The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

Folks making the miminum wage have no business having children.
The miminimum wage keeps wages for unskilled workers lower than they should be.
Some folks are not worth a nickel an hour for their work. Some people will willingly and be glad to work for LESS than the minimum wage.
If one makes the minimum wage then work 80 hours a week and shut the fuck up.
NO cry babies.
Huh? I thought America was a free country and children were welcome here. lol.
Folks making the miminum wage have no business having children.
The miminimum wage keeps wages for unskilled workers lower than they should be.
Some folks are not worth a nickel an hour for their work. Some people will willingly and be glad to work for LESS than the minimum wage.
If one makes the minimum wage then work 80 hours a week and shut the fuck up.
NO cry babies.
Huh? I thought America was a free country and children were welcome here. lol.
There's no such thing a a "free" country. We have certain freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution. However, those freedoms are not absolute.
There is an understood freedom to procreate. Also not absolute.
You people that get your hackles up the moment you see anything relating to children and affording them. You forget that when one decides to bring children into the world they take on a great responsibility. Playtime is OVER. The sacrifices begin.
Unfortunately, too many so called parents continue to think only of themselves even after the child(ren) is/are born.
Bottom line ...PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY....And please don't give ,me the whine about accidental pregnancy and "what are these people supposed to do"?
People should think of the consequences BEFORE copulation. Not after.
No, we don't throw them into the street. But your side says give the irresponsible a free ride. No more. Make them work for it, go to school. Learn a trade so they can earn more so they can pay for their kids.
Give a man a fish so he may eat for a day. Teach a man to fish so that he may eat for a lifetime.
I got news for ya. I've run many businesses, many different kinds of businesses and I have canned people after a year because the alternative was to give them a raise. They weren't worth a raise. Get rid of them. Get someone else, and if after a year they proved that they are worth more, they get more. Your friend wasn't worth more money. The answer for her is to become worth more.

I hired a girl as a file clerk, she didn't get a raise for a year and a half. One of my secretaries moved when her husband got a new job someplace else. My file clerk said she'd like to try her hand at the job - for the same money she made as a file clerk. No raise, just increased responsibility. In a month I doubled her salary.

Sorry to say, your friend was probably overpaid for the year she worked there.

Exactly. I'm always looking for good employees. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy. I do it without being required to. His friend may be a good friend, but they are a crappy employee if they were let go for that.

You are both right and wrong. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy, but she was a great employee. When she got a job at Warehouser working for their cafeteria, she kept it for more than 20 years before she lost her job when they went with a different company. Now, she's been out of a job for 2 years. Try finding a job at 50 when your entire resume is basically serving fast food.
Yeah and?...So someone who never planned ahead. Never figured on doing anything else except a low skill low wage job as a cafeteria worker is now OWED something?
Why did this person not use her time to acquire some additional skills and perhaps try to become the cafeteria manager or at least a supervisor? Why did she learn a skill outside the food industry to make herself more marketable?
I want to respond to your earlier comment regarding the file clerk turned secretary.
Look, file clerks are low skill, low wage employees. They come a dime a dozen. A secretary, especially one who can organize the boss' schedule, make sure he or she is on time for their meetings, gets things done is a valuable employee. The pay for this position and the skills that go with it is much higher.
No business would pay a low skill person high wages. That is not how it works.
Now in the tiny world of unions, the guy who can stop a crane, fix it and operate it gets no more money than the guy who pushes a broom all day. That's why unions are so fucked up and why business is closing them out.
IN the real world pay is commensurate with experience, skill and the position in which one is employed. DONE.
Folks making the miminum wage have no business having children.
The miminimum wage keeps wages for unskilled workers lower than they should be.
Some folks are not worth a nickel an hour for their work. Some people will willingly and be glad to work for LESS than the minimum wage.
If one makes the minimum wage then work 80 hours a week and shut the fuck up.
NO cry babies.
Huh? I thought America was a free country and children were welcome here. lol.

