"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Backpedaling Bam is fumbling and bumbling | New York Post


“And another mistake that we made, I think, was underestimating the difficulties of people purchasing insurance online and shopping for a lot of options with a lot of costs and lot of different benefits and plans.” Really? People do that with airline tickets every day. The only difference there is that those Web sites work.

The president then ruminated on this point: “Since I know that the federal government has not been good at this stuff in the past, two years ago, as we were thinking about this, you know, we might have done more to make sure that we were breaking the mold on how we were going to be setting this up.”

Good thinking. Because, you know, when you’re taking effective control of one-sixth of the economy, you might consider the fact that you might have to pay attention.



So true. Truth is stranger than fiction for sure. Couldn't have imagined in a million years that Obama could be as stupid as he turned out to be.
The Insiders: For Democrats, dark days ahead

Is the president’s Obamacare “fix” part of the Obama administration’s pattern of deceit or a product of its frequent delusion?

A cursory discussion with almost anyone who knows anything about the insurance business would have alerted the president to the fact that his proposal is unworkable. The initial take from experts on both the right and the left is that the president did not fix anything yesterday. ....
So all the angry people whose insurance rates are going up get on more year to pay lower rates and stew about how their insurance will soon be cancelled anyway. Pretty sure this isn't going to give Obama the political cover he hopes for. Pretty sure it won't push the story until after the midterm elections.

But :dunno:.

Our rates went up 44% (employer sponsored). Will those rates stay what they were or will the 44% increase take place?
Does anyone believe that this whole thing wasn't/isn't intentional? While dems are not the brightest ... even I am amazed what an utter fail this whole (un)aca mess is. I mean, really?? I simply cannot believe that it isn't intentional. Anyone want to take a gander at when the 'S.P' word starts to come out of the WH? And I didn't think it was possible for obama to be more inept and hapless. After listening to him yesterday, I stand corrected. I am embarrassed that he is the leader (and I use that term ever so loosely) of the free (that one too) world. They've had three years to get this whole thing up and running and it is a pile of crap and he comes out and says that the policies that were cancelled can stay for another year, and the insurance companies will be able to comply with this in what, six weeks or so? <blink, blink> He sure isn't the brightest bulb in the box. I don't think he's even in the box. Does anyone besides the lemmings believe anything this guy says?
I don't think it was intentional. I think it was arrogance and being out-of-touch.

Even if they wanted single payer, they couldn't have wanted people to believe they were liars. They couldn't have wanted the number of taxpayers supporting their fantasy to decrease. A 30-hour-per-week nation will not fund their goals. Pissing off unions is not in their interest. Foundering internet infrastructure was not in their interest.


I think it was just sheer incompetence and delusion about how they knew best and how the people whose intelligence they were insulting would eventually rally around them.
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I don't think it was intentional. I think it was arrogance and being out-of-touch.

Even if they wanted single payer, they couldn't have wanted people to believe they were liars. They couldn't have wanted the number of taxpayers supporting their fantasy to decrease. A 30-hour-per-week nation will not fund their goals. Pissing off unions is not in their interest.


I think it was just sheer incompetence and delusion about how they knew best and how the people whose intelligence they were insulting would eventually rally around them.

If true, I am astounded that they are that stupid. Seriously. I'm not convinced, though. They've salivated for this for years, they got their trifecta and ran with it, consequences be damned. Throw themselves on the sword, so to speak.
House passes Republican health bill with 39 Democratic votes

House passes Republican health bill with 39 Democratic votes

39 Dems Help GOP Pass Insurance Cancellation Bill The Fiscal Times
An apologetic Obama unveils fix on health law Reuters
Low Obamacare enrollment figures turns up heat on White House Reuters
Policy cancellations: Obama will allow old plans Associated Press
Obamacare enrollment low; Democrats unhappy Associated Press

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the most significant legislative rebuke to President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul, 39 members of his Democratic Party voted for a Republican bill in the House of Representatives on Friday aimed at undermining his signature domestic policy.

The measure, which would allow insurance companies to renew and sell inexpensive, limited-coverage policies that have been canceled because they don't meet the standards of the new healthcare law that took effect on October 1, passed 261-157.

