The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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It proves that all that "head trauma" isn't fatal and Ol' Zimmerman wasn't exposed to lethal force.

He doesn't have to be 'exposed to lethal force'. All that is required is that he be in fear of death or serious harm to the body.


That's not going to fly.

And it looks more and more like Zimmerman's going to be cooling his murderous heels in the big house for a few.

So the LAW is not going to fly? Well here's a flash. A jury conviction that is not based on the law will get overturned in a New York minute as that of a runaway jury.
Oh boy...Omara just nailed Cerino...lord!

The going to class the next day was concerning and cavalier to Cerino?...uh, I dont think so...listen to his questioning of was Cerino asking about his availability and what would be the best time to meet.

This doesnt look good at all for officer Cerino or the state...I mean come on guys.


He's a cop.

He's not suppose to show bias.

Very true...he is not supposed to show bias...and he isnt in the interview...however in his testimony when asked by Omara for examples of concern or a cavalier attitude, this is what Cerino uses to justify his manslaughter charge.

Cerino is the one trying to end the interview and he is trying to line up a time to meet the next day for the reenactment...cerino even suggested a time after to now come out and say he was concerned at the no concern of GZ because of "class" the next day does not jive with his interview. GZ was not offering the information...he was specifically answering Cerino.

There is no need for Cerino to go there...again this prosecution team is really doing a disservice to the Martin family.
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You RWers are seeing this through the prism of Far RW propoganda.

Aka the FOXNEWS RW Bubble.

Remember how shocked you bastards were when Obama beat your A$$es to a pulp.

I smell another one of those coming in the Zimmerman verdict.
He doesn't have to be 'exposed to lethal force'. All that is required is that he be in fear of death or serious harm to the body.


That's not going to fly.

And it looks more and more like Zimmerman's going to be cooling his murderous heels in the big house for a few.

You mean b/c your going to close your eyes and wish really hard? She made a legal argument that was not opinion based. Either bring a technical retort or STFU.

There are several people who have JDs who post here. I will not name them, that is up to them. But I know who they are. All of us are posting based on the statutes and the evidence as presented to date. We all have our opinions, and we are just as entitled to them as anyone else.
BTW, it doesn't matter that Trayvon was on top beating the snot out of Zimmerman...what matters is who was the aggressor.

It's crystal clear that Zimmerman saw Trayvon, stalked him and ended up confronting him and ultimately killing him.

How he walks away from this a free man would take a miracle from the good Lord above.


So Zimmerman didn't have a right to ask Trayvon anything. :eusa_hand: Why? :confused: I would of just told Zimmerman I was going home and I'd hope that would be all.

Unless Zimmerman started a fight with trayvon you don't have a case.
Do I have the right to follow you in your neighborhood and ask you what you're doing here in a menacing way?

i would not say you have right to follow someone and ask them what they are doing, but if not considered threatening, then it is not illegal

further, you're talking about a gated community, thus private
You RWers are seeing this through the prism of Far RW propoganda.

Aka the FOXNEWS RW Bubble.

Remember how shocked you bastards were when Obama beat your A$$es to a pulp.

I smell another one of those coming in the Zimmerman verdict.

of the witnesses who testified so far, whom do you think best helps the prosecution. the consensus on virtually all MSM, was that last week the prosecution helped martin.
I think it's been established that Zimmerman got out of his truck initially to follow Martin.

The dispatcher says it's no necessary, so he stops.

The dispatcher asks him where he is park, he doesn't know the name of the street. Either this is the greatest pre-planning of all times, or he doesn't remember the name of the street.

Adrenaline will do that to's happened to me personally.

I witnessed an accident on the interstate frontage road very near my home exit.

I knew it was exit 159...always have, still knew it even though I haven't lived there for years...and the next exit was exit 163...where the Bobber Truckstop used to be on I-44 in's a pilot now.

I only go into detail because I know you used to drive a truck, so you'll understand.

For the ininitiated, every trucker knows their Home-20 exit number. Makes it easy to calculate time to home, Milemarker +/- home exits = miles to exit.

But this day my brain made the call for the information and the achives responded "sorry, we're closed, try back later."

Luckily, the homeowner came running out so I didn't have to leave the lady to search out an address like Zimmerman was forced too.


Have we seen attacks for less?

Yes we have.

Any perceived sleight could cause an attack.

So that logic doesn't fly.

I have some youtube videos as evidence, if you'd like to see them just let me know.

Incorrect...he does not stop...stopping would be going back to his truck immediately...he didnt do that...he proceeds up the path and to the next street...he also says he looked to his right when he approached the courtyard and didnt see other words...still looking.

By continuing up the path even to look for this address in the dark and rain potentially gives the impression to the followeee that he is being followed on foot. He did not stop. Again, you are using hindsight information and your privy to the 911 tape...trayvon didnt hear the tape that you did. You are watching tv poker all do respect.

Fair enough. But what is more important...what happened, or how it was perceived?

Zimmerman stopped following Martin.

He did not take the path he observed Martin take.

He did not know where Martin was.

