The Obama Recession

Nothing like a thread of "Patriots" who cheer when there is even a hint of bad news about their own country that they pretend to love so much.
Fuck off asshole. When Bush was president you were beating the bad news to death.


Oh that's right, you're just talking out of your ass again.

You can go back to cheering for the downfall of your own country again.
Hey, at least you're admitting the downfall during the Obama Dem times, that's a start.

I personally don't cheer it, I simply think it's funny because the people that are causing the problem call people like me stupid while giving themselves award s for being so super duper smart. It's like FDR all over again, a stagnate economy with un believable amounts of spending, while blaming Harding/Coolidge and conveniently not giving them credit for ending a depression in record time because the policies to do so were a polar opposite.
So after the worst economic recovery on record the US economy looks like it's headed to recession. Business investment fell off a cliff (yesterday's news) and manufacturing experienced its first contraction since 2009 (today's news). Add to that CEOs issuing bad earnings warnings and the next 4 quarters dont look so good.
Who will Obama blame for this? Will the nutjobs hacks here point out that recessions are regularly occuring features of capitalism, except when Republicans occupy the White House?
I have no doubt a recession would please you greatly.

It would please me, the country needs a massive correction... Do you disagree????
So after the worst economic recovery on record the US economy looks like it's headed to recession. Business investment fell off a cliff (yesterday's news) and manufacturing experienced its first contraction since 2009 (today's news). Add to that CEOs issuing bad earnings warnings and the next 4 quarters dont look so good.
Who will Obama blame for this? Will the nutjobs hacks here point out that recessions are regularly occuring features of capitalism, except when Republicans occupy the White House?
I have no doubt a recession would please you greatly.

It would please me, the country needs a massive correction... Do you disagree????
The country needs to reduce its debt, both public and private.

It does not automatically follow this occurs during a "correction". In fact, it never works out that way. We are in more debt than ever despite a massive correction a few years ago.

The only way to reduce debt is in a boom, not a recession.

So you're damn right I disagree.
Nothing like a thread of "Patriots" who cheer when there is even a hint of bad news about their own country that they pretend to love so much.
Fuck off asshole. When Bush was president you were beating the bad news to death.


Oh that's right, you're just talking out of your ass again.

You can go back to cheering for the downfall of your own country again.
Hey, at least you're admitting the downfall during the Obama Dem times, that's a start.

I personally don't cheer it, I simply think it's funny because the people that are causing the problem call people like me stupid while giving themselves award s for being so super duper smart. It's like FDR all over again, a stagnate economy with un believable amounts of spending, while blaming Harding/Coolidge and conveniently not giving them credit for ending a depression in record time because the policies to do so were a polar opposite.

that's nice except it's a lie and after baby bush crashed the economy there was a lot of investment in the middle class that we should have done.

but the rightwingnuts have blocked everything so they can lie and say the problem is this president.

and then we get rightwingnut troll threads like this one.
Nothing like a thread of "Patriots" who cheer when there is even a hint of bad news about their own country that they pretend to love so much.
Fuck off asshole. When Bush was president you were beating the bad news to death.


Oh that's right, you're just talking out of your ass again.

You can go back to cheering for the downfall of your own country again.
Hey, at least you're admitting the downfall during the Obama Dem times, that's a start.

I personally don't cheer it, I simply think it's funny because the people that are causing the problem call people like me stupid while giving themselves award s for being so super duper smart. It's like FDR all over again, a stagnate economy with un believable amounts of spending, while blaming Harding/Coolidge and conveniently not giving them credit for ending a depression in record time because the policies to do so were a polar opposite.

that's nice except it's a lie and after baby bush crashed the economy there was a lot of investment in the middle class that we should have done.

but the rightwingnuts have blocked everything so they can lie and say the problem is this president.

and then we get rightwingnut troll threads like this one.

there was a lot of investment in the middle class that we should have done.

Obama wasted....err....stimulated almost $800 billion.
Didn't that union slush fund....err....stimulus plan invest in the middle class?
So after the worst economic recovery on record the US economy looks like it's headed to recession. Business investment fell off a cliff (yesterday's news) and manufacturing experienced its first contraction since 2009 (today's news). Add to that CEOs issuing bad earnings warnings and the next 4 quarters dont look so good.
Who will Obama blame for this? Will the nutjobs hacks here point out that recessions are regularly occuring features of capitalism, except when Republicans occupy the White House?
I have no doubt a recession would please you greatly.

