsing nuclear weapons for the maniacal Iranian theocracy, you certainly deserve same.
Nobody is "endorsing" a nuclear arms race. Given the alternative, I'm willing to see where this deal actually leads and not just assume the hypothetical result provided by President Netanyahu.
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.
Are the other world leaders that worked out this deal worthy of your disdain or just President Obama?

Disdain is far too weak a term for my analysis of Barack Obama.

I reserve 'disdain' for those who voted for him.

If you agree with endorsing nuclear weapons for the maniacal Iranian theocracy, you certainly deserve same.

I have seen the dozens of foreign policy failures, gaffes, mistakes by the President.

If you like, I'd be happy to list same.
Nukes for all, M.A.D. works, peace at last.

See....not this time you are not're stupid.

The maniacal theocracy actually wants worldwide destruction, as it is a step advancing the appearance of the 12th mahdi.

"Ayatollah Khomeini cited in an 11th grade Iranian schoolbook, "I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against the whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all of them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom, which is martyrdom."
Would Iran Use the Bomb? | Iran Intelligence

"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes the most important task of the Iranian Revolution was to prepare the way for the return of the Twelfth Imam, who disappeared in 874, bringing an end to Muhammad's lineage. This imam, the Mahdi or "divinely guided one," Shiites believe, will return in an apocalyptic battle in which the forces of righteousness will defeat the forces of evil and bring about a new era in which Islam ultimately becomes the dominant religion throughout the world."

"In the days of the Cold War, this idea was known as MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction. In the Iranian case, no Muslim leader would risk an Israeli counterstrike that might destroy them. MAD doesn't work, however, if the Iranians believe there will be destruction anyway at the end of time. What matters, Bernard Lewis observed, is if the infidels go to hell and believers go to heaven. And if you believe that killing the nonbelievers will earn you a place in Paradise with 72 virgins, what difference does it make if you go out in a blaze of glory as a suicide bomber or in the shadow of a mushroom cloud?"
Ibid. must either be a fool, or an Obama supporter....

Or both.
And yet here you are espousing "12th Mahdi" internet conspiracy theories.
"Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club'

....Netanyahu told the United Nations on Thursday that his country would not allow Iran “to break in, to sneak in, or to walk into the nuclear weapons club.”

He slammed a deal between Iran and major world powers that aims to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and said that once international sanctions are lifted “unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.”
Netanyahu Tells U.N. Israel Won't Allow Iran to Join 'Nuclear Weapons Club' - Breaking News

And this is the legacy of everyone who voted for this incompetent ideologue, as well.

It is an indelible stain.
Are the other world leaders that worked out this deal worthy of your disdain or just President Obama?

Disdain is far too weak a term for my analysis of Barack Obama.

I reserve 'disdain' for those who voted for him.

If you agree with endorsing nuclear weapons for the maniacal Iranian theocracy, you certainly deserve same.

I have seen the dozens of foreign policy failures, gaffes, mistakes by the President.

If you like, I'd be happy to list same.
Nukes for all, M.A.D. works, peace at last.

See....not this time you are not're stupid.

The maniacal theocracy actually wants worldwide destruction, as it is a step advancing the appearance of the 12th mahdi.

"Ayatollah Khomeini cited in an 11th grade Iranian schoolbook, "I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against the whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all of them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom, which is martyrdom."
Would Iran Use the Bomb? | Iran Intelligence

", believes the most important task of the Iranian Revolution was to prepare the way for the return of the Twelfth Imam, who disappeared in 874, bringing an end to Muhammad's lineage. This imam, the Mahdi or "divinely guided one," Shiites believe, will return in an apocalyptic battle in which the forces of righteousness will defeat the forces of evil and bring about a new era in which Islam ultimately becomes the dominant religion throughout the world."

"In the days of the Cold War, this idea was known as MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction. In the Iranian case, no Muslim leader would risk an Israeli counterstrike that might destroy them. MAD doesn't work, however, if the Iranians believe there will be destruction anyway at the end of time. What matters, Bernard Lewis observed, is if the infidels go to hell and believers go to heaven. And if you believe that killing the nonbelievers will earn you a place in Paradise with 72 virgins, what difference does it make if you go out in a blaze of glory as a suicide bomber or in the shadow of a mushroom cloud?"
Ibid. must either be a fool, or an Obama supporter....

Or both.
And yet here you are espousing "12th Mahdi" internet conspiracy theories.

The most abject of fools looks as the direct quotes I've provided and hides behind "12th Mahdi" internet conspiracy theories."

Quotes from Ayatollah Khomeini, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Bernard Lewis.....and you whine "conspiracy theory!!! Conspiracy theory!!"


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