He was not and could not be between Martin and Martin's house.

Martin had to double back AWAY from home to be at the T.

Not what I would call fearful of being followed.

More likely pissed-off about being surveilled .

I agree with you...later he is in retreat and Trayvon calls out to him. But initially he is still giving the following impression to Trayvon.

So there is a mistake by GZ followed by a mistake by Trayvon...although no one is doing anything illegal...GZ gives the impression of still following and Trayvon gives the impression of "oh S---" to GZ.

I also agree that he did not take the path that trayvon took. But if Trayvon has already ran around the building (GZ didnt see him), then from his point of view, this dude is still following me...what is his deal? Again, we know that he didnt take the same path because we heard the 911 call.
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This case is going so badly for the prosecution, law schools will be studying it for years wondering why it was brought.

The best those who support the prosecution can do is bring up what ifs, scenarios that don't fit the facts, or plain imaginings. None of which will ever be before the jury.

So Zimmerman didn't have a right to ask Trayvon anything. :eusa_hand: Why? :confused: I would of just told Zimmerman I was going home and I'd hope that would be all.

Unless Zimmerman started a fight with trayvon you don't have a case.
Do I have the right to follow you in your neighborhood and ask you what you're doing here in a menacing way?

i would not say you have right to follow someone and ask them what they are doing, but if not considered threatening, then it is not illegal

further, you're talking about a gated community, thus private
Is it possible that Trayvon felt threatened by, the killer, George Zimmerman? IYO that is.
You RWers are seeing this through the prism of Far RW propoganda.

Aka the FOXNEWS RW Bubble.

Remember how shocked you bastards were when Obama beat your A$$es to a pulp.

I smell another one of those coming in the Zimmerman verdict.

It's going to be more like Casey Anthony than obama.
Well that's if you believe Zimmerman.

I don't.

It's looks like Zimmerman initiated the fight..and started losing.

Zimmerman killed an innocent kid.

And I don't see why all the law and order nuts..aren't angry about that.

Martin had no marks indicating Zimmerman ever struck him. Martin escalated the beating of a subdued person retreating & screaming for help. That makes lethal force necessary & legal in all 50 states.
He doesn't have to be 'exposed to lethal force'. All that is required is that he be in fear of death or serious harm to the body.


That's not going to fly.

And it looks more and more like Zimmerman's going to be cooling his murderous heels in the big house for a few.

So the LAW is not going to fly? Well here's a flash. A jury conviction that is not based on the law will get overturned in a New York minute as that of a runaway jury.

The standard simply isn't that low.

There's a bunch of clauses that come along with that. You can't just shave out a group of words and decide that's the law.
Do I have the right to follow you in your neighborhood and ask you what you're doing here in a menacing way?


I used to walk around all the time and every once in a while that did happen. They have a right to know why I would be walking around at 2am. :eusa_hand:

Doesn't give me a right to beat them up.
Do I have the right to follow you in your neighborhood and ask you what you're doing here in a menacing way?

i would not say you have right to follow someone and ask them what they are doing, but if not considered threatening, then it is not illegal

further, you're talking about a gated community, thus private
Is it possible that Trayvon felt threatened by, the killer, George Zimmerman? IYO that is.

of course it is "possible"

is it possible he did not feel threatened?
BTW, it doesn't matter that Trayvon was on top beating the snot out of Zimmerman...what matters is who was the aggressor.

It's crystal clear that Zimmerman saw Trayvon, stalked him and ended up confronting him and ultimately killing him.

How he walks away from this a free man would take a miracle from the good Lord above.


So Zimmerman didn't have a right to ask Trayvon anything. :eusa_hand: Why? :confused: I would of just told Zimmerman I was going home and I'd hope that would be all.

Unless Zimmerman started a fight with trayvon you don't have a case.
Do I have the right to follow you in your neighborhood and ask you what you're doing here in a menacing way?

Yes, you do. You do not have the right to touch me, though

That's not going to fly.

And it looks more and more like Zimmerman's going to be cooling his murderous heels in the big house for a few.

So the LAW is not going to fly? Well here's a flash. A jury conviction that is not based on the law will get overturned in a New York minute as that of a runaway jury.

The standard simply isn't that low.

There's a bunch of clauses that come along with that. You can't just shave out a group of words and decide that's the law.

That is the requirement for his actions to be self defense. Lump it. And I didn't just 'shave out a group of words.' The Florida statute has been posted. Get over yourself.
Zimmerman had already drawn a conclusion about the kid as of the first non emergency call.

He kept calling Travon the suspect for one thing. He said he was walking casually in the drizzle as if that somehow made Travon guilty. He stalked Travon, we only have his account of how Travon moved, looked, what he supposedly said, that he may have been looking in houses, etc.. He is sticking to his story but the profiling is apparent especially in this reading of the statement.
The cursive that the female cop had a hard time reading, get it?, of Zimmerman's account may very well be his undoing.

Done in by his own words.

Interesting turn of events.

I was listening to that but it was hard because she couldn't see.. I want to read it again later.
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