The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!


You should take your own advice

Most FDR programs did very little to get us out of the depression.
Just like Papa Obama's Pork bill did little for our economy
but it did help his friends

Speaking of gov't programs to save us....

Papa Obama: 433 Million No-Bid Contract for friends

Senior officials have taken unusual steps to secure the contract f
or New York-based Siga Technologies Inc., whose controlling shareholder is billionaire Ronald O. Perelman, one of the world's richest men and a longtime Democratic Party donor. [/URL]

When Siga complained that contracting specialists at the Department of Health and Human Services were resisting the company's financial demands, senior officials replaced the government's lead negotiator for the deal, interviews and documents show.

When Siga was in danger of losing its grip on the contract a year ago, the officials blocked other firms from competing.

Just a question...did you ever point out any of Bush's no bid contracts? Ever hear of Halliburton? Blackwater?
Yeah, I'm a heartless ass. I'm so heartless I have taken in no less than 3 homeless young men, one of them is still with us. I am so heartless I give up my Mon afternoons to hand out free lunches to the homeless, and yes, I help pay for them. I am so heartless I have given of my time, my money and my possessions to make the lives of those less fortunate than me a little better. What have you done?
I own two businesses and pay roughly 30 people for working. One is a design biz I run, the other is a restaurant my wife runs. I do her back office work.

The restaurant starts people at minimum wage. We give them little chance to improve if they suck because we can't pay $7.25 an hour for someone if they aren't pulling their weight, it's a high hour business.

btw, I know people living in tent cities that are working. They are not on drugs, they are not alcoholics, they just don't make enough to afford an apartment. I think they should make enough to afford a roof over their heads and that make me heartless?????

No, what makes you heartless is you deny people not worth $7.25 an hour a job.

Let's apply basic logic to this. Say the government passed a law you can't buy a toaster for less then $30. What would happen to toasters that today cost $20? Would the price increase to $30? No, people would buy a better toaster since they have to pay $30 for a toaster. Duh.

You think people are all worth $7.25 an hour? You're not only a heartless ass you're fucking nuts. They aren't, trust me, I know. If I have to pay that, I'm going to find employees who are at least worth it.

Basic logic, the minimum wage is an obviously retarded plan that does not, will not and never did work. All it does is deny employment to the people who need a job the most. Blocking them from getting work through the power of government guns? Damn straight, you're a heartless ass.

Spare me, restaurants don't even pay mw to their waitresses and waiters. They expect the customer to pay them with tips. For some it's a good business, for others, they don't make enough hardly to eat.

Many, many restaurants hire illegals...knowing that they can treat them poorly and pay them little. Some work under the table.

The fact that you are against mw and your wife owns a restaurant tells me a whole lot about your greed....and you think I'M heartless?

I'll bet you're like the one who laid off my friend after she'd worked for the restaurant for a year because the alternative was to raise her wages.
Pay higher MW and the cost for the product will rise. The bottom line for any business is to make a profit, you can't keep the product at the same price while giving higher cuts in to the profit.

PS...I never said anything about more tax breaks for the wealthy. I don't know where that came from.

Same place you got the idea I wanted to tax the rich more.

A rising tide raises all boats. Put the money in the hands of those who spend it and that's what will happen. Our economy was better when the mw had the highest spending power in history and the top tax rate was 70%. We had a strong middle class and a strong economy. Now we are in a great depression...the rich are paying the lowes taxes than since the income tax was started and the mw has the lowest spending power in history and you don't see a correlation to this great depression????

Back in the day there wasn't 47% not paying any taxes, and there wasn't an Earned Income Credit, either.
Back in the day the poor were actually poor. Today a good percentage of the poor have more than one TV, Xboxes, cell phones, more than one car, own homes. See where I'm going with this?

I guess you aren't looking at the truly poor...but the lower middleclass and considering them poor. And what 47% are not paying taxes, unless you are telling me that 47% of this country is poor. Or are you including the corporations that aren't paying taxes?

