The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I'm so sick of the Zimmerman/Martin story I could puke. Blacks and hispanics kill each other almost every day and ALL WEEKEND in Chicago. Not a word about them. Stupid media...
Stop. A lot of "common sense" conservatives like you turn out to be liberals instead. Are you really gonna sit there and pull the wool over our eyes like that? Duh. Winning!

I have been a very active conservative since 1987.

I don't believe you. Take that as you will. I think you are a habitual liar personally. The way you deny reality, only a liberal is capable of such tomfoolery.

I have been taking a break from politics for a year now and haven't really gotten back into regularly posting as a conservative, but thank you for judging me on a record that doesn't exist here at USMB. :badgrin:
I have been a very active conservative since 1987.

I don't believe you. Take that as you will. I think you are a habitual liar personally. The way you deny reality, only a liberal is capable of such tomfoolery.

I have been taking a break from politics for a year now and haven't really gotten back into regularly posting as a conservative, but thank you for judging me on a record that doesn't exist here at USMB. :badgrin:

If you can't judge someone like you, who can we judge? Sound familiar?
I have been a very active conservative since 1987.

I don't believe you. Take that as you will. I think you are a habitual liar personally. The way you deny reality, only a liberal is capable of such tomfoolery.

I have been taking a break from politics for a year now and haven't really got back into regularly posting as a conservative, but thank you for judging me on a record that doesn't exist here at USMG. :badgrin:

No, I've been around people like you before. I know their tendencies like the back of my hand. A lot of Reagan Era Republicans were more liberal in that day and age. You fit that bill perfectly.

So, it isn't a judgement. It's an observation.
Of course, you make yourself sicker by commenting here. And the janitor's on vacation, please try to contain yourself.

LOL. I'm just TIRED of it. Online, on the news, people talking about it... What about the 20 blacks/hispanics shot/killed over the weekend in Chicago? Hmm? Why doesn't Obama tell THEM to knock it off?
I don't believe you. Take that as you will. I think you are a habitual liar personally. The way you deny reality, only a liberal is capable of such tomfoolery.

I have been taking a break from politics for a year now and haven't really got back into regularly posting as a conservative, but thank you for judging me on a record that doesn't exist here at USMG. :badgrin:

No, I've been around people like you before. I know their tendencies like the back of my hand. A lot of Reagan Era Republicans were more liberal in that day and age. You fit that bill perfectly.

So, it isn't a judgement. It's an observation.

I don't believe you. Take that as you will. I think you are a habitual liar personally. The way you deny reality, only a liberal is capable of such tomfoolery.

I have been taking a break from politics for a year now and haven't really gotten back into regularly posting as a conservative, but thank you for judging me on a record that doesn't exist here at USMB. :badgrin:

If you can't judge someone like you, who can we judge? Sound familiar?

It's retarded to deny what party affiliation someone says he has especially when he says he has had it for 16 years. Unless you have a lot of ammunition to back it up.
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Of course, you make yourself sicker by commenting here. And the janitor's on vacation, please try to contain yourself.

LOL. I'm just TIRED of it. Online, on the news, people talking about it... What about the 20 blacks/hispanics shot/killed over the weekend in Chicago? Hmm? Why doesn't Obama tell THEM to knock it off?

I agree with you. People have selective vision.
I have been taking a break from politics for a year now and haven't really got back into regularly posting as a conservative, but thank you for judging me on a record that doesn't exist here at USMG. :badgrin:

No, I've been around people like you before. I know their tendencies like the back of my hand. A lot of Reagan Era Republicans were more liberal in that day and age. You fit that bill perfectly.

So, it isn't a judgement. It's an observation.

I have been taking a break from politics for a year now and haven't really gotten back into regularly posting as a conservative, but thank you for judging me on a record that doesn't exist here at USMB. :badgrin:

If you can't judge someone like you, who can we judge? Sound familiar?

It's retarded to deny what party affiliation someone says he has especially when he says he has had it for 16 years. Unless you have a lot of ammunition to back it up.

