The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

"Military Contractor CEO Pay in 2010

Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush: $22.84 million.

Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens: $21.89 million.

Boeing CEO James McNerney: $19.4 million.

Financial Sector CEO Pay in 2010

JP Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon: $20.81 million.

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf: $18.97 million.

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan: $1.94 million."

Not as dead as shit like this.
And shit eaters like you.

War Is a Force That Pays the 1 Percent: Occupying American Foreign Policy | Truthout

annual salaries

kanye west: 25 million

Harrison Ford: 65 million

Leonardo Dicaprio: 77 million

Matt Damon: 22 million

George Clooney: 19 million

Johnny Depp: 50 million

Alex Rodrigues: 32 million

Kobe Bryant: 25 million

Yes! It's ridiculous. I'm glad that you see that Alex making $32 mil a year ends up making Yankee tickets go up to $100 or more per seat.

Hey - maybe:

It’s time to Occupy Hollywood!

It's time to stop paying Johnny Depp "stupid money." Celebrities make too much -- and we can do something about it

The great recession is not Johnny Depp’s fault. Johnny Depp did not decimate your 401K and your children’s college savings plans. He did not foreclose your home. He did not take away your health insurance when you got laid off. He did not start charging you new monthly banking fees while awarding himself a hefty bonus. All the guy’s ever done is dress like a pirate and entertain people.

Johnny Depp is not the problem. But the entertainment industry is so bloated and reckless that it can pay him $50 million in the last year alone. Depp just shrugs: “If they’re going to pay me the stupid money right now, I’m going to take it.” But in the midst of economic collapse, it’s time to stop paying Johnny Depp stupid money. It’s time to Occupy Hollywood.

Depp isn’t the only wildly overpaid person in America, of course, and actors aren’t the only mega-earners. Tiger Woods’ salary and endorsements will earn him about $62 million this year – which is actually a stunning comedown of nearly $30 million in the wake of his marital implosion. And thanks to hefty album sales and a smash tour, Lady Gaga will pull in roughly $90 million. That’s a lot of lobster shoes.


As Brent Cox explained for the Awl last month, even adjusted for inflation, Hollywood has never before paid the kind of psycho money it’s hemorrhaging on its stars now. In 2011 money, Marilyn Monroe would have clocked in at a modest under $2 million for “The Misfits.” Leonardo DiCaprio, in contrast, stands to make $50 million for “Inception.”

To pay for the stars, studios have gutted the number of movies they make by 20 percent. And while Depp earns enough to buy himself a small planet, Jack Sparrow’s home at Disney is laying off hundreds of employees. This is the same studio whose sense of proportion is so out of whack that it prides itself on sticking to a $215 million budget for a remake of “The Lone Ranger,” starring, of course, Johnny Depp. In a harrowingly grandiose statement of out-of-touchness, Jerry Bruckheimer told the Hollywood Reporter this week, “For the smaller scenes [we] laid off the extras, the effects people, the makeup people … We bunched together scenes with Tonto and the Lone Ranger, so we had a much smaller crew. We saved about $10 million just by doing that.” Wait, that’s how you saved money? Laying off effects people?
I only watch movies I can buy from a clearance bin at a used media store. Outside of resorting to piracy, I don't think they profit much from my 3 bucks of after retail purchase.
"Military Contractor CEO Pay in 2010

Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush: $22.84 million.

Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens: $21.89 million.

Boeing CEO James McNerney: $19.4 million.

Financial Sector CEO Pay in 2010

JP Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon: $20.81 million.

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf: $18.97 million.

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan: $1.94 million."

Not as dead as shit like this.
And shit eaters like you.

War Is a Force That Pays the 1 Percent: Occupying American Foreign Policy | Truthout

Let me explain how stock options work:
A CEO gets 350K in salary and stock options, if he wants to gamble HIS $$$.
If the stock goes up under his term then he gets the profit.
What the hell is wrong with that picture?
Ask your dead brother.
Or Pat Tillman.
Or one of the 46,900 Iraqi children murdered by US weapons of mass destruction during Gulf War I.
CEOs who see their stocks rise because of war crimes deserve to stay alive just long enough to watch their own children die. Slowly.

MMS: Error
You're a piece of fuckin' shit, who should definitely go for a ride on the BANNED wagon for that disgusting comment.
Let me explain how stock options work:
A CEO gets 350K in salary and stock options, if he wants to gamble HIS $$$.
If the stock goes up under his term then he gets the profit.
What the hell is wrong with that picture?
Edited, no family
Or Pat Tillman.
Or one of the 46,900 Iraqi children murdered by US weapons of mass destruction during Gulf War I.
CEOs who see their stocks rise because of war crimes deserve to stay alive just long enough to watch their own children die. Slowly.

MMS: Error
You're a piece of fuckin' shit, who should definitely go for a ride on the BANNED wagon for that disgusting comment.

Damned shame I can't neg him again right now.....
Edited, no family
Or Pat Tillman.
Or one of the 46,900 Iraqi children murdered by US weapons of mass destruction during Gulf War I.
CEOs who see their stocks rise because of war crimes deserve to stay alive just long enough to watch their own children die. Slowly.

MMS: Error
You're a piece of fuckin' shit, who should definitely go for a ride on the BANNED wagon for that disgusting comment.

Damned shame I can't neg him again right now.....

