The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

The OWS shitters idea of freedom is that they can do anything they want and no one should stop them.

The next step is to exercise their freedom by a direct attack on those who work.
The 1% kills "little children" for money and market share:

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

Not that Wall Street Shitters and Tools would care.

MMS: Error
The 1% kills "little children" for money and market share:

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

Not that Wall Street Shitters and Tools would care.

MMS: Error

Another myth from the left.

They create an alternate universe. It's not so bad if they want to live there, it's really bad when they want everyone else to live there. Following the leftist line, there is almost a moral obligation to attack the children of people who work, as payback for the myth that sanctions hurt other children someplace else.
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Try as you want

As people see the tapes of the OWS scaring kids
and following parents with kids

Those acts are why the majority will not be behind the OWS
and why it will lose even more support

Don't expect many people to rally behind that kind of behavior
Yeah, it is that bad

Sorry, that is just the way it is .....
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Parents will just have to form armed security details to protect their children. If the police won't or can't, it's up to the people to step in.
The OWS shitters idea of freedom is that they can do anything they want and no one should stop them.

The next step is to exercise their freedom by a direct attack on those who work.
This is Wall Street's version of freedom:

"Yet the man(Michael "0.01%" Bloomberg) whose personal wealth increased by $4.5 billion the first year of this meltdown when many Americans were losing their life savings now dares shift blame away from himself and others at the center of economic power to the most vulnerable among us.

"Instead of blaming the Wall Street lobbyists who got the laws changed so that they could securitize people’s home mortgages, no matter how unsound those mortgages were by design, he blames the folks suckered into accepting the banks’ phony offerings.

"'Blame the opium addict and not the pusher' is the excuse for the bankers who turned the lure of easy credit into a housing bubble that, when it inevitably exploded, impoverished the world but left the bailed-out Wall Street hustlers richer than ever."

Robert Scheer: The Villain Occupy Wall Street Has Been Waiting For - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig
The 1% kills "little children" for money and market share:

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

Not that Wall Street Shitters and Tools would care.

MMS: Error

Another myth from the left.

They create an alternate universe. It's not so bad if they want to live there, it's really bad when they want everyone else to live there. Following the leftist line, there is almost a moral obligation to attack the children of people who work, as payback for the myth that sanctions hurt other children someplace else.
46,900 dead children is a myth for those who confuse sanctions with bombs falling on water treatment plants.

How much money did your Wall Street Heroes make from Gulf War I?
The 1% kills "little children" for money and market share:

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

Not that Wall Street Shitters and Tools would care.

MMS: Error

Another myth from the left.

They create an alternate universe. It's not so bad if they want to live there, it's really bad when they want everyone else to live there. Following the leftist line, there is almost a moral obligation to attack the children of people who work, as payback for the myth that sanctions hurt other children someplace else.
46,900 dead children is a myth for those who confuse sanctions with bombs falling on water treatment plants.

How much money did your Wall Street Heroes make from Gulf War I?

Wall Street - builds, creates
OWS destroys, corrupts

Yep, Wall Street certainly makes more heroes than liberals.

The Gulf War wouldn't have killed any children had Hussein not used them as shields and the sanctions killed none at all.

The alternate history of the left.
Your file clerk worked a year and a half with no raises and you defend that? Did her living expenses not go up? Was she really worth LESS before she became your secretary than when you hired her as a file clerk? Because that's what it works out to with the cost of living increases.

Do you really believe keeping your file clerks wages up with inflation is high wages? Guess that explains why you aren't in favor of an increase in mw. You don't think the low skilled workers are worth anything but slavery.
You're kidding correct?
Raises, as you people call them are earned. In the world of unions and those who view employment as an entitlement believe workers should be given increases because they "have put in their time"...WRONG.
Wages are paid per the position and type of work.
This has been explained to you. You have either failed comprehension or have chosen to ignore the facts.
Wage increases are never 'deserved'. They are earned.
There is a ceiling of appropriate wages for each type of job. No one is going to pay $30k per year for a file clerk. It's bad business because a file clerk while he or she does menial work so that others in higher positions can do more important things, costs the company money just to have that clerk on the payroll.