The 39 Democrats who supported the bill - nearly one-fifth of the party's caucus - reflected the alarm that spread within Obama's party this week over the political damage from the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
House passes Republican health bill with 39 Democratic votes

House passes Republican health bill with 39 Democratic votes

39 Dems Help GOP Pass Insurance Cancellation Bill The Fiscal Times
An apologetic Obama unveils fix on health law Reuters
Low Obamacare enrollment figures turns up heat on White House Reuters
Policy cancellations: Obama will allow old plans Associated Press
Obamacare enrollment low; Democrats unhappy Associated Press

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the most significant legislative rebuke to President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul, 39 members of his Democratic Party voted for a Republican bill in the House of Representatives on Friday aimed at undermining his signature domestic policy.

The measure, which would allow insurance companies to renew and sell inexpensive, limited-coverage policies that have been canceled because they don't meet the standards of the new healthcare law that took effect on October 1, passed 261-157.

The 39 Democrats who supported the bill - nearly one-fifth of the party's caucus - reflected the alarm that spread within Obama's party this week over the political damage from the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Why are republicans helping obama? Why don't they let obamacare go as is? The only way idiot obama supporters will pay for their stupidity is allow obamacare to remain as is.
Obamacare is about to make the debt ceiling a cathedral ceiling

House votes to reinstate insurance plans. Will such fixes sink Obamacare?

House votes to reinstate insurance plans. Will such fixes sink Obamacare?

On a bipartisan vote, the House on Friday approved the measure &#8211; its answer to the millions of recent health-plan cancellations. But such fixes may also do damage to Obamacare.

Christian Science Monitor
By Francine Kiefer 2 hours ago




Washington is full of ideas on how to fix the fully loaded SUV known as Obamacare. On Thursday, President Obama offered his fix. On Friday, members of the House &#8211; including 39 Democrats &#8211; approved theirs, and other lawmakers have their own ideas. But all these busy mechanics could end up doing more damage to Obamacare.

Related Stories

39 Dems Help GOP Pass Insurance Cancellation Bill The Fiscal Times
An apologetic Obama unveils fix on health law Reuters
House OKs coverage plans short of Obamacare rules Associated Press
[$$] ObamaCare's Nonfix The Wall Street Journal
Low Obamacare enrollment figures turns up heat on White House Reuters

How&#8217;s that?

Well, start with the general aim of the various repairs. They differ in detail, but basically, they would allow &#8211; for varying times &#8211; millions of Americans whose health insurance is being canceled under Obamacare to keep their plans and their doctors if they like them. Just like Mr. Obama originally promised.
House passes Republican health bill with 39 Democratic votes

House passes Republican health bill with 39 Democratic votes

39 Dems Help GOP Pass Insurance Cancellation Bill The Fiscal Times
An apologetic Obama unveils fix on health law Reuters
Low Obamacare enrollment figures turns up heat on White House Reuters
Policy cancellations: Obama will allow old plans Associated Press
Obamacare enrollment low; Democrats unhappy Associated Press

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the most significant legislative rebuke to President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul, 39 members of his Democratic Party voted for a Republican bill in the House of Representatives on Friday aimed at undermining his signature domestic policy.

The measure, which would allow insurance companies to renew and sell inexpensive, limited-coverage policies that have been canceled because they don't meet the standards of the new healthcare law that took effect on October 1, passed 261-157.

The 39 Democrats who supported the bill - nearly one-fifth of the party's caucus - reflected the alarm that spread within Obama's party this week over the political damage from the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Why are republicans helping obama? Why don't they let obamacare go as is? The only way idiot obama supporters will pay for their stupidity is allow obamacare to remain as is.

on one hand they should let him flounder, he is such an arrogant ass. but just because the democrats royally screwed americans doesn't mead the American people should be left to flounder
they should leave obamacare alone and let it play out. After it does I wonder how many democrats who vote for it will be alive to tell the tale.
House passes Republican health bill with 39 Democratic votes

House passes Republican health bill with 39 Democratic votes

39 Dems Help GOP Pass Insurance Cancellation Bill The Fiscal Times
An apologetic Obama unveils fix on health law Reuters
Low Obamacare enrollment figures turns up heat on White House Reuters
Policy cancellations: Obama will allow old plans Associated Press
Obamacare enrollment low; Democrats unhappy Associated Press

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the most significant legislative rebuke to President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul, 39 members of his Democratic Party voted for a Republican bill in the House of Representatives on Friday aimed at undermining his signature domestic policy.