I don't know what the percentage was not paying taxes, but when income tax was introduced it was 90% on the top1% and about 5% on the middleclass.
the last thing the GOP wants to hear is the possibility of more jobs coming. That would be the death of their plans. Heck, they would have to change their very platform! They will redicule the OWS while pandering to the freakish Tea Baggers.
"On September 17th, men and women of all races, backgrounds, political and religious beliefs, began to organize in nonviolent protest. These men and women represent the 99% with the goal of ending the greed and corruption of the wealthiest 1% of America. Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless resistance movement which began as a call to action from Adbusters, a Canadian-based anti-consumerist organization."

Occupy Together*|* OCCUPY WALL ST.

The richest 1% would never have come into existence thousands of years ago without the institution of chattel slavery.

The greed and corruption of today's 1% still depends on ignorant slaves for its survival.

But that isn't true. I am no where near the top 1% and those people do not represent me.
Does the one percent represent you?
Do Republicans?
Do you see any other options?

Since the latest GOP crusade to slash taxes began in 1997 the average annual income of the richest 400 Americans tripled to $345 million primarily because their (fair) share of our collective tax burden dropped by 40%.

Today a billionaire in the richest 400 club pays 17% of her income in taxes.

Why would you choose to side with corrupt billionaires?

How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich | Politics News | Rolling Stone

You should take your own advice

Most FDR programs did very little to get us out of the depression.
Just like Papa Obama's Pork bill did little for our economy
but it did help his friends

Speaking of gov't programs to save us....

Papa Obama: 433 Million No-Bid Contract for friends

Senior officials have taken unusual steps to secure the contract f
or New York-based Siga Technologies Inc., whose controlling shareholder is billionaire Ronald O. Perelman, one of the world's richest men and a longtime Democratic Party donor. [/URL]

When Siga complained that contracting specialists at the Department of Health and Human Services were resisting the company's financial demands, senior officials replaced the government's lead negotiator for the deal, interviews and documents show.

When Siga was in danger of losing its grip on the contract a year ago, the officials blocked other firms from competing.

Just a question...did you ever point out any of Bush's no bid contracts? Ever hear of Halliburton? Blackwater?


re read the original post, I say both parties

Even current history you have a problem
the last thing the GOP wants to hear is the possibility of more jobs coming. That would be the death of their plans. Heck, they would have to change their very platform! They will redicule the OWS while pandering to the freakish Tea Baggers.
And those jobs are what? More Gubmint Jobs with UNION backing.

NO THANKS.:eusa_hand:

It is too funny how the Left acts
like Papa Obama's Pork bill never happened

Must be for the same reason they don't call it Papa ObamaCare

too ashamed to attach any knowledge to it
the last thing the GOP wants to hear is the possibility of more jobs coming. That would be the death of their plans. Heck, they would have to change their very platform! They will redicule the OWS while pandering to the freakish Tea Baggers.
And those jobs are what? More Gubmint Jobs with UNION backing.

NO THANKS.:eusa_hand:

It is too funny how the Left acts
like Papa Obama's Pork bill never happened

Must be for the same reason they don't call it Papa ObamaCare

too ashamed to attach any knowledge to it
And why should they attach thier name to failure that they supported? :eusa_eh::eusa_whistle:
No, what makes you heartless is you deny people not worth $7.25 an hour a job.

Let's apply basic logic to this. Say the government passed a law you can't buy a toaster for less then $30. What would happen to toasters that today cost $20? Would the price increase to $30? No, people would buy a better toaster since they have to pay $30 for a toaster. Duh.

You think people are all worth $7.25 an hour? You're not only a heartless ass you're fucking nuts. They aren't, trust me, I know. If I have to pay that, I'm going to find employees who are at least worth it.

Basic logic, the minimum wage is an obviously retarded plan that does not, will not and never did work. All it does is deny employment to the people who need a job the most. Blocking them from getting work through the power of government guns? Damn straight, you're a heartless ass.

Spare me, restaurants don't even pay mw to their waitresses and waiters. They expect the customer to pay them with tips. For some it's a good business, for others, they don't make enough hardly to eat.