Your file clerk worked for you as a file clerk for a year and a half. One has to assume you were pleased with her work or you would have fired her. Since you were pleased with her work, the very least you could do is keep her wages up with inflation.

No one asked you to pay $30,000 a year for your file clerk. I pointed out that she was at the very least worthy of a cost of living increase in the year and a half she worked for you as a file clerk. That she didn't get such a raise shows me why you believe mw should not be raised. You really don't think of the unskilled workers as anything more than slaves. If they don't do for you at the low pay, you can just fire them and get a new one. No problem with our immigration policy, but if our government took care of our country and our people, right now, you'd be hurting for workers to be file clerks and their pay would, naturally, go up.
Ok...whatever...When you buy and run your own business, you can do as you see fit.
This is reality. This is the way it is.
Low pay for low skill workers gives them the incentive to acquire new skills to make them more valuable to the company. GET IT?
A cost of living increase is not an entitlement. GET THAT TOO!
COL increases are a concept developed by unions to get even their crappiest workers some kind of wage increase. hear DO NOT get a wage increase for putting in time.
BTW, cookie..slaves DO NOT GET WAGES. GET IT?!!!

It is not the job of the federal government to 'take care of us'.
I will agree that the federal government is refusing to enforce immigration law.
"For days now, we have endured demonstrably false propaganda that the fallen soldiers of U.S. wars sacrificed their lives for 'our freedoms.'

"Yet, as that noxious nonsense still lingers in the air, militarized police have invaded OWS sites in numerous cities, including Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, and, in the boilerplate description of the witless courtesans of the corporate media, with the mission to 'evict the occupiers'.

"...The U.S. military and the police exist to protect the 1%.

"At this point, the ideal of freedom will be carried by those willing to resist cops and soldiers..."

The Police State Makes Its Move: Retaining One's Humanity in the Face of Tyranny | Common Dreams
Georgie, you can take that leftist propaganda and anally violate yourself.

I suppose it would be fine with you if there was an OWS situation in a park right next to your house. The conditions are filthy, there is crime. The park is a jumping off point for illegal activities such as blocking doors to prevent commerce, sitting in roadways to block traffic, using vinegar, urine glass and other weapons to assault police officers.
Yeah all this stuff is just fine with you lefty radicals.
You should read the article then the comments in yesterday's Chicago Tribune.
The OWS Chicago people HAD supporters among the general public. But not anymore.
And the SEIU?....Bunch of fascists. 80% of the country hates unions now. Is SEIU trying to make it 90%?
OWS people should go home, go back to work and try to change the system from within.
What OWS is doing now is just pissing off the rest of us.
The 1% kills "little children" for money and market share:

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

Not that Wall Street Shitters and Tools would care.

MMS: Error

You are a meat head..DEAD FROM THE NECK UP
I am out of the country and don't get a lot of news.....

What is happening with the OWSers ?

Still shitting in the street, raping, assaulting and shouting in bull horns.

You must have the Occupy Wall Street Protester confused with the crony capitalist who are shitting in the streets, raping, assaulting and shouting in the bull horns.


Photos? Didn't think so. Dismissed.

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"]

Good thing the Iraqi government hanged the son of a bitch who was responsible for every one of those deaths.
"For days now, we have endured demonstrably false propaganda that the fallen soldiers of U.S. wars sacrificed their lives for 'our freedoms.'

"Yet, as that noxious nonsense still lingers in the air, militarized police have invaded OWS sites in numerous cities, including Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, and, in the boilerplate description of the witless courtesans of the corporate media, with the mission to 'evict the occupiers'.

"...The U.S. military and the police exist to protect the 1%.

"At this point, the ideal of freedom will be carried by those willing to resist cops and soldiers..."

The Police State Makes Its Move: Retaining One's Humanity in the Face of Tyranny | Common Dreams
Georgie, you can take that leftist propaganda and anally violate yourself.

