"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

He doesn't want it called Obamacare anymore?

Obama: 'We're Going to Have to...Re-market and Re-brand' the Affordable Care Act


President Barack Obama told a gathering of corporate executives Tuesday he's confident that his model of health care will work in the end, but he said he's going to have to "re-brand" it to sell it to a skeptical public. He didn't use the word "Obamacare" once on Tuesday in talking about his health care law, but he mentioned the "Affordable Care Act" seven times. "So, look, I am confident that the model that we built, which works off of the existing private insurance system, is one that will succeed," Obama told the Wall Street Journal's CEO Council Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C
During a campaign stop in Colorado last year, the president embraced the name that Republicans had given to his health insurance law: "The Affordable Care Act -- also known as Obamacare," Obama said in August 2012. "I actually like the name," he added. "Because I do care -- that's why we fought so hard to make it happen

Obama: 'We're Going to Have to...Re-market and Re-brand' the Affordable Care Act | CNS News

ObamaCare is the NEW COKE of health insurance.

It doesn't matter what they call it, it's crap.
ok, when your poster child is not vetted to ensure there are n issues there is something really, really wrong. for this to happen is unexcuseable. but it just shows the level of complete and total failure by this administration innitiating this plan. the more this progresses and the deeper look we get into the problems regarding obamacare, the worse it gets for the democrats. hindsight says the tea party was 100% right. hindsight says the tea party was 100% justified in utilizinr the treat of shutdown to bring to light issues and concerns

Obamacare ?success story? says she can?t afford new health plan
Obamacare may need a taxpayer bailout: Ex-HHS head

The rollout of Obamacare has been "absolutely chaotic," said Tommy Thompson, who served as U.S. Health and Human Services secretary under George W. Bush. But worse, he added, the new law is flawed and needs dramatic changes.

"It's actuarially unsound," the former Republican governor of Wisconsin said on CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Tuesday. "If you don't have the healthy young people involved, ... Obamacare cannot function. It's going to require a huge infusion of tax dollars or huge cuts."

Expert to warn Congress of HealthCare.gov security bugs

A respected security expert will warn Congress on Tuesday that the Obama administration's healthcare website has security flaws that put user data at a "critical risk," despite recent government assurances the data are safe.

"There are actual live vulnerabilities on the site now," David Kennedy, head of computer security consulting firm TrustedSec, told Reuters ahead of his testimony at a congressional hearing on the topic "Is My Data on HealthCare.gov Secure?"

Kennedy, a former U.S. Marine Corps cyber-intelligence analyst, said his firm has prepared a 17-page report describing some of the problems. It does not go into specifics in some areas, he said, because that could provide criminals with a blueprint for launching attacks.

I know I said this before but I'mma say it again.

You know the shit is bad, bad, bad when the left is avoiding this thread like the plague. 26 pages, 400+ posts in this thread and mums the word. None of them are in here even trying to defend this crap. Well, ok it isn't defendable. Still. Speaks volumes, doesn't it?
Was the DOT COM Bubble called the Clinton Bubble?
Was the Housing Bubble called the George W Bush Bubble?
Why is the ACA referred to, by Conservatives, as ObamaCare?
Was the DOT COM Bubble called the Clinton Bubble?
Was the Housing Bubble called the George W Bush Bubble?
Why is the ACA referred to, by Conservatives, as ObamaCare?

The Rs referred to it as obamacare because they knew it wouldn't be affordable so to call it such would be nothing but a nonsensical lie. obama is the one who pushed for this, rather than focusing on the economy. Remember pelosi said she'd pole vault it over the fence if she had to? He wanted it, he got it. Now it's boo hoo hoo from the left? :lol:

obama likes that it's called obamacare, as do the dems. Well, they did until they realized what a piece of shit it is ... of course now they're trying to distance themselves from it. Yeah, good luck with that.
Was the DOT COM Bubble called the Clinton Bubble?
Was the Housing Bubble called the George W Bush Bubble?
Why is the ACA referred to, by Conservatives, as ObamaCare?

Because ObamaCare is Obama's signature achievement. Something which he proudly pushed and trumpeted as something he was able to accomplish which presidents had failed to achieve for a hundred years before. He campaigned on it -- twice -- and the lies he told about it helped get him elected.

Obama embraced the name. That he is now trying to shed it is telling.

Clinton didn't create the dot com bubble. Bush didn't create the housing bubble. ObamaCare was deliberately inflicted upon us by Obama. His lies about it and delays of parts of it stopped Americans from seeing the truth about it until it was too late for them to stop it electorally. He started it. He pushed it. He chose to keep pushing even though the backlash in America was so great that Massachusetts sent a Republican to fill the Kennedy senate seat to try to stop it. He owns it. And he embraced the name "ObamaCare" -- until now, when it has become showcase for his dishonesty and incompetence.
Was the DOT COM Bubble called the Clinton Bubble?
Was the Housing Bubble called the George W Bush Bubble?
Why is the ACA referred to, by Conservatives, as ObamaCare?

Should it be called Affordable Care?

Someone who advocated for it in Illinois -- she worked for an Illinois congressman -- has now had her policy cancelled and when she saw the prices of the replacements, she said it shouldn't be called the Affordable Care Act, but rather the Available Care Act.

If you want to call it by its name, write it out -- Affordable Care. Shortening it to ACA sounds like a euphemism to try to stop people from remembering what that first A stands for.