Many, many restaurants hire illegals...knowing that they can treat them poorly and pay them little. Some work under the table.

The fact that you are against mw and your wife owns a restaurant tells me a whole lot about your greed....and you think I'M heartless?

I'll bet you're like the one who laid off my friend after she'd worked for the restaurant for a year because the alternative was to raise her wages.

You're not heartless because you expect me to overpay for staff and go out of business costing everyone their job. Gotcha, comrade. You know nothing about the real world, and sadly you don't want to. Head in the sand. The problem is that your denial of reality doesn't spare you of the consequences of Comrade Obama implementing your policies, does it? Now even more people don't have jobs and you want more of same.
Yeah, I'm a heartless ass. I'm so heartless I have taken in no less than 3 homeless young men, one of them is still with us. I am so heartless I give up my Mon afternoons to hand out free lunches to the homeless, and yes, I help pay for them. I am so heartless I have given of my time, my money and my possessions to make the lives of those less fortunate than me a little better. What have you done?
I own two businesses and pay roughly 30 people for working. One is a design biz I run, the other is a restaurant my wife runs. I do her back office work.

The restaurant starts people at minimum wage. We give them little chance to improve if they suck because we can't pay $7.25 an hour for someone if they aren't pulling their weight, it's a high hour business.

btw, I know people living in tent cities that are working. They are not on drugs, they are not alcoholics, they just don't make enough to afford an apartment. I think they should make enough to afford a roof over their heads and that make me heartless?????

No, what makes you heartless is you deny people not worth $7.25 an hour a job.

Let's apply basic logic to this. Say the government passed a law you can't buy a toaster for less then $30. What would happen to toasters that today cost $20? Would the price increase to $30? No, people would buy a better toaster since they have to pay $30 for a toaster. Duh.

You think people are all worth $7.25 an hour? You're not only a heartless ass you're fucking nuts. They aren't, trust me, I know. If I have to pay that, I'm going to find employees who are at least worth it.

Basic logic, the minimum wage is an obviously retarded plan that does not, will not and never did work. All it does is deny employment to the people who need a job the most. Blocking them from getting work through the power of government guns? Damn straight, you're a heartless ass.

Spare me, restaurants don't even pay mw to their waitresses and waiters. They expect the customer to pay them with tips. For some it's a good business, for others, they don't make enough hardly to eat.

Many, many restaurants hire illegals...knowing that they can treat them poorly and pay them little. Some work under the table.

The fact that you are against mw and your wife owns a restaurant tells me a whole lot about your greed....and you think I'M heartless?

I'll bet you're like the one who laid off my friend after she'd worked for the restaurant for a year because the alternative was to raise her wages.

I got news for ya. I've run many businesses, many different kinds of businesses and I have canned people after a year because the alternative was to give them a raise. They weren't worth a raise. Get rid of them. Get someone else, and if after a year they proved that they are worth more, they get more. Your friend wasn't worth more money. The answer for her is to become worth more.

I hired a girl as a file clerk, she didn't get a raise for a year and a half. One of my secretaries moved when her husband got a new job someplace else. My file clerk said she'd like to try her hand at the job - for the same money she made as a file clerk. No raise, just increased responsibility. In a month I doubled her salary.

Sorry to say, your friend was probably overpaid for the year she worked there.
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I got news for ya. I've run many businesses, many different kinds of businesses and I have canned people after a year because the alternative was to give them a raise. They weren't worth a raise. Get rid of them. Get someone else, and if after a year they proved that they are worth more, they get more. Your friend wasn't worth more money. The answer for her is to become worth more.

I hired a girl as a file clerk, she didn't get a raise for a year and a half. One of my secretaries moved when her husband got a new job someplace else. My file clerk said she'd like to try her hand at the job - for the same money she made as a file clerk. No raise, just increased responsibility. In a month I doubled her salary.

Sorry to say, your friend was probably overpaid for the year she worked there.

