"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

this is a great article and this quote is worth being put in gold as it is clearly overthrowing our leftards lies when they always compare obamacare woth medicare and SS:

The Affordable Care Act “is often compared to Social Security and Medicare, but these comparisons are imprecise and misleading,” as Edward Carmines, a political scientist at Indiana University, put it in an email: “]The distinctive feature of the new health care law is its redistributive nature, which is mostly absent from Social Security and Medicare.”

In addition, the Affordable Care Act can be construed as a transfer of benefits from Medicare, which serves an overwhelmingly white population of the elderly – 77 percent of recipients are white — to Obamacare, which will serve a population that is 54.7 percent minority. Over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the Affordable Care Act cuts $455 billion from the Medicare budget in order to help pay for Obamacare.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3ZW3b-5iYE]Bunny Ranch Hookers Love Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
The insurance is useless. In some cases not only have the premiums gone up for coverage a person neither needs nor wants, but the deductible is so high that the policy is actually worse than major medical/hospitalization. That was the cheapest policy. For someone young it was $50.00 a month. Pay out of pocket for doctor visits but you're covered from day one in the hospital. Under obamacare, premiums have tripled or quadrupled. If you go to the hospital the deductble is up to $13,000.

Democrats say major medical was a rip off. If anything bankruptcies for medical bills can only increase as people can't pay high premiums and the kind of deductibles this insurance has.

The public should have figured this out long ago. It's disappointing that they are currently still slow in catching on. But, they are catching on. That's at least something.
Compliant non-exchange policies can and will use multiple loopholes to get around this mess and totally deconstruct the pre-Obamacare medical system. By the time Obama leaves office the law of unintended consequences will lead to not just a lower cost medical industry but a much lower employment industry including one or more private lending tree style sites for non-exchange insurance brokerage. Leaving all of the people automated out of jobs violently anti-D.
The insurance is useless. In some cases not only have the premiums gone up for coverage a person neither needs nor wants, but the deductible is so high that the policy is actually worse than major medical/hospitalization. That was the cheapest policy. For someone young it was $50.00 a month. Pay out of pocket for doctor visits but you're covered from day one in the hospital. Under obamacare, premiums have tripled or quadrupled. If you go to the hospital the deductble is up to $13,000.

Democrats say major medical was a rip off. If anything bankruptcies for medical bills can only increase as people can't pay high premiums and the kind of deductibles this insurance has.

The public should have figured this out long ago. It's disappointing that they are currently still slow in catching on. But, they are catching on. That's at least something.

Much worse than that - in my state if it is out-of the network ( which means a good hospital, not just a small community type one) the deductible is 25,000 for an individual.

So if you need a cancer treatment or a complicated surgery - you are broke.
Because for an individual making 46,000 per year ( and subsidies do not exist for the vast majority even earning much less than that) - you either die or you are broke altogether.
Most insurance agents can figure someone's subsidy.

The subsidy is a fake.

No, they aren't.

Except it is :

CNN: No Obamacare subsidy for some low-income Americans - CNN.com

One of the basic tenets of Obamacare is that the government will help lower-income Americans -- anyone making less than about $45,900 a year -- pay for the health insurance everyone is now mandated to have.

But a CNN analysis shows that in the largest city in nearly every state, many low-income younger Americans won't get any subsidy at all. Administration officials said the reason so many Americans won't receive a subsidy is that the cost of insurance is lower than the government initially expected. Subsidies are calculated using a complicated formula based on the cost of insurance premiums, which can vary drastically from state to state, and even county to county.

That doesn't change the fact that in Chicago, a 27-year old will receive no subsidy to help offset premiums of more than $165 a month if he makes more than $27,400 a year.

In Portland, Oregon, subsidies for individuals making just $28,725 a year phase out for those younger than 35 years old.


