The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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How could he be charged with involuntary manslaughter when he intentionally shot Martin?

voluntary manslaughter

Voluntary manslaughter describes a homicide intentionally committed while in the midst of a provocation. The prosecutor must show a sudden, unexpected event or circumstance serving as a provocation. As a result of the provocation, the defendant must have felt a temporary anger, heat of passion, or emotion that immediately resulted in an intent to kill or an intent to commit the act that resulted in the victim's death. - See more at: Florida Voluntary Manslaughter Laws - FindLaw

Self defense is still a defense here. That's a non starter.

Perhaps a jury member will argue that Z could or should have defended himself with fighting back with his fists but in the heat of passion was angered and used his gun instead, making it manslaughter. In essence, "you don't bring a gun to a fist fight,"
Just a possible argument for manslaughter.
voluntary manslaughter

Voluntary manslaughter describes a homicide intentionally committed while in the midst of a provocation. The prosecutor must show a sudden, unexpected event or circumstance serving as a provocation. As a result of the provocation, the defendant must have felt a temporary anger, heat of passion, or emotion that immediately resulted in an intent to kill or an intent to commit the act that resulted in the victim's death. - See more at: Florida Voluntary Manslaughter Laws - FindLaw

Self defense is still a defense here. That's a non starter.

Perhaps a jury member will argue that Z could or should have defended himself with fighting back with his fists but in the heat of passion was angered and used his gun instead, making it manslaughter. In essence, "you don't bring a gun to a fist fight,"
Just a possible argument for manslaughter.

obviously you don't understand the meaning of "don't bring a gun to a fist fight "
Self defense is still a defense here. That's a non starter.

Perhaps a jury member will argue that Z could or should have defended himself with fighting back with his fists but in the heat of passion was angered and used his gun instead, making it manslaughter. In essence, "you don't bring a gun to a fist fight,"
Just a possible argument for manslaughter.

obviously you don't understand the meaning of "don't bring a gun to a fist fight "

Maybe one or more of the women jurors don't understand that.
OK. So we know that Martin ran away, because Zimmerman said so. I think there was testimony to that effect as well.
So how did the two end up encountering each other again?
1) Zimmerman ran after Martin and caught up to him and confronted him. Unlikely given the physical disparity.
2) Zimmerman laid in wait for martin and confronted him when he re-appeared. Unlikely. Zimmerman had no idea where Martin was going or whether he would be back that way.
3) Martin doubled back to confront Zimmerman. The official story. Seems the most likely. Why? To teach Zimmerman a lesson. To cover his tracks because he was n fact casing the house. To intimidate Zimmerman so he wouldn't finger Martin in a later break in. To get even with Zimmerman because he dissed him by looking at him. Lots of possibilities here. But all of them point to Martin initiating the second fatal contact.

I agree he probably ran away. What Zimmerman said pre shooting is probably true. Now what he said post shooting that is questionable.
1.) Your assuming this is a race and Martin ran away as fast as he could. I would argue he may have just jogged off until he was around the corner then walked. I see no reason Zimmerman couldn't have caught up to him if he wanted.
2.) I agree it is unlikely Zimmerman would expect Martin to come back.
3.) To me it seems like Martin would have a long record of batteries if he was so easily offended. But he doesn't and that's why I see this option as unlikely.

One interesting thing I've read is that Zimmerman didn't have any of Martin's blood on him? He shot somebody who was on top of him in the heart and had no blood on him?

So Martin jogs off around the corner and Zimmerman comes running up after him and Martin doesn't hear any of this, even though he's alerted to Zimmerman's presence earlier? No, I dont think so.
Martin was only 17 so it is easy to imagine he didnt have a long record.

The dna evidence was clearly screwed up by both the rain and the police at the scene. We've had testimony to that effect.

Well suppose Martin jogs off to avoid trouble, but Zimmerman follows yelling negative things. Martin gets offended enough to stand his ground. From the call Zimmerman clearly thought Martin was a punk and guilty of something.

I think there is some part of the confrontation that Zimmerman isn't telling. A kid with no history of violence is unlikely to just attack some guy for looking at him. And speaking of records, Zimmermans isn't exactly clean when it comes to violence. So if Zimmerman is leaving something out it can't be something that would work in his favor.
Re DD:

Are you freaking kidding me? She lies and it's everyone else's fault. Oh looky! Al's back!

MSNBC's Al Sharpton spoke today with Rod Vereen, the attorney representing Rachel Jeantel, a key witness for the state in the murder trial of George Zimmerman. Sharpton noted how the defense attorneys went out of their way to discredit her testimony, and brought up some of the vicious attacks on Jeantel during and following her two days in the courtroom. Immediately following the interview, Sharpton condemned the attacks on her that "have been nothing short of offensive to any American.Vereen explained that because Jeantel is still under subpoena, she cannot talk to anyone about her testimony, but said that "her body language tells me that she's happy that it's over with." Sharpton brought up how the defense "tried to discredit Rachel" by grilling her about initially lying over why she didn't attend Trayvon Martin's funeral. Sharpton found her explanation, that she felt guilty about being the last person who spoke to him before he died, "pretty reasonable to me.Vereen explained his client never wanted to be dragged into the spotlight over this, but now the credibility of a teenage girl has become the topic of national discussion. Sharpton asked Vereen if Jeantel is aware of the attacks on her in the media and online. Vereen said he recommended she avoid social media, because if she's called back to testify, the negative criticism could influence her. He also slammed the media for nitpicking her "stumbling," saying that witnesses will always have "inconsistencies in statements," but that does not always mean they're lying.Sharpton concluded the segment with a swift condemnation of the attacks on Jeantel's character.The attacks that I've heard on Rachel Jeantel have been nothing short of offensive to any American that wants to see young people... to do the right thing and come forward. No matter what happens in this trial, if people come forward, they ought not be ridiculed. They ought not be in any way given the kind of treatment that this young lady was given... To castigate her, to characterize her, to stereotype her, and use all kind of attacks, I think, is something that does an injustice to the criminal justice system."