The measure, which would allow insurance companies to renew and sell inexpensive, limited-coverage policies that have been canceled because they don't meet the standards of the new healthcare law that took effect on October 1, passed 261-157.

The 39 Democrats who supported the bill - nearly one-fifth of the party's caucus - reflected the alarm that spread within Obama's party this week over the political damage from the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Why are republicans helping obama? Why don't they let obamacare go as is? The only way idiot obama supporters will pay for their stupidity is allow obamacare to remain as is.

on one hand they should let him flounder, he is such an arrogant ass. but just because the democrats royally screwed americans doesn't mead the American people should be left to flounder

I'm sorry I disagree their is only one way to fix America and that is, go through hardship. Make them work for their freedom once more.
Why are republicans helping obama? Why don't they let obamacare go as is? The only way idiot obama supporters will pay for their stupidity is allow obamacare to remain as is.

on one hand they should let him flounder, he is such an arrogant ass. but just because the democrats royally screwed americans doesn't mead the American people should be left to flounder

I'm sorry I disagree their is only one way to fix America and that is, go through hardship. Make them work for their freedom once more.

we're going to go through hardship. this plan is law and what is really going to cost has been totally underestimated. Healthcare has not been reformed. You think insurance fraud was bad before, just wait. insurance companies and pharmaceuticals are already gearing up. Statins were the most prescribed drugs ever and now they have a whole new audience. all you see all over now are articles about new cholesterol guidelines. they are going to be pumping americans full of unneeded pills. and johnny taxpayer will be footing the bill. People are going to be loosing their jobs over this. companies are already starting to trim workers to keep under the limit. in 6 months, watch the unemployment numbers. what limited discretionary money some people had is now going to go to mandatory healthcare. the economy will suffer.
on one hand they should let him flounder, he is such an arrogant ass. but just because the democrats royally screwed americans doesn't mead the American people should be left to flounder

I'm sorry I disagree their is only one way to fix America and that is, go through hardship. Make them work for their freedom once more.

we're going to go through hardship. this plan is law and what is really going to cost has been totally underestimated. Healthcare has not been reformed. You think insurance fraud was bad before, just wait. insurance companies and pharmaceuticals are already gearing up. Statins were the most prescribed drugs ever and now they have a whole new audience. all you see all over now are articles about new cholesterol guidelines. they are going to be pumping americans full of unneeded pills. and johnny taxpayer will be footing the bill. People are going to be loosing their jobs over this. companies are already starting to trim workers to keep under the limit. in 6 months, watch the unemployment numbers. what limited discretionary money some people had is now going to go to mandatory healthcare. the economy will suffer.

To get America back on track and get rid of the progressive agenda this must run it's course.
I'm sorry I disagree their is only one way to fix America and that is, go through hardship. Make them work for their freedom once more.

we're going to go through hardship. this plan is law and what is really going to cost has been totally underestimated. Healthcare has not been reformed. You think insurance fraud was bad before, just wait. insurance companies and pharmaceuticals are already gearing up. Statins were the most prescribed drugs ever and now they have a whole new audience. all you see all over now are articles about new cholesterol guidelines. they are going to be pumping americans full of unneeded pills. and johnny taxpayer will be footing the bill. People are going to be loosing their jobs over this. companies are already starting to trim workers to keep under the limit. in 6 months, watch the unemployment numbers. what limited discretionary money some people had is now going to go to mandatory healthcare. the economy will suffer.

To get America back on track and get rid of the progressive agenda this must run it's course.