Despite the secretary's assurance, a 25-year-old living in Nashville, Tennessee, making $25,500 will not qualify for a subsidy, for example

The percentage people have to pay for insurance increases on a sliding scale, with those making $11,490 paying no more than 2% of their income, and those making $45,960 paying no more than 9.5% unless they choose to select a more expensive plan.

so it is a fake - if you want a plan which is necessary for your needs ( a more expensive plan than the bronze crap) - you won't qualify for a subsidy even if it exceeds almost a 10% of your income of 46,000 - which is ~4,500$ per year and that amount is a HUGE amount for somebody earning 46,000$
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The subsidy is a fake.

No, they aren't.

Except it is :

CNN: No Obamacare subsidy for some low-income Americans - CNN.com

One of the basic tenets of Obamacare is that the government will help lower-income Americans -- anyone making less than about $45,900 a year -- pay for the health insurance everyone is now mandated to have.

But a CNN analysis shows that in the largest city in nearly every state, many low-income younger Americans won't get any subsidy at all. Administration officials said the reason so many Americans won't receive a subsidy is that the cost of insurance is lower than the government initially expected. Subsidies are calculated using a complicated formula based on the cost of insurance premiums, which can vary drastically from state to state, and even county to county.

That doesn't change the fact that in Chicago, a 27-year old will receive no subsidy to help offset premiums of more than $165 a month if he makes more than $27,400 a year.

In Portland, Oregon, subsidies for individuals making just $28,725 a year phase out for those younger than 35 years old.


Despite the secretary's assurance, a 25-year-old living in Nashville, Tennessee, making $25,500 will not qualify for a subsidy, for example

The percentage people have to pay for insurance increases on a sliding scale, with those making $11,490 paying no more than 2% of their income, and those making $45,960 paying no more than 9.5% unless they choose to select a more expensive plan.

so it is a fake - if you want a plan which is necessary for your needs ( a more expensive plan than the bronze crap) - you won't qualify for a subsidy even if it exceeds almost a 10% of your income of 46,000 - which is ~4,500$ per year and that amount is a HUGE amount for somebody earning 46,000$

Sorry, they aren't.

Demographics determine subsidies.....Age, Income, dependents......my daughter is 29, makes 30 grand...she gets nothing.

My client today...52......26000 she gets 383.....her premium is 56 bucks after subsidy.

No, they aren't.

Except it is :

CNN: No Obamacare subsidy for some low-income Americans - CNN.com

One of the basic tenets of Obamacare is that the government will help lower-income Americans -- anyone making less than about $45,900 a year -- pay for the health insurance everyone is now mandated to have.

But a CNN analysis shows that in the largest city in nearly every state, many low-income younger Americans won't get any subsidy at all. Administration officials said the reason so many Americans won't receive a subsidy is that the cost of insurance is lower than the government initially expected. Subsidies are calculated using a complicated formula based on the cost of insurance premiums, which can vary drastically from state to state, and even county to county.

That doesn't change the fact that in Chicago, a 27-year old will receive no subsidy to help offset premiums of more than $165 a month if he makes more than $27,400 a year.

In Portland, Oregon, subsidies for individuals making just $28,725 a year phase out for those younger than 35 years old.


Despite the secretary's assurance, a 25-year-old living in Nashville, Tennessee, making $25,500 will not qualify for a subsidy, for example

The percentage people have to pay for insurance increases on a sliding scale, with those making $11,490 paying no more than 2% of their income, and those making $45,960 paying no more than 9.5% unless they choose to select a more expensive plan.

so it is a fake - if you want a plan which is necessary for your needs ( a more expensive plan than the bronze crap) - you won't qualify for a subsidy even if it exceeds almost a 10% of your income of 46,000 - which is ~4,500$ per year and that amount is a HUGE amount for somebody earning 46,000$

Sorry, they aren't.

Demographics determine subsidies.....Age, Income, dependents......my daughter is 29, makes 30 grand...she gets nothing.

My client today...52......26000 she gets 383.....her premium is 56 bucks after subsidy.


I understand and it was known from the beginning that it is a sliding scale, but it is exactly what she wrote - a FAKE.
Because the subsidy is also for the bronze HMO plan, if you want a better one than the bronze HMO crap - you won't get any subsidy.

and the article clearly states - the young ones are going to be hit the most, so your example of 52 yo is irrelevant.
Plus it differs from state to state and even from county to county.

