The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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There is no way GZ should walk. He had no right to take the law into his own hands. There is a reason for that. If he does Blacks just became second class citizens again. And WE are to blame.

Wrong. WE are the second class citizens now. We must PAY for owning slaves in the past and for not letting them succeed in todays world. It's all our fault they fuck like rabbits then bail on their girlfriends once the kids are born, just to name one thing of MANY.

A guy called HLN and asked Big Mouth Screaming Jane "why didn't Martin use his cell and call the police when he saw Zimmerman following him?" and guess what he got? Yelled at. How dare he ask such a question.:eusa_hand:
Mother of Baby Shot Dead Speaks Out in Heartbreaking Interview: ?He Must Have Died Instantly? | Video |

This didn't make major news circuits, or talk shows, but guess who the shooters were and guess who the victims were.

Awww. look at that young black innocent face. No way he could have done such a thing. Why, he is innocent, I tell ya. :eusa_whistle:

Boehner should have a press conference and state that that could be his Obama did about Tray.

What's even worse about this instance, is that this lady lost her other son to the same thing in Chicago - kids and guns.
There is no way GZ should walk. He had no right to take the law into his own hands. There is a reason for that. If he does Blacks just became second class citizens again. And WE are to blame.

How does race factor into this? How are blacks second hand citizens based solely on this case and the effective (or ineffective) case the prosecution has?
I think that given the situation and the passed crime in that very building, that GZ had a right to be suspicious. Having a right to be and being right are two different times past he was this case he was not.

Trayvon cant control nature...not that much time had elapsed from the 7-11 was raining...hes walking in the direction of the fiances house....we are talking minutes not hours. Of course GZ didnt know where he came from or how long he had been could have turned out that a crime had been committed and that trayvon had been wondering around in the rain for hours after 7-11...that was not the case, so GZs hunch in this case was incorrect.

deedee said martin made it home

she knew this because she could hear other people talking

I dont think he went home...I think he was in the area and she considered it basically home. He was in between the same building of his townhome, so although he was at the building he wasnt at the home. I think he was in between the two buildings when he was talking to her...and considering that he had walked the whole complex coming back from 7-11, I think he considered where he was, basically home or at the same building as home.

You cant really tell from her testimony...just listen to her try to decipher the meaning of "get off"...sometimes ebonics has the opposite meaning of the actual word...she deals almost entirely in slang which makes it real difficult to tell what the hell she is talking about from a literal standpoint.

There is a good case to be made there by saying that Martin wasn't a scared kid just trying to get home when chose to pursue Zimmerman instead of running inside and calling the police on the "creepy" guy following him.
There is no way GZ should walk. He had no right to take the law into his own hands. There is a reason for that. If he does Blacks just became second class citizens again. And WE are to blame.

Wrong. WE are the second class citizens now. We must PAY for owning slaves in the past and for not letting them succeed in todays world. It's all our fault they fuck like rabbits then bail on their girlfriends once the kids are born, just to name one thing of MANY.

A guy called HLN and asked Big Mouth Screaming Jane "why didn't Martin use his cell and call the police when he saw Zimmerman following him?" and guess what he got? Yelled at. How dare he ask such a question.:eusa_hand:

Yea fuck all them slaves right Gracie?
I'm with you, 25! At least as far as acknowledging mistakes were made that night. I'm pretty sure most people feel that way. But that is beside the point of whether or not GZ acted in self defense or is guilty of M2 or lesser charge. I think that's where the disagreements are coming in, with all respect to your perspective.

IMO both men acted badly/irrationally/suspiciously. And the outcome was tragic for both of them. Sunshine said something I agree with, and I'm paraphrasing, but she mentioned that just because someone was killed doesn't necessarily mean anyone was breaking the law. Sorry I'm too lazy to actually do a formal quote thing and look back to get it. I think that's the case in this situation.

I has nothing to do with his self defense. Just an opinion of what could be done to perhaps avoid it in the future.

Ive said in the past that I would not want to be on the prosecution team trying to prove that it wasnt self defense...losing battle, imo...too subjective. Thats why the race card is being so desperately played...try to get a conviction on emotion instead of the facts. I think the prosecution could go in another direction by showing that GZ could be considered the aggressor for reaching when asked a question in the dark and rain...I think they should play that card and let the jury decide who was initially acting in self defense.