Just as long as I DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM.
Folks with kids that make minimum wage have their hand in my pocket.
Section 8, food stamps, free health care, energy subsidies, free cell phone.
More than 70% of mw workers are adults.

The teenage unemployment has increased due to increased immigration, both legal and illegal. Apparently, business owners would rather hire an adult than a teenager for mw work.

Yeah, I'm a heartless ass. I'm so heartless I have taken in no less than 3 homeless young men, one of them is still with us. I am so heartless I give up my Mon afternoons to hand out free lunches to the homeless, and yes, I help pay for them. I am so heartless I have given of my time, my money and my possessions to make the lives of those less fortunate than me a little better. What have you done?

btw, I know people living in tent cities that are working. They are not on drugs, they are not alcoholics, they just don't make enough to afford an apartment. I think they should make enough to afford a roof over their heads and that make me heartless?????
Who is Paid the Minimum Wage and Who Would be Affected by a $1.50 per Hour Increase

Who Works the Minimum Wage?
The 1.6 million paid-hourly workers who earn minimum wages can be broken down into two broad groups.1
Over half (53 percent) are teenagers or young adults under the age of 23. More than half (54 percent) of these young workers live in families with incomes two or more times the official poverty level for their family size and 18 percent live in poor families. The average family income of these young workers is almost $50,500 per year. The average income for single young workers is $11,200. Over 63 percent are enrolled in either high school or college.
The other half (47 percent) are workers ages 23 and up. More of these workers live in poor families (29 percent). Yet, even within this half of the minimum wage population, the average family income is over $38,100 per year. The average income for single workers is $19,300. Over 30 percent of these older workers did not graduate from high school and another 36 percent had only a high school diploma.
Almost 43 percent of all minimum wage workers are children, 26 percent are married family heads or spouses, 11 percent are single family heads, and 17 percent are single people (another 3 percent are other relatives).
Less than 21 percent of minimum wage workers are the sole breadwinners of their families and less than 5 percent are sole breadwinners that work full-time year-round. Less than 5 percent of minimum wage workers are poor single mothers over 18 years old.
Over 57 percent of all minimum wage workers work part-time voluntarily. Only 25 percent work full-time year-round while over 28 percent work part-time part of the year.
The average family income for all minimum wage workers is $45,200 and their wages account for 35 percent of their total family income. The average income of single-nonfamily minimum wage workers is $16,800.
Very Few Workers Remain at Entry-Level Wages for Long
Nearly two-thirds of minimum wage workers move above the minimum wage within one year, and the median raise for those workers is over 10 percent.2 For full-time minimum wage workers, the median first-year raise is almost 14 percent. Entry-level jobs are not lifelong dead-end jobs.

Ya know what? If you'd do some checking before you post, you might just have a bit of credibility...
Otherwise, you're just whining. Facts & Myths

The Case for Raising the Minimum Wage

Many Adults Rely on the Minimum Wage as a Living Wage

"Contrary to popular opinion, the average worker affected by an increase in the minimum wage is not just a teenager flipping hamburgers. Only one in fourteen is a teenage student from a family with above average earnings."

"Myth: The only Americans working for the minimum wage are teenagers.

Reality: 63 percent of minimum-wage workers are adults age 20 or over. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)

The fact is, almost two-thirds of minimum wage workers are adults, and four in ten are the sole bread winner of their family."

Okay, I'll admit, I was using a report that considered adults to be 18 and over.

You can vote at 18, you can serve your country at 18, you are an adult.

I've done some studying, thank you.
Then post the link to the BLS stats. Not some bullshit from left wing blogs like universal living wage.
In the link I posted which got it's stats from the BLS, just 11% of min wage workers are the bread winner for their family. Not 40%..11% . That's 170,000 out of 135 million workers.
Stop the nonsense ,sheila. With every post the hole you dig for yourself gets deeper.
How hot is the Earth's core, by the way?
Hell, who needs Exxon...I'll just hire you to drill for oil.
Folks making the miminum wage have no business having children.
The miminimum wage keeps wages for unskilled workers lower than they should be.
Some folks are not worth a nickel an hour for their work. Some people will willingly and be glad to work for LESS than the minimum wage.
If one makes the minimum wage then work 80 hours a week and shut the fuck up.
NO cry babies.
Huh? I thought America was a free country and children were welcome here. lol.

