The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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lol, yeah like allegations of an ex-girlfriend are never exaggerated or just made up. right.

And that was why Zimmerman was arrested for Domestic Violence? OH, nope, he wasn't. Wow, talk about thin shit.

And then we have what Zimmerman ACTUALLY said about his alterc ation with that cop:
George Zimmerman arrested for assaulting officer, charges dropped - National US Headlines |

But they're not BS like has been said.

Why would his girlfriend lie to the court in a murder trial?

And anyone that's assaulted a cop, always has a good explanation for it.

You Zimmerman lynch gangers trot out all this irrelevant old bullshit; accusations as though proven, statements taken out of context, casting a short time following someone as though it were a criminal act, etc.

Why don't you fools ever talk about how GZ wen protesting to get an officer investigated for excessive force on a black homeless man? Because it doesn't fit your 'narative'?

Sounds like he was still in denial of his assault on the officer.

What gets me now, is why this is relevant anymore. This had no bearing on the verdict, so why does it have so much bearing on you?

You need to know the difference between charges and convictions, Quick.
But if Zimmerman had not had a gun that night... it's pretty clear Trayvon would have been found guilty of assault, and possibly murder.

Or maybe not. If Zimmerman had not had a gun, then maybe Trayvon would have had a chance to tell his version of events.
If people want to continue to try to deny my right to call him a racist, I will continue to state my opinion that he is.

Being ARRESTED for assaulting a cop is not the same thing as "admitting" that you hit the cop. He specifically denied it, in fact.

lolberals are willfully ignorant when they choose to be.

There is zero evidence to support the "opinion" that GZ is or was a racist.

So essentially you're saying the policeman lied.

If you want to characterize it as evidence then no, there is ample evidence he's a racist.
There are two civil suits new items going on here.


The first is the Civil Rights Organization NAACP has started a petition right after the verdict came in on Zimmerman for Florida wanting the Justice Department to let there be a Civil Suit against him , insisting there was racial profiling and Martin's civil rights were violated. They have been holding peaceful protests in cities and preachers involved in the organzation are getting together to talk to at a confrence to bunch of people. Not to menton more marches scheduled.

That is not a "civil suit", it is a criminal action based upon violation of civil rights. I repeat, it is not a civil action. The odds of that occuring are infinitesimally small. Most knowledeable legal commentators share the view that this will not occur.

The second is The Martin's ,Trayvon's parents , families lawyer has told the press separately that they are considering a civil suit in the wrong full death of their son in a different jurisdiciction of were the Zimmerman Trial was just at. According to the their lawyer they had made no response to what the NAACP is doing as of yet. They have two years two file the suit before time runs out.

It is called a wrongful death action, not a wrong full death action. This indeed is a civil action and I expect that ther Martin's will file such an action.

Sounds like two different civil suits might be filed here according to the press. Or they could come together in one. To early to tell.

Sounds like one civil lawsuit and one wishful thinking criminal action to me. They ca not be joined in a single action under any circumstances.
Here's the actual report:

From the Orange County, FL Circuit Court Clerk of the Court Records page: [link to]
Record Count: 4
Search By: Party Exact Name: on Party Search Mode: Name Last Name: Zimmerman First Name: George Case Status: Closed Date Filed On or After: 01/01/2005 Date Filed On or Before: 01/01/2006 Sort By: Filed Date
Case Number Citation Number Style/Defendant Info Filed/Location/Judicial Officer Type/Status Charge(s)

Div 10
OKane, Julie H

Criminal Felony


Miller, W Michael




Div 44
44, TBA

Domestic Violence
Closed - SRS



Div 46
White, Keith F

Domestic Violence
Closed - SRS
lol, yeah like allegations of an ex-girlfriend are never exaggerated or just made up. right.

And that was why Zimmerman was arrested for Domestic Violence? OH, nope, he wasn't. Wow, talk about thin shit.

And then we have what Zimmerman ACTUALLY said about his alterc ation with that cop:
George Zimmerman arrested for assaulting officer, charges dropped - National US Headlines |

But they're not BS like has been said.

Why would his girlfriend lie to the court in a murder trial?

And anyone that's assaulted a cop, always has a good explanation for it.

You Zimmerman lynch gangers trot out all this irrelevant old bullshit; accusations as though proven, statements taken out of context, casting a short time following someone as though it were a criminal act, etc.

Why don't you fools ever talk about how GZ wen protesting to get an officer investigated for excessive force on a black homeless man? Because it doesn't fit your 'narative'?

Sounds like he was still in denial of his assault on the officer.

What gets me now, is why this is relevant anymore. This had no bearing on the verdict, so why does it have so much bearing on you?

You need to know the difference between charges and convictions, Quick.

It's relevant because that's what we're discussing idiot.
But they're not BS like has been said.