If I ask you a question and you reach for something that I think may be a weapon and I punch you before you can access it and then I rain blows in a struggle to keep you from accessing the weapon, then I think the jury has something to think about. Like wait a minute...was trayvon throwing blows to prevent being shot by a strange man following him in the dark in an unfamiliar neighborhood? Not saying that it would work, but its a logical argument and you could use GZs own words against him to boot.

The prosecution really should have built a case for manslaughter once they saw how weak their case for murder was. While not necessarily the letter of the law with regards to self-defense, the act of leaving his truck armed is significant and would be enough to convince a jury that a concealed carry permit comes with responsibilities.

However, charging him with murder opens up the door to require that the prosecution prove beyond a reasonable doubt that killing Martin was not in self-defense which makes it even harder to convict on manslaughter. It either was self-defense or it wasn't and although the standard is statutorily the same, a jury would see it differently if it were just manslaughter.

so far from what the state has presented they would not get manslaughter
There is no way GZ should walk. He had no right to take the law into his own hands. There is a reason for that. If he does Blacks just became second class citizens again. And WE are to blame.

How does race factor into this? How are blacks second hand citizens based solely on this case and the effective (or ineffective) case the prosecution has?

Gosh. Big Mouth Jane on HLN asked the same thing. One of the fellow Screechers responded with "Rachel made it about race when she repeated the creepy ass cracker comment madeby Innocent Darling Little Shy Trayon".
I am just so FUCKING pissed off right now. Shame on those who are feeding this frenzy and are not being unbiased. Shame on the media for ignoring a baby SHOT IN THE FACE so they can draw and quarter Zimmerman before the trial is even OVER.

There will be riots. And I am betting excuses will be given everywhere when crazy unstable blacks shoot and kill any white they run across.
There is no way GZ should walk. He had no right to take the law into his own hands. There is a reason for that. If he does Blacks just became second class citizens again. And WE are to blame.

How does race factor into this? How are blacks second hand citizens based solely on this case and the effective (or ineffective) case the prosecution has?

There are many punks like weak punk GZ watching this case. They hate Black teens (especially). Once he gets off they will start fights with them then shoot them or shoot them in their cars for loud music and get away with it. That's why.

Congrats Teapublicans. You have won.
There is no way GZ should walk. He had no right to take the law into his own hands. There is a reason for that. If he does Blacks just became second class citizens again. And WE are to blame.

Wrong. WE are the second class citizens now. We must PAY for owning slaves in the past and for not letting them succeed in todays world. It's all our fault they fuck like rabbits then bail on their girlfriends once the kids are born, just to name one thing of MANY.

A guy called HLN and asked Big Mouth Screaming Jane "why didn't Martin use his cell and call the police when he saw Zimmerman following him?" and guess what he got? Yelled at. How dare he ask such a question.:eusa_hand:

What's really sad about slavery is that most people don't even know their own history. Those that think whites started slavery are wrong. Africans were selling each other (legally) in their own country way before any ever came to America. (I wrote a research paper on this in college.)

Slave Trade
I am just so FUCKING pissed off right now. Shame on those who are feeding this frenzy and are not being unbiased. Shame on the media for ignoring a baby SHOT IN THE FACE so they can draw and quarter Zimmerman before the trial is even OVER.

There will be riots. And I am betting excuses will be given everywhere when crazy unstable blacks shoot and kill any white they run across.

The crazy unstable one is GZ and he will kill again. Count on it.
Of course he could have acted differently, but thinking he could have defused the situation once Martin began his assault is both ludicrous and irrelevant.

The facts are (apparently) that Zimmerman broke no law and his weapon remained hidden from view in its holster until he was assaulted. You keep harping on what Zimmerman could or should have done differently, but I don't recall any speculation on what Trevon could/should have done differently.

Im not talking about breaking laws...Im talking about what could have been done differently and also complying with the law. I understand he broke no laws...doesnt mean that his actions were the most correct for the situation.

I have stated ad nauseum that Trayvon should have just went home...I have stated that he was not running scared and that he came back to the problem twice once circling the person he was supposedly afraid ofs car. Thats not someone scared...thats someone acting like a punk.

I have also stated that Trayvon could have also defused the situation. GZ wasnt looking for a fight...he did not have to be punched. Trayvon could have been nicer about it also. Like: Hey, why are you following me...did I do something wrong? who are you?

The point is that Trayvon is dead there is nothing he can do from where he is now to remedy a similar situation in the future. GZ is still alive and if he runs into this situation again, then maybe his approach could be a little different...thats all.

