The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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IMO, all the calls for help were from GZ. The pitch changed as he became for frantic since he was on the ground with someone on top of him. He was losing the fight and possibly going to lose consciousness.

Sorry but this lady needs to call a friend and not keep police on the phone chatting. Drama queen.

911 getting her a victims advocate.

Lady get a fucking grip.
IMO, all the calls for help were from GZ. The pitch changed as he became for frantic since he was on the ground with someone on top of him. He was losing the fight and possibly going to lose consciousness.

Sorry but this lady needs to call a friend and not keep police on the phone chatting. Drama queen.

911 getting her a victims advocate.

Lady get a fucking grip.

it is just the way it is

with certain folks

hats off to the 9-1-1 folks

real professionals

The only thing better than kittens is dancing

Dancing cats FTW!

The only reason this made it to trial is because a politically motivated sociopath prosecutor was picked to take the heat off the state after the race baiters and media riled up the dependecy mobs with abject lies and distortions about some puffy faced little black boy being gunned down by a racist white guy in a pick-up truck.

This trial is a sham, it never should have happened.

The only good thing about it is that Martin is exactly where he likely would have ended up anyway, but at least he wasn't able to kill anyone himself.

The reason this trial is happening is that a racist white guy shot an unarmed kid for being in the wrong neighborhood.

The sham was that the prosecutors and police didn't arrest him at the time. Since then, the police chief has had to resign in disgrace.

Of course you are right. The things we are hearing from our extreme citizens regarding Trevon's right to a day in court are simply archaic. Looks like the pictures from yesterday are shaking them up.
People carry guns for many reasons. In this case, because he thought he was Wyatt Earp.

We understand that he's allowed to carry a gun. It's not often self defense, however, in a chosen confrontation with an unarmed teenager.

How does someone choose a confrontation when the other person jumps you from behind?

Besides which, people HAVE A RIGHT to confront other people, if they think the other person is up to no good. I have a right to ask a suspicious person in my neighborhood "What are you doing?" or even "Where do you live?"

They don't have to answer, that's their right.

But they don't have the right to physically attack me because I asked. And that's what Martin did. When he did that, it doesn't matter whether or not Zimmerman initially sought contact...Zimmerman still had a right to defend himself.

A few years ago, I had car trouble just before I was to come home for class reunion. There wasn't time to take care of the issue before the reunion, so I just rented a car for the weekend. At one of the rest stops an adolescent picked up a rock and threw it at a girl who was with him. But the rock missed her and hit the rental car I was driving. So I stopped and asked his name and he refused to give it. I saw a couple who seemed to be with him and asked if they were his parents, and he said 'no.' But the couple came over and they WERE his parents. I got his name, their names, and address and took it to the rental car company. I don't know if they pursued it or not. But adolescents are not exempt from their bad behavior and the kid did not have a right to kill me because I approached him.
The Rabbi wants an explanation for, "Now this is racist: "After Zimmerman is acquitted and the usual inner city Negro suspects start rioting"
Their own words condemn them.
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