The Obama Recession

So after the worst economic recovery on record the US economy looks like it's headed to recession. Business investment fell off a cliff (yesterday's news) and manufacturing experienced its first contraction since 2009 (today's news). Add to that CEOs issuing bad earnings warnings and the next 4 quarters dont look so good.
Who will Obama blame for this? Will the nutjobs hacks here point out that recessions are regularly occuring features of capitalism, except when Republicans occupy the White House?
It's what you expect when you have a Repoblican Congress

Oh look one of the boards clowns arrived!

One thread the economy under Obama is doing great! In another the economy is bad because of Republicans!

Reminds me up a political lemming =)

Dem good, Rep bad, even when Dems hold majorities or the White house... or all of it!!!!

Question, if a minority of reps can beat Dems when they have the Senate, House and White house on lockdown, why vote Democrat seeing as even with a historic Super majority they can't get jack shit done and have to blame Reps for all their failures?

It's an honest question that will get canned attacks I'm sure.
Economy was fine until republicans took congress What were we thinking
THe economy was fine in 2006 until Democrats took Congress.
What were we thinking?
So after the worst economic recovery on record the US economy looks like it's headed to recession. Business investment fell off a cliff (yesterday's news) and manufacturing experienced its first contraction since 2009 (today's news). Add to that CEOs issuing bad earnings warnings and the next 4 quarters dont look so good.
Who will Obama blame for this? Will the nutjobs hacks here point out that recessions are regularly occuring features of capitalism, except when Republicans occupy the White House?
It's what you expect when you have a Repoblican Congress

Oh look one of the boards clowns arrived!

One thread the economy under Obama is doing great! In another the economy is bad because of Republicans!

Reminds me up a political lemming =)

Dem good, Rep bad, even when Dems hold majorities or the White house... or all of it!!!!

Question, if a minority of reps can beat Dems when they have the Senate, House and White house on lockdown, why vote Democrat seeing as even with a historic Super majority they can't get jack shit done and have to blame Reps for all their failures?

It's an honest question that will get canned attacks I'm sure.
Economy was fine until republicans took congress What were we thinking
THe economy was fine in 2006 until Democrats took Congress.
What were we thinking?
Alli know is what Rabbi tells me...... He always blames Congress for recessions
One factor that is often omitted in these discussions is the real cost of quantitative easing. QE has to be viewed in tandem with Government spending, deficits and increasing debt. Yellen today announced the likelihood of a rate hike and that has caused the stock market to drop. The impact of quantitative easing while Obama has been president is potentially disastrous.

The Federal Reserve has bought some $4.485 trillion of bonds and other financial instruments - an unprecedented sum that is a record for the Fed.

“The Fed is embarrassed by this cocktail of global economic fragility and deflationary pressures. But it is now in a bind. Seven years of cheap funding has led to increased financial risk, notably via an explosion of US corporate releveraging. It triggered misallocations of resources and inflated asset bubbles that a central banker cannot keep encouraging without putting its own credibility at risk. Therefore Fed chair Janet Yellen is now having to start tightening into an economic slowdown. This is hardly a reassuring perspective for equity markets.”

Time to change the investment recipe -

Some are even saying that a new recession may be on the horizon.
Dem's never accept responsibility they will invent some boogieman to take the fall.
Of course.
The GOP blocked Obama's plans. If they had passed them we would see an unprecedented boom.
Never mind whatever Obama did manage to get enacted has sucked and led to the worst economic performance since WW2. Somehow next time would be different.

Yes, it would be to argue that if we had just sucked more money out of the economy and had gone more deeply into debt, things would be better.
Dem's never accept responsibility they will invent some boogieman to take the fall.
Of course.
The GOP blocked Obama's plans. If they had passed them we would see an unprecedented boom.
Never mind whatever Obama did manage to get enacted has sucked and led to the worst economic performance since WW2. Somehow next time would be different.

Yes, it would be to argue that if we had just sucked more money out of the economy and had gone more deeply into debt, things would be better.
-We ddint do it enough
-We didnt spend enough
-Too many people were opposed.

The rationalizations of failed Democrat plans.
every RW in the country predicts a recession every year before the holidays don't they rabid ?
The next president is going to have one whale of a job cleaning up the absolute mess from this president.
Hillary is up to the task

Not with her brain injury.
The economy always does great under a Clinton

I'm sure another Internet Bubble would come along to help her. LOL!

She'll be lucky to survive until next summer, she's not very healthy.
So after the worst economic recovery on record the US economy looks like it's headed to recession. Business investment fell off a cliff (yesterday's news) and manufacturing experienced its first contraction since 2009 (today's news). Add to that CEOs issuing bad earnings warnings and the next 4 quarters dont look so good.
Who will Obama blame for this? Will the nutjobs hacks here point out that recessions are regularly occuring features of capitalism, except when Republicans occupy the White House?
Boy were you wrong. Obama handed Trump a great economy and with a big gift to the rich the economy is booming right now.

But what will happen the next time we have a recession?

The Next Recession Is Really Gonna Suck | HuffPost
Dem's never accept responsibility they will invent some boogieman to take the fall.

Just wait for the next recession. Republicans have made it harder to get unemployment insurance and lowered how much someone who's unemployed gets. The next recession will be painful. Obama made it less painful by extending unemployment benefits.

I remember when we were going through the Bush recession GOP Governor rick snyder cut unemployment from 6 months to 5 months.

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