It's retarded to assert someone is racist especially when he has shown acts to prove he is not. Unless you have a lot of ammunition to back it up.
The jury clearly decided that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he pulled his gun and shot Trayvon.

That means they decided that Trayvon had done something that constituted an immediate and possibly deadly threat to Zimmerman. That act was probably, going after Zimmerman (who was following him but not stalking or attacking him), grabbing or jumping on him, knocking him down, and bashing his head multiple times into the concrete sidewalk with his fists. Slamming GZ's head repeatedly into the concrete that way could conceivably crack his skull, which could kill him. Zimmerman shot Trayvon before that could happen... but what if Zimmerman hadn't had a gun?

Then this trial would have been over Trayvon, not Zimmerman. Trayvon would have been accused at least of assault, quite possibly assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. And if he'd managed to crack Zimmerman's skull, maybe the charge for which Trayvon was tried, could have been murder.

Zimmerman did have the gun, and used it, so the trial went as it did. Trayvon was, in fact, guilty of assault - the jury decided he attacked Zimmerman. But since Trayvon lost his life as a result of assaulting Zimmerman, obviously there was no point in making any such charge against Trayvon any more, despite Trayvon's actions.

But if Zimmerman had not had a gun that night... it's pretty clear Trayvon would have been found guilty of assault, and possibly murder.

IMO, Zimmerman would not have gotten out of his car to follow if he didn't have a gun.
I have been taking a break from politics for a year now and haven't really got back into regularly posting as a conservative, but thank you for judging me on a record that doesn't exist here at USMG. :badgrin:

No, I've been around people like you before. I know their tendencies like the back of my hand. A lot of Reagan Era Republicans were more liberal in that day and age. You fit that bill perfectly.

So, it isn't a judgement. It's an observation.

I have been taking a break from politics for a year now and haven't really gotten back into regularly posting as a conservative, but thank you for judging me on a record that doesn't exist here at USMB. :badgrin:

If you can't judge someone like you, who can we judge? Sound familiar?

It's retarded to deny what party affiliation someone says he has especially when he says he has had it for 16 years. Unless you have a lot of ammunition to back it up.

Now your math is all wrong. 1987 was 26 years ago. I know because I was born in 1987. Now are you lying? Because if you are, you need to make a swift recovery, or make way out of this thread.
Please, If GZ didn't have an equalizer he'd have kept his "not being able to throw a punch" ass in his car.

Complete assumption.. as neighborhood watches do observe, follow, etc even without guns

Nah, according to his trainer's testimony he couldn't even throw a punch. Without his gun a puss-wah like that wouldn't leave his car.

Does not prove your assumption

Again... people on neighborhood watches do observe, follow etc without guns.. and yes, without having the ability to throw a punch

But hey.. baseless assumptions are about all you got to keep painting the picture you want painted
Probably not.

Zimmerman managed to stay alive for quite some time.

Cops were there 15 seconds after Martin was shot.

Pretty sure, however, Martin would have spent the night in Jail..and Zimmerman would have gotten a bandaid for his boo boos and a lollypop.

When a person is getting their skull smashed into the ground, it's a bit difficult to anticipate when the cops might show up to save you.

he was so hurt that he did not even go to a hospital and he just got a band aid and went home lol

I've seen more cuts of 5 year olds falling off a jungle gym.

The only facts we know is that he profiled martin and followed him which instigated the situation.

Following someone is not a crime unless you have intent to do them harm. Assuming Martin was on top of Zimmerman and was beating on him, how long was Zimmerman supposed to wait until he used lethal force? Should he have waited until he was almost unconscious? What if Trayvon took the gun from him first and killed him? Then when should Zimmerman have decided to use lethal force?

Remember one important fact here, and I believe this is very important in the big picture of things. Zimmerman only fired one shot. Granted that was all he needed, but he didn't necessarily know that. He didn't fire off two, three shots or more. He fired one to stop Trayvon from beating on him. If he felt his life was in danger, he had a right to do that.

Let me make one thing clear. I'm not a big fan or supporter of Zimmerman. He should not have chosen to follow Martin, but because he did does not mean he should be convicted of murder when it is quite apparent that he was defending himself.
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