The Obamacare Lie and The Global Warming Lie

Ray From Cleveland
He thought you could, he wasn't aware most doctors changed networks as time went on. Those doctors aren't the best doctors anyway. Doctors get ill, retire or quit doctoring altogether, the last thing is to depend on 1 doctor.

The ACA is more popular than ever, even republican governors are approving it.
What lies?

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
If you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital.
All ACA plans will be quality and affordable.
The average family will save $2,500 a year on medical care costs.
Dr. and hospital.choices are up to the individual insurance companies, not the Obamacare structure, so that's not a lie.

ACA plans are high quality, and would have been more affordable if the republicans hadn't immediately set about destroying the funding for such, specifically the "risk corridors". So that one was enemy action, not an lie.

The third one is just a restating of your second "point" and thus needs no individual rebuttal.

The real liars are republicans, but you guys desperately want to cover that by accusing Democrats at every turn. It's a well known republican tactic, and people are getting wise to it.

At least those who aren't brainwashing victims of the RNC.

Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago​

A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation

Parroting is the religion of the intellectually inferior....
Dr. and hospital.choices are up to the individual insurance companies, not the Obamacare structure, so that's not a lie.

ACA plans are high quality, and would have been more affordable if the republicans hadn't immediately set about destroying the funding for such, specifically the "risk corridors". So that one was enemy action, not an lie.

The third one is just a restating of your second "point" and thus needs no individual rebuttal.

The real liars are republicans, but you guys desperately want to cover that by accusing Democrats at every turn. It's a well known republican tactic, and people are getting wise to it.

At least those who aren't brainwashing victims of the RNC.

All bullshit. Hussein said if you like your hospital you can keep your hospital. He did not say if you like your hospital, it's up to the insurance company to let you keep your hospital. A total lie.

The Commie Care plans are shit unless you are willing to part with much of your monthly income. The plan they offered me was 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and a $50.00 doctor copay. It wouldn't have done crap for me unless I walked out in front of a running bus. Plus they wanted a third of my net income to have such a shit plan.

You know it's a failure too otherwise you would not be trying to place blame on Republicans who had no ability to stop Commie Care or any other medical plan they came up with. Every single Republican voted against it. But now that the results are out and it's a failure, try to blame Republicans for it.
Ray From Cleveland
He thought you could, he wasn't aware most doctors changed networks as time went on. Those doctors aren't the best doctors anyway. Doctors get ill, retire or quit doctoring altogether, the last thing is to depend on 1 doctor.

The ACA is more popular than ever, even republican governors are approving it.

I thought DumBama was such a genius, and he didn't know doctors and hospitals changed networks???? I was just a truck driver and knew that. If he didn't know even that much about it, WTF was this moron messing around with our medical care system in the first place? Oh, that's right. He had to try and create more government dependents which is the main goal of Socialists and Communists.
Dr. and hospital.choices are up to the individual insurance companies, not the Obamacare structure, so that's not a lie.

ACA plans are high quality, and would have been more affordable if the republicans hadn't immediately set about destroying the funding for such, specifically the "risk corridors". So that one was enemy action, not an lie.

The third one is just a restating of your second "point" and thus needs no individual rebuttal.

The real liars are republicans, but you guys desperately want to cover that by accusing Democrats at every turn. It's a well known republican tactic, and people are getting wise to it.

At least those who aren't brainwashing victims of the RNC.

All bullshit. Hussein said if you like your hospital you can keep your hospital. He did not say if you like your hospital, it's up to the insurance company to let you keep your hospital. A total lie.

The Commie Care plans are shit unless you are willing to part with much of your monthly income. The plan they offered me was 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and a $50.00 doctor copay. It wouldn't have done crap for me unless I walked out in front of a running bus. Plus they wanted a third of my net income to have such a shit plan.

You know it's a failure too otherwise you would not be trying to place blame on Republicans who had no ability to stop Commie Care or any other medical plan they came up with. Every single Republican voted against it. But now that the results are out and it's a failure, try to blame Republicans for it.
I'm a Navy veteran, so I get free medical care with the VA. 2 years ago, the fucking IRS tried to charge me an Obama fee because I did not buy his insurance.
Dr. and hospital.choices are up to the individual insurance companies, not the Obamacare structure, so that's not a lie.

ACA plans are high quality, and would have been more affordable if the republicans hadn't immediately set about destroying the funding for such, specifically the "risk corridors". So that one was enemy action, not an lie.

The third one is just a restating of your second "point" and thus needs no individual rebuttal.

The real liars are republicans, but you guys desperately want to cover that by accusing Democrats at every turn. It's a well known republican tactic, and people are getting wise to it.

At least those who aren't brainwashing victims of the RNC.

All bullshit. Hussein said if you like your hospital you can keep your hospital. He did not say if you like your hospital, it's up to the insurance company to let you keep your hospital. A total lie.

The Commie Care plans are shit unless you are willing to part with much of your monthly income. The plan they offered me was 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and a $50.00 doctor copay. It wouldn't have done crap for me unless I walked out in front of a running bus. Plus they wanted a third of my net income to have such a shit plan.

You know it's a failure too otherwise you would not be trying to place blame on Republicans who had no ability to stop Commie Care or any other medical plan they came up with. Every single Republican voted against it. But now that the results are out and it's a failure, try to blame Republicans for it.
Not bullshit. Actual facts. Sorry for your luck.
Dr. and hospital.choices are up to the individual insurance companies, not the Obamacare structure, so that's not a lie.

ACA plans are high quality, and would have been more affordable if the republicans hadn't immediately set about destroying the funding for such, specifically the "risk corridors". So that one was enemy action, not an lie.