Why would his girlfriend lie to the court in a murder trial?

And anyone that's assaulted a cop, always has a good explanation for it.

Sounds like he was still in denial of his assault on the officer.

What gets me now, is why this is relevant anymore. This had no bearing on the verdict, so why does it have so much bearing on you?

You need to know the difference between charges and convictions, Quick.

It's relevant because that's what we're discussing idiot.

No it isn't. Do the words "not guilty" mean anything?
Here's the BEST explanation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman:

Actual innocence.

You could say "reasonable doubt" or "justification." But those amount to the same thing. George Zimmerman was FOUND to be "not guilty" BECAUSE --

he WAS actually innocent.
If people want to continue to try to deny my right to call him a racist, I will continue to state my opinion that he is.

Being ARRESTED for assaulting a cop is not the same thing as "admitting" that you hit the cop. He specifically denied it, in fact.

lolberals are willfully ignorant when they choose to be.

There is zero evidence to support the "opinion" that GZ is or was a racist.

So essentially you're saying the policeman lied.

If you want to characterize it as evidence then no, there is ample evidence he's a racist.

No. I am saying the cop was undercover and you can't be guilty of punching a cop (where the crime is punching a cop not just any old individual) if you don't know he IS a cop.

And the charges were never proved, so you have nothing to show otherwise.

Simple easy straightforward facts and logic confuse you. You poor thing.

And there is no "ample" evidence that GZ is or was racist, quickmiss. Indeed, there's no evidence of that at all.
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lol, yeah like allegations of an ex-girlfriend are never exaggerated or just made up. right.

And that was why Zimmerman was arrested for Domestic Violence? OH, nope, he wasn't. Wow, talk about thin shit.

And then we have what Zimmerman ACTUALLY said about his alterc ation with that cop:
George Zimmerman arrested for assaulting officer, charges dropped - National US Headlines |

But they're not BS like has been said.

Why would his girlfriend lie to the court in a murder trial?

And anyone that's assaulted a cop, always has a good explanation for it.

You Zimmerman lynch gangers trot out all this irrelevant old bullshit; accusations as though proven, statements taken out of context, casting a short time following someone as though it were a criminal act, etc.

Why don't you fools ever talk about how GZ wen protesting to get an officer investigated for excessive force on a black homeless man? Because it doesn't fit your 'narative'?

Sounds like he was still in denial of his assault on the officer.

When did George's ex girlfriend testify during his murder trial? I seem to have missed that.
Being ARRESTED for assaulting a cop is not the same thing as "admitting" that you hit the cop. He specifically denied it, in fact.

lolberals are willfully ignorant when they choose to be.

There is zero evidence to support the "opinion" that GZ is or was a racist.

So essentially you're saying the policeman lied.

If you want to characterize it as evidence then no, there is ample evidence he's a racist.

No. I am saying the cop was undercover and you can't be guilty of punching a cop (where the crime is punching a cop not just any old individual) if you don't know he IS a cop.

And the charges were never proved, so you have nothing to show otherwise.

Simple easy straightforward facts and logic confuse you. You poor thing.

And there is no "ample" evidence that GZ is or was racist, quickmiss. Indeed, there's no evidence of that at all.

The cop was an undercover ATF officer, he never told Zimmerman who he was. Therefore since the cop never made his identity known, he could not be charged with assaulting a police officer. The records bear that out.

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Mexican vrs Puerto Rican is a difference in ethnicity, not race.

The African ancestry of Puerto Ricans is why Mexicans generally consider it a slur.

Not saying you are a liar, but that is bullshit. Some PRs have African ancestry, but so do some Mexicans, and some white Americans. Hell, I have African ancestry, from the Berber tribe in NW Africa, via Spain.

So fucking what?

The Hispanic culture has never placed much importance on race.

That is a NW European obsession that Catholic Mediterranean countries never cared much for because they got slammed by that shit about as much as the North Africans were.

The closest thing I have ever heard approaching racism by Hispanics is a general disdain for Mestizos, and most of them are Mexican and even they are considered white by most racial theorists.

IMO, it is all bullshit anyway. Race is an artificial social construct that has very little to do with biology.

While I agree with your perspective on race, I'm still saying that it would not be a good idea to call a Mexican a Puerto Rican.
Probably not.

Zimmerman managed to stay alive for quite some time.

Cops were there 15 seconds after Martin was shot.

Pretty sure, however, Martin would have spent the night in Jail..and Zimmerman would have gotten a bandaid for his boo boos and a lollypop.

When a person is getting their skull smashed into the ground, it's a bit difficult to anticipate when the cops might show up to save you.

he was so hurt that he did not even go to a hospital and he just got a band aid and went home lol

I've seen more cuts of 5 year olds falling off a jungle gym.

