The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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No worries. I won't speak to him again, and have removed him from my friends list. I plan to send him a prezzie too, when I can.

He is new here. This whole board is populated by older and wiser people, so I'm pretty sure they may be insulted he thinks this place should be inhabited by "youngins".

He's one of those folks that pretends to be a nice guy, but if you won't be swayed by their good guy "logic"...well, suddenly they ain't so nice any more.

Close minded. Hence...being a wall. You can talk to the wall all day long and it will never stop being a wall.

And you would know, right?

Says the lady who wants GZ to pay with time...but doesnt know how to get there. In fact, dismisses the guy with suggestions to get there and reps the person who wants the opposite. Yeah, youre believable. Well hes just an idiot and needs to go away for!

When you are objective it is very easy to spot the bias...very easy...thats why its more fun.
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Not so. Persuit is not allowed under stand your ground. The way you state it, Marten was standing his ground.

Repeat: Stand your ground is NOT at issue in this trial. The defense is based on self defense. Not stand your ground.

It is covered quite well in CCW class that picking a fight with someone and then shooting them when your getting beat down is not self defense. This is why George Zimmerman is the poster boy of how its done wrong.

Freaking AMEN, brotha. And how about following someone in the dark and rain and cant figure out why someone might have a problem with it. Most in here think that is perfectly normal and not in the least Let me follow you all the way home from the store in the dark and rain and then on foot when you run
Worth a watch. Not saying I agree with this guy. It's funny that he's a defense attorney, but is talking like a prosecutor. That's b/c you can tell what he is rooting for.

[ame=]George Zimmerman Trial: Voluntary Manslaughter, Not Murder In Trevon Martin Case - John Burris - YouTube[/ame]
Zimmerman's injuries under the law have little to no bearing in this case.
Fearing for his life is the burden of self defense.
And direct evidence NOT CIRCUMSTANTIAL which is all you folks are offering here HAS MARTIN ON TOP OF ZIMMERMAN.
If that is not reasonable doubt ON THE MURDER CHARGE then nothing is.
I would entertain still any and all arguments on manslaughter.
The unbiased, objective open minded responsible citizen that I am.
Very sad the Martin family was conned into believing this was a murder case.
I feel for them, they did nothing wrong and have to watch this pitiful case the prosecution brought.
And see that their son was involved in the fight which they were led to believe was not the case. They were conned into believing Zimmerman ran Martin down and gunned him down without a fight.
And Crump pockets 400K as a result of that con to date.

Only one witness said that Zimmerman was on top. The rest said the one on top got up, the other was dead on the ground. The jury heard this and that is what is important, not what people here are making up.

There is also a dna report that does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries The jury also has this stuff:

How exactly does a DNA report determine who is caused injuries?

We need to find out whether he was shot in self defense.

Zimmerman doesn't need to be called to the stand. His entire testimony was played on tape before the court, when he gave it to Investigator Serino. The defense should feel no reason to be compelled to call him to the stand.

Oh, they want this guy on the stand. Hope he doesn't refuse..
Only one witness said that Zimmerman was on top. The rest said the one on top got up, the other was dead on the ground. The jury heard this and that is what is important, not what people here are making up.

There is also a dna report that does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries The jury also has this stuff:

How exactly does a DNA report determine who is caused injuries?

We need to find out whether he was shot in self defense.
Bitch, give it up. Face it, it didn't go down the way you were hoping it had. It was obviously self-defense, deal with it.
I don't understand someone claiming to be afraid and creeped out confronting the person he or she is afraid of.

I don't empathize for one reason. Before, I felt a bit bad about the whole thing. Wanna know who turned me off? My daddy always said birds of a feather flock together. RACHEL is the one that made me see Trayvon in a different light. I was already a bit surprised at the REAL pics of him flashing the gang signs and flipping the bird and acting all ghetto. But RACHEL was his friend and they hung out A LOT. And look at Rachel and her attitude. What makes you think Trayvon did not have the SAME ATTITUDE when he confronted Zimmerman?

So explain that in laymans terms. You may sway me back to thinking poor little pony riding Trayvon was not acting like an idiot along with Zimmerman. But don't hold your breath.

Actually, I believe he may very well have had that attitude...I would be willing to bet that he did. But that doesnt excuse the fact that he is being followed in the dark and a truck the entire complex and then on foot.

Im just trying to get people to see what could have been going through his mind. If he is a thug...okay great...then GZ is following the wrong person in the dark. What gets me is that GZ got the same impression, yet he gets out of his truck and initially runs after him...and then according to his own words with Sean Hannity was continuing after him to "keep an eye on him" to give a better location to police.

When GZ saw that the kid was irritated or wondering why he was being followed it was incumbent upon GZ to use his brain and understand why that would irritate the kid. The problem was he had made up his mind that this kid was up to know good and that the kid was in the wrong. I beg to far it is GZ in the wrong to that point...the kid did no crime...he was creepily following someone.

And in Zimmerman's mind he suspected he understood exactly what was irritating Martin...that Zimmerman was keeping an eye on him.

