"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Obama's Slow Learning Curve | RealClearPolitics


But perhaps the president’s most astonishing statement involved an insouciant confession of ignorance. Returning to a common but under-appreciated motif of his presidency, Obama remarked: “What we’re also discovering is that insurance is complicated to buy.”

What deficiency of Obama’s education and of the education of those who surround him accounts for administration officials not knowing what is perfectly well-known to most ordinary Americans?

This discovery that purchasing health insurance is complex is just the most recent of the rather stunning lessons that Obama professes to have learned on the job about how the world really works.

In January 2010, in a Time magazine interview in which he was asked about the setbacks to his ambitious attempt to reach a final peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians, he remarked, “I think that we overestimated our ability to persuade them to do so when their politics ran contrary to that.”

The problem, the president acknowledged, was that he and his team had failed to understand the domestic challenges faced by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas: “I think it is absolutely true that what we did this year didn't produce the kind of breakthrough that we wanted, and if we had anticipated some of these political problems on both sides earlier, we might not have raised expectations as high.”

In June 2011, Obama again acknowledged that he had based a defining policy -- the $830 billion stimulus package that he sold to the nation in the first month of his presidency as designed to take advantage of “shovel-ready” jobs -- on false expectations. With unemployment at 9.1 percent and in the 27th consecutive month in which it had not fallen below 8.9 percent, he told his Jobs and Competitiveness Council meeting in Durham, N.C., that “shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected.”

On Nov. 4 of this year -- five weeks after the calamitous online launch of the Affordable Care Act’s insurance marketplaces, almost five years into his presidency and less than two weeks before he would reveal that the loss of insurance coverage by millions of Americans taught him that buying coverage was complicated -- Obama said to the Affordable Care Act Coalition Partners and Supporters in Washington, D.C., “Now, let's face it, a lot of us didn't realize that passing the law was the easy part.”

Contrary to the president’s breezy attitude suggesting that these drastic miscalculations were not knowable in advance, we know that all were foreseeable because all were perspicaciously foreseen by critics from the beginning. (The only possible exception is the staggeringly inept rollout of the HealthCare.gov website, the magnitude of which caught even the president’s toughest critics off guard.)


'You Can Keep Your Doctor': Obamacare's Next Broken Promise? | TIME.com


“Many people are going to find out that the second part of the promise — that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor — just wasn’t true,” says Gail Wilensky, who directed the federal Medicare and Medicaid programs under President George H.W. Bush. Factcheck.org labeled the promise “misleading,” noting that while the law doesn’t contain provisions designed to force people to pick new doctors, a switch may be inevitable for some. “The President simply can’t make this promise to anyone,” the site wrote.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.


“People better understand that there’s a second shoe to drop,” says Wilensky. Obama is “going to have to deal with that,” she says, “because he has more bad stuff ahead of him.”
The good news is that eventually the bad news will get out. It's probably too late to do much good. Jobs, income and insurance policies are already lost -- even if there is a delay Blue Cross Blue Shield won't be able to say, "Come back to us at your old rates and deductions". Nor will employers be able to say, "Come back to work for us at your old hourly level for one more year before we have to let you go again". But at least the news will eventually be told. I hope.

Marc Thiessen: The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think - The Washington Post

The good news it will all work out in the end. :eusa_shhh:

Obamacare enrollment?is kind of, sort of, working?


5/23/2011 @ 1:17PM |142,216 views
More Solid Proof That Obamacare Is Working

and remember :

Obmacare is more than just a website and it has been working since :::

Recent data provided by the nation’s largest health insurance companies reveals that a provision of the Affordable Care Act – or Obamacare – is bringing big numbers of the uninsured into the health care insurance system.

And they are precisely the uninsured that we want– the young people who tend not to get sick.

The provision of the law that permits young adults under 26, long the largest uninsured demographic in the country, to remain on their parents’ health insurance program resulted in at least 600,000 newly insured Americans during the first quarter of 2011.

Wellpoint, the nation’s largest publicly traded health insurer with some 34 million customers, reports adding 280,000 new members in the first three months of 2011.



The state-by-state nature of the Affordable Care Act exchanges isn't, in my opinion, a great idea. But since it generates variation it does give us useful data. For example, does the federal exchange IT infrastructure not work because the job is impossible or because someone screwed up? The answer is: Someone screwed up. Quite a few states have exchange sites that are working well. And are enrollments lagging because of IT problems or fundamental architectural flaws in the policy? The answer is IT problems:
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FORT COLLINS, Colo. — The Colorado healthcare exchange has processed applications for thousands of people … and one dog.
Shane Smith, of Fort Collins, says his dog Baxter received a letter informing him that a health insurance account had been opened in his name through Connect for Health Colorado.
“I thought, ‘Wow, this is so awesome,’” Smith said with a laugh. “They have gone out of their way to insure my 14-year-old Yorkie.”
Smith had called Connect for Health Colorado to sign himself up for insurance because his old plan was cancelled due to Obamacare.

