The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He's discredited but your youtube voice analysis is legit? :clap2::clap2::clap2:

I have looked through many videos of Dershowitz on youtube, but they are all about his tirades against Angela Corey. His failed statements that came before the indictment don't appear to still be posted there, but I'm still looking.

Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Constituional Law Professor, former National Board Member of the ACLU and famed appelate attorney opined that Corey overcharged GZ by bringing a 2nd degree murder charge against him. Most legal commentators agreed and he was vindicated by the Not Guilty verdict. Dershowitz went further and opined that Corey breached her ethical responsibilities based upon political pressures in charging GZ and should be disciplined. Most legal commentators kept their mouth shut on this assertion because it is a common failing of prosecutors to overcharge even though it is clearly a violation of ethical responsibilities.

She did the best that she could, and it's 20/20 hindsight capitalization to go on about it.
And what part of "self defense" did you not hear in the three weeks of the Zimmerman trial? This case wasn't about Stand Your Ground.

Marissa was standing her ground, and she was jailed for it. Fact is, the Stand Your Ground laws favor whites over blacks - statistics prove that.

No, she wasn't standing her ground.

She was in her ex's home, where she went in spite of a restraining order. Then she went outside to get a gun, and came back in.

THEN, after she got out on bond for that shooting, she violated a court order and went over to her ex's house and punched him in the eye. It was this incident which prevented her from getting probation. After that she had a chance at a three-year sentence, which would only have been a year and a half more after accounting for time served, and she turned that down.

I have looked through many videos of Dershowitz on youtube, but they are all about his tirades against Angela Corey. His failed statements that came before the indictment don't appear to still be posted there, but I'm still looking.

Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Constituional Law Professor, former National Board Member of the ACLU and famed appelate attorney opined that Corey overcharged GZ by bringing a 2nd degree murder charge against him. Most legal commentators agreed and he was vindicated by the Not Guilty verdict. Dershowitz went further and opined that Corey breached her ethical responsibilities based upon political pressures in charging GZ and should be disciplined. Most legal commentators kept their mouth shut on this assertion because it is a common failing of prosecutors to overcharge even though it is clearly a violation of ethical responsibilities.

She did the best that she could, and it's 20/20 hindsight capitalization to go on about it.

She violated an American citizen's constitutional rights. It's appropriate to comment on it until she is brought to account for her actions.
It's retarded to assert someone is racist especially when he has shown acts to prove he is not. Unless you have a lot of ammunition to back it up.

It's retarded to try to make an accused murderer into a god.

It's retarded to vilify an exonerated man into Satan!

Is this another one of those "Wouldn't you agree" moments? Wouldn't you agree the world is going screaming to hell in a handbasket?
Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Constituional Law Professor, former National Board Member of the ACLU and famed appelate attorney opined that Corey overcharged GZ by bringing a 2nd degree murder charge against him. Most legal commentators agreed and he was vindicated by the Not Guilty verdict. Dershowitz went further and opined that Corey breached her ethical responsibilities based upon political pressures in charging GZ and should be disciplined. Most legal commentators kept their mouth shut on this assertion because it is a common failing of prosecutors to overcharge even though it is clearly a violation of ethical responsibilities.

She did the best that she could, and it's 20/20 hindsight capitalization to go on about it.

She violated an American citizen's constitutional rights. It's appropriate to comment on it until she is brought to account for her actions.

Only if it's done consistently, which is isn't. I'd like to see half the prosecutors in the U.S. brought to justice.
As far as The NAACP, Obama is not going to help them. They were pleading to him as well to start a civil action.
She did the best that she could, and it's 20/20 hindsight capitalization to go on about it.

She violated an American citizen's constitutional rights. It's appropriate to comment on it until she is brought to account for her actions.

Only if it's done consistently, which is isn't. I'd like to see half the prosecutors in the U.S. brought to justice.

So, are you advocating letting this one slide, because they all do it?
Word has reached us that the persecution team in the George Zimmerman trial relied heavily on an Asiana pilot as their legal advisor. He has been identified as Captain Sum Ting Wong. Co pilot Ho Lee Fuk assisted the Captain.

