The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

"For days now, we have endured demonstrably false propaganda that the fallen soldiers of U.S. wars sacrificed their lives for 'our freedoms.'

"Yet, as that noxious nonsense still lingers in the air, militarized police have invaded OWS sites in numerous cities, including Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, and, in the boilerplate description of the witless courtesans of the corporate media, with the mission to 'evict the occupiers'.

"...The U.S. military and the police exist to protect the 1%.

"At this point, the ideal of freedom will be carried by those willing to resist cops and soldiers..."

The Police State Makes Its Move: Retaining One's Humanity in the Face of Tyranny | Common Dreams
Georgie, you can take that leftist propaganda and anally violate yourself.

I suppose it would be fine with you if there was an OWS situation in a park right next to your house. The conditions are filthy, there is crime. The park is a jumping off point for illegal activities such as blocking doors to prevent commerce, sitting in roadways to block traffic, using vinegar, urine glass and other weapons to assault police officers.
Yeah all this stuff is just fine with you lefty radicals.
You should read the article then the comments in yesterday's Chicago Tribune.
The OWS Chicago people HAD supporters among the general public. But not anymore.
And the SEIU?....Bunch of fascists. 80% of the country hates unions now. Is SEIU trying to make it 90%?
OWS people should go home, go back to work and try to change the system from within.
What OWS is doing now is just pissing off the rest of us.
Why aren't the rest of you pissed off about Wall Street?
Too much capitalist kool-aid?

$12.8 trillion lent, spent or guaranteed in the biggest transfer of private debt into public debt in history, and the biggest problem you fascists see is public sanitation?

Maybe you should get out and visit a local OWS situation.
I have.
And what crime I've seen there pales by comparison to that committed by Michael Bloomberg.

I m pissed and am a hired gun for the banks to collect the $$ loaned.
Guess what? AMERICAN CITIZENS got the $$ from the banks. All of it.
That is who banks loan $$$ to.
The 1% kills "little children" for money and market share:

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

Not that Wall Street Shitters and Tools would care.

MMS: Error

You are a meat head..DEAD FROM THE NECK UP
"Military Contractor CEO Pay in 2010

Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush: $22.84 million.

Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens: $21.89 million.

Boeing CEO James McNerney: $19.4 million.

Financial Sector CEO Pay in 2010

JP Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon: $20.81 million.

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf: $18.97 million.

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan: $1.94 million."

Not as dead as shit like this.
And shit eaters like you.

War Is a Force That Pays the 1 Percent: Occupying American Foreign Policy | Truthout

Let me explain how stock options work:
A CEO gets 350K in salary and stock options, if he wants to gamble HIS $$$.
If the stock goes up under his term then he gets the profit.
What the hell is wrong with that picture?
An interesting perspective...........

[ame=]Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Three and a Half Days - YouTube[/ame]
The kids in the streets and by that I mean the 99% white kids..(care to comment on that Chris Mathews)
don't really know why they are there I'm sure.The organizations behind them that are funding them know the agenda.

I saw a lot of stuff the last few days that leads me to believe they are being funded and organized by someone.

And to clarify my Chris Mathews comment...
Chris had a hissy fit many times with the tea party because as he saw it "they are all white"...

Well I don't see a lot of color in the OWS movement...
Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

God bless OWS.

It's fun to watch the right try to change that fact.
Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

God bless OWS.

It's fun to watch the right try to change that fact.

So you really want to tie your coat tails to OWS? You are more ignorant than I thought.
Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

God bless OWS.

It's fun to watch the right try to change that fact.

So you really want to tie your coat tails to OWS? You are more ignorant than I thought.

Your retirement and medical benefits are going to be cut because of Wall Street's derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Do you get that?
LOL.....Im still laughing............

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

God bless OWS.

It's fun to watch the right try to change that fact.

So you really want to tie your coat tails to OWS? You are more ignorant than I thought.

Your retirement and medical benefits are going to be cut because of Wall Street's derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Do you get that?

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

God bless OWS.

It's fun to watch the right try to change that fact.