So he came over to grit on Zimmerman...tryng to intimidate him, to keep Zimmerman from following him...suspicious character Martin...the guy who was scoping out houses in the the rain...

That didn't work...he saw the dude get out of his car to see what Martin was up Martin ran around the corner, making sure the white dude could see which path he took, and hid, hoping to ambush Zimmerman and teach him a lesson.

But Zimmerman didn't go up the path...and when Martin sees Zimmerman was going to leave without following that path at all he called out to him.

"Hey, you got a problem?!?"

This gave Martin time to close the distance...he was going to get this crazy ass cracker, make an example out of him.

"No, no problem." Says Zimmerman.

BAM! Martin sucker punches Zimmerman!

Then leaps on top of him.

Zimmerman struggles to get away.

This is better than Martin could possibly imagine!

He was getting his payback and this little bitch was screaming for help like a pussy.

Martin gets on top of dare this cracka not give him respect.

Now he was going to get a beat down, the kind of beat down whitey deserved for diss'n him.

Wholey fucking shit...whiteys got a gun!

The End.

How's that for imagination and rampant speculation.

Wow...bias much?...what a! I bolded it for need a psyche...and look at the post you responded that a mirror?...yeah wonder you dont think very
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I'm still wondering how Trayvon could have jumped out of the bushes at Zimmerman when there weren't any bushes around the whole fucking complex?

Sorry.......................but I hope Zimmerman can explain himself sufficiently, because if he can't, he should go to jail for a very long time.

And...................the 911 call he made calling Trayvon a "fucking punk" ain't gonna look good for him either.
I'm still wondering how Trayvon could have jumped out of the bushes at Zimmerman when there weren't any bushes around the whole fucking complex?

Sorry.......................but I hope Zimmerman can explain himself sufficiently, because if he can't, he should go to jail for a very long time.

And...................the 911 call he made calling Trayvon a "fucking punk" ain't gonna look good for him either.

This is also discussed in CCW class. You don't say nothing. Honestly, I dong think GZ had plans to kill the kid or even have contact with him. I think this death was an honest to God act of stupidity on GZ's part.
How exactly does a DNA report determine who is caused injuries?

We need to find out whether he was shot in self defense.
Bitch, give it up. Face it, it didn't go down the way you were hoping it had. It was obviously self-defense, deal with it.

Sarah can't stand that whitey can't be blamed...Not only that this is going to be a slap in the face to the lying lap dog media.
I'm still wondering how Trayvon could have jumped out of the bushes at Zimmerman when there weren't any bushes around the whole fucking complex?

Sorry.......................but I hope Zimmerman can explain himself sufficiently, because if he can't, he should go to jail for a very long time.

And...................the 911 call he made calling Trayvon a "fucking punk" ain't gonna look good for him either.

Big fucking deal. Travis was fucking punk. He dripped fucking punk. We all know GZ would have said that whether it was recorded on the 911 tape or not. And he was right.
I'm still wondering how Trayvon could have jumped out of the bushes at Zimmerman when there weren't any bushes around the whole fucking complex?

Sorry.......................but I hope Zimmerman can explain himself sufficiently, because if he can't, he should go to jail for a very long time.

And...................the 911 call he made calling Trayvon a "fucking punk" ain't gonna look good for him either.

Big fucking deal. Travis was fucking punk. He dripped fucking punk. We all know GZ would have said that whether it was recorded on the 911 tape or not. And he was right.

So...................if Trayvon (NOT Travis you idiot) was a punk and dripped punk, does that still mean that he should have been followed by a person who desperately wanted to be a cop, but failed the tests and had to settle for being a member of the neighborhood watch, and was shot because some moron (who failed to be selected as a member of the police) thought he was guilty just because he didn't like how he looked?

If you think like George Zimmerman, I feel sorry for your being spun in a bubble of bigotry.

Zimmerman is someone who shot before he thought, and should pay the price for his actions.

I hope he's in jail for 5 to 25 years.
I'm still wondering how Trayvon could have jumped out of the bushes at Zimmerman when there weren't any bushes around the whole fucking complex?

Sorry.......................but I hope Zimmerman can explain himself sufficiently, because if he can't, he should go to jail for a very long time.

And...................the 911 call he made calling Trayvon a "fucking punk" ain't gonna look good for him either.

Big fucking deal. Travis was fucking punk. He dripped fucking punk. We all know GZ would have said that whether it was recorded on the 911 tape or not. And he was right.

Many sub 35 year olds ooz punk. You advocating that we shoot them all ? Last I saw, being a punk is not against the law. As far as that go's, what law was Martin breaking when Judge Dredd decided to follow him ?

Cops are going door-to-door in an American city again, only this time at least they are knocking on doors instead of knocking them down.

The most recent example of a police-state presence is developing even now in Sanford, Fla., where neighborhood-watch participant George Zimmerman is on trial for murder for the death of teenager Trayvon Martin.

t Cops go door-to-door in Trayvon town
I'm still wondering how Trayvon could have jumped out of the bushes at Zimmerman when there weren't any bushes around the whole fucking complex?

Sorry.......................but I hope Zimmerman can explain himself sufficiently, because if he can't, he should go to jail for a very long time.