It would please me, the country needs a massive correction... Do you disagree????
The country needs to reduce its debt, both public and private.

It does not automatically follow this occurs during a "correction". In fact, it never works out that way. We are in more debt than ever despite a massive correction a few years ago.

The only way to reduce debt is in a boom, not a recession.

So you're damn right I disagree.

Your wrong, but that's ok.

We had a correction followed by massive deficit spending, or rather we had a correction coupled with massive deficit spending. If we had just allowed the correction to occur we would have had a short recession or possibly a short depression followed by growth, possibly a boom.

If you believe you can skip over the recession/depression and just teleport into the boom that's on you =)

More or less you are claiming Government should spend a lot on stimulus and then end the stimulus only to have the country shift directly into a boom... Is that possible, sure, but you never had a correction and you added to the debt. This is the economic plan the US has been following for a long time and that's why each "stimulus" requires more money, a longer period of time and adds more to the deficit that never (not even under Clinton) get's paid down. Prices must actually fall from their artificial boom crated by stimulus.
Nothing like a thread of "Patriots" who cheer when there is even a hint of bad news about their own country that they pretend to love so much.
Fuck off asshole. When Bush was president you were beating the bad news to death.


Oh that's right, you're just talking out of your ass again.

You can go back to cheering for the downfall of your own country again.
Hey, at least you're admitting the downfall during the Obama Dem times, that's a start.

I personally don't cheer it, I simply think it's funny because the people that are causing the problem call people like me stupid while giving themselves award s for being so super duper smart. It's like FDR all over again, a stagnate economy with un believable amounts of spending, while blaming Harding/Coolidge and conveniently not giving them credit for ending a depression in record time because the policies to do so were a polar opposite.

that's nice except it's a lie and after baby bush crashed the economy there was a lot of investment in the middle class that we should have done.

but the rightwingnuts have blocked everything so they can lie and say the problem is this president.

and then we get rightwingnut troll threads like this one.

Bush was a massive and I do mean massive progressive liberal you numb nuts. Bush invested heavily in education and HC... But like all Government programs they sucked, not as bad as say Obamacare but that's because Obamacare is a bigger Government program.

You just hate Bush because he was a Republican, if his polices were say done under a black Democrat President you would defend his polices daily... Oh wait, that did happen and you do defend Bush's policies, right down to re-entering the war in Iraq.
recession = correction


wrong portfolio Goober.

RW's are wrong on so many levels. I'm curious how they find their way home in the dark.
Nothing like a thread of "Patriots" who cheer when there is even a hint of bad news about their own country that they pretend to love so much.
Fuck off asshole. When Bush was president you were beating the bad news to death.


Oh that's right, you're just talking out of your ass again.

You can go back to cheering for the downfall of your own country again.
Hey, at least you're admitting the downfall during the Obama Dem times, that's a start.

I personally don't cheer it, I simply think it's funny because the people that are causing the problem call people like me stupid while giving themselves award s for being so super duper smart. It's like FDR all over again, a stagnate economy with un believable amounts of spending, while blaming Harding/Coolidge and conveniently not giving them credit for ending a depression in record time because the policies to do so were a polar opposite.

that's nice except it's a lie and after baby bush crashed the economy there was a lot of investment in the middle class that we should have done.

but the rightwingnuts have blocked everything so they can lie and say the problem is this president.

and then we get rightwingnut troll threads like this one.
Bush did not crash the economy. First lie
There is no reason to "invest in the middle class" by government. Second lie
Government spends money. It does not invest. Third lie
Republicans did not block anything for the first 2 years. Fourth lie
The problem is not this president. The problem is the entire Democratic Party, which has passed laws and instituted regulations that have strangled this economy.
Your post is a mass of lies and fallacies. What a shock.
So after the worst economic recovery on record the US economy looks like it's headed to recession. Business investment fell off a cliff (yesterday's news) and manufacturing experienced its first contraction since 2009 (today's news). Add to that CEOs issuing bad earnings warnings and the next 4 quarters dont look so good.
Who will Obama blame for this? Will the nutjobs hacks here point out that recessions are regularly occuring features of capitalism, except when Republicans occupy the White House?
It's what you expect when you have a Republican Congress
So after the worst economic recovery on record the US economy looks like it's headed to recession. Business investment fell off a cliff (yesterday's news) and manufacturing experienced its first contraction since 2009 (today's news). Add to that CEOs issuing bad earnings warnings and the next 4 quarters dont look so good.
Who will Obama blame for this? Will the nutjobs hacks here point out that recessions are regularly occuring features of capitalism, except when Republicans occupy the White House?
It's what you expect when you have a Repoblican Congress

Oh look one of the boards clowns arrived!

