The Obamacare Supreme Court Decision Thread

Did the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare please or displease you?

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Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
The decision is supposed to be announced early Thursday June 28.

Many people seem to think it's a fait accompli that the SC is going to overturn the ACA that Congress passed two years ago. Maybe, maybe not.

Considering that a lot of people are emotionally invested (to say the least) in the Supreme Court's ruling, as opposed to being intellectually invested in the merits (or lack thereof) of Obamacare, it seems to me that many people will either be extremely elated or furious beyond words at the court's decision if and when it does or doesn't turn out the way they expect and want it to be decided.

This thread may serve as a place for people to vent their frustration if the court makes a majority ruling that runs contrary to their views.
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Pity there can’t be a thread where the ruling would be discussed in an objective, unemotional, and rational manner.
Pity there can’t be a thread where the ruling would be discussed in an objective, unemotional, and rational manner.

I remember seeing a documentary about the Swiss healthcare system overhaul that took place a few years ago. There was a fair amount of fear and uncertainty about it. There was also a lot of fear-mongering about it, as well. After it was approved (by a small margin, as I recall), it ultimately became very popular.

I'm not saying that our case would mirror that one, but it's undeniably true that almost any societal change is met with a great deal of resistance, and there are a lot of people who gin up fear in an effort to prevent change. And all too frequently, the alleged negatives of change are widely exaggerated, and the fears are almost always wholly unwarranted. It's the same story, time and time again. That's the way it always seems to play out. You would think that people in general would catch on to that fact at some point, but they never seem to make the connection.
The decision is supposed to be announced early Thursday June 28.

Many people seem to think it's a fait accompli that the SC is going to overturn the ACA that Congress passed two years ago. Maybe, maybe not.

Considering that a lot of people are emotionally invested (to say the least) in the Supreme Court's ruling, as opposed to being intellectually invested in the merits (or lack thereof) of Obamacare, it seems to me that many people will either be extremely elated or furious beyond words at the court's decision if and when it does or doesn't turn out the way they expect and want it to be decided.

This thread may serve as a place for people to vent their frustration if the court makes a majority ruling that runs contrary to their views.

In my view, either way I'm going to have mixed feelings. I can't believe the mandate to buy insurance is constitutional which is what a Supreme Court decision should be based upon. On the other hand, there are a lot of things to like about the Act and it will be a shame to see it cast aside because part of it is unconstitutional. So if it remains intact; the Constitution (as I read it) is violated. If it is repealed, we lose a good law based on this archaic document written by men who likely would be the first to wonder why we're still living under a 200+ year old document.
BTW I dont know whether im happy or unhappy with the decision as it hasnt been made yet. Any emotions over it would be far premature. Wait till the poll is ripe.
Pity there can’t be a thread where the ruling would be discussed in an objective, unemotional, and rational manner.

There is nothing rational about this. The fact it made it this far is a testament to how committed conservatives are to tearing down the government. This was the conservative solution to the health care problem..and now it's one they want reversed.

And they aren't doing it in congress..they are doing it in court.
If this health care law is unusable there will be another, and if another, perhaps the next will be less of a political party compromise but more of a valid rational law. America has all the European experiences to draw on and we should be able to write the best health care law yet. But America will have a health care program someday.
The decision is supposed to be announced early Thursday June 28.

Many people seem to think it's a fait accompli that the SC is going to overturn the ACA that Congress passed two years ago. Maybe, maybe not.

Considering that a lot of people are emotionally invested (to say the least) in the Supreme Court's ruling, as opposed to being intellectually invested in the merits (or lack thereof) of Obamacare, it seems to me that many people will either be extremely elated or furious beyond words at the court's decision if and when it does or doesn't turn out the way they expect and want it to be decided.

This thread may serve as a place for people to vent their frustration if the court makes a majority ruling that runs contrary to their views.
Already started
Whether it's a yay or a nay, there will be millions furious, and never forget it was Obama that opened this can of worms.
If this health care law is unusable there will be another, and if another, perhaps the next will be less of a political party compromise but more of a valid rational law. America has all the European experiences to draw on and we should be able to write the best health care law yet. But America will have a health care program someday.

Why on earth should we follow Europe's example in governance? They are on the verge of collapse.
Whether it's a yay or a nay, there will be millions furious, and never forget it was Obama that opened this can of worms.

They both have their share of the blame.

If anyone should be really blamed it's TR.
I think this will be much like the Arizona ruling some things will be struck down but not all of it both sides will be half pleased half pissed by the ruling.
Pity there can’t be a thread where the ruling would be discussed in an objective, unemotional, and rational manner.

There is nothing rational about this. The fact it made it this far is a testament to how committed conservatives are to tearing down the government. This was the conservative solution to the health care problem..and now it's one they want reversed.

Why are fuckstains like you so committed to that bullshit lie?

I suppose you feel if you repeat it often enough some lame libroid will believe it....
Pity there can’t be a thread where the ruling would be discussed in an objective, unemotional, and rational manner.

I remember seeing a documentary about the Swiss healthcare system overhaul that took place a few years ago. There was a fair amount of fear and uncertainty about it. There was also a lot of fear-mongering about it, as well. After it was approved (by a small margin, as I recall), it ultimately became very popular.

I'm not saying that our case would mirror that one, but it's undeniably true that almost any societal change is met with a great deal of resistance, and there are a lot of people who gin up fear in an effort to prevent change. And all too frequently, the alleged negatives of change are widely exaggerated, and the fears are almost always wholly unwarranted. It's the same story, time and time again. That's the way it always seems to play out. You would think that people in general would catch on to that fact at some point, but they never seem to make the connection.


But the issue is more partisan politics than fear of change.
Pity there can’t be a thread where the ruling would be discussed in an objective, unemotional, and rational manner.

There is nothing rational about this. The fact it made it this far is a testament to how committed conservatives are to tearing down the government. This was the conservative solution to the health care problem..and now it's one they want reversed.

And they aren't doing it in congress..they are doing it in court.

It’s also a testament to how committed conservatives are to tearing down Obama, regardless the damage to the Nation.

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