And...................the 911 call he made calling Trayvon a "fucking punk" ain't gonna look good for him either.

This is also discussed in CCW class. You don't say nothing. Honestly, I dong think GZ had plans to kill the kid or even have contact with him. I think this death was an honest to God act of stupidity on GZ's part.

Now he is trying to justify it in front of Trayvon's parents and all the world by lying about how it happened.

It may be too late, the prosecution has not been tough enough. The wittnesses aren't good for them but they have no choice but to put them on the stand. For instance, his statements from that night were read by someone who can't even see well enough to read the words. The lead prosecuter, Bernie de la Rionda let her struggle through it and what she was saying was so choppy, it made no sense.

He should have read it and had her follow along.

The video at the police station that night wasn't working so the statement in messy writing was all they had. Hope the prosecution can get their case together, not looking good.

Cops are going door-to-door in an American city again, only this time at least they are knocking on doors instead of knocking them down.

The most recent example of a police-state presence is developing even now in Sanford, Fla., where neighborhood-watch participant George Zimmerman is on trial for murder for the death of teenager Trayvon Martin.

t Cops go door-to-door in Trayvon town

And so it begins. Mz Footstool head on the HLN show got her point across loud and clear, didn't she?
I'm still wondering how Trayvon could have jumped out of the bushes at Zimmerman when there weren't any bushes around the whole fucking complex?

Sorry.......................but I hope Zimmerman can explain himself sufficiently, because if he can't, he should go to jail for a very long time.

And...................the 911 call he made calling Trayvon a "fucking punk" ain't gonna look good for him either.

This is also discussed in CCW class. You don't say nothing. Honestly, I dong think GZ had plans to kill the kid or even have contact with him. I think this death was an honest to God act of stupidity on GZ's part.

Now he is trying to justify it in front of Trayvon's parents and all the world by lying about how it happened.

It may be too late, the prosecution has not been tough enough. The wittnesses aren't good for them but they have no choice but to put them on the stand. For instance, his statements from that night were read by someone who can't even see well enough to read the words. The lead prosecuter, Bernie de la Rionda let her struggle through it and what she was saying was so choppy, it made no sense.

He should have read it and had her follow along.

The video at the police station that night wasn't working so the statement in messy writing was all they had. Hope the prosecution can get their case together, not looking good.

Actually, I find the inconsistencies in the various stories he's told to be troubling.

Sorry......................but there are no bushes in the areas that he used to hunt Trayvon down.

Cops are going door-to-door in an American city again, only this time at least they are knocking on doors instead of knocking them down.

The most recent example of a police-state presence is developing even now in Sanford, Fla., where neighborhood-watch participant George Zimmerman is on trial for murder for the death of teenager Trayvon Martin.

t Cops go door-to-door in Trayvon town

And so it begins. Mz Footstool head on the HLN show got her point across loud and clear, didn't she?

I'm still wondering how Trayvon could have jumped out of the bushes at Zimmerman when there weren't any bushes around the whole fucking complex?

Sorry.......................but I hope Zimmerman can explain himself sufficiently, because if he can't, he should go to jail for a very long time.

And...................the 911 call he made calling Trayvon a "fucking punk" ain't gonna look good for him either.

This is also discussed in CCW class. You don't say nothing. Honestly, I dong think GZ had plans to kill the kid or even have contact with him. I think this death was an honest to God act of stupidity on GZ's part.

Now he is trying to justify it in front of Trayvon's parents and all the world by lying about how it happened.

It may be too late, the prosecution has not been tough enough. The wittnesses aren't good for them but they have no choice but to put them on the stand. For instance, his statements from that night were read by someone who can't even see well enough to read the words. The lead prosecuter, Bernie de la Rionda let her struggle through it and what she was saying was so choppy, it made no sense.

He should have read it and had her follow along.

The video at the police station that night wasn't working so the statement in messy writing was all they had. Hope the prosecution can get their case together, not looking good.

It's hard to tell.

The prosecution has done a real good job of punching holes in the George Zimmerman story and they've slowly established a narrative to he was playing cop.

And when I sat on a jury, it was the deliberations that really decided the verdict and that was more based on reading back the testimony. When you do that, you decide based on content not the person giving it.

What was germane about Rachel's testimony was that what was said is pretty different from how Zimmerman remembers it as well as establishing the "fight" was not one sided.

The testimony of Good and Mora punch holes in 2 other key elements of Zimmerman's story, that head was being bashed, repeatedly, against the side walk and that his mouth and nose were covered. The cell phone recording also discounts that. As do his pictures, which the defense seem to like to parade around every chance they get. It also dispels the myth that Martin was lying in wait for Zimmerman. The EMTs and the Zimmerman pictures also establish that his wounds were pretty minor and not life threatening.

I think the forensics might be the final nail if played right. If indeed Martin's hands aren't damaged badly it's also going to take away more of the notion that Zimmerman was in a life and death struggle.

The problem becomes convincing the Jury that Zimmerman set out to kill Martin. That's the toughie. He probably didn't when he went in chasing Martin, but once the fight started, it looks as if he flew into a rage.
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