The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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All this head bashing and slamming into concrete yet you have the police and the physician's assistant BOTH claiming that his injuries as HE reported them were overblown.

He himself refused to seek additional medical attention when asked if he wanted to on that day.

If I bust a man's head in the concrete, you can best your bottome dollar you'd see a good deal of HIS blood on the concrete. Where is Zimmerman's blood on the concrete? I've seen or heard of no report of a significant, if any, amount of Zimmerman's blood on the concrete.

Even if you include the bogus witnesses with the bogus NEW claim of "Ground and pound" ala "Ground and Pound" type blood on the concrete. It's a joke.

You are a damn fool if you believe a man who practices MMA and karate daily and believes himself to be some kinda cop that works out got beaten by a young whipper snapper 17 year old.

Trayvon got the best of him because he was fighting for his life and the adrenaline gave him the strength to defend himself against Zimmerman, who saw himself losing and pumped a gunshot into Trayvon's heart and ended the event.

Trayvon got the best because Trayvon probably is the one who attacked.

There is at least reasonable doubt.

And guess what ... this is America. Reasonable doubt means Zimmerman gets off. If the justice system is working correctly.

If Trayvon was being followed, how is it he's the one that attacked? GZ's account has holes in it.


Traydick want back to his place and then circled around to behind a bush. He then jumped on Zimmerman. :eek:
I really don't wish to continue the back and forth with you, 25caliber. You are dealing with emotional issues, not facts. Proof is your comments about if it were your kid that was killed, yet you completely leave out the "what if" ZIMMERMAN was your kid. This shows you are biased to one side. And talking to you about it is like talking to yon wall. There is no wiggle room with you. The wall is the wall.

So...don't be surprised if I don't continue discussing this trial with you.

And where is your wiggle room...and you are the one factually incorrect...blatantly. I have already told you that my initial bias was with Mr Z...I have posted in his favor ad nausea...I am now looking at the other side. So you are completely ignorant of my previous clue is for you to go back and look at some of the posts you pos repped me...thats your first clue. Just a few posts back I cited M being right and RKM being missed that...go back other posts and you will see other

I have yet to see you give the other side or even show the capacity to try. If you me and I will apologize.

What you don't see is that while you claim are as entrenched in your belief that Zimmerman is guilty of something as you claim we are of his innocence.

The truth is you are neither in the middle nor unprejudiced.

So you can clearly see mine...although I have made a relentless case for both sides...yet you cant see your own while taking only one side?
Dont falsely accuse me of something made more of it. You call that closed...I call it retorting slander.

Here Ill show you one sample just a few posts back...

Me to M:
"BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right."


Go to bed. Recharge your batteries.
If you want the last word, knock yourself out.

Thought you werent talking to me anymore...maybe its you that needs the last word...of love being accused of exactly what the other is strengthens my argument.

So i give a sincere apology and you say this? Charge your own batteries, maam...I touched a nerve and you need to take a breath or two...see we can go back and forth with insults all night.

I dont hold grudges...

I am female. Old, but still female. We tend to change our minds a lot. I said you can have the last word but did indeed respond to you again. Won't happen further. Fact.
Toodles, 25caliber.
If he takes the stand is asked about it, then watch him squirm...then maybe you will go "ahh, I get it"....time will tell.

And do you have it in you to go "ahh, I get it" if the defense proves it was self defense? I don't think so. You are determined that you are right and trayvon rode ponies and was 12 years old eating skittles. Your posts show it clearly. So the difference between discussing this with you is...most of us will judge after all evidence is in, not string up zimmerman without hearing the OTHER side.

Nope...the defense is doing incredible...mark omara is taking the entire prosecution team to school. The state is horrid. Why? because they fell into the race trap. Instead of eliminating it and going after certain things GZ did that could have been reckless, they fell into the trap of pleasing protesters...there motive is wrong and their judgment is clouded....I said from the beginning if they take that route, they will lose. And they will.

We both agree he should serve time...well that aint happening with this team. You say he should go away? Do you believe that? Because that is the case I am they can get there...and you dismiss me? Strange. Im trying to show that there was negligence and some wreckless else are you going to get what you want with him serving time?

Go to bed. Recharge your batteries.
If you want the last word, knock yourself out.

Thought you werent talking to me anymore...maybe its you that needs the last word...of love being accused of exactly what the other is strengthens my argument.