I suppose it would be fine with you if there was an OWS situation in a park right next to your house. The conditions are filthy, there is crime. The park is a jumping off point for illegal activities such as blocking doors to prevent commerce, sitting in roadways to block traffic, using vinegar, urine glass and other weapons to assault police officers.
Yeah all this stuff is just fine with you lefty radicals.
You should read the article then the comments in yesterday's Chicago Tribune.
The OWS Chicago people HAD supporters among the general public. But not anymore.
And the SEIU?....Bunch of fascists. 80% of the country hates unions now. Is SEIU trying to make it 90%?
OWS people should go home, go back to work and try to change the system from within.
What OWS is doing now is just pissing off the rest of us.
Why aren't the rest of you pissed off about Wall Street?
Too much capitalist kool-aid?

$12.8 trillion lent, spent or guaranteed in the biggest transfer of private debt into public debt in history, and the biggest problem you fascists see is public sanitation?

Maybe you should get out and visit a local OWS situation.
I have.
And what crime I've seen there pales by comparison to that committed by Michael Bloomberg.
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"For days now, we have endured demonstrably false propaganda that the fallen soldiers of U.S. wars sacrificed their lives for 'our freedoms.'

"Yet, as that noxious nonsense still lingers in the air, militarized police have invaded OWS sites in numerous cities, including Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, and, in the boilerplate description of the witless courtesans of the corporate media, with the mission to 'evict the occupiers'.

"...The U.S. military and the police exist to protect the 1%.

"At this point, the ideal of freedom will be carried by those willing to resist cops and soldiers..."

The Police State Makes Its Move: Retaining One's Humanity in the Face of Tyranny | Common Dreams
Georgie, you can take that leftist propaganda and anally violate yourself.

I suppose it would be fine with you if there was an OWS situation in a park right next to your house. The conditions are filthy, there is crime. The park is a jumping off point for illegal activities such as blocking doors to prevent commerce, sitting in roadways to block traffic, using vinegar, urine glass and other weapons to assault police officers.
Yeah all this stuff is just fine with you lefty radicals.
You should read the article then the comments in yesterday's Chicago Tribune.
The OWS Chicago people HAD supporters among the general public. But not anymore.
And the SEIU?....Bunch of fascists. 80% of the country hates unions now. Is SEIU trying to make it 90%?
OWS people should go home, go back to work and try to change the system from within.
What OWS is doing now is just pissing off the rest of us.
Why aren't the rest of you pissed off about Wall Street?
Too much capitalist kool-aid?

$12.8 trillion lent, spent or guaranteed in the biggest transfer of private debt into public debt in history, and the biggest problem you fascists see is public sanitation?

Maybe you should get out and visit a local OWS situation.
I have.
And what crime I've seen there pales by comparison to that committed by Michael Bloomberg.

It's not Wall Street, it's Washington, DC. If you asked someone for a few million dollars and they gave it to you, no strings attached, what would you do with it?? Come to think of it what did OWS do with all the money that was donated to them?? Where is it now?? And why couldn't that guy uptown let those guys downtown use his laptop??

Unorganized kids acting like the world owes them something might get a little attention but no one takes them seriously. Well.............unless it's some unorganized adult that thinks the world owes them something.

You're protesting the wrong thing, it's the politician that got us here. They're the ones that keep taking money from Wall Street and then giving in right back in favors. :eusa_shhh:
The 1% kills "little children" for money and market share:

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

Not that Wall Street Shitters and Tools would care.

MMS: Error

You are a meat head..DEAD FROM THE NECK UP
"Military Contractor CEO Pay in 2010

Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush: $22.84 million.

Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens: $21.89 million.

Boeing CEO James McNerney: $19.4 million.

Financial Sector CEO Pay in 2010

JP Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon: $20.81 million.

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf: $18.97 million.

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan: $1.94 million."

Not as dead as shit like this.
And shit eaters like you.

War Is a Force That Pays the 1 Percent: Occupying American Foreign Policy | Truthout

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