The third one is just a restating of your second "point" and thus needs no individual rebuttal.

The real liars are republicans, but you guys desperately want to cover that by accusing Democrats at every turn. It's a well known republican tactic, and people are getting wise to it.

At least those who aren't brainwashing victims of the RNC.

All bullshit. Hussein said if you like your hospital you can keep your hospital. He did not say if you like your hospital, it's up to the insurance company to let you keep your hospital. A total lie.

The Commie Care plans are shit unless you are willing to part with much of your monthly income. The plan they offered me was 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and a $50.00 doctor copay. It wouldn't have done crap for me unless I walked out in front of a running bus. Plus they wanted a third of my net income to have such a shit plan.

You know it's a failure too otherwise you would not be trying to place blame on Republicans who had no ability to stop Commie Care or any other medical plan they came up with. Every single Republican voted against it. But now that the results are out and it's a failure, try to blame Republicans for it.
I'm a Navy veteran, so I get free medical care with the VA. 2 years ago, the fucking IRS tried to charge me an Obama fee because I did not buy his insurance.
That would have been an accounting error, not anything to do with Obamacare per se.
Sure. Whatever you say. The ACA enjoys greater popularity today than it did when it was first implemented.

If the government gives people a new car every year, I'm sure that would be popular too.

I had employer sponsored healthcare coverage my entire adult life until Commie Care started. Then my employer like thousands of others dropped that valuable benefit. Now I'm stuck because if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor was a complete lie. Since Commie Care offers no reasonable plans for my provider, my only other choice is to switch medical facilities which I don't want to do because I've been a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic since I was one years old and want to keep it that way.

I remember you talking about this (lurked long before I started posting). But the bottom line here is your employer dropped it because they didn't want to pay for it.
I'm sure the option was there to keep the plan was there not? I remember you saying your employer pitched a fit about "obamacare".

I had employer sponsored healthcare at that time as well. My company did NOT drop coverage. A few years later, they found a cheaper alternative.
I kept all my did 95% of Americans.
I remember you talking about this (lurked long before I started posting). But the bottom line here is your employer dropped it because they didn't want to pay for it.
I'm sure the option was there to keep the plan was there not? I remember you saying your employer pitched a fit about "obamacare".

I had employer sponsored healthcare at that time as well. My company did NOT drop coverage. A few years later, they found a cheaper alternative.
I kept all my did 95% of Americans.

Not a lot of employers liked providing the benefit, but they virtually had no choice. Single plans were too expensive for most blue collar workers so if a company didn't have a healthcare plan, they had a hard time finding potential employees. I would never accept a job offer from a company with no coverage.

So when Commie Care started, our plan at work went up 35% according to my employer and he could no longer afford it. He wasn't alone. Many small businesses dropped the benefit because Commie Care was there. I know, because I started to look for other work after we lost our plan. No small company had the benefit any longer.

Middle-class workers were screwed because even if you found something satisfactory, you had to pay for it with after-tax money. When it was an employer benefit, you weren't taxed at all.

Lower income workers did better because taxpayers funded most of their plan, and their monthly payments were only double digits and not triple. It's middle-America that had to pay for it.
Not bullshit. Actual facts. Sorry for your luck.

It was not bad luck, it was bad leadership. Democrats keep voting for the same party over and over again even though they screw up this country anytime they're in charge. That's why people and businesses are leaving commie states and going to American states like Florida and Texas. In San Francisco, all the Walgreens closed up because shoplifting is just about legal, and all the Target stores are closing up early because of Democrat policy. Now that we have the same leadership for the country, our fuel is up over 30% and expected to go higher, our border is a mess, and inflation is nearly out of control, we have a labor shortage with nearly 6% unemployment. And people will still vote Democrat. Talk about stupid.
'THE' Obamacare Lie? Which one would that be?
- It won't cost a dime
- It will pay for itself
- It will lower the cost of premiums

I remember you talking about this (lurked long before I started posting). But the bottom line here is your employer dropped it because they didn't want to pay for it.
I'm sure the option was there to keep the plan was there not? I remember you saying your employer pitched a fit about "obamacare".

I had employer sponsored healthcare at that time as well. My company did NOT drop coverage. A few years later, they found a cheaper alternative.
I kept all my did 95% of Americans.

Not a lot of employers liked providing the benefit, but they virtually had no choice. Single plans were too expensive for most blue collar workers so if a company didn't have a healthcare plan, they had a hard time finding potential employees. I would never accept a job offer from a company with no coverage.

So when Commie Care started, our plan at work went up 35% according to my employer and he could no longer afford it. He wasn't alone. Many small businesses dropped the benefit because Commie Care was there. I know, because I started to look for other work after we lost our plan. No small company had the benefit any longer.

Middle-class workers were screwed because even if you found something satisfactory, you had to pay for it with after-tax money. When it was an employer benefit, you weren't taxed at all.

Lower income workers did better because taxpayers funded most of their plan, and their monthly payments were only double digits and not triple. It's middle-America that had to pay for it.

So without searching for a lower cost alternative, your employer just dropped it?
I personally know three small business owners who kept their coverage for their employees after
the ACA was enacted. Sounds like your employer just wasn't interested.
So without searching for a lower cost alternative, your employer just dropped it?
I personally know three small business owners who kept their coverage for their employees after
the ACA was enacted. Sounds like your employer just wasn't interested.

What it really sounds like is my employer would have kept it if the commies didn't interfere in business they shouldn't have been involved with in the first place.

The Obamacare Lie and The Global Warming Lie​

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