A bit of a habit of yours hey? Got nuthin better to do. Wasted your existence and livin on the dole. So take your misery out on others. own it and can't get rid of it through neg reps or any other manner than lookin in the mirror and gettin honest there.
Happy Hour Roundup

By Greg Sargent

* You should definitely check out Chris Hayes’ show on MSNBC tomorrow morning — he has a scoop coming that will shed some new light on the meaning of the constant efforts to discredit Occupy Wall Street. Here’s the teaser:

‘Up’ will reveal details of a memo the program has obtained from a prominent lobbying firm pitching a Wall Street client on how to hit back at Occupy Wall Street and target specific Democrats in 2012 races around the country.​
Happy Hour Roundup

By Greg Sargent

* You should definitely check out Chris Hayes’ show on MSNBC tomorrow morning — he has a scoop coming that will shed some new light on the meaning of the constant efforts to discredit Occupy Wall Street. Here’s the teaser:

‘Up’ will reveal details of a memo the program has obtained from a prominent lobbying firm pitching a Wall Street client on how to hit back at Occupy Wall Street and target specific Democrats in 2012 races around the country.​
And i'm quite sure the 4 of you liberal morons who watches that Rachell Maddow lookin' lil' liberal pansy will be ALL OUTRAGED AND SHIT!:evil:
Last edited:
Happy Hour Roundup

By Greg Sargent

* You should definitely check out Chris Hayes’ show on MSNBC tomorrow morning — he has a scoop coming that will shed some new light on the meaning of the constant efforts to discredit Occupy Wall Street. Here’s the teaser:

‘Up’ will reveal details of a memo the program has obtained from a prominent lobbying firm pitching a Wall Street client on how to hit back at Occupy Wall Street and target specific Democrats in 2012 races around the country.​

Nobody watches PMSNBC, Synthia....

Happy Hour Roundup

By Greg Sargent

* You should definitely check out Chris Hayes’ show on MSNBC tomorrow morning — he has a scoop coming that will shed some new light on the meaning of the constant efforts to discredit Occupy Wall Street. Here’s the teaser:

‘Up’ will reveal details of a memo the program has obtained from a prominent lobbying firm pitching a Wall Street client on how to hit back at Occupy Wall Street and target specific Democrats in 2012 races around the country.​

The banks have to be freaked out by what is happening.

The sheep finally woke up.
I don't think you should talk about our retired military that way.

I wrote a $22,000 check to the IRS last April.

It will probably be more next year.

But only treasonous pussy ass Tea Party members complain about their taxes.

Another internet millionaire.....

BTW I still pay federal income taxes on my military retirement. Yep the Government giveth and the Government taketh away....

Most doubt he paid that amount

what schedules did he fill out?

Fuck you, asshole.

What schedules did you fill out?

I have an accountant that does all that for me.
My retirement and medical benefits are paid for by my wife and I....We've done quite well in life financially. We have no financial worries.

YOUR Social Security will not exist, because of the government Ponzi sheme that has been perpetrated since its inception.

Do YOU get that?

Get back in the damn tent, or go to the "Y'' and take a fuckin' bath.

Another conservative fantasy.

Social Security has never missed a payment in 76 years.

And it is solvent 25 years into the future.

Try another tactic. This one don't fly.

Really? Why is it that your man Obama threatened Americas seniors with the possibility of them not getting their checks?

Because the fucking Tea Party members in Congress were going to shut down the government.

Obama kicked their ass, and now they have lost all their support.
Still shitting in the street, raping, assaulting and shouting in bull horns.

You must have the Occupy Wall Street Protester confused with the crony capitalist who are shitting in the streets, raping, assaulting and shouting in the bull horns.


Photos? Didn't think so. Dismissed.
Yes ...All police reports, news reports etc regrading crime in OWS encampments have been fabricated.
You must have the Occupy Wall Street Protester confused with the crony capitalist who are shitting in the streets, raping, assaulting and shouting in the bull horns.


Photos? Didn't think so. Dismissed.
Yes ...All police reports, news reports etc regrading crime in OWS encampments have been fabricated.

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

How's that for a crime?
Since the OWS movement has started, the conversation has shifted from the debt and deficit to JOBS and income inequality. Even the unctuous little twerp, Eric Cantor and the Budget Munster, Paul Ryan have been discussing income inequality. That can only be seen as a victory for the OWS movement.

Another victory for OWS comes from Bank of America who have decided NOT to charge people a ridiculous fee for using their debit cards.

Keep the pressure on!!!


Yeah, OWS is being paid to protest - that is how they're working...

OWS is shit, no one respects them - they're continually mocked by bankers and rightly so - as a matter of fact given your actions I wish to see you starve to death...

Maybe you can beg for enough money for a fishing pole to feed yourself , unless you find that animal cruelty or too much work...
Since the OWS movement has started, the conversation has shifted from the debt and deficit to JOBS and income inequality. Even the unctuous little twerp, Eric Cantor and the Budget Munster, Paul Ryan have been discussing income inequality. That can only be seen as a victory for the OWS movement.

Another victory for OWS comes from Bank of America who have decided NOT to charge people a ridiculous fee for using their debit cards.

Keep the pressure on!!!


Yeah, OWS is being paid to protest - that is how they're working...

OWS is shit, no one respects them - they're continually mocked by bankers and rightly so - as a matter of fact given your actions I wish to see you starve to death...

Maybe you can beg for enough money for a fishing pole to feed yourself , unless you find that animal cruelty or too much work...

A lot of people respect OWS.

No one respects the bankers.
Photos? Didn't think so. Dismissed.
Yes ...All police reports, news reports etc regrading crime in OWS encampments have been fabricated.

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

How's that for a crime?

Link?...Forget it. You are irrational.
What the fuck does that have to do with the OWS?
Now go ahead and fire off another non sequitur.

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