The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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No. he said he put one foot out the door. Martin's body was laying in between his apartment and another witnesses apartment. I believe he said he only saw between 6*8 seconds of the fight.

And I find it strange that a guy would go inside lock the door and run upstairs because of a fight.

I'd bet he keeps his gun upstairs in a nightstand.

Where is this coming from?

John Good?

He said he went back in LEFT THE DOOR OPEN because he wasn't worried about the door at that point, he always keeps his phone next to him, he was watching tv in the living room with his (now) wife, the phone was right there in the living room, he called from there.

Where is the upstairs/lock door fabrication coming from?

My guess is someone pulled it out their ass.
The officer who came on the scene testified to it not that you would be commenting from any informed stance. He turned him over and tried to revive him. Air was coming from Tray's chest so he asked another person to get him Saran Wrap. They gave him plastic bags instead.

The witness was very graphic, had jurors crying.

Stop talking unless you know the facts, please.

LOL!!!! They have not shown the jurors at all during the trial! Please shut the fuck up Sarah!

Just so you know, the murderer isn't walking away scott free. Believe it or not, I don't care anything about you or your not so firm grasp of facts. On Zimmerman or anything else around here.

You're a joke.

Why? Trayvon was on top of him beating him into the ground. The evidence shows from 1. back of head bashed in, 2. Broken nose, 3. grass stains on back of zimmermans back. 4. Grass stains on trayvons knee's.

Do you care about the evidence? I somehow doubt it as you feel that Zimmerman didn't have a right to save his life.

People like you are turning our justice system into a joke.
Have you ever tried your hand at unsolved murders?

Speculation gets so out of control that you lose the thread of what is true and what is pure conjecture.

It's a nightmare of epic proportions.

Everyone has a theory...

And they defend it like some here do, using the age old techniques... illogical and irrational.

Stick to what you can prove, it will lead you to what is true and what isn't true much more surely than half baked theories with no supporting evidence.
There's a new reality show called "Whodunit?" Has anyone seen it? Not great, but it might appeal to a lot of us here on this thread.

Not a reality show like this trial is, but I kinda liked 'Motive.' You know from the start whodunit, but not why.....
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LOL!!!! They have not shown the jurors at all during the trial! Please shut the fuck up Sarah!

Just so you know, the murderer isn't walking away scott free. Believe it or not, I don't care anything about you or your not so firm grasp of facts. On Zimmerman or anything else around here.

You're a joke.

Haha, you are a joke each time you posit your arguments about this case! He isn't a murderer, it has never been established that he murdered Martin, and he never profiled Martin!

Are you paying attention, woman? You don't care about my positions because I keep rebutting yours. Running away now, aren't we?

Quiet yourself old man. I've been here all along while you and your pals have been piling on just to get someone to talk to you.

Just me against all of you and you haven't made a good point yet.
I have a question for EVERYONE...but put your thinking caps on...because this goes a little thinking caps?...DONT RESPOND!

Its coming up...stay tuned....:eusa_angel:
One of the CNN sidewalk lawyers said that the voice analysis expert from the FBI "paraded his ignorance" and basically said that he didn't know for sure who was screaming for help.

What the man did was cast doubt on being able to recognize who was SCREAMING UNDER DURESS...much easier to recognize their voice in normal conversation.

What an arrogant commentator. The man was professional and knowledgeable of his discipline.

I think there are those on the staff of CNN that want to hang Zimmerman, just as there are those here on USMB that seem to want the same.

My esteem for CNN is deteriorating. The "hang him" group here is acting as expected.
Just so you know, the murderer isn't walking away scott free. Believe it or not, I don't care anything about you or your not so firm grasp of facts. On Zimmerman or anything else around here.

You're a joke.

Haha, you are a joke each time you posit your arguments about this case! He isn't a murderer, it has never been established that he murdered Martin, and he never profiled Martin!

Are you paying attention, woman? You don't care about my positions because I keep rebutting yours. Running away now, aren't we?

Quiet yourself old man. I've been here all along while you and your pals have been piling on just to get someone to talk to you.

Just me against all of you and you haven't made a good point yet.
I've seen very little intelligence from you, young lady. It's not piling on. It's people here recognizing your "shoot from the hip" mentality.
I'd bet he keeps his gun upstairs in a nightstand.

Where is this coming from?

John Good?

He said he went back in LEFT THE DOOR OPEN because he wasn't worried about the door at that point, he always keeps his phone next to him, he was watching tv in the living room with his (now) wife, the phone was right there in the living room, he called from there.

Where is the upstairs/lock door fabrication coming from?

My guess is someone pulled it out their ass.

