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The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

There are about 311,000 citizens of Iceland with a relatively small bureaucratic body that can move much quicker than most countries. This makes the state an ideal lab for social and economic experimentation.

Birgitta Jonsdottir, an MP in the Icelandic Parliament, explains how the 99% in her country reacted to Wall Street's looting in 2008:

"We had the first revolution after the financial troubles in 2008.

"Due to a lack of transparency, corruption and nepotism, Iceland had the third largest financial meltdown in human history, and it shook us profoundly. The Icelandic people realized that everything we had put our trust in had failed us.

"One of the demands during the protests that followed – and that resulted in getting rid of the government, the central bank manager and the head of the financial authority – was that we would get to rewrite our constitution.

"'We' meaning the 99%, not the politicians who had failed us. Another demand was that we should have real democratic tools, such as being able to call directly for a national referendum and dissolve parliament..."

Lessons from Iceland: The People Can Have the Power | Common Dreams

What a concept.
Big "D" Democracy.

Ask yourself what changes here if we get rid of hundreds of elected Republicans AND Democrats and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve? What changes if the US Constitution gets a rewrite?

What doesn't?

I don't trust the Powers that be to Rewrite Anything. Just look at the Tax Code. Our Laws in General, are a mess.

You want Justice, Empower the Individual instead of stripping Liberty.

Take the Constitution, one step at a time, and Amend where you show cause, where Justice is not served, point by point.

Establish more clearly what Individual Liberties, Rights, Unalienable Rights, we recognize, so that Our Keepers can become something more useful instead, like our Representatives, be it in the Executive, the Legislative, or the Judicial Branch.

Establish the Right to Freedom of Religion, Speech, Witness, Privacy, Self Defense and the Defense of Another's Life and Property, Impartiality in All Laws concerning the Establishment, maintenance, and service of Justice. The Courts in Judicial Review, should have the Power to connect the dot's, the dot's that it can show are truly there, It should not have the Power to Construct from Imagination or Fantasy. We should be questioning Every 5/4 split. We are supposed to be a Federal Republic with designated and Enumerated Powers, not an Oligarchy.

Throw out the Constitution? No Way. Baby Steps, or the Republic is lost.
Oh please. OWS is more afraid of democracy than any other concept. They want mob rule in opposition to the majority and call it democracy. The democracy of Egypt maybe. Or Libya. OWS proves the belief that might makes right and they want it and don't have it.

OWS is losing. If it wasn't for paid union members bolstering ranks in NYC the whole protest would not have mustered up 2,000 protesters. The public is getting tired of the show and wants to get on with their lives without the ANNOYANCE.

OWS has achieved nothing. They have not interefered with one stock trade, closed a single bank or achieved one change of rules. The only businesses they have been able to affect are the ones subject to direct attack. They can force a hot dog vendor off the street by covering his cart with feces and urine. That they can do. OWS did not affect Bank of America at all. The public did, OWS just wants to take credit for it.

The conversation has not shifted to income inequality. OWS is talking about income inequality. Only when they answer themselves does it become a conversation. It is the essence of insanity. They chatter on about income inequality at their camps, then say "Everyone is talking about income inequality". Factually the only ones are them.

Every once in a while OWS will articulate quite clearly what they want. Then it's dismissed, by everyone as an echo from the fringe. It's not the fringe, it's what they want. They want a lifetime of indolence. They want every desire fulfilled without any effort on their part. They are the essence of the toddler in tantrum. Give me that new toy or I'll kick and scream until you do. If they really did hand over a list of what they really wanted, they know that the public would get out en masse just to kick them to the curb. Drugs, sex (which should be provided by unwilling women if willing women aren't available), booze, every toy, ipad, ipod, iphone and nintendo, and a pantload of shit. Meanwhile, of COURSE it's only the human thing to do to provide medical care, food, clothing, warmth, all the creature needs. Or, they can't protest.

Over and over again, OWS has proved themselves not only ignorant, but monumentally ignorant. With a dash of insanity on the side.
Then send in 100% of everything you make Mr. Patriot.
They will gladly take it as that is their ultimate goal.
Funny how it's the clowns who have NEVER written a check to the IRS, demand that others do.

I don't think you should talk about our retired military that way.

I wrote a $22,000 check to the IRS last April.

It will probably be more next year.

But only treasonous pussy ass Tea Party members complain about their taxes.

Boo Hoo. Did we hurts u wittle feelings?
Thank you for your service.
But remember we are citizens just as much as you are.
Funny how it's the clowns who have NEVER written a check to the IRS, demand that others do.

I don't think you should talk about our retired military that way.

I wrote a $22,000 check to the IRS last April.

It will probably be more next year.

But only treasonous pussy ass Tea Party members complain about their taxes.

Boo Hoo. Did we hurts u wittle feelings?
Thank you for your service.
But remember we are citizens just as much as you are.
If paying taxes is so patriotic, why is he even claiming to be rich? Isn't being rich selfish and evil? Why isn't he filling out the nice little line saying "Extra tax amount you wish to pay"? Hmmmmm?