Colo. man signs up for his insurance, his dog gets covered instead | KDVR.com

Best comments:

*ObamaCare has gone to the dogs

*If your dog wants to keep his vet, he can keep his vet.

*Can the dog stay on (his plan) until he is 26?

*Even the dog wasn't allowed to “keep his plan”.

*Now the man will be notified that he has to come in and get neutered

*Doesn't subjecting this poor dog to the possibility of identity theft constitute cruelty to animals? :lol:
Put all your personal info in first?:cuckoo:

- President Barack Obama's HealthCare.gov site is riddled with security flaws that put user data of millions of people at risk and it should be shut down until fixed, several technology experts warned lawmakers on Tuesday.

The testimony at a congressional hearing could increase concerns among many Americans about Obama's healthcare overhaul, popularly known as Obamacare. Opinion polls show the botched rollout of the online marketplace for health insurance policies has hurt the popularity of the effort.

The website collects personal data such as names, birth dates, social security numbers, email addresses and other information that criminals could use for a variety of scams.

In a rapid "yes" or "no" question-and-answer session during a Republican-sponsored hearing by the House of Representatives Science, Space and Technology Committee, Republican Representative Chris Collins of New York asked four experts about the security of the site:

"Do any of you think today that the site is secure?"

The answer from the experts, which included two academics and two private sector technical researchers, was a unanimous "no."

"Would you recommend today that this site be shut down until it is?" asked Collins, whose party is opposed to Obamacare and has sought to capitalize on the failures of the website since it opened for enrollment on October 1.

Three of the experts said "yes," while a fourth said he did not have enough information to make the call.

"The privacy and security of consumers' personal information are a top priority," White House spokesman Jay Carney said after the hearing

Some cyber security experts recommend shutting Obamacare site
CBS News: 61 Percent Of Americans Disapprove Of Obamacare

A majority of Americans are not pleased with the job President Barack Obama has been doing.

A new CBS News poll finds that Obama’s approval rating has plummeted to 37 percent, a nine-point drop from his 46 percent rating in October. His disapproval rating is at the highest CBS News Polls have indicated, climbing to 57 percent.

The faulty Affordable Care Act rollout hasn’t helped matters as only 31 percent of Americans now approve of Obamacare, indicating a drop of 12 points since last month. It’s the lowest number recorded by CBS News Polls for the favorability of the law. A staggering 61 percent disapprove of the law.

Only 7 percent of Americans believe the law is working well and should be kept in place while one in 10 Americans believe the health care exchange sign-ups have been going well. Conversely, CBS News Polls found that two-thirds don’t believe enrolling for Obamacare is going well.

A majority of Americans also don’t believe the government will be able to fix the faulty HealthCare.gov website

CBS News: 61 Percent Of Americans Disapprove Of Obamacare « CBS DC
Put all your personal info in first?:cuckoo:

- President Barack Obama's HealthCare.gov site is riddled with security flaws that put user data of millions of people at risk and it should be shut down until fixed, several technology experts warned lawmakers on Tuesday.

The testimony at a congressional hearing could increase concerns among many Americans about Obama's healthcare overhaul, popularly known as Obamacare. Opinion polls show the botched rollout of the online marketplace for health insurance policies has hurt the popularity of the effort.

The website collects personal data such as names, birth dates, social security numbers, email addresses and other information that criminals could use for a variety of scams.

In a rapid "yes" or "no" question-and-answer session during a Republican-sponsored hearing by the House of Representatives Science, Space and Technology Committee, Republican Representative Chris Collins of New York asked four experts about the security of the site:

"Do any of you think today that the site is secure?"

The answer from the experts, which included two academics and two private sector technical researchers, was a unanimous "no."

"Would you recommend today that this site be shut down until it is?" asked Collins, whose party is opposed to Obamacare and has sought to capitalize on the failures of the website since it opened for enrollment on October 1.

Three of the experts said "yes," while a fourth said he did not have enough information to make the call.

"The privacy and security of consumers' personal information are a top priority," White House spokesman Jay Carney said after the hearing

Some cyber security experts recommend shutting Obamacare site


Is that getting talked about on the news outlets?