What should it be called by people who are seeing their rates go up? What should it be called by the people who used to be insured but who can no longer afford insurance at all?
White House braces for doctor dump | Fox News

WHITE HOUSE BRACES FOR DOCTOR DUMP - The president’s “if you like it” bait-and-switch on insurance is not the only pledge that will be broken under ObamaCare. Press Secretary Jay Carney appeared to step back from the second part of President Obama’s oft-repeated campaign promise: that Americans could keep their doctors if they like them. Carney hinted consumers could lose their doctors too saying, “So, if you are looking for, if you want coverage from your doctor, a doctor that you've seen in the past, and want that, you can look and see if there's a plan in which that doctor participates in.”
I know I said this before but I'mma say it again.

You know the shit is bad, bad, bad when the left is avoiding this thread like the plague. 26 pages, 400+ posts in this thread and mums the word. None of them are in here even trying to defend this crap. Well, ok it isn't defendable. Still. Speaks volumes, doesn't it?

the left is showing that partisan politics are stronger than doing what is actually right. there is no way anyone can actually believe this is the right way to do things.
I know I said this before but I'mma say it again.

You know the shit is bad, bad, bad when the left is avoiding this thread like the plague. 26 pages, 400+ posts in this thread and mums the word. None of them are in here even trying to defend this crap. Well, ok it isn't defendable. Still. Speaks volumes, doesn't it?

the left is showing that partisan politics are stronger than doing what is actually right. there is no way anyone can actually believe this is the right way to do things.

They were forced to do it this way -- by lying and overreach without competence or mandate -- because of how mean the Republicans were. Donchaknow ....
Time to Ditch Obamacare--a Plan to Rob Taxpayers | The Fiscal Times


If President Obama had pursued a more modest agenda instead of spending all of his political capital at what he must have seen as his shot at immortality, the country might be in better shape. As he would say, that’s on him.

The crude handouts to win passage of the bill poisoned the well, as did the blatant rigging of the bill’s costs and taxes so as not to jeopardize Obama’s 2012 reelection. After the divisive Bush years, the country yearned for collaboration – a desire that Obama tapped during his campaign, when he promised to bring the country together. Unhappily, instead of trying to heal a hurting nation, Obama declared “we won,” and set out on a path of self-destruction. The animus towards Obamacare threw the House into an incensed GOP in 2010 and the battle lines were drawn.

Today, Obama’s agenda lies in tatters. This is not just a heavy loss for the president – it hurts the entire country. Immigration reform, infrastructure repair, trade deals, a long-term entitlements fix – all these needs are real but now sidelined. At the same time, the nation is wary – buffeted by the partial government shutdown and now by the messy Obamacare start-up. Consumer sentiment fell this month to a two-year low, in spite of a record-breaking stock market, low gasoline costs and a recovery in home prices. Spending and corporate investment sputtered during the third quarter; retailers are worried that the Grinch will spoil Christmas.

Attitudes towards Obamacare are unlikely to improve any time soon. Millions have had their insurance cancelled, and it is dawning on millions more that Obamacare will not make them better off. They are likely to have narrower doctor and hospital choices and higher premiums; they are seeing Obamacare for what it is – a large step towards income redistribution.

Meanwhile, the toll on the president’s popularity and credibility has been huge. Reports that the White House knew about problems with the website last March, and that millions would lose their existing policies, have turned voters against the president. Ever more side-deals confirm the dishonesty. As reported in The Wall Street Journal, the Obama administration announced recently that it might exempt some organizations – but actually only unions -- from a tax necessary to building a $25 billion reinsurance fund – needed in case insurers on the exchanges encounter unexpectedly high costs. Obama owes a great deal to his union pals who helped his reelection effort, but this seems an especially egregious finger in the eye of the rest of the country.

In all of this we have to remember -- the policies people have lost aren't coming back. And people won't be able to walk right back in to the jobs they have lost. Hours might be increased again if we get a government which sees the wisdom in incentivizing employment instead of normalizing enrollment in government aid programs -- and some increases will happen just because humans keep striving no matter what their government does to them -- but the job market and our insurance infrastructure is still disrupted.

We can't go back.

How do we go forward?
From that article:

In some states, insurance companies operating through new health care state exchanges are excluding key hospitals from coverage. In New Hampshire, for example, as Jonathan Weisman of The Times reported, there is one provider, Anthem Blue Cross, and it has excluded 10 of the state’s 26 hospitals from participation in the company’s coverage.

Will O-care put hospitals out of business?

Here's the Weisman article which mentions details of what's happening in New Hampshire:

In Fracas on Health Coverage, Some Democrats Feel Exposed

.... the federally run exchange for the state has attracted only one insurance provider, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, which touched off a furor when it excluded 10 of the state’s 26 hospitals from the health plans it offers through the exchange. Residents in the north of New Hampshire may have to drive an hour to find a hospital or doctor in their network. The Democratic governor, Maggie Hassan, is locked in a fight with the Republican-controlled Senate over how or whether to expand Medicaid as part of the health law.


For example, Anthem dropped not only Concord’s hospital from its network but also Laconia’s oncologists and cardiologists. Cancer patients in Laconia who purchase health plans through the health law will have to drive past two hospitals to get their chemotherapy in Manchester, Mr. Sanborn said.

Ooops ... I already closed the window ... but I just read an article about why O-care may still succeed. It was about how insurance companies could make O-care work in spite of itself.

If the website gets up and running, insurers will be back to advertising in earnest. They'll do what they can to attract as many people as possible to purchase policies from them. They'll spend big money to convince people to go to the exchange websites and pick them.

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