One thread the economy under Obama is doing great! In another the economy is bad because of Republicans!

Reminds me up a political lemming =)

Dem good, Rep bad, even when Dems hold majorities or the White house... or all of it!!!!

Question, if a minority of reps can beat Dems when they have the Senate, House and White house on lockdown, why vote Democrat seeing as even with a historic Super majority they can't get jack shit done and have to blame Reps for all their failures?

It's an honest question that will get canned attacks I'm sure.
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said on Wednesday she was "looking forward" to a U.S. interest rate hike that will be seen as a testament to the economy's recovery from recession.

In prepared remarks to the Economic Club of Washington, Yellen did not indicate if she still expected a rate hike would be warranted at the Fed's last remaining policy meeting this year on Dec. 15-16.

She expressed confidence in the U.S. economy, saying job growth through October suggested the labour market was still healing although not yet at full strength. She also reaffirmed her view that the drag from abroad on U.S. economic growth and inflation would start to moderate next year.

Already, she saw risks from abroad as having dissipated since the summer, and noted consumer spending was "particularly solid" and that its outlook remained positive.

"When the Committee begins to normalize the stance of policy, doing so will be a testament ... to how far our economy has come," she said, referring to the Fed's policy-setting committee. "In that sense, it is a day that I expect we all are looking forward to."

Investors were already betting the Fed would lift its benchmark rate this month from the 0 to 0.25 percent range where it has held since 2008. Economists also see a high chance of a December lift-off.

Following the release of Yellen's remarks, the dollar initially strengthened in the currency markets, indicating more confidence that higher interest rates were around the corner.

"Yellen gave a fairly positive assessment of the economy that would be consistent with the Fed raising rates at their December meeting," said Vassili Serebriakov, currency strategist at BNP Paribas in New York. "

Yellen says 'looking forward' to day of rate hike
recession = correction


wrong portfolio Goober.

RW's are wrong on so many levels. I'm curious how they find their way home in the dark.

Deficit spending = corrections, I'm curious how left wing nutters find their way home mid day....

prove it.

Prove wut?

deficit spending creates a correction ... you know, just like YOU said it does.

Oh, so deficit spending under the gauze of "stimulus spending" ultamatly crates a bubble followed by a crash (recession) and then we see a correctoin!

Go it, recession is the correction caused by malinvestment usually done by massive waste of Government deficit spending!

We made it, yay!
So after the worst economic recovery on record the US economy looks like it's headed to recession. Business investment fell off a cliff (yesterday's news) and manufacturing experienced its first contraction since 2009 (today's news). Add to that CEOs issuing bad earnings warnings and the next 4 quarters dont look so good.
Who will Obama blame for this? Will the nutjobs hacks here point out that recessions are regularly occuring features of capitalism, except when Republicans occupy the White House?
It's what you expect when you have a Republican Congress
So that explains the recession of 2008, the Democratic Congress?
So after the worst economic recovery on record the US economy looks like it's headed to recession. Business investment fell off a cliff (yesterday's news) and manufacturing experienced its first contraction since 2009 (today's news). Add to that CEOs issuing bad earnings warnings and the next 4 quarters dont look so good.
Who will Obama blame for this? Will the nutjobs hacks here point out that recessions are regularly occuring features of capitalism, except when Republicans occupy the White House?
It's what you expect when you have a Repoblican Congress

Oh look one of the boards clowns arrived!

One thread the economy under Obama is doing great! In another the economy is bad because of Republicans!

Reminds me up a political lemming =)

Dem good, Rep bad, even when Dems hold majorities or the White house... or all of it!!!!

Question, if a minority of reps can beat Dems when they have the Senate, House and White house on lockdown, why vote Democrat seeing as even with a historic Super majority they can't get jack shit done and have to blame Reps for all their failures?

It's an honest question that will get canned attacks I'm sure.
Economy was fine until republicans took congress What were we thinking

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