(I don't have cable and didn't even watch network tonight.)
How long before some crypto-geek hacker with an inferiority complex signs up as an Obamacare Navagator and does a Snowden? Downloads the complete financial and health records of 100 Million people onto a memory stick.

Naw...never happen.
The end of hospital subsidies to keep ERs open started 10/1 but won't hit critical mass prior to the election.

Large sections of many red states have no coverage so migration of the indigent to blue states won't start until 4/15 when the fines are due for subtraction from EITC.

The 50-100 million estimated cancellations predicted for Oct. of next year will probably finessed into November.

The really bad news is back loaded out the wazoo.
Put all your personal info in first?:cuckoo:

- President Barack Obama's HealthCare.gov site is riddled with security flaws that put user data of millions of people at risk and it should be shut down until fixed, several technology experts warned lawmakers on Tuesday.

The testimony at a congressional hearing could increase concerns among many Americans about Obama's healthcare overhaul, popularly known as Obamacare. Opinion polls show the botched rollout of the online marketplace for health insurance policies has hurt the popularity of the effort.

The website collects personal data such as names, birth dates, social security numbers, email addresses and other information that criminals could use for a variety of scams.

In a rapid "yes" or "no" question-and-answer session during a Republican-sponsored hearing by the House of Representatives Science, Space and Technology Committee, Republican Representative Chris Collins of New York asked four experts about the security of the site:

"Do any of you think today that the site is secure?"

The answer from the experts, which included two academics and two private sector technical researchers, was a unanimous "no."

"Would you recommend today that this site be shut down until it is?" asked Collins, whose party is opposed to Obamacare and has sought to capitalize on the failures of the website since it opened for enrollment on October 1.

Three of the experts said "yes," while a fourth said he did not have enough information to make the call.

"The privacy and security of consumers' personal information are a top priority," White House spokesman Jay Carney said after the hearing

Some cyber security experts recommend shutting Obamacare site


Is that getting talked about on the news outlets?

(I don't have cable and didn't even watch network tonight.)

Probably wont hear it on network news, I don't watch lot of TV myself. A local talk show here had the sound bites. all those experts saying "no" they wouldn't trust the site was really compelling actually
The Obamacare questionnaire is now asking people for information about their gun ownership.

If that's not a Trojan Horse built into the alleged Affordable Care Act, I don't know what is.

Diane Feinstein is likely thrilled. She's been trying for almost a decade to get rid of the Second Amendment. By being in charge of health decisions, Democrats can now order who gets care and who doesn't get a life-saving procedure, and they can get a health care professional to declare gun owners unworthy of owning guns and take guns away through Obama Care.

This bad bill has other Trojan Horse clauses in it too that abridge your Bill of Rights Freedoms.

Trash the Bill!

It's a nightmare of ensuring that Americans will not be able to defend themselves from unfair government run by power-hungry dicks who make under-the-table deals with unfriendly governments, give away American investments, and now can control who lives and dies with Obamacare, who owns guns and not with Obamacare, etc.

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The Obamacare questionnaire is now asking people for information about their gun ownership.

If that's not a Trojan Horse built into the alleged Affordable Care Act, I don't know what is.

Diane Feinstein is likely thrilled. She's been trying for almost a decade to get rid of the Second Amendment. By being in charge of health decisions, Democrats can now order who gets care and who doesn't get a life-saving procedure, and they can get a health care professional to declare gun owners unworthy of owning guns and take guns away through Obama Care.

This bad bill has other Trojan Horse clauses in it too that abridge your Bill of Rights Freedoms.

Trash the Bill!

It's a nightmare of ensuring that Americans will not be able to defend themselves from unfair government run by power-hungry dicks who make under-the-table deals with unfriendly governments, give away American investments, and now can control who lives and dies with Obamacare, who owns guns and not with Obamacare, etc.




Old weirdo attack from right
Four Falsehoods About Doctors And Guns Pushed By Conservative Media
January 17, 2013 1:17 PM EST ››› TIMOTHY JOHNSON
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The progressive activist organization Media Matters for America funded the group that reportedly crafted President Obama’s false claim that Americans can maintain their “choice” of doctors and insurance plans.

The little-known Herndon Alliance has been behind the marketing of Obamacare since the inception of the legislation.

The Herndon Alliance is “the most influential group in the health arena that the public has never heard of,” reported Politico in 2009.

Politico said that when Obama repeatedly announced Americans can maintain their “choice” of doctors and insurance plans, he was “using a Herndon strategy for wringing fear out of a system overhaul.”

In June 2012, the Christian Science Monitor reported administration officials had been attending meetings with the Herndon Alliance and other organizations that support healthcare reform.