Just as long as I DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM.
Folks with kids that make minimum wage have their hand in my pocket.
Section 8, food stamps, free health care, energy subsidies, free cell phone.

Both agree and disagree with you, Gadawg. No, those making minimum wage, and not attempting to get out of that cycle, should not have children. Having said that, look at who is doing their best to make it hard to get contraceptives, or teach the teens that certain actions have consequences.

Yes, we should be emphasizing thinking about the future in our schools. But will it do any good when the children see that in the real world, jocks get more respect than academics, engineers, and scientists. When we have people stating that if you are just a tradesman or woman, you are nothing.

Look at this board. How many times have you seen that a worker should have to take any wage offered? Or seen those that work on the factory floor denigrated as replacable parts, as in a machine? In this nation, we need once more to respect work, and pay those that do neccessary work a living wage.

The differance between the fortunes of those that are the actual producers of wealth, the people on the factory floor, and those that direct the work, the management and owners, has been going in opposite directions for over 30 years. If this nation is to survive, this has to change.
Huh? I thought America was a free country and children were welcome here. lol.

Just as long as I DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM.
Folks with kids that make minimum wage have their hand in my pocket.
Section 8, food stamps, free health care, energy subsidies, free cell phone.

Both agree and disagree with you, Gadawg. No, those making minimum wage, and not attempting to get out of that cycle, should not have children. Having said that, look at who is doing their best to make it hard to get contraceptives, or teach the teens that certain actions have consequences.

Yes, we should be emphasizing thinking about the future in our schools. But will it do any good when the children see that in the real world, jocks get more respect than academics, engineers, and scientists. When we have people stating that if you are just a tradesman or woman, you are nothing.

Look at this board. How many times have you seen that a worker should have to take any wage offered? Or seen those that work on the factory floor denigrated as replacable parts, as in a machine? In this nation, we need once more to respect work, and pay those that do neccessary work a living wage.

The differance between the fortunes of those that are the actual producers of wealth, the people on the factory floor, and those that direct the work, the management and owners, has been going in opposite directions for over 30 years. If this nation is to survive, this has to change.

Government, and too much of it borrowing $$$ is to blame. At age 57 seeing the Tea Party "Patriots", most by far retirees with $$$, are also to blame. The current senior citizens we have in America are by and large selfish, greedy and "me first" crowd. I blame them and myself but I VOTE YES on school issues. These fools show up now at every and all public forums opposing anything for the youth and chant "we need to do more for seniors" That has to change.
Folks making the miminum wage have no business having children.
The miminimum wage keeps wages for unskilled workers lower than they should be.
Some folks are not worth a nickel an hour for their work. Some people will willingly and be glad to work for LESS than the minimum wage.
If one makes the minimum wage then work 80 hours a week and shut the fuck up.
NO cry babies.
And don't forget over 90% of minimum wage jobs are a secondary income in the household, often held by an elderly member or teenager. Those who have minimum wage jobs that are not part of the 90% also do not have it for very long as they get a BETTER job as their needs change and/or skills increase making them more valuable to the work force.

But don't tell the poverty pimps that. It fucks their whole fantasy.
I am out of the country and don't get a lot of news.....