Al Sharpton Talks With Rachel Jeantel's Lawyer,Condemns 'Offensive' Stereotyping Of Her In The Media - YouTube

The funeral thing was a bit of a stretch, after all if Florida had Early Funeraling or Absentee Funeraling, DD probably been able to participate.

I think I made up a new word.

I was hauled up in class one night for saying something critical about public defenders, so I won't go there on this post because I was informed by the prof that most public defenders will be a better advocate than the lawyer who stops defending you because you violate "Rule number 1" the first time you are late on your payment. Zimmerman would not have had such good representation were it not for people who contributed to his defense. I didn't contribute to it, but I would contribute to his 'get out of the country' fund for him and his family if there is one WHEN he is found to be NOT guilty.

I wonder how his father and his uncle will fare.

Another thing I wonder--why is there no talk of a foundation for Trayvon? It seems like that is what is done now to honor the memory of a victim. Maybe there is and I have had my head in the sand.

There are some good lawyers in FL --to be a fly on the wall when this case is discussed in private quarters. That would be interesting.

I believe there was some sort of foundation established shortly after the incident. I read about it in some of the links posted many pages back. I also remember reading that the family used the account for their personal expenses. I believe that was about the time that AS and JJ were doing marches.
Call me hard- hearted but Sybrina did not raise lil Trayvon ( lil Trayvon was raised by the next woman Tracy took up with). I learned in all my reading that she actually spent not a lot of time with him.
While I have some sympathy for them, had they been better parents to him, he may still be around.

That doesn't sound good--parents using the $ for their personal expenses.

Zimmerman's wife used money that was donated, too and much was made of that.

Sanford must be a suburb of Orlando. They said this occurred in a townhome community--thinking that people had financial struggles.

I don't know. Their grief is genuine and that seems to help families in many cases.
I agree he probably ran away. What Zimmerman said pre shooting is probably true. Now what he said post shooting that is questionable.
1.) Your assuming this is a race and Martin ran away as fast as he could. I would argue he may have just jogged off until he was around the corner then walked. I see no reason Zimmerman couldn't have caught up to him if he wanted.
2.) I agree it is unlikely Zimmerman would expect Martin to come back.
3.) To me it seems like Martin would have a long record of batteries if he was so easily offended. But he doesn't and that's why I see this option as unlikely.

One interesting thing I've read is that Zimmerman didn't have any of Martin's blood on him? He shot somebody who was on top of him in the heart and had no blood on him?

So Martin jogs off around the corner and Zimmerman comes running up after him and Martin doesn't hear any of this, even though he's alerted to Zimmerman's presence earlier? No, I dont think so.
Martin was only 17 so it is easy to imagine he didnt have a long record.

The dna evidence was clearly screwed up by both the rain and the police at the scene. We've had testimony to that effect.

Well suppose Martin jogs off to avoid trouble, but Zimmerman follows yelling negative things. Martin gets offended enough to stand his ground. From the call Zimmerman clearly thought Martin was a punk and guilty of something.

I think there is some part of the confrontation that Zimmerman isn't telling. A kid with no history of violence is unlikely to just attack some guy for looking at him. And speaking of records, Zimmermans isn't exactly clean when it comes to violence. So if Zimmerman is leaving something out it can't be something that would work in his favor.

Martin did have history of violence. He got in fights. He liked to fight. He wanted to learn more about fighting.
Look how many people live in DC, they don't seem to have a problem living next to Barack drone strike against kids Obama

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

And I am sure that folks like you were upset when Reagan ordered the bombing that killed Gaddafi's daughter, right? :clap2:

Well, you certainly aren't upset about Obama doing it now. Clearly you're trying to pin Frank because you're a hypocrite too. Deflection!

-100 for Shallow.

Upset about what?

I went to a protest concerning the Iraq war..which was the AUMF. I am against that.

That's the exact legislation Obama is operating under.

It should be repealed.

And it should have never been passed.
If somehow the killer, George Zimmerman, gets off Scot free, he's going to immediately start on the NRA circuit. He'll be a RW hero inviting to speak at all their events. He may even get hired by FOXNEWS.

He'll be rich.

That's how they treat their criminals that get away...they prop them up. Google Darryl Issa. He's nothing but a small-time crook that got away.

How high do democrats hold Bill Ayers, or Ted Kennedy?

I didn't know who Bill Ayers was until the right wingers lame attempt to connect him to Obama. All the garbage about Ayers mentoring Obama is ludicrous and merely a smear against a black guy who become president.

Speaking of Ted Kennedy, what about Laura Bush and her boyfriend? Or John McCain and the Forrestal? There are plenty of deaths on both sides. But with the exception of Zimmerman and Laura Bush, no one actually went out looking to kill someone.

Dean, you shouldn't be so ignorant

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