The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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explain what

he called on a bunch of stuff

not blacks only

Stuff? I am talking about people, not open garage doors.

When giving descriptions they were all black.

BTW, I was wondering why no one asked Z what he meant about being, "Suspicious"?

you must have missed it

the defense asked the sanford police home watch coordinator

that question

she said what zimmerman was describing would be considered "suspicious"

so that state verified that martins actions would be considered "suspicious"
This witness, neighbor Jane, is uber confused.

1 - she heard 3 shots. Wrong.
2 - she assumed it was TM screaming bec the pitch was high. Wrong since she apparently didn't hear GZ's speaking voice before.
After that piss poor witness the prosecution called this afternoon? The one who got completely annihilated by O'Mara? I think Martin is to blame, purely since the prosecution tried to pass off a coached witness. You need to step off, and watch as Zimmerman gets acquitted of murder. There will be fragments of your cranium scattered from one end of this board to the other when he is. I can't wait to see that.:lol:

You continue to play the fool. Either verdict will be fine, because I trust the jury to get it right. Early innings, still.

Now a word of advice. You are not very bright, and you truly do not get what a trial is about. This is not a ball game. A man's life is at stake because he took another man's life. You should be rooting for the jury to get it right, not to fulfill your fantasies.

Oooh, a baseball analogy! The game can be won in the first inning. All you need is good pitching and a solid bullpen. They got it.

My fantasies huh? You must have not been watching the case, Jake. I saw a desperate prosecution, who may have a key piece of evidence annulled by the judge in the morning, I saw the prosecution's argument based on Zimmerman's character slowly falling apart. I'm way more educated than you, and I don't even have a degree. I am an autodidact, Jake. I make it a point to teach myself these things. Insult my intelligence all you wish, but you cannot rebut me. Ad hominem signals the death of an argument.

Your black and white summations are laughable. You are not even paying any attention to the subtle and yet obvious nuances of this case. I suggest you shut your face and be more objective, because it is clear you aren't. Call me Gameboy, call me a reactionary, call me whatever the hell you like. You. Are. Through.


This witness, neighbor Jane, is uber confused.

1 - she heard 3 shots. Wrong.
2 - she assumed it was TM screaming bec the pitch was high. Wrong since she apparently didn't hear GZ's speaking voice before.

jane also said

that someone had their hand up to a window looking in a house
Don't know why so many people feel GZ went after TM. That's not proven by the statements (however unreliable, perhaps, we shall see) of his Miami GF on the other end of the phone call. She clearly said TM approached (confronted?) GZ and asked him why he was following him.

The dispatcher on the non-emer call clearly suggested for Z to keep M in sight, but not to approach or confront and Z did not. TM approached GZ. GZ's account of the circumstances is borne out by the evidence that he was punched in the face, knocked to the ground, and pummeled, causing him fear of great bodily harm or more. Wonder what would have happened if Z lost consciousness from the beating? Would he still be alive? It is a definite consideration here. Let's be fair and not assume GZ is lying.
This witness, neighbor Jane, is uber confused.

1 - she heard 3 shots. Wrong.
2 - she assumed it was TM screaming bec the pitch was high. Wrong since she apparently didn't hear GZ's speaking voice before.

I missed the testimony but just caught the commentator say the witness said the last yelp was higher pitched & believed that to be from Martin. So were the first cries for help Zimmerman?
What did we learn today. Zimmerman is a nice guy at his wannabe cop meetings(many said the KKK leaders were nice guys). Zimmerman has shaving bumps on his head. Liking something on Facebook means you agree. (I guess that make me a money making millionaire)

the state lost the wannabe cop angle today


he was offered the chance and turned it down

They also lost the 'racist' angle too. Well, not lost exactly, they gave it away!
This witness, neighbor Jane, is uber confused.

1 - she heard 3 shots. Wrong.
2 - she assumed it was TM screaming bec the pitch was high. Wrong since she apparently didn't hear GZ's speaking voice before.

it was the ok corral


Is she getting to the testimony where she can identify who is on top or is she another earwitness. And nothing to go against John the eye yet?

Oh theyre doing the call she's the one that lost it to 911.
Martins father & family clearly have deeper voices than Zimmerman's. Trayvon was already through the puberty voice change so he already had his adult voice.
This witness, neighbor Jane, is uber confused.

1 - she heard 3 shots. Wrong.
2 - she assumed it was TM screaming bec the pitch was high. Wrong since she apparently didn't hear GZ's speaking voice before.

She could have have heard an echo.

She said on her 911 call that she heard one popping noise. Now in court it's suddenly "pop, pop, pop". :wtf:

Do you have a link? I see no witness number 10 phone call to the police.
IMO, all the calls for help were from GZ. The pitch changed as he became more frantic since he was on the ground with someone on top of him. He was losing the fight and possibly going to lose consciousness.

Sorry but this lady needs to call a friend and not keep police on the phone chatting. Drama queen.
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