The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment says......


Jun 10, 2010
Introduction to OSC​

The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices enforces the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act § 274B, 8 U.S.C. § 1324b. This statute prohibits citizenship or immigration status discrimination with respect to hiring, firing, and recruitment or referral for a fee, by employers with four or more employees. Employers may not treat individuals differently because they are, or are not, U.S. citizens. U.S. citizens and nationals, recent permanent residents, asylees and refugees are protected from citizenship status discrimination.

Section 1324b also prohibits national origin discrimination with respect to hiring, firing, and recruitment or referral for a fee, by employers with more than three and fewer than 15 employees. All individuals eligible to work in the United States – including citizens, nationals, immigrants, and temporary work visa holders -- are protected from national origin discrimination. (The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has national origin jurisdiction over employers with 15 or more employees.) In addition, section 1324b prohibits unfair documentary practices related to verifying the employment eligibility of employees. Employers may not, on the basis of citizenship status or national origin, request more or different documents than are required to verify an individual's employment eligibility and identity, reject reasonably genuine-looking documents, or specify certain documents over others. All work authorized individuals are protected from document abuse. Finally, the anti-discrimination provision prohibits employer retaliation against individuals who file charges with OSC, cooperate with investigations under section 1324b, contest action that may violate the statute, or otherwise assert their rights under the statute.

Pursuant to its statutory mandate, OSC also conducts an extensive, nationwide public education campaign to teach workers, employers and concerned organizations about section 1324b. An essential component of the Section's outreach includes its grant program. Each year, OSC awards grants to organizations to assist it in educating workers and employers in areas with sizable and/or emerging immigrant populations about their rights and responsibilities under the section 1324b. OSC also staffs employer and worker hotlines, through which it is often able to stop employers from engaging in unlawful discrimination by educating them on the spot. In addition, it distributes tens of thousands of pieces of educational materials to the public each year free of charge.

Civil Rights Divison Office of Special Counsel Home Page


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it pefectly legal to fire illegal immigrants?

Wasn't that one of the complaints?

That US businesses are hiring illegal immigrants?

Why is the Justice Department protecting their rights?

What rights?

The right to put Americans out of work?
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The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices ("OSC") investigates charges of job discrimination related to an individual's immigration status or national origin.

The three categories of discrimination are:
Citizenship status discrimination--when individuals are rejected for employment or fired because they are or are not U.S. citizens or because of their immigration status or type of work authorization. U.S. citizens, permanent residents, temporary residents, asylees and refugees are protected from citizenship status discrimination.

National origin discrimination--when individuals are rejected for employment or fired based on their place of birth, country of origin, ancestry, native language, accent or because they are perceived as looking or sounding "foreign." All work authorized individuals are protected from national origin discrimination. OSC has this jurisdiction over smaller employers, not covered by the EEOC.

Document abuse discrimination--when employers request more or different documents than are required to verify employment eligibility and identity, reject reasonably genuine-looking documents or specify certain documents over others. All work authorized individuals are protected from document abuse.

Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices

Genuine looking document? Even if you know it's bogus? If the ink is still wet, like the employees back?
Unfair Employment Practices?? Hmmm Guess if you break the law and are hired illegally you get the same protections as a legal citizen of the US.

Talk about stupid. Jeeze. These people are here illegally. They aren't citizens and all of our laws seem to apply to them as well as to a citizen.

That is some fucked up.
I think it's funny, a business is not supposed to hire illegals but she doesn't want them asking for documents that prove such. LOFL
This office is actually in place to prevent discrimination against people who are here in the United States legally(such as actual born here citizens).

An example would be my husband who is a United States citizen and served 5 years in the United States Marine Corps was suspended on his 2nd day of work due to a clerical error when he was being E-verified.

This is not legal. You can't suspend an american citizen because you suspect they are an immigrant. You have to know they are not legally able to work in the United States before you can terminate them. Any thing else is illegal and considered discrimination.

My husband is still out of work all because this company panicked over a clerical error caused by them, and they have not yet called him back to work even though E-verify cleared the issue that same day.

When this type of thing happens the Office of Special Counsel becomes involved and corrects the issue. I'm thankful we have representation in this case because this is seriously the most ridiculous thing to have ever happened to us.

How do you suspend a prior marine for suspicion of being an illegal alien over a clerical error?

All of you need to understand these laws better before making racist discriminatory comments where people like myself looking for legitimate helpful information will find your useless jab at the only office that's helping us.

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