The Obama's Summer Vacation - New England or The Gulf Coast?

Gulf officials think that Obama, who is off to Maine this weekend for a short pre-vacation before a longer one likely in Martha's Vineyard, would help them with their sales bid to the rest of the nation. They say pictures of Obama and his family, beamed around the world through the huge White House press corps, would be much better than his brief visits to the oil spill site and meeting with local residents. Instead, a vacation would prove that the beaches are open for business.

After Oil Spill, Gulf States Want Obama Vacation

And to think? The left chided Bush for taking vacations...playing golf?

Seems an inordiante amount for the Bamster in 18 months...

Same question to you

Don't you think that whining about the President taking two three day weekends during Easter and Memorial Day and taking a week vacation with his daughters makes the right wing look petty?

LOL....only if there was NEVER a word whined about Bush taking time off..... tsk tsk

But I bring you more to ponder.....

Whatever happened to the promises? I WILL NOT REST

My, how times have changed.

First Obama claimed that he would not rest until businesses were hiring.

Then he promised that he would not rest until the plotters behind the Christmas Day attempted airliner bombing in Detroit were caught. (Disingenuously, he made this promise while on vacation in Hawaii.)

Then he claimed that he would not rest until the oil in the gulf was cleaned up.

Of course then he went on vacation again to Chicago--stiffing our troops on Memorial Day--and he returned to have a big party with Paul McCartney. Now, while none of these things have been accomplished- we're still fretting a dismal jobs report, the terrorist plotters are all still out there and anonymous and the oil still flows freely while wildlife continues to die, Obama and his wife went to their second star-studded party this week at Ford's Theater. Come to think of it, I don't think I've heard much out him on the spill lately.

Gee, for a guy who keeps claiming that he's not going to rest until he gets something done, he and his wife sure seem to be getting a lot of rest...and having a lot of fun on the taxpayers' dime.

But what the hell right? Rome wasn't built in a day...and America won't be saved in this term so why the hell not go on vacation???

Have a fantastic trip Mr. President. I hope you enjoy great golf and fine food. Don't you worry about a thing...I'll still be here looking for work and trying to stretch a loaf of bread out for a week.
Gulf officials think that Obama, who is off to Maine this weekend for a short pre-vacation before a longer one likely in Martha's Vineyard, would help them with their sales bid to the rest of the nation. They say pictures of Obama and his family, beamed around the world through the huge White House press corps, would be much better than his brief visits to the oil spill site and meeting with local residents. Instead, a vacation would prove that the beaches are open for business.

After Oil Spill, Gulf States Want Obama Vacation
Are you kidding me? Liberals own the term "hipocracy"! Just as the Obama kids are shuttled to private schools, other African American children in D.C. And their parents saw their chances of getting into good schools disintegrate before their eyes as the Obama machine sqaushes the voucher programs to back the NEA,....... children be damned! It's no different with the gulf states, especially Louisiana, as he espouses the hardships brought on by the spill on one hand, while he kills tens of thousands of jobs in the exact area devistated with his moratorium on drilling. Transparency my ass!!.....
Trivia question kids....what president took more vacation days than any other president in history?

(If you need a hint, I will help you..)

Maybe it is not how many days of Vacation, but WHEN BO takes them.


Do you believe taking three day weekends for Easter and Memorial Day and a week while your kids are out of school is excessive?

I do not believe the amount of Days on Vacation is excessive during ordinary times, I do believe under the circumstances 6 days off on Vacation and 7 Golf games (if I remember correctly) during the last 80 days is excessive.

Remember the CEO of BP took one afternoon off to Sail, the Left went wacko, so do you not think BO has more a of a responsibility to the American People during this Crisis?, besides it is not like this is the only Crisis going on at this moment, maybe more work on Getting People Jobs and Less Vacation and Golfing would be a great idea, at least the millions of un-employed would halfway think BO gives a shit about them.

And to think? The left chided Bush for taking vacations...playing golf?

Seems an inordiante amount for the Bamster in 18 months...