So you really want to tie your coat tails to OWS? You are more ignorant than I thought.

Your retirement and medical benefits are going to be cut because of Wall Street's derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Do you get that?
You would probably best be served to get back in your tent and go to fuckin' sleep with the rest of your dirty, unbathed buddies.

You're goin' to need the rest, moonbat.......'cause the cops are comin' in the mornin' to kick your lazy asses out!
So you really want to tie your coat tails to OWS? You are more ignorant than I thought.

Your retirement and medical benefits are going to be cut because of Wall Street's derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Do you get that?
You would probably best be served to get back in your tent and go to fuckin' sleep with the rest of your dirty, unbathed buddies.

You're goin' to need the rest, moonbat.......'cause the cops are comin' in the mornin' to kick your lazy asses out!

Like I said, your retirement and medical benefits are about to be cut because of Wall Street's derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Do you get that?
My nephew is an Occutard. He is late 20s, had a rough upbringing as his Dad, not my relative, was a chump. He expects things to be his way. He has 30K in college debt, was given a trophy at sporting events at the end of the season as a youth no matter what, played in a few youth leagues where they do not keep score, had his computer-cell phone-car-insurance-clothes-spending$$-everything given to him.
He graduated college a few years ago with his degree in gender studies or some crap like that and is upset he can not find a job. He has a child, his wife works full time, he will not work any minumum wage job as he has turned down many and believes he is entitled to the same standard of living he has always enjoyed.
He graduated and found out NOW WE KEEP SCORE and can not accept it.
I want him to work this Sunday but he says "That is family day and I would rather be poor and a family man than work on Sunday" all the while he is in bankruptcy and had his home foreclosed on.
A true Occutard.
The 1% kills "little children" for money and market share:

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

Not that Wall Street Shitters and Tools would care.

MMS: Error

You are a meat head..DEAD FROM THE NECK UP
"Military Contractor CEO Pay in 2010

Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush: $22.84 million.

Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens: $21.89 million.

Boeing CEO James McNerney: $19.4 million.

Financial Sector CEO Pay in 2010

JP Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon: $20.81 million.

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf: $18.97 million.

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan: $1.94 million."

Not as dead as shit like this.
And shit eaters like you.

War Is a Force That Pays the 1 Percent: Occupying American Foreign Policy | Truthout

annual salaries

kanye west: 25 million

Harrison Ford: 65 million

Leonardo Dicaprio: 77 million

Matt Damon: 22 million

George Clooney: 19 million

Johnny Depp: 50 million

Alex Rodrigues: 32 million

Kobe Bryant: 25 million
My nephew is an Occutard. He is late 20s, had a rough upbringing as his Dad, not my relative, was a chump. He expects things to be his way. He has 30K in college debt, was given a trophy at sporting events at the end of the season as a youth no matter what, played in a few youth leagues where they do not keep score, had his computer-cell phone-car-insurance-clothes-spending$$-everything given to him.
He graduated college a few years ago with his degree in gender studies or some crap like that and is upset he can not find a job. He has a child, his wife works full time, he will not work any minumum wage job as he has turned down many and believes he is entitled to the same standard of living he has always enjoyed.
He graduated and found out NOW WE KEEP SCORE and can not accept it.
I want him to work this Sunday but he says "That is family day and I would rather be poor and a family man than work on Sunday" all the while he is in bankruptcy and had his home foreclosed on.
A true Occutard.

Did he destroy the world economy with a derivatives Ponzi scheme?
You are a meat head..DEAD FROM THE NECK UP
"Military Contractor CEO Pay in 2010

Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush: $22.84 million.

Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens: $21.89 million.

Boeing CEO James McNerney: $19.4 million.

Financial Sector CEO Pay in 2010

JP Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon: $20.81 million.

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf: $18.97 million.

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan: $1.94 million."

Not as dead as shit like this.
And shit eaters like you.