[ame=]TV Station Makes Error, Reads 4 Wrong Names Of Asiana Crash Pilots 'Sum Ting Wong' And 'Ho Lee Fuk' - YouTube[/ame]
She violated an American citizen's constitutional rights. It's appropriate to comment on it until she is brought to account for her actions.

Only if it's done consistently, which is isn't. I'd like to see half the prosecutors in the U.S. brought to justice.

So, are you advocating letting this one slide, because they all do it?

No I said Derpowitz is showboating and capitalizing on this instance to try to make himself look good.
Amazing how people leave out the fact that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and was beating him to a pulp.

Here's the thing about being beaten to a pulp.

That generally means you are going to need more than a bandaid and peroxide wipe.

not necessarily. At least your coming around to the idea that Trayvon was punching Z out. The head is dangerous place to be hit. Fighters have died from blows to the head that only bled internally.
Yeah, but how common is that? Practically nil!
Only if it's done consistently, which is isn't. I'd like to see half the prosecutors in the U.S. brought to justice.

So, are you advocating letting this one slide, because they all do it?

No I said Derpowitz is showboating and capitalizing on this instance to try to make himself look good.

Someone has to say it. They won't exactly listen to me. There is at least a conversation when it comes from a respected constitutional lawyer. I would agree he has an extra hard on for her, since she called Harvard to try to have him disciplined for speaking his opinion.
There are two civil suits new items going on here.


The first is the Civil Rights Organization NAACP has started a petition right after the verdict came in on Zimmerman for Florida wanting the Justice Department to let there be a Civil Suit against him , insisting there was racial profiling and Martin's civil rights were violated. They have been holding peaceful protests in cities and preachers involved in the organzation are getting together to talk to at a confrence to bunch of people. Not to menton more marches scheduled.

That is not a "civil suit", it is a criminal action based upon violation of civil rights. I repeat, it is not a civil action. The odds of that occuring are infinitesimally small. Most knowledeable legal commentators share the view that this will not occur.

The second is The Martin's ,Trayvon's parents , families lawyer has told the press separately that they are considering a civil suit in the wrong full death of their son in a different jurisdiciction of were the Zimmerman Trial was just at. According to the their lawyer they had made no response to what the NAACP is doing as of yet. They have two years two file the suit before time runs out.

It is called a wrongful death action, not a wrong full death action. This indeed is a civil action and I expect that ther Martin's will file such an action.

Sounds like two different civil suits might be filed here according to the press. Or they could come together in one. To early to tell.

Sounds like one civil lawsuit and one wishful thinking criminal action to me. They ca not be joined in a single action under any circumstances.

How would a civil suit get around the Florida immunity statute?

776.032 Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of force.—
(1) A person who uses force as permitted in s. 776.012, s. 776.013, or s. 776.031 is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force, unless the person against whom force was used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(14), who was acting in the performance of his or her official duties and the officer identified himself or herself in accordance with any applicable law or the person using force knew or reasonably should have known that the person was a law enforcement officer. As used in this subsection, the term “criminal prosecution” includes arresting, detaining in custody, and charging or prosecuting the defendant.
(2) A law enforcement agency may use standard procedures for investigating the use of force as described in subsection (1), but the agency may not arrest the person for using force unless it determines that there is probable cause that the force that was used was unlawful.
(3) The court shall award reasonable attorney’s fees, court costs, compensation for loss of income, and all expenses incurred by the defendant in defense of any civil action brought by a plaintiff if the court finds that the defendant is immune from prosecution as provided in subsection (1).
And African Americans should consider no longer using the term "Cracker." It is demeaning and racist. It's time to quit trying to spin it otherwise. Maybe this thing was all about racism. If so, it was proven it was expressed by Trayvon. But that's not to say Zimmerman wasn't racist himself. I just didn't see that proven in the trial. People need to strive to be better people. They have to let go of their hate & bigotry. And that goes for all races.

The crackers can always shoot them if they use the word, cracker.:eusa_angel:
So, are you advocating letting this one slide, because they all do it?

No I said Derpowitz is showboating and capitalizing on this instance to try to make himself look good.

Someone has to say it. They won't exactly listen to me. There is at least a conversation when it comes from a respected constitutional lawyer. I would agree he has an extra hard on for her, since she called Harvard to try to have him disciplined for speaking his opinion.

And how will that bring reform against all prosecutors who routinely manipulate evidence and testimony?
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