What is happening with the OWSers ?
Most cities are givng them the boot.
New York City has forced thgem out of Zucatti Park. Yesterday they refused to vacate. Police split them up into small groups that hung out at the park's perimeter.
Today, they made the NYSE their target. They attempted to block area streets and hoped to shut down the Exchange. They failed.
In Columbia SC, they were removed from the State House grounds by order of the Governor.
Gov Nikki Haley informed the protesters they were welcome to return with their signs and their voices. They were not permitted to bring tents or mattresses. No overnight occupation would be permitted and the grounds were closed at 6pm reopen at 8 am.
In Cincinnati, protesters were removed from public grounds and told camping would no longer be permitted. The protesters attempted to set up shop on the University of Cincinnati campus to no avail..
In many cities in forced union states, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has been helping OWS protesters.
Unions are about as unpopular as attorneys and used car salesmen and SEIU is hooking up with these freaks...Good luck with that shit.
BTW. SEIU is the union that thinks food service workers should be paid $50k or more per year. REALLY?!!!!!!
Like the billionaire mayor of New York:

"Yet the man whose personal wealth increased by $4.5 billion the first year of this meltdown when many Americans were losing their life savings now dares shift blame away from himself and others at the center of economic power to the most vulnerable among us.

"Instead of blaming the Wall Street lobbyists who got the laws changed so that they could securitize people’s home mortgages, no matter how unsound those mortgages were by design, he blames the folks suckered into accepting the banks’ phony offerings.

“'Blame the opium addict and not the pusher' is the excuse for the bankers who turned the lure of easy credit into a housing bubble that, when it inevitably exploded, impoverished the world but left the bailed-out Wall Street hustlers richer than ever."

Robert Scheer: The Villain Occupy Wall Street Has Been Waiting For - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig
Umm...Why don't you post your OWN WORDS?
I am out of the country and don't get a lot of news.....

What is happening with the OWSers ?
Most cities are givng them the boot.
New York City has forced thgem out of Zucatti Park. Yesterday they refused to vacate. Police split them up into small groups that hung out at the park's perimeter.
Today, they made the NYSE their target. They attempted to block area streets and hoped to shut down the Exchange. They failed.
In Columbia SC, they were removed from the State House grounds by order of the Governor.
Gov Nikki Haley informed the protesters they were welcome to return with their signs and their voices. They were not permitted to bring tents or mattresses. No overnight occupation would be permitted and the grounds were closed at 6pm reopen at 8 am.
In Cincinnati, protesters were removed from public grounds and told camping would no longer be permitted. The protesters attempted to set up shop on the University of Cincinnati campus to no avail..
In many cities in forced union states, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has been helping OWS protesters.
Unions are about as unpopular as attorneys and used car salesmen and SEIU is hooking up with these freaks...Good luck with that shit.
BTW. SEIU is the union that thinks food service workers should be paid $50k or more per year. REALLY?!!!!!!


When I see the movement is "working" I have to wonder if that means they are now gainfully employed.
Exactly. I'm always looking for good employees. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy. I do it without being required to. His friend may be a good friend, but they are a crappy employee if they were let go for that.

You are both right and wrong. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy, but she was a great employee. When she got a job at Warehouser working for their cafeteria, she kept it for more than 20 years before she lost her job when they went with a different company. Now, she's been out of a job for 2 years. Try finding a job at 50 when your entire resume is basically serving fast food.
Yeah and?...So someone who never planned ahead. Never figured on doing anything else except a low skill low wage job as a cafeteria worker is now OWED something?
Why did this person not use her time to acquire some additional skills and perhaps try to become the cafeteria manager or at least a supervisor? Why did she learn a skill outside the food industry to make herself more marketable?
I want to respond to your earlier comment regarding the file clerk turned secretary.
Look, file clerks are low skill, low wage employees. They come a dime a dozen. A secretary, especially one who can organize the boss' schedule, make sure he or she is on time for their meetings, gets things done is a valuable employee. The pay for this position and the skills that go with it is much higher.
No business would pay a low skill person high wages. That is not how it works.
Now in the tiny world of unions, the guy who can stop a crane, fix it and operate it gets no more money than the guy who pushes a broom all day. That's why unions are so fucked up and why business is closing them out.
IN the real world pay is commensurate with experience, skill and the position in which one is employed. DONE.

Your file clerk worked a year and a half with no raises and you defend that? Did her living expenses not go up? Was she really worth LESS before she became your secretary than when you hired her as a file clerk? Because that's what it works out to with the cost of living increases.

