"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Bruce Barcott: My Obamacare Cancellation | The New York Observer

"Seething at a President I helped elect."

That's from a Democrat who is trying to suck it up and swallow the extra costs even though he was upset that he lost his policy. He's seething because of Obama throwing the monkey wrench in rate stability with his empty extension. He's frustrated because of an application process which is so complicated that accountant/lawyers have to recuse themselves from giving advice because they can't meaningfully tell their clients how to proceed. It would be criminal for them to shoot from the hip, so they have to refuse to take questions.

From the link:

The requirement that uninsured Americans either buy coverage through the new government markets or pay a tax penalty

This is a lie that I see repeated over and over. Uninsured people can buy coverage through the (un)aca OR they can buy coverage through a private provider via an individual policy. Why don't sources state this? They lie by omission. My brother's catastrophic policy that he purchased on his own got cancelled and we both thought that they (un)aca was his only option ... until he found out it wasn't.
Obama was briefed earlier in year on health website problems | Reuters

President Barack Obama, who has portrayed himself as surprised by technical problems with the government's new health care website, was briefed earlier this year on a consultant's report that warned of possible widespread site failures, the White House said on Tuesday.

There have been weeks of questions about whether Obama understood the depth of the site's problems and let it open anyway, or simply "did not have enough awareness" of them, as the president stated at a November 14 news conference.

While the government says it is improving the portal's performance every day, security experts told a Republican sponsored congressional hearing Tuesday that in their opinions, it is still not sufficiently secure to be used confidently by consumers.

Even as the administration fended off criticism of the so-called "front end" of the system, officials revealed Tuesday that they had not completed development of the "back end," the financial management component needed to finalize federal subsidies for consumers who buy health plans.

A spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the lead agency for the website, said it would not be completed until mid-January, weeks after the first enrollees are scheduled to begin receiving benefits under the Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010 as Obama's signature domestic policy.

Community organizers call to action to help spread more misinformation

President Obama told supporters Monday night that he needed their help battling against “a lot of misinformation” spread by political opponents about his signature healthcare legislation.

Speaking on a virtual conference call hosted by Organizing for Action, the political group born from his reelection campaign, the president admitted that problems with the ObamaCare website had put a damper on early enrollment efforts.

“The good news is it’s getting better every single week,” Obama said. “I am confident that by the end of this month, it is going to be functioning for the vast majority of folks.”

The president conceded that the botched rollout “created and fed a lot of this misinformation” about the law. He said that some individuals would still need to be enrolled by phone or in person, even after repairs to the website were complete. And he accused Republicans of complicating efforts to get the program off the ground.

“Obviously, we haven’t been getting a lot of cooperation from the other party,” he said.

Obama encouraged supporters to talk face-to-face with neighbors, friends, and family members about the law. He also suggested that proponents of ObamaCare should use holiday parties and family gatherings to encourage their loved ones to purchase insurance.

“We have to remember the conversations we’re having around the dinner table,” Obama said.

He also thanked his backers for their support during the trying early weeks of the ObamaCare rollout.

Obama tells supporters to fight ObamaCare ?misinformation? | TheHill
Bruce Barcott: My Obamacare Cancellation | The New York Observer

"Seething at a President I helped elect."

That's from a Democrat who is trying to suck it up and swallow the extra costs even though he was upset that he lost his policy. He's seething because of Obama throwing the monkey wrench in rate stability with his empty extension. He's frustrated because of an application process which is so complicated that accountant/lawyers have to recuse themselves from giving advice because they can't meaningfully tell their clients how to proceed. It would be criminal for them to shoot from the hip, so they have to refuse to take questions.

*How’s the view up there, Obamacare Ollie?

*If our policy still existed it would fall into the column of Wood.
But Wood we had—and Wood we liked.

*I went to a friend and colleague—let’s call him Peter—for advice.

:lol: This guy has a great sense of humor! :lol:
I don't know but I think I may run out of the money needed to buy more puts on all of the companies and industries likely to be destroyed by this one bill.
Obama was briefed earlier in year on health website problems | Reuters

President Barack Obama, who has portrayed himself as surprised by technical problems with the government's new health care website, was briefed earlier this year on a consultant's report that warned of possible widespread site failures, the White House said on Tuesday.

There have been weeks of questions about whether Obama understood the depth of the site's problems and let it open anyway, or simply "did not have enough awareness" of them, as the president stated at a November 14 news conference.

While the government says it is improving the portal's performance every day, security experts told a Republican sponsored congressional hearing Tuesday that in their opinions, it is still not sufficiently secure to be used confidently by consumers.

Even as the administration fended off criticism of the so-called "front end" of the system, officials revealed Tuesday that they had not completed development of the "back end," the financial management component needed to finalize federal subsidies for consumers who buy health plans.

A spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the lead agency for the website, said it would not be completed until mid-January, weeks after the first enrollees are scheduled to begin receiving benefits under the Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010 as Obama's signature domestic policy.


obama is a lying dunce, period. The rest of the world is watching and thinking the same thing. I am mortified that he is our president.

More astoundingly moronicness on the website:

A large portion of the error-riddled, multimillion dollar federal health insurance exchange system has not even been built yet, according to a senior official involved in the construction of the website.

The revelation came Tuesday during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on the possible security risks surrounding healthcare.gov.

“The committee’s been reviewing materials that indicate that some parts of healthcare.gov were not completed before the launch, as we’ve discussed here,” Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) said. “What portion of the website remained to be created when you launched on October 1st?”

“I don’t have an exact percentage,” said Henry Chao, deputy chief information officer of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. “I look at it in terms of overall marketplace systems.”

“I think it was a set of priority functions that needed to be in place,” Chao added.

“Well, how much do we have to build today?” Gardner pressed.

