The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The basic guidelines are:
If you start the assault (which does not have to include physical violence), you are the aggressor and have no right to self defense UNLESS...your victim escalates the level of force or tries to resume the fight after you make an attempt to leave. Then you do have a right to self defense.

Zimmerman was on his way back to his truck ( leaving ). Martin RETURNED to confront and fight.

If this is true, then at that point Martin would be the aggressor and Zimmerman would have self defense. Unless, of course, he threatened Martin with his gun, which is an escalation or force and would make Zimmermant the aggressor.

Note that I'm not taking any sides or arguing what really happened...just pointing out general concepts.
Like I stated in the post you responded to; I think that they somehow ran into each other and the confrontation was on. In short:
The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.
Can you be more specific on "somehow they ran into each other"? Because that's kind of the crux here. If Zimmerman ran after him and caught up to him and initiated the fight that looks a whole lot worse for SD than Martin doubling back and confronting him.

Can we agree that zimmerman was pursuing Martin?

You're deflecting. That Zimmerman went looking for Martin (not "pursued) is not at issue. I want to know how you think they encountered each other before the fatal shooting.
Wild About Trial on line poll...

Poll: Not Guilty (62%, 367 Votes)
Guilty - Manslaughter (29%, 174 Votes)
Guilty - Second Degree Murder (9%, 51 Votes)
George Zimmerman claimed Trayvon Martin attacked first in account to cops -

Zimmerman claimed Martin asked if he had a problem, according to the Sentinel and ABC News. He told cops he said no and reached for his cellphone to make another call.

“Well, you do now,” Martin said before slugging Zimmerman, the watchman told police, according to the Sentinel.


The account differs from that of Martin’s girlfriend, who was chatting with him on his cellphone before the encounter.

“Why are you following me?” Martin was heard asking, according to the 16-year-old girl.

She said she heard a man ask, “What are you doing around here?”

Then, she said, she heard a scuffle and the line went dead.

Zimmerman claimed Martin asked if he had a problem .... “Why are you following me?” - “What are you doing around here?”

Zimmerman reversed the order of the conversation in his testimony ... Martin asked the first question - “Why are you following me?”.

not if Zimmerman had a problem but (do you have a problem with my being here) ...

Excellent example of evidence with counter evidence. But Martin's girlfriend has serious ethical issues. She clearly lied somewhere in there. She isn't too bright. Whether she misheard, whether she made stuff up, or whether she out and out lied after being coached is subject to debate.
It brings up reasonable doubt. Advantage: Zimmerman.
And here we go ladies and gentlemen. Mark O'Mara is ready to send Zimmerman to freedom. Looks like the defense has brought in 2 life-size cutout mannekins, which they'll show standing next to one another to show the size differences between TM and GZ on that night. O'Mara is being so professional.
One cannot SHAME people who have no remorse, and one cannot embarrass people without honor.

Nobody cares about other's outrage, except in the case of TROLLS who post inflammatory things just to outrage people.
Manslaughter- TEN YEARS!!

Funny thing here, because I actually believe Zimmerman is most likely guilty of manslaughter, but I do not support, in any way, his conviction. The prosecution had a choice from the beginning to charge Zimmerman with involuntary manslaughter. They chose second degree murder. Now that they know they have no chance of getting a conviction for second degree murder, they ask the judge to allow jurors to consider a lesser charge. What a crock of shit. Their case was predicated on a second degree murder charge. They did not prove their case. Case over.

One last thing in defense of Zimmerman; despite the fact that I can't stand the guy, there is some solid evidence that he showed no malice toward Travon Martin, and that proof comes in the fact that he only fired one shot. That shot was fired after he was being beaten. To what degree, we will never know, but the fact is that Martin did beat on him based on the scars he had on his face and head. Only one shot fired, and absolutely zero solid evidence showing he acted with any malice whatsoever.

If for any reason he is convicted, I can only hope to God that such a conviction would be overturned. Our justice system requires proof of guilt and that proof must come without any reasonable doubt. No matter what is done with this case, there is more than reasonable doubt, therefore there can be no conviction.

How could he be charged with involuntary manslaughter when he intentionally shot Martin?
Look how many people live in DC, they don't seem to have a problem living next to Barack drone strike against kids Obama


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If somehow the killer, George Zimmerman, gets off Scot free, he's going to immediately start on the NRA circuit. He'll be a RW hero inviting to speak at all their events. He may even get hired by FOXNEWS.

He'll be rich.

That's how they treat their criminals that get away...they prop them up. Google Darryl Issa. He's nothing but a small-time crook that got away.

How high do democrats hold Bill Ayers, or Ted Kennedy?

I didn't know who Bill Ayers was until the right wingers lame attempt to connect him to Obama. All the garbage about Ayers mentoring Obama is ludicrous and merely a smear against a black guy who become president.

Speaking of Ted Kennedy, what about Laura Bush and her boyfriend? Or John McCain and the Forrestal? There are plenty of deaths on both sides. But with the exception of Zimmerman and Laura Bush, no one actually went out looking to kill someone.

Obama did

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Tasty court water in the house! I think that sounds like acrylic and not glass. Wet grass sound/dry grass sound.
Judge is already interrupting O'Mara who is explaining to the jury how important it is to use common sense, especially in everyday life. Unbelievable
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