Do you really believe keeping your file clerks wages up with inflation is high wages? Guess that explains why you aren't in favor of an increase in mw. You don't think the low skilled workers are worth anything but slavery.

The look on this knuckleheads face..............instant classic!!:boobies::boobies::D

I saw some of thse dumbasses marching around town this AM..........they look like stunt doubles for The Walking Dead. Wish I had seen this asshole above......would have said to him, "s0n.....time to wake up and smell the maple nut crunch."
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You are both right and wrong. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy, but she was a great employee. When she got a job at Warehouser working for their cafeteria, she kept it for more than 20 years before she lost her job when they went with a different company. Now, she's been out of a job for 2 years. Try finding a job at 50 when your entire resume is basically serving fast food.
Yeah and?...So someone who never planned ahead. Never figured on doing anything else except a low skill low wage job as a cafeteria worker is now OWED something?
Why did this person not use her time to acquire some additional skills and perhaps try to become the cafeteria manager or at least a supervisor? Why did she learn a skill outside the food industry to make herself more marketable?
I want to respond to your earlier comment regarding the file clerk turned secretary.
Look, file clerks are low skill, low wage employees. They come a dime a dozen. A secretary, especially one who can organize the boss' schedule, make sure he or she is on time for their meetings, gets things done is a valuable employee. The pay for this position and the skills that go with it is much higher.
No business would pay a low skill person high wages. That is not how it works.
Now in the tiny world of unions, the guy who can stop a crane, fix it and operate it gets no more money than the guy who pushes a broom all day. That's why unions are so fucked up and why business is closing them out.
IN the real world pay is commensurate with experience, skill and the position in which one is employed. DONE.

Your file clerk worked a year and a half with no raises and you defend that? Did her living expenses not go up? Was she really worth LESS before she became your secretary than when you hired her as a file clerk? Because that's what it works out to with the cost of living increases.

Do you really believe keeping your file clerks wages up with inflation is high wages? Guess that explains why you aren't in favor of an increase in mw. You don't think the low skilled workers are worth anything but slavery.
You're kidding correct?
Raises, as you people call them are earned. In the world of unions and those who view employment as an entitlement believe workers should be given increases because they "have put in their time"...WRONG.
Wages are paid per the position and type of work.
This has been explained to you. You have either failed comprehension or have chosen to ignore the facts.
Wage increases are never 'deserved'. They are earned.
There is a ceiling of appropriate wages for each type of job. No one is going to pay $30k per year for a file clerk. It's bad business because a file clerk while he or she does menial work so that others in higher positions can do more important things, costs the company money just to have that clerk on the payroll.
You are both right and wrong. A small raise is nothing to keep them happy, but she was a great employee. When she got a job at Warehouser working for their cafeteria, she kept it for more than 20 years before she lost her job when they went with a different company. Now, she's been out of a job for 2 years. Try finding a job at 50 when your entire resume is basically serving fast food.
Yeah and?...So someone who never planned ahead. Never figured on doing anything else except a low skill low wage job as a cafeteria worker is now OWED something?
Why did this person not use her time to acquire some additional skills and perhaps try to become the cafeteria manager or at least a supervisor? Why did she learn a skill outside the food industry to make herself more marketable?
I want to respond to your earlier comment regarding the file clerk turned secretary.
Look, file clerks are low skill, low wage employees. They come a dime a dozen. A secretary, especially one who can organize the boss' schedule, make sure he or she is on time for their meetings, gets things done is a valuable employee. The pay for this position and the skills that go with it is much higher.
No business would pay a low skill person high wages. That is not how it works.
Now in the tiny world of unions, the guy who can stop a crane, fix it and operate it gets no more money than the guy who pushes a broom all day. That's why unions are so fucked up and why business is closing them out.
IN the real world pay is commensurate with experience, skill and the position in which one is employed. DONE.

Your file clerk worked a year and a half with no raises and you defend that? Did her living expenses not go up? Was she really worth LESS before she became your secretary than when you hired her as a file clerk? Because that's what it works out to with the cost of living increases.