“Just an approximation, we’re probably sitting somewhere between 60 and 70 percent,” Chao said.

“Sixty to 70 percent that needs to be built still?” Gardner said.

“We still have to build the payment systems to make payments to issuers in January,” the Obamacare official said before adding, “the online application, verification, determination, plan compare, getting enrolled, generating enrollment transaction – that’s 100 percent there.”

“But the entire system is 60 to 70 percent away from being complete,” Gardner said.

“There’s the back office systems, the accounting systems, the payment systems … they still need to be done,” Chao said.

Chao, not disputing the figure, said the 60 to 70 percent that has yet to be built would be tested “in the exact same manner we tested everything else.”

But here’s something: Later in the hearing, Chao referred to the remaining 30 to 40 percent of the system that has yet to be built.

They had 3 years, boatload of money, and not only do they not have the whole thing finished they can't even be certain how much of it still needs to be built??? The incompetence is mind-boggling.
Obama was briefed earlier in year on health website problems | Reuters

President Barack Obama, who has portrayed himself as surprised by technical problems with the government's new health care website, was briefed earlier this year on a consultant's report that warned of possible widespread site failures, the White House said on Tuesday.

There have been weeks of questions about whether Obama understood the depth of the site's problems and let it open anyway, or simply "did not have enough awareness" of them, as the president stated at a November 14 news conference.

While the government says it is improving the portal's performance every day, security experts told a Republican sponsored congressional hearing Tuesday that in their opinions, it is still not sufficiently secure to be used confidently by consumers.

Even as the administration fended off criticism of the so-called "front end" of the system, officials revealed Tuesday that they had not completed development of the "back end," the financial management component needed to finalize federal subsidies for consumers who buy health plans.

A spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the lead agency for the website, said it would not be completed until mid-January, weeks after the first enrollees are scheduled to begin receiving benefits under the Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010 as Obama's signature domestic policy.


obama is a lying dunce, period. The rest of the world is watching and thinking the same thing. I am mortified that he is our president.

More astoundingly moronicness on the website:

A large portion of the error-riddled, multimillion dollar federal health insurance exchange system has not even been built yet, according to a senior official involved in the construction of the website.

The revelation came Tuesday during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on the possible security risks surrounding healthcare.gov.

“The committee’s been reviewing materials that indicate that some parts of healthcare.gov were not completed before the launch, as we’ve discussed here,” Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) said. “What portion of the website remained to be created when you launched on October 1st?”

“I don’t have an exact percentage,” said Henry Chao, deputy chief information officer of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. “I look at it in terms of overall marketplace systems.”

“I think it was a set of priority functions that needed to be in place,” Chao added.

“Well, how much do we have to build today?” Gardner pressed.

“Just an approximation, we’re probably sitting somewhere between 60 and 70 percent,” Chao said.

“Sixty to 70 percent that needs to be built still?” Gardner said.

“We still have to build the payment systems to make payments to issuers in January,” the Obamacare official said before adding, “the online application, verification, determination, plan compare, getting enrolled, generating enrollment transaction – that’s 100 percent there.”

“But the entire system is 60 to 70 percent away from being complete,” Gardner said.

“There’s the back office systems, the accounting systems, the payment systems … they still need to be done,” Chao said.

Chao, not disputing the figure, said the 60 to 70 percent that has yet to be built would be tested “in the exact same manner we tested everything else.”

But here’s something: Later in the hearing, Chao referred to the remaining 30 to 40 percent of the system that has yet to be built.

They had 3 years, boatload of money, and not only do they not have the whole thing finished they can't even be certain how much of it still needs to be built??? The incompetence is mind-boggling.

Michelle's friend got paid though:eusa_eh:

Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is executive at company that built Obamacare website

First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the contract to build the failed Obamacare website.

Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at Healthcare.gov. CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.

Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.

Read more: Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate was Obamacare website builder | The Daily Caller
He doesn't want it called Obamacare anymore?

Obama: 'We're Going to Have to...Re-market and Re-brand' the Affordable Care Act


President Barack Obama told a gathering of corporate executives Tuesday he's confident that his model of health care will work in the end, but he said he's going to have to "re-brand" it to sell it to a skeptical public. He didn't use the word "Obamacare" once on Tuesday in talking about his health care law, but he mentioned the "Affordable Care Act" seven times. "So, look, I am confident that the model that we built, which works off of the existing private insurance system, is one that will succeed," Obama told the Wall Street Journal's CEO Council Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C
During a campaign stop in Colorado last year, the president embraced the name that Republicans had given to his health insurance law: "The Affordable Care Act -- also known as Obamacare," Obama said in August 2012. "I actually like the name," he added. "Because I do care -- that's why we fought so hard to make it happen

Obama: 'We're Going to Have to...Re-market and Re-brand' the Affordable Care Act | CNS News
He doesn't want it called Obamacare anymore?

Obama: 'We're Going to Have to...Re-market and Re-brand' the Affordable Care Act


President Barack Obama told a gathering of corporate executives Tuesday he's confident that his model of health care will work in the end, but he said he's going to have to "re-brand" it to sell it to a skeptical public. He didn't use the word "Obamacare" once on Tuesday in talking about his health care law, but he mentioned the "Affordable Care Act" seven times. "So, look, I am confident that the model that we built, which works off of the existing private insurance system, is one that will succeed," Obama told the Wall Street Journal's CEO Council Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C
During a campaign stop in Colorado last year, the president embraced the name that Republicans had given to his health insurance law: "The Affordable Care Act -- also known as Obamacare," Obama said in August 2012. "I actually like the name," he added. "Because I do care -- that's why we fought so hard to make it happen

Obama: 'We're Going to Have to...Re-market and Re-brand' the Affordable Care Act | CNS News

The rat is trying to run off of his own sinking ship! :lol:

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