Didn't you guys listen to his testimony?
Just so you know, the murderer isn't walking away scott free. Believe it or not, I don't care anything about you or your not so firm grasp of facts. On Zimmerman or anything else around here.

You're a joke.

Haha, you are a joke each time you posit your arguments about this case! He isn't a murderer, it has never been established that he murdered Martin, and he never profiled Martin!

Are you paying attention, woman? You don't care about my positions because I keep rebutting yours. Running away now, aren't we?

Quiet yourself old man. I've been here all along while you and your pals have been piling on just to get someone to talk to you.

Just me against all of you and you haven't made a good point yet.

What? I'm an old man? I'm 25! I don't care how long you've been here, your arguments still suck!

You don't like when you can't back yourself up can you? And when a slew of people catch on to your bias, you whine about being picked on. Oh jeez, grow up.

Now if you come back with a more objective argument, you'll find us more amicable. If not, expect to be harassed over you lack of objectivity.
Like I said "by home" probably means in gated neighborhood. Walk the time line, he did not have time to walk home and come back to the T.

If you walk the time line, TM should have made it back home, and would have been eating skittles and drinking iced tea. if he was walking the whole way from the time the police dispatch call started. Additionally it is apparent from the testimony of of both Dee Dee and GZ that TM was running for a period of that time.

However, I will readily accept that Dee Dee misunderstood what TM meant. It could be quite possible that instead of running home and then coming back, TM merely hid in some bushes near the T.
Having been hit in the head with a crowbar, a baseball bat, fists, and having had my head whacked into concrete myself..I have a real good appreciation for how much punishment a head can take.

First hand.

Perhaps, all of those alleged hits has you failing to grasp the simplistic nature of head trauma. :lmao:


It proves that all that "head trauma" isn't fatal and Ol' Zimmerman wasn't exposed to lethal force.

He doesn't have to be 'exposed to lethal force'. All that is required is that he be in fear of death or serious harm to the body.
Where is this coming from?

John Good?

He said he went back in LEFT THE DOOR OPEN because he wasn't worried about the door at that point, he always keeps his phone next to him, he was watching tv in the living room with his (now) wife, the phone was right there in the living room, he called from there.

Where is the upstairs/lock door fabrication coming from?

My guess is someone pulled it out their ass.

Didn't you guys listen to his testimony?

Why yes, yes we did and that's why I said this:

He said he went back in LEFT THE DOOR OPEN because he wasn't worried about the door at that point, he always keeps his phone next to him, he was watching tv in the living room with his (now) wife, the phone was right there in the living room, he called from there.

Where is the upstairs/lock door fabrication coming from?
Haha, you are a joke each time you posit your arguments about this case! He isn't a murderer, it has never been established that he murdered Martin, and he never profiled Martin!

Are you paying attention, woman? You don't care about my positions because I keep rebutting yours. Running away now, aren't we?

Quiet yourself old man. I've been here all along while you and your pals have been piling on just to get someone to talk to you.

Just me against all of you and you haven't made a good point yet.

What? I'm an old man? I'm 25! I don't care how long you've been here, your arguments still suck!

You don't like when you can't back yourself up can you? And when a slew of people catch on to your bias, you whine about being picked on. Oh jeez, grow up.

Now if you come back with a more objective argument, you'll find us more amicable. If not, expect to be harassed over you lack of objectivity.

I just don't believe it. That's all..
Sorry dumbshit. That insult doesnt work in Texas. We dont have basements.

With all that traveling,doesnt your boyfriend get lonely?

There you go projecting again you Texas Faggot.

Last time I was in a Texas Airport (I wouldn't bother to leave, that place is such a crap hole), I saw unbelievably obese people there.

How the fuck do you mount your boyfriend with all that belly fat? Just curious you fag.

Please stay out of my state. And you would more then likely get our ass kicked if you left the airport. We dont like your kind around here. Left wing pussy.

By who, You? You fucking faggot? :lol:

I do my best not to get to the craphole because it's populated with racist and treasonous fuckwads like yourself.

[ame=]Texas Sovereignty or Secession Rally - Larry Kilgore - YouTube[/ame]

Hate the American flag eh?

Fuck all of you fat bastards.
Perhaps, all of those alleged hits has you failing to grasp the simplistic nature of head trauma. :lmao:


It proves that all that "head trauma" isn't fatal and Ol' Zimmerman wasn't exposed to lethal force.

He doesn't have to be 'exposed to lethal force'. All that is required is that he be in fear of death or serious harm to the body.


That's not going to fly.

And it looks more and more like Zimmerman's going to be cooling his murderous heels in the big house for a few.
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