So a big fat FAKE, as usual with dimocrap lies.

sorry :D
"Fake" may not be the right word.

Subsidies exist. But as on other matters, falsehoods have been told about them.
Except it is :

CNN: No Obamacare subsidy for some low-income Americans - CNN.com

One of the basic tenets of Obamacare is that the government will help lower-income Americans -- anyone making less than about $45,900 a year -- pay for the health insurance everyone is now mandated to have.

But a CNN analysis shows that in the largest city in nearly every state, many low-income younger Americans won't get any subsidy at all. Administration officials said the reason so many Americans won't receive a subsidy is that the cost of insurance is lower than the government initially expected. Subsidies are calculated using a complicated formula based on the cost of insurance premiums, which can vary drastically from state to state, and even county to county.

That doesn't change the fact that in Chicago, a 27-year old will receive no subsidy to help offset premiums of more than $165 a month if he makes more than $27,400 a year.

In Portland, Oregon, subsidies for individuals making just $28,725 a year phase out for those younger than 35 years old.


Despite the secretary's assurance, a 25-year-old living in Nashville, Tennessee, making $25,500 will not qualify for a subsidy, for example

The percentage people have to pay for insurance increases on a sliding scale, with those making $11,490 paying no more than 2% of their income, and those making $45,960 paying no more than 9.5% unless they choose to select a more expensive plan.

so it is a fake - if you want a plan which is necessary for your needs ( a more expensive plan than the bronze crap) - you won't qualify for a subsidy even if it exceeds almost a 10% of your income of 46,000 - which is ~4,500$ per year and that amount is a HUGE amount for somebody earning 46,000$

Sorry, they aren't.

Demographics determine subsidies.....Age, Income, dependents......my daughter is 29, makes 30 grand...she gets nothing.

My client today...52......26000 she gets 383.....her premium is 56 bucks after subsidy.


I understand and it was known from the beginning that it is a sliding scale, but it is exactly what she wrote - a FAKE.
Because the subsidy is also for the bronze HMO plan, if you want a better one than the bronze HMO crap - you won't get any subsidy.

and the article clearly states - the young ones are going to be hit the most, so your example of 52 yo is irrelevant.
Plus it differs from state to state and even from county to county.

So a big fat FAKE, as usual with dimocrap lies.

sorry :D

Well except that the 383 applies to the Silver Plan....you lose.
Except it is :

CNN: No Obamacare subsidy for some low-income Americans - CNN.com

One of the basic tenets of Obamacare is that the government will help lower-income Americans -- anyone making less than about $45,900 a year -- pay for the health insurance everyone is now mandated to have.

But a CNN analysis shows that in the largest city in nearly every state, many low-income younger Americans won't get any subsidy at all. Administration officials said the reason so many Americans won't receive a subsidy is that the cost of insurance is lower than the government initially expected. Subsidies are calculated using a complicated formula based on the cost of insurance premiums, which can vary drastically from state to state, and even county to county.

That doesn't change the fact that in Chicago, a 27-year old will receive no subsidy to help offset premiums of more than $165 a month if he makes more than $27,400 a year.

In Portland, Oregon, subsidies for individuals making just $28,725 a year phase out for those younger than 35 years old.


Despite the secretary's assurance, a 25-year-old living in Nashville, Tennessee, making $25,500 will not qualify for a subsidy, for example

The percentage people have to pay for insurance increases on a sliding scale, with those making $11,490 paying no more than 2% of their income, and those making $45,960 paying no more than 9.5% unless they choose to select a more expensive plan.

so it is a fake - if you want a plan which is necessary for your needs ( a more expensive plan than the bronze crap) - you won't qualify for a subsidy even if it exceeds almost a 10% of your income of 46,000 - which is ~4,500$ per year and that amount is a HUGE amount for somebody earning 46,000$

Sorry, they aren't.

Demographics determine subsidies.....Age, Income, dependents......my daughter is 29, makes 30 grand...she gets nothing.