Do you really believe keeping your file clerks wages up with inflation is high wages? Guess that explains why you aren't in favor of an increase in mw. You don't think the low skilled workers are worth anything but slavery.

Since when am I responsible for someone else's cost of living! If they don't like it, they can do one of two things, or both for that matter. Become worth more money, or get another job someplace else. My file clerk elected to learn the skills to advance to a better paying position. As a result, her salary doubled. I always believed in keeping salaries for low skilled workers as low as possible. It's an incentive to learn and become worth more.

My old file clerk/secretary is in med school now.

If the only increases in wages you are worth are cost of living increases, face it, you are worthless as an employee. You shoudn't get those and end up vastly overpaid.
Yeah and?...So someone who never planned ahead. Never figured on doing anything else except a low skill low wage job as a cafeteria worker is now OWED something?
Why did this person not use her time to acquire some additional skills and perhaps try to become the cafeteria manager or at least a supervisor? Why did she learn a skill outside the food industry to make herself more marketable?
I want to respond to your earlier comment regarding the file clerk turned secretary.
Look, file clerks are low skill, low wage employees. They come a dime a dozen. A secretary, especially one who can organize the boss' schedule, make sure he or she is on time for their meetings, gets things done is a valuable employee. The pay for this position and the skills that go with it is much higher.
No business would pay a low skill person high wages. That is not how it works.
Now in the tiny world of unions, the guy who can stop a crane, fix it and operate it gets no more money than the guy who pushes a broom all day. That's why unions are so fucked up and why business is closing them out.
IN the real world pay is commensurate with experience, skill and the position in which one is employed. DONE.

Your file clerk worked a year and a half with no raises and you defend that? Did her living expenses not go up? Was she really worth LESS before she became your secretary than when you hired her as a file clerk? Because that's what it works out to with the cost of living increases.

Do you really believe keeping your file clerks wages up with inflation is high wages? Guess that explains why you aren't in favor of an increase in mw. You don't think the low skilled workers are worth anything but slavery.
You're kidding correct?
Raises, as you people call them are earned. In the world of unions and those who view employment as an entitlement believe workers should be given increases because they "have put in their time"...WRONG.
Wages are paid per the position and type of work.
This has been explained to you. You have either failed comprehension or have chosen to ignore the facts.
Wage increases are never 'deserved'. They are earned.
There is a ceiling of appropriate wages for each type of job. No one is going to pay $30k per year for a file clerk. It's bad business because a file clerk while he or she does menial work so that others in higher positions can do more important things, costs the company money just to have that clerk on the payroll.

Your file clerk worked for you as a file clerk for a year and a half. One has to assume you were pleased with her work or you would have fired her. Since you were pleased with her work, the very least you could do is keep her wages up with inflation.

No one asked you to pay $30,000 a year for your file clerk. I pointed out that she was at the very least worthy of a cost of living increase in the year and a half she worked for you as a file clerk. That she didn't get such a raise shows me why you believe mw should not be raised. You really don't think of the unskilled workers as anything more than slaves. If they don't do for you at the low pay, you can just fire them and get a new one. No problem with our immigration policy, but if our government took care of our country and our people, right now, you'd be hurting for workers to be file clerks and their pay would, naturally, go up.
Some of these "gimme, gimme, gimme" and "should get this and should get that" knuckleheads seem completely unfamiliar with reality in any way.
"For days now, we have endured demonstrably false propaganda that the fallen soldiers of U.S. wars sacrificed their lives for 'our freedoms.'

"Yet, as that noxious nonsense still lingers in the air, militarized police have invaded OWS sites in numerous cities, including Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, and, in the boilerplate description of the witless courtesans of the corporate media, with the mission to 'evict the occupiers'.

"...The U.S. military and the police exist to protect the 1%.

"At this point, the ideal of freedom will be carried by those willing to resist cops and soldiers..."

The Police State Makes Its Move: Retaining One's Humanity in the Face of Tyranny | Common Dreams

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