Same question to you

Don't you think that whining about the President taking two three day weekends during Easter and Memorial Day and taking a week vacation with his daughters makes the right wing look petty?

LOL....only if there was NEVER a word whined about Bush taking time off..... tsk tsk

But I bring you more to ponder.....

Whatever happened to the promises? I WILL NOT REST

My, how times have changed.

First Obama claimed that he would not rest until businesses were hiring.

Then he promised that he would not rest until the plotters behind the Christmas Day attempted airliner bombing in Detroit were caught. (Disingenuously, he made this promise while on vacation in Hawaii.)

Then he claimed that he would not rest until the oil in the gulf was cleaned up.

Of course then he went on vacation again to Chicago--stiffing our troops on Memorial Day--and he returned to have a big party with Paul McCartney. Now, while none of these things have been accomplished- we're still fretting a dismal jobs report, the terrorist plotters are all still out there and anonymous and the oil still flows freely while wildlife continues to die, Obama and his wife went to their second star-studded party this week at Ford's Theater. Come to think of it, I don't think I've heard much out him on the spill lately.

Gee, for a guy who keeps claiming that he's not going to rest until he gets something done, he and his wife sure seem to be getting a lot of rest...and having a lot of fun on the taxpayers' dime.

But what the hell right? Rome wasn't built in a day...and America won't be saved in this term so why the hell not go on vacation???

Have a fantastic trip Mr. President. I hope you enjoy great golf and fine food. Don't you worry about a thing...I'll still be here looking for work and trying to stretch a loaf of bread out for a week.

Whatever happened to the promises? I WILL NOT REST

Now the right wingers are whining that he sleeps at night
Maybe it is not how many days of Vacation, but WHEN BO takes them.


Do you believe taking three day weekends for Easter and Memorial Day and a week while your kids are out of school is excessive?

I do not believe the amount of Days on Vacation is excessive during ordinary times, I do believe under the circumstances 6 days off on Vacation and 7 Golf games (if I remember correctly) during the last 80 days is excessive.

Remember the CEO of BP took one afternoon off to Sail, the Left went wacko, so do you not think BO has more a of a responsibility to the American People during this Crisis?, besides it is not like this is the only Crisis going on at this moment, maybe more work on Getting People Jobs and Less Vacation and Golfing would be a great idea, at least the millions of un-employed would halfway think BO gives a shit about them.


Under what circumstances? The Oil Spill?, The War? The Economy?

There is always some crisis that the right wing is outraged to the point Obama can't take 4 hours to play golf.

There was a crisis called WWII yet FDR found time to take vacations
There was a crisis called the Civil War and yet Lincoln found time to go to the Theater (Lincoln was an avid theater goer during the war)

But the right wing lunatic fringe finds reason to whine if Obama spends a week with his kids or plays golf during his off hours
A week with his kids? I don't recall a single vacation where the President was with his kids for a week.
Barry gonna go hang with his homeys in Martha's Vineyard? Boy, bet the local rich white Dimocrats will love that.
Barry gonna go hang with his homeys in Martha's Vineyard? Boy, bet the local rich white Dimocrats will love that.

I doubt it.

It will clusterfuck the island with security issues.

It costs my state millions every time he comes to visit and he has been here several times.

Barack is a rich black democrat....he should get along fine with the rich white democrats.
Do you believe taking three day weekends for Easter and Memorial Day and a week while your kids are out of school is excessive?

I do not believe the amount of Days on Vacation is excessive during ordinary times, I do believe under the circumstances 6 days off on Vacation and 7 Golf games (if I remember correctly) during the last 80 days is excessive.

Remember the CEO of BP took one afternoon off to Sail, the Left went wacko, so do you not think BO has more a of a responsibility to the American People during this Crisis?, besides it is not like this is the only Crisis going on at this moment, maybe more work on Getting People Jobs and Less Vacation and Golfing would be a great idea, at least the millions of un-employed would halfway think BO gives a shit about them.


Under what circumstances? The Oil Spill?, The War? The Economy?