Im just astonished at the adults that would not do something different to defuse the situation earlier. I have no shame...I would have just stopped my car and rolled down the window and asked what was up? lol. Especially if he was on a friend of mines neighbors lawn. Obviously, Zimmerman didnt have that him...he just picked up and called 911. If the cops would have come, it would have been for naught...tray would have just said he went to 7-11, bought some skittles and im enroute to my dads girlfriends house and this creep is getting all detective on me following me around. Okay, have a nice day...enjoy the all star game.

Zimmermans suspicion turned out to be so blatantly wrong that its hilarious to me that no one in here is objective enough to see what he could have done differently if it were their kid in the same situation. Im just trying to get an ounce of objective thought out of someone. But nope...its either solidly in Zs corner and he could do no wrong and nothing differently or solidly in Trays corner thinking he was just some innocent meek kid running scared. Theres not much of an in between in here...Im kind of shocked.
Were they? We really don't know what Trevon would have done. Again. It was raining. Martin was walking slowly, looking at homes he passed. Yes, he may have just been a curious kid, but Zimmerman's job was to observe suspicious characters.
If I was walking back from a store in the rain, my focus would have been getting home. Are we saying that Martin didn't know to come in out of the rain?

It was raining. When you are walking in the rain, aren't you thinking of getting to you destination and not looking around? I don't think he was moving his head left to right checking out the decorations, the dwellings were exactly the same on each side...nothing to look at. He was merely returning from the store. He most likely was looking forward to getting to his destination.

If I was Martin and noticed someone following me, I would be alarmed. I would probably increase my speed and become very alarmed when the follower did the same, making sure he was following ME. I would be terrified. The fight or flight response within me would be initiated. Martin choice under severe fear was fight. But the fight wasn't fair. He was going to fight with fists, Zimmerman was going to fight with a .38 caliber. Zimmerman "won."
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There is no way GZ should walk. He had no right to take the law into his own hands. There is a reason for that. If he does Blacks just became second class citizens again. And WE are to blame.

Wrong. WE are the second class citizens now. We must PAY for owning slaves in the past and for not letting them succeed in todays world. It's all our fault they fuck like rabbits then bail on their girlfriends once the kids are born, just to name one thing of MANY.

A guy called HLN and asked Big Mouth Screaming Jane "why didn't Martin use his cell and call the police when he saw Zimmerman following him?" and guess what he got? Yelled at. How dare he ask such a question.:eusa_hand:

What's really sad about slavery is that most people don't even know their own history. Those that think whites started slavery are wrong. Africans were selling each other (legally) in their own country way before any ever came to America. (I wrote a research paper on this in college.)

Slave Trade

You are correct.
There is no way GZ should walk. He had no right to take the law into his own hands. There is a reason for that. If he does Blacks just became second class citizens again. And WE are to blame.

How does race factor into this? How are blacks second hand citizens based solely on this case and the effective (or ineffective) case the prosecution has?

There are many punks like weak punk GZ watching this case. They hate Black teens (especially). Once he gets off they will start fights with them then shoot them or shoot them in their cars for loud music and get away with it. That's why.

Congrats Teapublicans. You have won.

Yeah? And there are plenty of black teens that hate crackers. Especially 13 month old crackers, so they shoot them IN THE FACE.
Hello? Is anyone home, McFly? Teenagers are not fully cooked yet. They are mean, evil, ornery, obnoxious, hateful and selfish. BLack white brown yellow green blue. Doesn't matter. Teens are teens. And if I saw a black blue green brown yellow purple teen walking around my neighborhood and peeking in my house, you can bet I am going to shoot his ass.
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You assume she is poorly educated because? Because the college educated lawyer made it obvious. She was a horrible witness and a disgrace to the martin family, imo. I would be ashamed of her as a witness...surprised that so many Martin supporters arent just as outraged...she flicked all of you off and you guys are praising

oddly after her testimony

all of a sudden it isnt about racism anymore

Funny how that works, huh? Ive heard some even try to say that cracker isnt a racial slur...calling it saltine (in other words white salt vs black pepper...another racial

Cracker refers to the "whip cracking" slave drivers of the yester century...its extremely offensive to those in the country trying to move forward.

I believe that the term "Cracker" (at least in Florida) came from the whips that early Florida cattle herders used. I don't believe it has anything to do with slavery.
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