As a non-evil rich person, it should be every red cent he's got over poverty level so someone else can be at LEAST as poor with him.
You're a piece of fuckin' shit, who should definitely go for a ride on the BANNED wagon for that disgusting comment.

Damned shame I can't neg him again right now.....

A bit of a habit of yours hey? Got nuthin better to do. Wasted your existence and livin on the dole. So take your misery out on others. Sorry...you own it and can't get rid of it through neg reps or any other manner than lookin in the mirror and gettin honest there.

Actually no it's not a habit shit for brains. However I do not mind passing out negs to stupidity. There are days I see so much of it. I try to excuse ignorance like your post, so lets see if you can make something halfway intelligent out of it.
Why is it you fools always want to attack the honorable service of our professional military? Please tell us how my existence has been a waste, and explain while you're at it how I'm living on the dole.
I don't expect much of an answer, in fact chances are it will move from ignorance to stupidity. But do give it a shot.
Another conservative fantasy.

Social Security has never missed a payment in 76 years.

And it is solvent 25 years into the future.

Try another tactic. This one don't fly.

Really? Why is it that your man Obama threatened Americas seniors with the possibility of them not getting their checks?

Because the fucking Tea Party members in Congress were going to shut down the government.

Obama kicked their ass, and now they have lost all their support.
It should have shut down.
Really? Why is it that your man Obama threatened Americas seniors with the possibility of them not getting their checks?

Because the fucking Tea Party members in Congress were going to shut down the government.

Obama kicked their ass, and now they have lost all their support.
It should have shut down.

Chris's imagination is comical enough. He is just another that thinks taxing the rich 70 billion a year.

Will magically make up the other 1.3 trillion :cuckoo:
I'm anxious to see how OWS "works" when they shut down the Thanksgiving Day parade in NYC and he Rose Parade in California.

That should really galvanize public support!
It appears at night they go home to their parents house

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljQd_pfykV8]Ezra Levant: Occupy secrets revealed! - YouTube[/ame]
There are about 311,000 citizens of Iceland with a relatively small bureaucratic body that can move much quicker than most countries. This makes the state an ideal lab for social and economic experimentation.

Birgitta Jonsdottir, an MP in the Icelandic Parliament, explains how the 99% in her country reacted to Wall Street's looting in 2008:

"We had the first revolution after the financial troubles in 2008.

"Due to a lack of transparency, corruption and nepotism, Iceland had the third largest financial meltdown in human history, and it shook us profoundly. The Icelandic people realized that everything we had put our trust in had failed us.

"One of the demands during the protests that followed – and that resulted in getting rid of the government, the central bank manager and the head of the financial authority – was that we would get to rewrite our constitution.

"'We' meaning the 99%, not the politicians who had failed us. Another demand was that we should have real democratic tools, such as being able to call directly for a national referendum and dissolve parliament..."

Lessons from Iceland: The People Can Have the Power | Common Dreams

What a concept.
Big "D" Democracy.

Ask yourself what changes here if we get rid of hundreds of elected Republicans AND Democrats and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve? What changes if the US Constitution gets a rewrite?

What doesn't?

I don't trust the Powers that be to Rewrite Anything. Just look at the Tax Code. Our Laws in General, are a mess.

You want Justice, Empower the Individual instead of stripping Liberty.

Take the Constitution, one step at a time, and Amend where you show cause, where Justice is not served, point by point.

Establish more clearly what Individual Liberties, Rights, Unalienable Rights, we recognize, so that Our Keepers can become something more useful instead, like our Representatives, be it in the Executive, the Legislative, or the Judicial Branch.

Establish the Right to Freedom of Religion, Speech, Witness, Privacy, Self Defense and the Defense of Another's Life and Property, Impartiality in All Laws concerning the Establishment, maintenance, and service of Justice. The Courts in Judicial Review, should have the Power to connect the dot's, the dot's that it can show are truly there, It should not have the Power to Construct from Imagination or Fantasy. We should be questioning Every 5/4 split. We are supposed to be a Federal Republic with designated and Enumerated Powers, not an Oligarchy.

Throw out the Constitution? No Way. Baby Steps, or the Republic is lost.
Individuality is the heart of Iceland's reforms:

"The foundation for the (new Icelandic) constitution was created by 1,000 people randomly selected from the national registry. We elected 25 people to put that vision into words. The new constitution is now in the parliament.

"It will be up to the 99% to call for a national vote on it so that we inside the parliament know exactly what the nation wants and will have to follow suit. If the constitution passes, we will have almost achieved everything we set out to do.

"Our agenda was written on various open platforms; direct democracy is the high north of our political compass in everything we do.

Lessons from Iceland: The People Can Have the Power | Common Dreams

Well, dogs are highly intelligent. We could learn much about controlling stress from dogs.

They have such a simple philosophy.

If you can't eat it,
If you can't play with it,
Piss on it and walk away.

Seems like the perfect leader for a group of humans who have no direction in life.