There is always some crisis that the right wing is outraged to the point Obama can't take 4 hours to play golf.

There was a crisis called WWII yet FDR found time to take vacations
There was a crisis called the Civil War and yet Lincoln found time to go to the Theater (Lincoln was an avid theater goer during the war)

But the right wing lunatic fringe finds reason to whine if Obama spends a week with his kids or plays golf during his off hours

Spin as is usual for you.

It is one thing to play golf once a month during a crisis.
It is another thing to tell people "I care about how you are struggling and we must all tighten our belts" as he is dirven away at our expense to play golf at our expense for the third time in 4 weeks.

It is one thing to take a vacation during a crisis. It is another thing to take an extended vacation on the heels of you saying "I will not rest until this crisis is resolved"

The fact that you find the need to spin the general and warranted outrage speaks volumes of your own personal concern of his actions.
I wonder how good a golf game you have when these problems are in the back of your mind?

Along the same lines, I wonder if it would be poor form to hit tar balls into the Gulf with your nine iron?
Same question to you

Don't you think that whining about the President taking two three day weekends during Easter and Memorial Day and taking a week vacation with his daughters makes the right wing look petty?

LOL....only if there was NEVER a word whined about Bush taking time off..... tsk tsk

But I bring you more to ponder.....

Whatever happened to the promises? I WILL NOT REST

My, how times have changed.

First Obama claimed that he would not rest until businesses were hiring.

Then he promised that he would not rest until the plotters behind the Christmas Day attempted airliner bombing in Detroit were caught. (Disingenuously, he made this promise while on vacation in Hawaii.)

Then he claimed that he would not rest until the oil in the gulf was cleaned up.

Of course then he went on vacation again to Chicago--stiffing our troops on Memorial Day--and he returned to have a big party with Paul McCartney. Now, while none of these things have been accomplished- we're still fretting a dismal jobs report, the terrorist plotters are all still out there and anonymous and the oil still flows freely while wildlife continues to die, Obama and his wife went to their second star-studded party this week at Ford's Theater. Come to think of it, I don't think I've heard much out him on the spill lately.

Gee, for a guy who keeps claiming that he's not going to rest until he gets something done, he and his wife sure seem to be getting a lot of rest...and having a lot of fun on the taxpayers' dime.

But what the hell right? Rome wasn't built in a day...and America won't be saved in this term so why the hell not go on vacation???

Have a fantastic trip Mr. President. I hope you enjoy great golf and fine food. Don't you worry about a thing...I'll still be here looking for work and trying to stretch a loaf of bread out for a week.

Whatever happened to the promises? I WILL NOT REST

Now the right wingers are whining that he sleeps at night

Hmmm...the only rightwinger I know of that has said that is you...but if you can show me where someone other than you has said that, I'd be happy to retract. But for the record, I never said he didn't need sleep. Everybody needs sleep to function. Maybe he needs more sleep so he can fit in all his golf games and still manage to get some work done that day too. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you said in another post that you didn't see anything wrong with Obama taking 4 hours to play golf. That's simply unrealistic for the POTUS. Security detail alone slows the process down...but then we also have to consider his game is not the there's more time to hunt for the Presidents balls...which I'm sure some poor bastard in a suit and shades has to do.

And let's consider this while comparing Bush and Obama -

Obama has played far more golf than Bush did as President. Bush played 24 rounds during his first two years and 10 months in office, again according to Knoller’s statistics, while Obama has played 39 rounds in half that time.

Bush gave up playing golf in 2003, saying he did not think it was appropriate to play while the nation was at war.

White House spokesman Burton was asked about Obama’s golf playing after White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel criticized BP CEO Tony Hayward for yachting while the oil spill continued.
Read more here...if you care to

White House says Obama’s golf outings ‘do us all good’ | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
I do not believe the amount of Days on Vacation is excessive during ordinary times, I do believe under the circumstances 6 days off on Vacation and 7 Golf games (if I remember correctly) during the last 80 days is excessive.

