The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I have been taking a break from politics for a year now and haven't really got back into regularly posting as a conservative, but thank you for judging me on a record that doesn't exist here at USMG. :badgrin:

A lot of Reagan Era Republicans were more liberal in that day and age. You fit that bill perfectly.

No, I have gone from being staunchly conservative to identifying some areas where Democrats are right also.
No, I've been around people like you before. I know their tendencies like the back of my hand. A lot of Reagan Era Republicans were more liberal in that day and age. You fit that bill perfectly.

So, it isn't a judgement. It's an observation.

If you can't judge someone like you, who can we judge? Sound familiar?

It's retarded to deny what party affiliation someone says he has especially when he says he has had it for 16 years. Unless you have a lot of ammunition to back it up.

Now your math is all wrong. 1987 was 26 years ago. I know because I was born in 1987. Now are you lying? Because if you are, you need to make a swift recovery, or make way out of this thread.

I was on the phone with a friend and got distracted. Yes, 26 years.
The jury clearly decided that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he pulled his gun and shot Trayvon.

That means they decided that Trayvon had done something that constituted an immediate and possibly deadly threat to Zimmerman. That act was probably, going after Zimmerman (who was following him but not stalking or attacking him), grabbing or jumping on him, knocking him down, and bashing his head multiple times into the concrete sidewalk with his fists. Slamming GZ's head repeatedly into the concrete that way could conceivably crack his skull, which could kill him. Zimmerman shot Trayvon before that could happen... but what if Zimmerman hadn't had a gun?

Then this trial would have been over Trayvon, not Zimmerman. Trayvon would have been accused at least of assault, quite possibly assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. And if he'd managed to crack Zimmerman's skull, maybe the charge for which Trayvon was tried, could have been murder.

Zimmerman did have the gun, and used it, so the trial went as it did. Trayvon was, in fact, guilty of assault - the jury decided he attacked Zimmerman. But since Trayvon lost his life as a result of assaulting Zimmerman, obviously there was no point in making any such charge against Trayvon any more, despite Trayvon's actions.

But if Zimmerman had not had a gun that night... it's pretty clear Trayvon would have been found guilty of assault, and possibly murder.

If Zimmerman had not had a gun, there would have not been an altercation.

You may be right on that. But this brings up an interesting point. Since Zimmerman had a gun on him, why would he initiated a brawl with Martin? It doesn't make sense. Logically he might have questioned him and asked him what he was doing while keeping his distance. On the other hand, the idea that Zimmerman lost him and was walking back to his car and then Martin jumped him, that sounds very possible, especially after hearing that Martin thought Zimmerman was a "creepy ass cracker". Do not kid yourself into thinking Martin was this nice little kid who never had been in trouble before. He was not this great kid everyone is trying to make him out to be. He was trouble, and I think we need to take that into account when considering what might have actaully happened that night.
Complete assumption.. as neighborhood watches do observe, follow, etc even without guns

Nah, according to his trainer's testimony he couldn't even throw a punch. Without his gun a puss-wah like that wouldn't leave his car.

Does not prove your assumption

Again... people on neighborhood watches do observe, follow etc without guns.. and yes, without having the ability to throw a punch

But hey.. baseless assumptions are about all you got to keep painting the picture you want painted

It is my opinion. Can't be proven one way or the other. Neither can the premise that Martin would have killed Zimmerman. I mean if Zimmerman is to believe that the teenager had smashed his head multiple times against concrete, beat him with his fists, yet caused so little actual damage to Zimmerman, so he wasn't a fighter either.
IMO, Zimmerman would not have gotten out of his car to follow if he didn't have a gun.

IMO GZ got out of the car without even thinking if he was armed or not.

Nobody gets out of a car carrying a pistol without thinking "I got a pistol in my pocket," regardless of their reason to get out of the car.

I agree with that, but here is something else to think about. If you know you are carrying a gun, why would you initiate a physical confrontation where you know you may well lose your advantage? You dont'. You keep your distance because the gun is your safety net. You don't allow the other person to get near you.
Florida prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda had "prayed that [George Zimmerman] would have the courage to take the stand," he told ABC News in an exclusive interview Sunday, adding that Zimmerman's "inconsistent statements" would have made him the prosecution's star witness.
-- George Zimmerman Prosecutor 'Prayed' for Him to Testify - ABC News

^ :lmao:

Instead of "praying," Bernie MIGHT have considered a pretty ancient "trial technique:" that is, NOT putting on the defense case FOR the defendant.

