The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Our criminal justice system needs overhauled.

Why? Because you didn't get your way?

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If she was that convinced it was murder, she should have held out, caused a hung jury, and given the state a do-over.

But she didn't, so I think she's only prattling on about this to spur her future book sales.

So she decided to call up GMA so that she could make a confession on a national network?

This happens all the time. Juries can't convict because of the way the law is written, but they know the accused is not 'innocent,' just not guilty of the specific crime with which they are charged according to how to the law is written. Polls show that the majority of Americans believe he is guilty of something and would have convicted him of manslaughter. He is not an innocent man, not a hero, not to thinking, reasonable Americans.

Really? Which polls? Cite some.

And by the way, has no one bothered to tell you that the jury HAD the ability to find him guilty of a lesser charge, if they thought the evidence supported it, and they didn't do THAT, either?

That retarded twat from the jury - who must be your long-lost relative or something - isn't saying, "He was guilty from the evidence but we chose not to convict"; she's saying, "I wanted him to be guilty, I FELT he was guilty from everything I was told before the trial, but then I saw the ACTUAL EVIDENCE, and the ACTUAL LAW, and was forced to ignore my feelings."

That's not how "thinking Americans" make decisions. That's how retards like you make decisions.
Another link for some:

?We are not asking that he [Zimmerman] be convicted; We are asking that he be arrested? | Flopping Aces

“We are not asking that he [Zimmerman] be convicted; We are asking that he be arrested”

-Benjamin Crump Esq.
Attorney for Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fuller
(Quoted to Piers Morgan on 4/3/2012)

Martin and Fuller knew Zimmerman wouldn't be convicted; they only wanted to have Zimmerman arrested so they could file a lawsuit to get money from this tragedy. Without an arrest, there couldn't have been a lawsuit. This had nothing to do with 'justice'.

[ame=]ACDC - Money Talks - YouTube[/ame]
Another link for some:

?We are not asking that he [Zimmerman] be convicted; We are asking that he be arrested? | Flopping Aces

“We are not asking that he [Zimmerman] be convicted; We are asking that he be arrested”

-Benjamin Crump Esq.
Attorney for Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fuller
(Quoted to Piers Morgan on 4/3/2012)

Martin and Fuller knew Zimmerman wouldn't be convicted; they only wanted to have Zimmerman arrested so they could file a lawsuit to get money from this tragedy. Without an arrest, there couldn't have been a lawsuit. This had nothing to do with 'justice'.

ACDC - Money Talks - YouTube

Yepper. That was their ticket.

Well the spike the new black panthers and POTUS jumped on the speeding runaway train.
Sorry bout that,

A recap for the concern trolls attempting to retry the case in this thread...

1. George was found NOT GUILTY. Deal with it.
2. George saved 4 people in an SUV. It was not staged. Deal with it.
3. There will be no civil suits. Deal with it.
4. There will be no federal trial. Deal with it.
5. Shellie will not go to jail for perjury. Deal with it.
6. George will get millions in settlements from CNN, ABC, and NBC. Deal with it.
7. George probably has at least 1 new gun. Deal with it.
8. The prosecution team is going to be hammered with sanctions. Deal with it.
9. Judge Debbie will probably lose her job. Deal with it.
10. St Skittles is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead. Deal with it.


Sir Rattus of Camembert
Rattus Maximus:

You forgot one. Deal with it: The guy on the State's Attorney's staff who got fired the day before the verdict because he revealed that the persecutors had failed to turn over the discovery material they were obligated to turn over is suing that bitch-office and he is likely to win.

Now that is some damn fine whistle blowing.

He should add a charge of defamation (libel) to the suit, for their malicious publication of that disgraceful and dishonest letter they wrote concerning his being "fired."
Sorry bout that,

A recap for the concern trolls attempting to retry the case in this thread...

1. George was found NOT GUILTY. Deal with it.
2. George saved 4 people in an SUV. It was not staged. Deal with it.
3. There will be no civil suits. Deal with it.
4. There will be no federal trial. Deal with it.
5. Shellie will not go to jail for perjury. Deal with it.
6. George will get millions in settlements from CNN, ABC, and NBC. Deal with it.
7. George probably has at least 1 new gun. Deal with it.
8. The prosecution team is going to be hammered with sanctions. Deal with it.
9. Judge Debbie will probably lose her job. Deal with it.
10. St Skittles is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead. Deal with it.