Exactly. I'm always looking for good employees. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy. I do it without being required to. His friend may be a good friend, but they are a crappy employee if they were let go for that.
I own two businesses and pay roughly 30 people for working. One is a design biz I run, the other is a restaurant my wife runs. I do her back office work.

The restaurant starts people at minimum wage. We give them little chance to improve if they suck because we can't pay $7.25 an hour for someone if they aren't pulling their weight, it's a high hour business.

No, what makes you heartless is you deny people not worth $7.25 an hour a job.

Let's apply basic logic to this. Say the government passed a law you can't buy a toaster for less then $30. What would happen to toasters that today cost $20? Would the price increase to $30? No, people would buy a better toaster since they have to pay $30 for a toaster. Duh.

You think people are all worth $7.25 an hour? You're not only a heartless ass you're fucking nuts. They aren't, trust me, I know. If I have to pay that, I'm going to find employees who are at least worth it.

Basic logic, the minimum wage is an obviously retarded plan that does not, will not and never did work. All it does is deny employment to the people who need a job the most. Blocking them from getting work through the power of government guns? Damn straight, you're a heartless ass.

Spare me, restaurants don't even pay mw to their waitresses and waiters. They expect the customer to pay them with tips. For some it's a good business, for others, they don't make enough hardly to eat.

Many, many restaurants hire illegals...knowing that they can treat them poorly and pay them little. Some work under the table.

The fact that you are against mw and your wife owns a restaurant tells me a whole lot about your greed....and you think I'M heartless?

I'll bet you're like the one who laid off my friend after she'd worked for the restaurant for a year because the alternative was to raise her wages.

I got news for ya. I've run many businesses, many different kinds of businesses and I have canned people after a year because the alternative was to give them a raise. They weren't worth a raise. Get rid of them. Get someone else, and if after a year they proved that they are worth more, they get more. Your friend wasn't worth more money. The answer for her is to become worth more.

I hired a girl as a file clerk, she didn't get a raise for a year and a half. One of my secretaries moved when her husband got a new job someplace else. My file clerk said she'd like to try her hand at the job - for the same money she made as a file clerk. No raise, just increased responsibility. In a month I doubled her salary.

Sorry to say, your friend was probably overpaid for the year she worked there.

Bulcrap! It happens all the time in restaurants and other companies that hire mw workers.

It's cheaper to hire new than to keep the old and provide benefits.

You didn't give your file clerk a raise for a year and a half? Yet you doubled her salary as a secretary????? Are you saying she was poor at filing? Or you just didn't give a crap about her when all she was doing is filing?
I got news for ya. I've run many businesses, many different kinds of businesses and I have canned people after a year because the alternative was to give them a raise. They weren't worth a raise. Get rid of them. Get someone else, and if after a year they proved that they are worth more, they get more. Your friend wasn't worth more money. The answer for her is to become worth more.

I hired a girl as a file clerk, she didn't get a raise for a year and a half. One of my secretaries moved when her husband got a new job someplace else. My file clerk said she'd like to try her hand at the job - for the same money she made as a file clerk. No raise, just increased responsibility. In a month I doubled her salary.

Sorry to say, your friend was probably overpaid for the year she worked there.

Exactly. I'm always looking for good employees. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy. I do it without being required to. His friend may be a good friend, but they are a crappy employee if they were let go for that.

You are both right and wrong. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy, but she was a great employee. When she got a job at Warehouser working for their cafeteria, she kept it for more than 20 years before she lost her job when they went with a different company. Now, she's been out of a job for 2 years. Try finding a job at 50 when your entire resume is basically serving fast food.
Bulcrap! It happens all the time in restaurants and other companies that hire mw workers.

It's cheaper to hire new than to keep the old and provide benefits

You know NOTHING of what you're talking about. Typical liberal, you talk to people who do and rather then asking anything or being curious, you lecture us on a topic you have zero personal experience.