Remember the CEO of BP took one afternoon off to Sail, the Left went wacko, so do you not think BO has more a of a responsibility to the American People during this Crisis?, besides it is not like this is the only Crisis going on at this moment, maybe more work on Getting People Jobs and Less Vacation and Golfing would be a great idea, at least the millions of un-employed would halfway think BO gives a shit about them.


Under what circumstances? The Oil Spill?, The War? The Economy?

There is always some crisis that the right wing is outraged to the point Obama can't take 4 hours to play golf.

There was a crisis called WWII yet FDR found time to take vacations
There was a crisis called the Civil War and yet Lincoln found time to go to the Theater (Lincoln was an avid theater goer during the war)

But the right wing lunatic fringe finds reason to whine if Obama spends a week with his kids or plays golf during his off hours

Spin as is usual for you.

It is one thing to play golf once a month during a crisis.
It is another thing to tell people "I care about how you are struggling and we must all tighten our belts" as he is dirven away at our expense to play golf at our expense for the third time in 4 weeks.

It is one thing to take a vacation during a crisis. It is another thing to take an extended vacation on the heels of you saying "I will not rest until this crisis is resolved"

The fact that you find the need to spin the general and warranted outrage speaks volumes of your own personal concern of his actions.

LOL So now you hjave a problem with the President sleeping at night? He dares to get rest at night?

Got news for you. Presidents work a job under extremely strenuous circumstances. At the end of a hard day, they are entitled to free time. At the end of a hard week, they are entitled to a weekend of personal time. Every President has done that even during the Depression, even during WWII.
What he does in his free time is up to him. I don't care if he watches football, surfs the internet or plays golf.
Allowing a man a week vacation to spend time with his wife and children is not excessive

Once again proving how petty the right wing has become once they are no longer in power
Under what circumstances? The Oil Spill?, The War? The Economy?

There is always some crisis that the right wing is outraged to the point Obama can't take 4 hours to play golf.

There was a crisis called WWII yet FDR found time to take vacations
There was a crisis called the Civil War and yet Lincoln found time to go to the Theater (Lincoln was an avid theater goer during the war)

But the right wing lunatic fringe finds reason to whine if Obama spends a week with his kids or plays golf during his off hours

Spin as is usual for you.

It is one thing to play golf once a month during a crisis.
It is another thing to tell people "I care about how you are struggling and we must all tighten our belts" as he is dirven away at our expense to play golf at our expense for the third time in 4 weeks.

It is one thing to take a vacation during a crisis. It is another thing to take an extended vacation on the heels of you saying "I will not rest until this crisis is resolved"

The fact that you find the need to spin the general and warranted outrage speaks volumes of your own personal concern of his actions.

LOL So now you hjave a problem with the President sleeping at night? He dares to get rest at night?

Got news for you. Presidents work a job under extremely strenuous circumstances. At the end of a hard day, they are entitled to free time. At the end of a hard week, they are entitled to a weekend of personal time. Every President has done that even during the Depression, even during WWII.
What he does in his free time is up to him. I don't care if he watches football, surfs the internet or plays golf.
Allowing a man a week vacation to spend time with his wife and children is not excessive

Once again proving how petty the right wing has become once they are no longer in power

Spin again. He said "he will not rest" which all sane thinking Americans took it as "I will rest when I need to but this is a priority and I will not put it on the back burner". None of us took it as "he will not sleep"

However, when a CEO has a business crisis, he works 6-7 days a week.

Even the administration criticized the BP CEO for taking ONE weekend day off to attend a regatta; and the crticism was warranted.

Sorry. Nice try. But this President seems to want to let Americans know that even though most of us are suffering, he is not.
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Spin as is usual for you.

It is one thing to play golf once a month during a crisis.
It is another thing to tell people "I care about how you are struggling and we must all tighten our belts" as he is dirven away at our expense to play golf at our expense for the third time in 4 weeks.