I agree with you. I think Americans need a real wake up call to the damage these progressive socialist policies are doing. in terms of cost, lost productivity, creating a society of entitled slugs who provide nothing in return. working americans can not continue to support the rapidly expanding group of non working. not only are the numbers growing but what they are being given is growing. it has passed the threshold of being affordable. obamacare, at an estimated 1/6th the GDP is going to be a crippler. we cannot sustain it without incurring even more massive debt, devaluing the dollar, causing drastic inflation and even putting the petro dollar at risk of being the worlds currency. the risks here are unacceptable. and to think we have idiots here saying this is a good thing because they are so partisan they are incapable of accepting what they really know. this is a disaster.
we're going to go through hardship. this plan is law and what is really going to cost has been totally underestimated. Healthcare has not been reformed. You think insurance fraud was bad before, just wait. insurance companies and pharmaceuticals are already gearing up. Statins were the most prescribed drugs ever and now they have a whole new audience. all you see all over now are articles about new cholesterol guidelines. they are going to be pumping americans full of unneeded pills. and johnny taxpayer will be footing the bill. People are going to be loosing their jobs over this. companies are already starting to trim workers to keep under the limit. in 6 months, watch the unemployment numbers. what limited discretionary money some people had is now going to go to mandatory healthcare. the economy will suffer.

To get America back on track and get rid of the progressive agenda this must run it's course.

I agree with you. I think Americans need a real wake up call to the damage these progressive socialist policies are doing. in terms of cost, lost productivity, creating a society of entitled slugs who provide nothing in return. working americans can not continue to support the rapidly expanding group of non working. not only are the numbers growing but what they are being given is growing. it has passed the threshold of being affordable. obamacare, at an estimated 1/6th the GDP is going to be a crippler. we cannot sustain it without incurring even more massive debt, devaluing the dollar, causing drastic inflation and even putting the petro dollar at risk of being the worlds currency. the risks here are unacceptable. and to think we have idiots here saying this is a good thing because they are so partisan they are incapable of accepting what they really know. this is a disaster.

Yes it will be a disaster but it's the only way to fix America.
After Obama Meeting, Insurers Question Plan’s Workability


Already, some states, including Washington and Arkansas, have said they will not allow insurers to extend policies that do not comply with the guidelines established by the minimum standards set by the Affordable Care Act. Rhode Island also announced on Friday that it would not go along. “After reviewing the president’s announcement, we have decided to continue in the direction we are going and therefore will not be adopting the option made available to us by the president,” state officials said.

Some other states, notably Florida, are going to allow renewals. In New York, officials were hashing out a plan on Friday to deal with the change in policy, and an announcement could come early next week.

Logan Harrison, chief deputy commissioner of the Indiana Department of Insurance, said his state had not decided how to proceed but the fact that they were having to scramble to do anything was maddening.

“This is absurd,” he said. The president, he said, made a “purely political decision” that punts his problem squarely into the laps of state insurance commissioners. “It’s unfair to us and our citizens.” A number of other state officials, both Democrats and Republicans, echoed Mr. Harrison’s frustration but were not willing to speak on the record.

This issue is arguably the biggest headache for the dozen or so states — from New York to California — that have their own exchanges, some of which are working reasonably well. “We did everything Obama wanted, and this is the thanks we get,” said one high-ranking official in a state with its own exchange. “I can’t tell you how fed up we are.”

So what are the odds he resigns by June of 2014?

How can you screw up this bad and still remain in the highest executive office?

In the real world he is done, toast, hasta la vista baby...

I don't think even MSNBC will keep bailing him out at this pace...

This is really fun to watch...

The odds of resigning over this? ZERO

The time to stop this was last November.

Probably true and very unlikely, but will it hurt if we send the subliminal message?

He came as advertised, why so many where fooled is ridiculous...
39 is a clear indication the Dems are starting to crack...

In mild rebuke to Obama, 39 Dems vote with GOP on 'Keep Your Plan' bill - NBC Politics

How many will let their political futures disintegrate as fast as Oblammercare...

The fun is just beginning...

This legislation will go down by the hands of the very people who made him POTUS in the first place, rebellion by the very voters who put him in office...

Mutiny at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...

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