So i give a sincere apology and you say this? Charge your own batteries, maam...I touched a nerve and you need to take a breath or two...see we can go back and forth with insults all night.

I dont hold grudges...

I am female. Old, but still female. We tend to change our minds a lot. I said you can have the last word but did indeed respond to you again. Won't happen further. Fact.
Toodles, 25caliber.

Fair enough. You built your wall and now you are taking your ball and going home.

Lots of old people on here...we need more clear thinking youngins.
And where is your wiggle room...and you are the one factually incorrect...blatantly. I have already told you that my initial bias was with Mr Z...I have posted in his favor ad nausea...I am now looking at the other side. So you are completely ignorant of my previous clue is for you to go back and look at some of the posts you pos repped me...thats your first clue. Just a few posts back I cited M being right and RKM being missed that...go back other posts and you will see other

I have yet to see you give the other side or even show the capacity to try. If you me and I will apologize.

What you don't see is that while you claim are as entrenched in your belief that Zimmerman is guilty of something as you claim we are of his innocence.

The truth is you are neither in the middle nor unprejudiced.

So you can clearly see mine...although I have made a relentless case for both sides...yet you cant see your own while taking only one side?

I formulate my opinions based of observable facts and evidence.

I told you that from day one.

You have presented speculation.

It's good speculation.

But it holds no more weight than the speculation I wrote that you took such serious offense to.

I was holding up a mirror, hoping you would understand.

What I did, and what you do go hand in glove.

You claim it is critical thinking, but really it's make suppositions and then attempting to support them as though they were facts.
Rachel Jeantel is the witness that puts TM at his house before the altercation.
You guys were pushing the double-back theory BEFORE we knew about Jeantel.

Nice try.

You're right, Marc...I WAS pushing that theory! It was the only one that made sense from the timeline of the calls. If Martin REALLY runs for home then he's there safe and sound. I thought that perhaps he hid in someone's back porch or a bush until Zimmerman went past and then the two had a confrontation when Zimmerman returned, headed back to his SUV but Rachel Jenteal's testimony made it clear that Martin HAD run away and was outside of the condo he was staying in when she called him back. THE ONLY WAY HE AND ZIMMERMAN COME TOGETHER AT THAT POINT IS IF MARTIN GOES BACK TO CONFRONT THE "CREEPY ASSED CRACKER"!

Nice try? The testimony of the Prosecution's "star" witness illustrates that anyone pushing the double-back theory was SPOT ON!
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Thought you werent talking to me anymore...maybe its you that needs the last word...of love being accused of exactly what the other is strengthens my argument.

So i give a sincere apology and you say this? Charge your own batteries, maam...I touched a nerve and you need to take a breath or two...see we can go back and forth with insults all night.

I dont hold grudges...

I am female. Old, but still female. We tend to change our minds a lot. I said you can have the last word but did indeed respond to you again. Won't happen further. Fact.
Toodles, 25caliber.

Fair enough. You built your wall and now you are taking your ball and going home.

Lots of old people on here...we need more clear thinking youngins.

What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.
Y'all, take a look at 25's list of posts. He has posted non stop 24/7 for 3 days and maybe longer. I was just tired of looking at his list of posts. Is he some kind of bot? Getting paid to post? Is he the new incarnation of she who shall not be named? We all know she got paid to post. How does 1 person post for 3 days (maybe more) straight without taking time out to eat and sleep? Manic high? Meth? Any ideas?

You creepy you are going to my page...looking for my posts...then trolling just outed yourself. And you claim to be a psychologist, a law professor, a nurse, a youth advocate? you childish twit!

You started it with me, were ignored and you continued...calling faggot and other vulgar names along with accusing of racism towards which you finally got a should be ashamed of your behavior. And further ashamed of how you are deceiving this forum with lies about me. My guess is they probably have a pretty good feel for me I have heard. You are known as the old and crazy, braggart lady....a bully of epic proportions. I wont be bullied by you. If you have a problem with your insults being responded to, then you can put a stop to that pretty quick.

It was you who started it again guess is something I said really hit home with you and you dont have the maturity to handle it...that much is blatantly obvious.
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I am female. Old, but still female. We tend to change our minds a lot. I said you can have the last word but did indeed respond to you again. Won't happen further. Fact.
Toodles, 25caliber.

Fair enough. You built your wall and now you are taking your ball and going home.

Lots of old people on here...we need more clear thinking youngins.

