The ODS Files: Conservatives Now Say They Hate Spock After Obama Praises Character


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Addicting Info Can t Make This Up Conservatives Now Say They Hate Spock After Obama Praises Character

President Obama had marked the passing of Leonard Nimoy with a moving statement released by the White House:

“Long before being nerdy was cool, there was Leonard Nimoy. Leonard was a lifelong lover of the arts and humanities, a supporter of the sciences, generous with his talent and his time. And of course, Leonard was Spock. Cool, logical, big-eared and level-headed, the center of Star Trek’s optimistic, inclusive vision of humanity’s future.

As if on cue, conservatives have lined up to re-remember Spock as basically a pointy-eared version of what they believe Obama to be. Matthew Continetti, a writer for the conservative paper The Washington Free Beacon, summed up the sentiments with an astoundingly sad article titled “I Don’t Love Spock.

“I am also a Star Trek fan, but I admit I was somewhat confused by my rather apathetic reaction to Nimoy’s death. And as I thought more about the president’s statement, I realized he identifies with the very aspects of the Spock character that most annoy me. I don’t love Spock at all.”

Mistaking his own apathy towards the death of a fellow person as a sign that he was “on to something,” Continetti details the various ways Spock – a half-Vulcan living and working in deep space in the 24th century – is too liberal to ever be loved by conservatives. Let’s just say his examples are, to borrow a phrase, highly illogical.

“Not only do Spock’s peacenik inclinations routinely land the Enterprise and the Federation into trouble, his “logic” and “level head” mask an arrogant emotional basket case. Unlike the superhuman android Data, a loyal officer whose deepest longing is to be human, Spock spends most of his life as a freelancing diplomat eager to negotiate with the worst enemies of Starfleet.”

This is what its come too? Hating fictional recently passed characters because Obama....

How did an article by one person become all conservatives? Were it not for this post I'd never have heard that all conservatives hate Spock.

Don't all liberals hate Leonard Nimoy because he was Jewish?
How did an article by one person become all conservatives? Were it not for this post I'd never have heard that all conservatives hate Spock.

Don't all liberals hate Leonard Nimoy because he was Jewish?
He was Jew from the waist down....
Painting with a fire hose is business as usual,when you have no idea what to aim this is what they do.

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