It is one thing to take a vacation during a crisis. It is another thing to take an extended vacation on the heels of you saying "I will not rest until this crisis is resolved"

The fact that you find the need to spin the general and warranted outrage speaks volumes of your own personal concern of his actions.

LOL So now you hjave a problem with the President sleeping at night? He dares to get rest at night?

Got news for you. Presidents work a job under extremely strenuous circumstances. At the end of a hard day, they are entitled to free time. At the end of a hard week, they are entitled to a weekend of personal time. Every President has done that even during the Depression, even during WWII.
What he does in his free time is up to him. I don't care if he watches football, surfs the internet or plays golf.
Allowing a man a week vacation to spend time with his wife and children is not excessive

Once again proving how petty the right wing has become once they are no longer in power

Spin again. He said "he will not rest" which all sane thinking Americans took it as "I will rest when I need to but this is a priority and I will not put it on the back burner". None of us took it as "he will not sleep"

However, when a CEO has a business crisis, he works 6-7 days a week.

Even the administration criticized the BP CEO for taking ONE weekend day off to attend a regatta; and the crticism was warranted.

Sorry. Nice try. But this President seems to want to let Americans know that even though most of us are suffering, he is not.

Spin again. He said "he will not rest" which all sane thinking Americans took it as "I will rest when I need to but this is a priority and I will not put it on the back burner". None of us took it as "he will not sleep"

Since you are taking "I will not rest" literally, naturaly it would include sleeping

The President has taken two three day weekends for Easter and Memorial Day....the wingnuts whined during each one
He is now spending a week with his family on a summer vacation. The wingnuts are once again whining

Got news for you. The Gulf spill is an ecological disaster. Holding round the clock staff meetings over the weekend will not end it any sooner.
Americans were dying in the Civil War and WWII and both Lincoln and FDR found time off.

Rightwing showing how petty they have become now that they no longer call the shots
1. Two days in New England is hardly a vacation.

2. The shrub spent over Two (02) Years of his Eight (08) years of office on vacation.

This topic is older than you are.
LOL So now you hjave a problem with the President sleeping at night? He dares to get rest at night?

Got news for you. Presidents work a job under extremely strenuous circumstances. At the end of a hard day, they are entitled to free time. At the end of a hard week, they are entitled to a weekend of personal time. Every President has done that even during the Depression, even during WWII.
What he does in his free time is up to him. I don't care if he watches football, surfs the internet or plays golf.
Allowing a man a week vacation to spend time with his wife and children is not excessive

Once again proving how petty the right wing has become once they are no longer in power

Spin again. He said "he will not rest" which all sane thinking Americans took it as "I will rest when I need to but this is a priority and I will not put it on the back burner". None of us took it as "he will not sleep"

However, when a CEO has a business crisis, he works 6-7 days a week.

Even the administration criticized the BP CEO for taking ONE weekend day off to attend a regatta; and the crticism was warranted.

Sorry. Nice try. But this President seems to want to let Americans know that even though most of us are suffering, he is not.

Spin again. He said "he will not rest" which all sane thinking Americans took it as "I will rest when I need to but this is a priority and I will not put it on the back burner". None of us took it as "he will not sleep"

Since you are taking "I will not rest" literally, naturaly it would include sleeping

The President has taken two three day weekends for Easter and Memorial Day....the wingnuts whined during each one
He is now spending a week with his family on a summer vacation. The wingnuts are once again whining

Got news for you. The Gulf spill is an ecological disaster. Holding round the clock staff meetings over the weekend will not end it any sooner.
Americans were dying in the Civil War and WWII and both Lincoln and FDR found time off.

Rightwing showing how petty they have become now that they no longer call the shots

So based on what you say...why did Axelrod and Emanuel and the left and the media publicly chastise the BP CEO for taking a sunday off to attend a regatta?
Why not Kenya where he was born?.he sould go visit there,let his children get to kow his home land...i think last i herd he has a brother
1. Two days in New England is hardly a vacation.

2. The shrub spent over Two (02) Years of his Eight (08) years of office on vacation.

This topic is older than you are.

I love the way you simply make things up.

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