The only facts we know is that he profiled martin and followed him which instigated the situation.

Your assumptions, troll, are not facts

Crawl back under your rock
The jury clearly decided that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he pulled his gun and shot Trayvon.

That means they decided that Trayvon had done something that constituted an immediate and possibly deadly threat to Zimmerman. That act was probably, going after Zimmerman (who was following him but not stalking or attacking him), grabbing or jumping on him, knocking him down, and bashing his head multiple times into the concrete sidewalk with his fists. Slamming GZ's head repeatedly into the concrete that way could conceivably crack his skull, which could kill him. Zimmerman shot Trayvon before that could happen... but what if Zimmerman hadn't had a gun?

Then this trial would have been over Trayvon, not Zimmerman. Trayvon would have been accused at least of assault, quite possibly assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. And if he'd managed to crack Zimmerman's skull, maybe the charge for which Trayvon was tried, could have been murder.

Zimmerman did have the gun, and used it, so the trial went as it did. Trayvon was, in fact, guilty of assault - the jury decided he attacked Zimmerman. But since Trayvon lost his life as a result of assaulting Zimmerman, obviously there was no point in making any such charge against Trayvon any more, despite Trayvon's actions.

But if Zimmerman had not had a gun that night... it's pretty clear Trayvon would have been found guilty of assault, and possibly murder.

If Zimmerman had not had a gun, there would have not been an altercation.
But they're not BS like has been said.

Why would his girlfriend lie to the court in a murder trial?

Are you serious? First, it was his EX girlfriend, and Ex-girlfriends/boyfriends often lie about their exes out of anger, jealousy, revenge, feeling abandoned, etc. Good fucking greif, you cannot be this ignorant.

It was a murder trial. No let's give GZ special protection and insulation from being in the group of those who have gone on trial for murder and say that we should never have considered them to be potentially violent at their trials. What kind of nonsense is that?

So let's decide in the future which murder defendants should be scrutinized and which ones should not be. It's ludicrous.

lolol, now no cop has ever busted someone out of spite? IF GZ actually did assault a cop for no reason, you think they wouldn't CHARGE him with a crime and take it to court?


GZ's father was a judge. Wouldn't you love to have a father like that?

George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests

George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests

Did George Zimmerman have help from his father, a retired judge, in clearing his name in three separate arrests?

That’s the question that’s being asked now that more information on Trayvon Martin’s 28-year-old killer is being revealed. Robert Zimmerman, a former Orange County magistrate judge, recently wrote a letter to The Orlando Sentinel defending his son...

According to a records search on George, he was previously arrested for domestic violence, resisting an officer without violence and most shockingly, resisting an officer with violence — a felony charge that surely could have landed him in prison.

All three of those arrests, however, were mysteriously closed with no semblance of charges for the Florida resident. So how was someone with a violent past including that of battery against an officer able to carry a 9 mm handgun? Maybe that’s a question Robert Zimmerman should answer …

Sounds like he was still in denial of his assault on the officer.

By 'in denial' you mean he asserted he was innocent because the officer failed to identify himself as an officer, and the cop started the altercation?

Again, we you are taking GZ's word as gospel. It is more likely the cop arrested him on felony assault on a police officer for a good reason. Since it didn't go to trial and his dad got him off, we'll never know.

What kind of fucking pussy are you? If a guy strikes you, you have every right to hit the fucker back.


Fuck, you cant be that stupid; sounds like you're another libtard troll.

I'm a conservative, and it makes sense to safeguard our process and trials of accused murderers.
The jury clearly decided that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he pulled his gun and shot Trayvon.

That means they decided that Trayvon had done something that constituted an immediate and possibly deadly threat to Zimmerman. That act was probably, going after Zimmerman (who was following him but not stalking or attacking him), grabbing or jumping on him, knocking him down, and bashing his head multiple times into the concrete sidewalk with his fists. Slamming GZ's head repeatedly into the concrete that way could conceivably crack his skull, which could kill him. Zimmerman shot Trayvon before that could happen... but what if Zimmerman hadn't had a gun?

Then this trial would have been over Trayvon, not Zimmerman. Trayvon would have been accused at least of assault, quite possibly assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. And if he'd managed to crack Zimmerman's skull, maybe the charge for which Trayvon was tried, could have been murder.

Zimmerman did have the gun, and used it, so the trial went as it did. Trayvon was, in fact, guilty of assault - the jury decided he attacked Zimmerman. But since Trayvon lost his life as a result of assaulting Zimmerman, obviously there was no point in making any such charge against Trayvon any more, despite Trayvon's actions.

But if Zimmerman had not had a gun that night... it's pretty clear Trayvon would have been found guilty of assault, and possibly murder.

If Zimmerman had not had a gun, there would have not been an altercation.

Again.. another completely unsubstantiated assumption
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