The biggest pain in running a restaurant is finding and training employees. You find a good one and you're going to over a small raise replace them with a revolving door of mostly useless workers and that's CHEAPER? You are completely ignorant and with your attitude you're going to stay that way.
I got news for ya. I've run many businesses, many different kinds of businesses and I have canned people after a year because the alternative was to give them a raise. They weren't worth a raise. Get rid of them. Get someone else, and if after a year they proved that they are worth more, they get more. Your friend wasn't worth more money. The answer for her is to become worth more.

I hired a girl as a file clerk, she didn't get a raise for a year and a half. One of my secretaries moved when her husband got a new job someplace else. My file clerk said she'd like to try her hand at the job - for the same money she made as a file clerk. No raise, just increased responsibility. In a month I doubled her salary.

Sorry to say, your friend was probably overpaid for the year she worked there.

Exactly. I'm always looking for good employees. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy. I do it without being required to. His friend may be a good friend, but they are a crappy employee if they were let go for that.

You are both right and wrong. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy, but she was a great employee. When she got a job at Warehouser working for their cafeteria, she kept it for more than 20 years before she lost her job when they went with a different company. Now, she's been out of a job for 2 years. Try finding a job at 50 when your entire resume is basically serving fast food.

You said she was fired over a small raise, now she was going to be fired anyway because they went with another company. You're so full of it.
pay the mw workers more and they will spend it, there will be an influx of money into our economy making our economy BETTER.

So taking money from a business is putting it into the economy?

That depends on who it goes to. Consumers are the real job creators. The people who write the paychecks are just the middlemen. If consumers don't have money to spend, nobody has any incentive to hire anyone and most businesses probably need to lay people off.

That's why our economy did the best it's ever done when top marginal taxes ranged between 70% and 92%, when 39% of the workforce was unionized driving wages up across the board, and when Wall Street was regulated to prevent the kind of fiasco we had a few years ago.

Supply side economics is either ignorance or dishonesty, depending on who's advocating it.
Exactly. I'm always looking for good employees. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy. I do it without being required to. His friend may be a good friend, but they are a crappy employee if they were let go for that.

You are both right and wrong. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy, but she was a great employee. When she got a job at Warehouser working for their cafeteria, she kept it for more than 20 years before she lost her job when they went with a different company. Now, she's been out of a job for 2 years. Try finding a job at 50 when your entire resume is basically serving fast food.

You said she was fired over a small raise, now she was going to be fired anyway because they went with another company. You're so full of it.

Nice try, read carefully, I was taking about 2 different jobs. One with King's Table and another with a company that provided food for the cafeteria at Warehouser.

And notice how I corrected you without insulting you. Try debating for a change instead of just arguing.
Think about it. Do you believe it's fair that a person working as hard as they can on minimum wage can't afford to put a roof over their head without help from someone else?
Why should a teenager with zero experience be able to put a roof over their head? When you see "minimum wage" read "minimum skills". Think about it. Do you believe it's fair a business is forced pay enough for the lowest of all employees in skill, experience and reliability to "put a roof over their heads" when they aren't worth it or they would already be paying that?

As a biz owner I'd increase my employees wages if that would make them worth more, it doesn't. And one of the great lies of liberalism is the minimum wage is a tide that lifts all boats when it's a hurdle that prevents people from working unless they are worth $7.25 an hour. You really care about "fair" ask yourself why you prevent people from working because they are not worth a random salary chosen by you. Check the teenage unemployment stats, particularly in poor areas, and feel like the heartless ass that you are.

More than 70% of mw workers are adults.

The teenage unemployment has increased due to increased immigration, both legal and illegal. Apparently, business owners would rather hire an adult than a teenager for mw work.