My client today...52......26000 she gets 383.....her premium is 56 bucks after subsidy.


I understand and it was known from the beginning that it is a sliding scale, but it is exactly what she wrote - a FAKE.
Because the subsidy is also for the bronze HMO plan, if you want a better one than the bronze HMO crap - you won't get any subsidy.

and the article clearly states - the young ones are going to be hit the most, so your example of 52 yo is irrelevant.
Plus it differs from state to state and even from county to county.

So a big fat FAKE, as usual with dimocrap lies.

sorry :D

You think I am a Dem????

The subsidies do not change depending on the plan :)

The subsidies are what they no matter what plan is selected:)
Sorry, they aren't.

Demographics determine subsidies.....Age, Income, dependents......my daughter is 29, makes 30 grand...she gets nothing.

My client today...52......26000 she gets 383.....her premium is 56 bucks after subsidy.


I understand and it was known from the beginning that it is a sliding scale, but it is exactly what she wrote - a FAKE.
Because the subsidy is also for the bronze HMO plan, if you want a better one than the bronze HMO crap - you won't get any subsidy.

and the article clearly states - the young ones are going to be hit the most, so your example of 52 yo is irrelevant.
Plus it differs from state to state and even from county to county.

So a big fat FAKE, as usual with dimocrap lies.

sorry :D

Well except that the 383 applies to the Silver Plan....you lose.

No, I do not.
I quoted the article and that what is said there.
Either CNN is lying or you simply don't know anything except the situation in your state.
Sorry, they aren't.

Demographics determine subsidies.....Age, Income, dependents......my daughter is 29, makes 30 grand...she gets nothing.

My client today...52......26000 she gets 383.....her premium is 56 bucks after subsidy.


I understand and it was known from the beginning that it is a sliding scale, but it is exactly what she wrote - a FAKE.
Because the subsidy is also for the bronze HMO plan, if you want a better one than the bronze HMO crap - you won't get any subsidy.

and the article clearly states - the young ones are going to be hit the most, so your example of 52 yo is irrelevant.
Plus it differs from state to state and even from county to county.

So a big fat FAKE, as usual with dimocrap lies.

sorry :D

You think I am a Dem????


I know you are NOT a dem.
However, it seems know-it-all approach here is not necessarily true.
Or CNN and their sources are lying.
You know the situation in your state particularly.

It differs even from county to county - so your knowledge might be limited.
I do not have any reason to dispute the CNN sources telling that the amount of sliding scale subsidies vary greatly from state to state. I also do not have any reason to question their statement that it might be applicable to some plans only, also on a state to state basis.
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"Fake" may not be the right word.

Subsidies exist. But as on other matters, falsehoods have been told about them.

which only to be expected if one takes into consideration a big fat lie this all law is.

it was obvious from the very beginning that a subsidy to someone who earns 13,000 per year and is barely over the poverty limit is going to be greater than for the one who earns 40,000.
But it was not known that states can decide NOT to allocate ANY subsidies even for the lower amount of earnings - and that is what the CNN article points to.
Especially for the plans they deem to be "low cost" already.

The definition of "low cost" by a state or a city ( as is an example of 165$ per month for somebody earning 28K) is not exactly what I would consider low cost at that amount of earnings.
People were snookered into supporting obamacare because they thought it would be free, paid for by the "rich" who would have to pay only a "little bit more". Parents who thought that keeping their 25 year old adult child on their insurance plan never imagined that they would have to pay for it. It was supposed to be free and come out of the insurance company's profits.
There is so much left to learn about how the subsidies are actually working. This article from the WSJ tries to summarize ACA issues and doesn't even touch on the psychological voter backlash which is going to come when people start to learn more about inequities in rates and subsidies, with significant differences between neighbors who live on different sides of a county line. [Edit: and other surprise costs like Katz just mentioned.]

Review & Outlook: Manias, Panics and ObamaCare Crashes - A reader's guide to the coming Affordable Care Act traumas -- WSJ.com
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