Good point
of course they do have some type of game plan

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

God bless OWS for drawing attention to this fact.
The real culprits should go to jail
(besides, Frank might like it there)

Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco

The roots of this crisis go back to the Carter administration. That was when government officials, egged on by left-wing activists, began accusing mortgage lenders of racism and "redlining" because urban blacks were being denied mortgages at a higher rate than suburban whites

Frank doesn't. But his fingerprints are all over this fiasco. Time and time again, Frank insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in good shape. Five years ago, for example, when the Bush administration proposed much tighter regulation of the two companies, Frank was adamant that "these two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis." When the White House warned of "systemic risk for our financial system" unless the mortgage giants were curbed, Frank complained that the administration was more concerned about financial safety than about housing.

Now that the bubble has burst and the "systemic risk" is apparent to all, Frank blithely declares: "The private sector got us into this mess." Well, give the congressman points for gall. Wall Street and private lenders have plenty to answer for, but it was Washington and the political class that derailed this train. If Frank is looking for a culprit to blame, he can find one suspect in the nearest mirror.
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Buffett's "time bomb" goes off on Wall Street

(Reuters) - On Main Street, insurance protects people from the effects of catastrophes.

But on Wall Street, specialized insurance known as a credit default swaps are turning a bad situation into a catastrophe.

When historians write about the current crisis, much of the blame will go to the slump in the housing and mortgage markets, which triggered the losses, layoffs and liquidations sweeping the financial industry.

But credit default swaps -- complex derivatives originally designed to protect banks from deadbeat borrowers -- are adding to the turmoil.

"This was supposedly a way to hedge risk," says Ellen Brown, the author of the book "Web of Debt."

"I'm sure their predictive models were right as far as the risk of the things they were insuring against. But what they didn't factor in was the risk that the sellers of this protection wouldn't pay ... That's what we're seeing now."

Brown is hardly alone in her criticism of the derivatives. Five years ago, billionaire investor Warren Buffett called them a "time bomb" and "financial weapons of mass destruction" and directed the insurance arm of his Berkshire Hathaway Inc (BRKa.N) to exit the business.


Recent events suggest Buffett was right. The collapse of Bear Stearns. The fire sale of Merrill Lynch & Co Inc MER.N. The meltdown at American International Group Inc (AIG.N). In each case, credit default swaps played a role in the fall of these financial giants.

The latest victim is insurer AIG, which received an emergency $85 billion loan from the U.S. Federal Reserve late on Tuesday to stave off a bankruptcy.

Over the last three quarters, AIG suffered $18 billion of losses tied to guarantees it wrote on mortgage-linked derivatives.

Its struggles intensified in recent weeks as losses in its own investments led to cuts in its credit ratings. Those cuts triggered clauses in the policies AIG had written that forced it to put up billions of dollars in extra collateral -- billions it did not have and could not raise.


When the credit default market began back in the mid-1990s, the transactions were simpler, more transparent affairs. Not all the sellers were insurance companies like AIG -- most were not. But the protection buyer usually knew the protection seller.

As it grew -- according to the industry's trade group, the credit default market grew to $46 trillion by the first half of 2007 from $631 billion in 2000 -- all that changed.

An over-the-counter market grew up and some of the most active players became asset managers, including hedge fund managers, who bought and sold the policies like any other investment.

And in those deals, they sold protection as often as they bought it -- although they rarely set aside the reserves they would need if the obligation ever had to be paid.

In one notorious case, a small hedge fund agreed to insure UBS AG (UBSN.VX), the Swiss banking giant, from losses related to defaults on $1.3 billion of subprime mortgages for an annual premium of about $2 million.

The trouble was, the hedge fund set up a subsidiary to stand behind the guarantee -- and capitalized it with just $4.6 million. As long as the loans performed, the fund made a killing, raking in an annualized return of nearly 44 percent.

But in the summer of 2007, as home owners began to default, things got ugly. UBS demanded the hedge fund put up additional collateral. The fund balked. UBS sued.

The dispute is hardly unique. Both Wachovia Corp WB.N and Citigroup Inc (C.N) are involved in similar litigation with firms that promised to step up and act like insurers -- but were not actually insurers.

Buffett's time bomb goes off on Wall Street | Reuters
The real culprits should go to jail
(besides, Frank might like it there)

Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco

The roots of this crisis go back to the Carter administration. That was when government officials, egged on by left-wing activists, began accusing mortgage lenders of racism and "redlining" because urban blacks were being denied mortgages at a higher rate than suburban whites

Frank doesn't. But his fingerprints are all over this fiasco. Time and time again, Frank insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in good shape. Five years ago, for example, when the Bush administration proposed much tighter regulation of the two companies, Frank was adamant that "these two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis." When the White House warned of "systemic risk for our financial system" unless the mortgage giants were curbed, Frank complained that the administration was more concerned about financial safety than about housing.

Now that the bubble has burst and the "systemic risk" is apparent to all, Frank blithely declares: "The private sector got us into this mess." Well, give the congressman points for gall. Wall Street and private lenders have plenty to answer for, but it was Washington and the political class that derailed this train. If Frank is looking for a culprit to blame, he can find one suspect in the nearest mirror.

Fannie and Freddie did not bring down the world economy.

The $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme did.
you should realy stop using wacky left wing blog sites and writers
afterall they told us Papa Obama would be good

and we see how poorly that worked out
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