Aaron Klein’s “Impeachable Offenses: The Case to Remove Barack Obama from Office” is available, autographed, at WND’s Superstore

In 2010, Media Matters Action, the organization’s lobbying arm, gave $125,000 to the Herndon Alliance. The grant was reportedly earmarked for “rapid response media capability for countering misinformation and obstructive rhetoric.”

WND reported yesterday that Herndon, tied to a who’s who of the radical left, recommended a series of phrases, some deceptive, that the White House and Democrats have used to sell the health-care law to the public.

Along with advising the Obama administration, Herndon has been providing strategy to Enroll America, the main organization pushing for the uninsured to sign up for Obamacare.

Media Matters funded Obamacare deceit
Many Americans browsing the Obamacare exchanges are finding the Affordable Care Act isn't living up to its name.

It's not just premiums that are bringing up the costs. Consumers are finding high deductibles, co-payments and other expenses that make the Obamacare policies seem more like catastrophic plans than comprehensive insurance.

Those picking a bronze plan, which carry the lowest monthly rates, may have to spend $5,000 or more before the insurance kicks in. The next highest level of coverage, the silver tier, can carry $2,000 deductibles. And once they hit their deductibles, policy holders still have to pay for doctor visits, lab tests and medication.

"All we ever heard about Obamacare is that it would lower our deductibles and premiums," said Jennifer Slafter, 40 of Mabel, Minn. "That's just not what's happened."

Slafter and her husband, Steve, are scrambling to find affordable care for themselves and their two children. The exchange's Blue Cross Blue Shield plan was $1,087 a month with a $6,000 deductible, while a Medica plan was $877 a month with a $12,700 deductible. Both are steeper than their current plan.

"Everything got higher," said Slafter, who is still waiting to hear whether they qualify for a premium subsidy. But even if they do, she said she'd still find it very tough to meet the deductibles.

Are Obamacare plans affordable? - Yahoo Finance
another thing that people don't understand...the eligibility requirements for MEDICAID clients is changing, and will result in restricted coverage and many welfare recipients being kicked off medical.

Right now the first people who are feeling the pain are the elderly and disabled, who have been booted from their charity programs vis a vis the health care act mandates, and who are currently undergoing treatment...and who now have zero coverage until...well, nobody really knows. I see them daily...the elderly and disabled who are asking "I have surgery coming up in a week...and I no longer have coverage...what am I supposed to do?"

They get a phone number, where they receive no answers at all, and no coverage. They will be the first to die, as their treatments and surgeries are postponed, and their prescriptions go unfilled.
I was posting about hospitals being kicked off of insurance policies and I thought that would put hospitals out of business.

Now I understand that those hospitals are still included in a lot of insurance policies -- those offered by employers. Just not included in policies for the smaller portion of people who have to purchase off the individual exchange.

WaPo: No, you can?t keep your doctor or your hospital in ObamaCare « Hot Air

So the hospitals may stay in business, at least until the rest of Obamacare results kick in. But people on the individual exchanges have limited options.

The decisions have provoked a backlash. In one closely watched case, Seattle Children’s Hospital has filed suit against Washington’s insurance commissioner after a number of insurers kept it out of their provider networks. “It is unprecedented in our market to have major insurance plans exclude Seattle Children’s,” said Sandy Melzer, senior vice president.

The result, some argue, is a two-tiered system of health care: Many of the people who buy health plans on the exchanges have fewer hospitals and doctors to choose from than those with coverage through their employers.

A number of the nation’s top hospitals — including the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, and children’s hospitals in Seattle, Houston and St. Louis — are cut out of most plans sold on the exchange.
The marriage penalty will hit along with the employer exchanges and that will cause major controversy. Also there appears to be another penalty for children 18-26. I would like to give crisp numbers but legal and financial analysts are all over the map on penalty size for spouses and I haven't seen even guesstimates for adult children.
Hopkins: ObamaCare Forced Mom Into Medicaid - WSJ.com


Before ObamaCare, Medicaid was one option. Not the option. Before this, she had never been, in effect, ordered to take a handout. Now she has been forced to join the government-reliant poor, though she would prefer to contribute her two mites. The authorities behind "affordable care" had erased her right to calculate what she was willing to spend to preserve her dignity—to determine what she thinks is affordable.

That little contribution can mean the difference between dignity and despair.

For the truly poor, being institutionally forced to take welfare is demoralizing. The Affordable Care Act is at risk of systematizing learned helplessness by telling individuals like my mother that they cannot afford to care for themselves in the way they could before the law was enacted. "This makes me feel poorer than ever," she said.


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