Yeah, I'm a heartless ass. I'm so heartless I have taken in no less than 3 homeless young men, one of them is still with us. I am so heartless I give up my Mon afternoons to hand out free lunches to the homeless, and yes, I help pay for them. I am so heartless I have given of my time, my money and my possessions to make the lives of those less fortunate than me a little better. What have you done?

btw, I know people living in tent cities that are working. They are not on drugs, they are not alcoholics, they just don't make enough to afford an apartment. I think they should make enough to afford a roof over their heads and that make me heartless?????
Who is Paid the Minimum Wage and Who Would be Affected by a $1.50 per Hour Increase

Who Works the Minimum Wage?
The 1.6 million paid-hourly workers who earn minimum wages can be broken down into two broad groups.1
Over half (53 percent) are teenagers or young adults under the age of 23. More than half (54 percent) of these young workers live in families with incomes two or more times the official poverty level for their family size and 18 percent live in poor families. The average family income of these young workers is almost $50,500 per year. The average income for single young workers is $11,200. Over 63 percent are enrolled in either high school or college.
The other half (47 percent) are workers ages 23 and up. More of these workers live in poor families (29 percent). Yet, even within this half of the minimum wage population, the average family income is over $38,100 per year. The average income for single workers is $19,300. Over 30 percent of these older workers did not graduate from high school and another 36 percent had only a high school diploma.
Almost 43 percent of all minimum wage workers are children, 26 percent are married family heads or spouses, 11 percent are single family heads, and 17 percent are single people (another 3 percent are other relatives).
Less than 21 percent of minimum wage workers are the sole breadwinners of their families and less than 5 percent are sole breadwinners that work full-time year-round. Less than 5 percent of minimum wage workers are poor single mothers over 18 years old.
Over 57 percent of all minimum wage workers work part-time voluntarily. Only 25 percent work full-time year-round while over 28 percent work part-time part of the year.
The average family income for all minimum wage workers is $45,200 and their wages account for 35 percent of their total family income. The average income of single-nonfamily minimum wage workers is $16,800.
Very Few Workers Remain at Entry-Level Wages for Long
Nearly two-thirds of minimum wage workers move above the minimum wage within one year, and the median raise for those workers is over 10 percent.2 For full-time minimum wage workers, the median first-year raise is almost 14 percent. Entry-level jobs are not lifelong dead-end jobs.

Ya know what? If you'd do some checking before you post, you might just have a bit of credibility...
Otherwise, you're just whining.
It's not trickling down now! Besides, I never said anything about taxes, I said pay the mw workers more and they will spend it, there will be an influx of money into our economy making our economy BETTER.

Giving tax breaks to the wealthy certainly hasn't helped, in fact it has made things worse and you think giving more tax breaks to the wealthy will fix it??????

Pay higher MW and the cost for the product will rise. The bottom line for any business is to make a profit, you can't keep the product at the same price while giving higher cuts in to the profit.

PS...I never said anything about more tax breaks for the wealthy. I don't know where that came from.

Same place you got the idea I wanted to tax the rich more.

A rising tide raises all boats. Put the money in the hands of those who spend it and that's what will happen. Our economy was better when the mw had the highest spending power in history and the top tax rate was 70%. We had a strong middle class and a strong economy. Now we are in a great depression...the rich are paying the lowes taxes than since the income tax was started and the mw has the lowest spending power in history and you don't see a correlation to this great depression????
One constant with you libs in this "raise the wages' idea is, you never consider where the money is going to come from.
You all assume that all business owners are wealthy people. You all believe every business makes a profit and none of that goes back into the business.
Those assumptions and beliefs are dead wrong.60% of all private sector workers are employed by small business. Many small businesses are low margin. They operate on limited budgets. Most profit is reinvested back into the business to make payroll and pay taxes. While other monies are used to purchase supplies, fuel, etc....
So just what do you think would happen if your idea of wage utopia were to be enacted?
Quite frankly ,I get sick and tired of you people who have this notion of compassion that begins and ends in other people's wallets.
None of you has ever operated business and if you have, you failed. Most of you have never considered making your own mark. Nor would you ever take any kind of risk.
Your whole life was set before you based on the comfortable idea of a steady paycheck.
Most people who's hearts bleed for the low wage worker, have most everything they need and much of what they want. They own homes, live in the suburbs, take vacations, own more than one car etc....So please, when you want to spend money on your idea of compassion, make sure it's your own money first. Then you come back and ask for others to contribute.

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