Sir Rattus of Camembert

You forgot Skittles are highly addictive and drugs kill.
11. Trayvon Martin posthumously tried and convicted for assault / attempted murder.
12. Jesse loses everything because of his drinking problem and has to live in a cardboard box under the freeway.
13. Al files bankruptcy and has to get a real job sweeping up garbage at Disney World and serving up Orange Juice.
14. POTUS steps down under pressure for being an unethical mistrial dickhead
15. Holder consequently ends up out on his ass and has to make ends meet chasing ambulances.
Sorry bout that,

A recap for the concern trolls attempting to retry the case in this thread...

1. George was found NOT GUILTY. Deal with it.
2. George saved 4 people in an SUV. It was not staged. Deal with it.
3. There will be no civil suits. Deal with it.
4. There will be no federal trial. Deal with it.
5. Shellie will not go to jail for perjury. Deal with it.
6. George will get millions in settlements from CNN, ABC, and NBC. Deal with it.
7. George probably has at least 1 new gun. Deal with it.
8. The prosecution team is going to be hammered with sanctions. Deal with it.
9. Judge Debbie will probably lose her job. Deal with it.
10. St Skittles is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead. Deal with it.


Sir Rattus of Camembert

You forgot Skittles are highly addictive and drugs kill.

Drugs don't kill people. Sucker punching creepy azz crackas while on drugs kills people.

11. Trayvon Martin posthumously tried and convicted for assault / attempted murder.
12. Jesse loses everything because of his drinking problem and has to live in a cardboard box under the freeway.
13. Al files bankruptcy and has to get a real job sweeping up garbage at Disney World and serving up Orange Juice.
14. POTUS steps down under pressure for being an unethical mistrial dickhead
15. Holder consequently ends up out on his ass and has to make ends meet chasing ambulances.

1. One must give their regards when posting in that style.

2. One must also sign with their title.

3. I shall name thee "Madam Testy of Trialwatch".

4. If that is unacceptable, one can pick her own title.


Sir Rattus of Roquefort.
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Update: 7/28/13

George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty and is a free man.

George Zimmerman aided a family who rolled their SUV on the 417 ramp

Deal with it.

I still believe he pitted the SUV while it passed him, but with all this plausible information now, I'm leaning towards it being a hoax.

a) they were on the N 417 off ramp to I 4 there is no "passing" on that ramp.

Carry on with your Fantasy Hoax Unicorn Crack Land. What you said is too stupid to even begin to address.

It may have been a multi-lane connector, but there is no exact information of where it was. All indications in the calls are that it was on the freeway. @2:45 the man says it is on the median which rules out a single lane off-ramp.

Sorry bout that,

A recap for the concern trolls attempting to retry the case in this thread...

1. George was found NOT GUILTY. Deal with it.
2. George saved 4 people in an SUV. It was not staged. Deal with it.
3. There will be no civil suits. Deal with it.
4. There will be no federal trial. Deal with it.
5. Shellie will not go to jail for perjury. Deal with it.
6. George will get millions in settlements from CNN, ABC, and NBC. Deal with it.
7. George probably has at least 1 new gun. Deal with it.
8. The prosecution team is going to be hammered with sanctions. Deal with it.
9. Judge Debbie will probably lose her job. Deal with it.
10. St Skittles is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead. Deal with it.


Sir Rattus of Camembert


George will have to testify in a civil suit. Do you really think he will? I would love to see him do that.

Meanwhile his wife has been charged with perjury. She lied for George.
It would appear to make more sense to have it styled "Sir Teste."

Perhaps Madame Ovary?

I see Snoopie is still trying to say something.

Now, that's funny. I've seen knot holes make more sense than Snoopie.

Sir Ilar of Wales
Update: 7/28/13

George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty and is a free man.

George Zimmerman aided a family who rolled their SUV on the 417 ramp

Deal with it.

I still believe he pitted the SUV while it passed him, but with all this plausible information now, I'm leaning towards it being a hoax.

Seriously, you think Z caused that crash? Don't you think people would have spoken out about that if that is what happened?


He made sure there were no witnesses other than his buddy bodyguard. Sound familiar?
11. Trayvon Martin posthumously tried and convicted for assault / attempted murder.
12. Jesse loses everything because of his drinking problem and has to live in a cardboard box under the freeway.
13. Al files bankruptcy and has to get a real job sweeping up garbage at Disney World and serving up Orange Juice.
14. POTUS steps down under pressure for being an unethical mistrial dickhead
15. Holder consequently ends up out on his ass and has to make ends meet chasing ambulances.

More bad dreams, huh?
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