Had Bernie elected NOT to put Zimmerman's words (like the interview with Hannity) into evidence, then perhaps GZ and his lawyers would have had some reason for GZ to testify.

Instead, Bernie played the role of amateur hack, and went about things bass ackwards.

But now he is whining. True class. True professional. Not.

He should simply say (whether he means it or not is irrelevant): "the jury has spoken and the State accepts their verdict." Then he should totally stfu.
How about we go with the actual wording and intent of the Fifth Amendment?

The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides, "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

The clauses incorporated within the Fifth Amendment outline basic constitutional limits on police procedure. The Framers derived the Grand Juries Clause and the Due Process Clause from the Magna Carta, dating back to 1215. Scholars consider the Fifth Amendment as capable of breaking down into the following five distinct constitutional rights: grand juries for capital crimes, a prohibition on double jeopardy, a prohibition against required self-incrimination, a guarantee that all criminal defendants will have a fair trial, and a promise that the government will not seize private property without paying market value. While the Fifth Amendment originally only applied to federal courts, the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the Fifth Amendment's provisions as now applying to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Fifth Amendment | LII / Legal Information Institute

The trial that just concluded however was to determine beyond a reasonable doubt whether George Zimmerman was guilty of murder or manslaughter.

If the federal government presses charges, it won't even mention murder or manslaughter but will go after Zimmerman for violation of Trayvon Martin's civil rights. A whole different thing. A whole different charge. But it includes penalities that could be as severe or even more severe than the Florida indictment if Zimmerman is judged guilty. And it is how the federal government will get around the double jeopardy rule.

Folks, when you have a thoroughly corrupt, self serving, and ambitious government, and they want to get somebody, they are going to get him if they can find any way to do it. This isn't over for Zimmerman yet.
Young black men are far more likely to be maliciously prosecuted like GZ in the legal justice system than they are being shot by a white Hispanic neighborhood watchman.

If young black men are accused of killing someone they SHOULD be maliciously prosecuted like GZ and so should anyone else including women and white men!
Nah, according to his trainer's testimony he couldn't even throw a punch. Without his gun a puss-wah like that wouldn't leave his car.

Does not prove your assumption

Again... people on neighborhood watches do observe, follow etc without guns.. and yes, without having the ability to throw a punch

But hey.. baseless assumptions are about all you got to keep painting the picture you want painted

It is my opinion. Can't be proven one way or the other. Neither can the premise that Martin would have killed Zimmerman. I mean if Zimmerman is to believe that the teenager had smashed his head multiple times against concrete, beat him with his fists, yet caused so little actual damage to Zimmerman, so he wasn't a fighter either.

1) Then state it as opinion and not fact
2) The basis of self defense is not WOULD HAVE KILLED... but nice try
3) Broken nose, lacerations, and bumps on the head are not 'little damage'....
4) You just want to keep painting the picture you want painted
No, I've been around people like you before. I know their tendencies like the back of my hand. A lot of Reagan Era Republicans were more liberal in that day and age. You fit that bill perfectly.

So, it isn't a judgement. It's an observation.

If you can't judge someone like you, who can we judge? Sound familiar?

It's retarded to deny what party affiliation someone says he has especially when he says he has had it for 16 years. Unless you have a lot of ammunition to back it up.

It's retarded to assert someone is racist especially when he has shown acts to prove he is not. Unless you have a lot of ammunition to back it up.

It's retarded to try to make an accused murderer into a god.
Zimmerman is an insecure little child, who carries a gun to feel strong and badass.

He would have minded his own damn business if he wasn't packing that night.
Stop. A lot of "common sense" conservatives like you turn out to be liberals instead. Are you really gonna sit there and pull the wool over our eyes like that? Duh. Winning!

I have been a very active conservative since 1987.

Switch parties, we don't want you.

That's a brilliant idea, when Republicans put up a lousy candidate like Romney, arguably to intentionally throw the election, and when Republicans don't have a clue as who could possibly be the next good leader of the party and when they need all the help they can get. :cuckoo:
Thanks to obama for proving me right. It is all about guns. Obama pounded on gun violence in his speech about the Zimmerman trial.

Just like that disgusting piece of shit to use this as an opportunity to try to take guns away from Americans.
It's retarded to deny what party affiliation someone says he has especially when he says he has had it for 16 years. Unless you have a lot of ammunition to back it up.

It's retarded to assert someone is racist especially when he has shown acts to prove he is not. Unless you have a lot of ammunition to back it up.

It's retarded to try to make an accused murderer into a god.

It's retarded to vilify an exonerated man into Satan!
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