War Is a Force That Pays the 1 Percent: Occupying American Foreign Policy | Truthout

annual salaries

kanye west: 25 million

Harrison Ford: 65 million

Leonardo Dicaprio: 77 million

Matt Damon: 22 million

George Clooney: 19 million

Johnny Depp: 50 million

Alex Rodrigues: 32 million

Kobe Bryant: 25 million

Ooops. I think this is a "never mind" moment
Your retirement and medical benefits are going to be cut because of Wall Street's derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Do you get that?
You would probably best be served to get back in your tent and go to fuckin' sleep with the rest of your dirty, unbathed buddies.

You're goin' to need the rest, moonbat.......'cause the cops are comin' in the mornin' to kick your lazy asses out!

Like I said, your retirement and medical benefits are about to be cut because of Wall Street's derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Do you get that?
My retirement and medical benefits are paid for by my wife and I....We've done quite well in life financially. We have no financial worries.

YOUR Social Security will not exist, because of the government Ponzi sheme that has been perpetrated since its inception.

Do YOU get that?

Get back in the damn tent, or go to the "Y'' and take a fuckin' bath.
Since the OWS movement has started, the conversation has shifted from the debt and deficit to JOBS and income inequality. Even the unctuous little twerp, Eric Cantor and the Budget Munster, Paul Ryan have been discussing income inequality. That can only be seen as a victory for the OWS movement.

Another victory for OWS comes from Bank of America who have decided NOT to charge people a ridiculous fee for using their debit cards.

Keep the pressure on!!!


BoA changed their minds due to OWES? Link?

Do you honestly believe it wasn't a factor? Really?

Bank of America fee retraction shows effect of consumer rage

BofA doesn't care about a bunch of people that have nothing to do with their bank. What they DO care about are a bunch of people that do have bank accounts with them pull their money out of their bank and leave in droves. THAT is why they changed their mind and ditched the $5.00 fee. It was all about the bottom line.
You would probably best be served to get back in your tent and go to fuckin' sleep with the rest of your dirty, unbathed buddies.

You're goin' to need the rest, moonbat.......'cause the cops are comin' in the mornin' to kick your lazy asses out!

Like I said, your retirement and medical benefits are about to be cut because of Wall Street's derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Do you get that?
My retirement and medical benefits are paid for by my wife and I....We've done quite well in life financially. We have no financial worries.

YOUR Social Security will not exist, because of the government Ponzi sheme that has been perpetrated since its inception.

Do YOU get that?

Get back in the damn tent, or go to the "Y'' and take a fuckin' bath.

Another conservative fantasy.

Social Security has never missed a payment in 76 years.

And it is solvent 25 years into the future.

Try another tactic. This one don't fly.
Like I said, your retirement and medical benefits are about to be cut because of Wall Street's derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Do you get that?
My retirement and medical benefits are paid for by my wife and I....We've done quite well in life financially. We have no financial worries.

YOUR Social Security will not exist, because of the government Ponzi sheme that has been perpetrated since its inception.

Do YOU get that?

Get back in the damn tent, or go to the "Y'' and take a fuckin' bath.

Another conservative fantasy.

Social Security has never missed a payment in 76 years.

And it is solvent 25 years into the future.

Try another tactic. This one don't fly.

Just 25 years? This isn't an issue with you???? :eek:
my nephew is an occutard. He is late 20s, had a rough upbringing as his dad, not my relative, was a chump. He expects things to be his way. He has 30k in college debt, was given a trophy at sporting events at the end of the season as a youth no matter what, played in a few youth leagues where they do not keep score, had his computer-cell phone-car-insurance-clothes-spending$$-everything given to him.
He graduated college a few years ago with his degree in gender studies or some crap like that and is upset he can not find a job. He has a child, his wife works full time, he will not work any minumum wage job as he has turned down many and believes he is entitled to the same standard of living he has always enjoyed.
He graduated and found out now we keep score and can not accept it.
I want him to work this sunday but he says "that is family day and i would rather be poor and a family man than work on sunday" all the while he is in bankruptcy and had his home foreclosed on.
A true occutard.

did he destroy the world economy with a derivatives ponzi scheme?

ya think!!!
He is a dumb ass.

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