What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

Check yourself...go back and look at your posts...your nicety was a facade. Your supposed "mirror" post was not that at was bigoted, offensive and completely out of order. I went no where near that level...just giving a different perspective.

But if you asked me a question...I answered the last one you asked. Shred of evidence? I gave it to speculation...GZs words. Thats not good enough for you.

You answer my questions with accusing me of conjecture and speculation. That will cause a very nice person to go in another direction. Essentially you didnt defuse the incited it...and now you yell victim?

GZ did some things right...he did some things wrong...I have acknowledged both...and gave logic for both. Since when is GZs own words conjecture?...Especially when you seem to hang on every word he says? You cant have it both ways cant go by some words and not the others. He makes mistakes...hes not a pro...hes a NH captain who killed someone who is not here to defend or retort his claims.

You have to want to find it and you can...of course if you dont want will stay away from it...that suggests to me a bias...a big one....most likely because of the reasons I already posted and also evident from your bigoted tirade. you made that mistake...not I.
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I am female. Old, but still female. We tend to change our minds a lot. I said you can have the last word but did indeed respond to you again. Won't happen further. Fact.
Toodles, 25caliber.

Fair enough. You built your wall and now you are taking your ball and going home.

Lots of old people on here...we need more clear thinking youngins.

What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

No worries. I won't speak to him again, and have removed him from my friends list. I plan to send him a prezzie too, when I can.

He is new here. This whole board is populated by older and wiser people, so I'm pretty sure they may be insulted he thinks this place should be inhabited by "youngins".
Fair enough. You built your wall and now you are taking your ball and going home.

Lots of old people on here...we need more clear thinking youngins.

What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

No worries. I won't speak to him again, and have removed him from my friends list. I plan to send him a prezzie too, when I can.

He is new here. This whole board is populated by older and wiser people, so I'm pretty sure they may be insulted he thinks this place should be inhabited by "youngins".

Didnt say there shouldnt be old people here...just said we need more youngins...I was being sarcastic for crying out loud...geez people...emotions on the sleeve much...look what you have dished out to me and you still got a respectful apology...not accepted mind you.

And dont give me this you think he should be put away and serve time...I have a hard time believing that. You think he was an idiot? Why? You want him put away for some time? Well how ya gonna get there, sherlock? I mean lord you cant just say I think they were both idiots...state why!! Show why!!
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Fair enough. You built your wall and now you are taking your ball and going home.

Lots of old people on here...we need more clear thinking youngins.

What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

Check yourself...go back and look at your posts...your nicety was a facade. Your supposed "mirror" post was not that at was bigoted, offensive and completely out of order. I went no where near that level...just giving a different perspective.

But if you asked me a question...I answered the last one you asked. Shred of evidence? I gave it to speculation...GZs words. Thats not good enough for you.

You answer my questions with accusing me of conjecture and speculation. That will cause a very nice person to go in another direction. Essentially you didnt defuse the incited it...and now you yell victim?

GZ did some things right...he did some things wrong...I have acknowledged both...and gave logic for both. Since when is GZs own words conjecture?...Especially when you seem to hang on every word he says? You cant have it both ways cant go by some words and not the others. He makes mistakes...hes not a pro...hes a NH captain who killed someone who is not here to defend or retort his claims.

You have to want to find it and you can...of course if you dont want will stay away from it...that suggests to me a bias...a big one....most likely because of the reasons I already posted and also evident from your bigoted tirade. you made that mistake...not I.

At this point, I could care less what your opinion is.

This isn't anger or's just a fact.
What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

Check yourself...go back and look at your posts...your nicety was a facade. Your supposed "mirror" post was not that at was bigoted, offensive and completely out of order. I went no where near that level...just giving a different perspective.

But if you asked me a question...I answered the last one you asked. Shred of evidence? I gave it to speculation...GZs words. Thats not good enough for you.

You answer my questions with accusing me of conjecture and speculation. That will cause a very nice person to go in another direction. Essentially you didnt defuse the incited it...and now you yell victim?

GZ did some things right...he did some things wrong...I have acknowledged both...and gave logic for both. Since when is GZs own words conjecture?...Especially when you seem to hang on every word he says? You cant have it both ways cant go by some words and not the others. He makes mistakes...hes not a pro...hes a NH captain who killed someone who is not here to defend or retort his claims.

You have to want to find it and you can...of course if you dont want will stay away from it...that suggests to me a bias...a big one....most likely because of the reasons I already posted and also evident from your bigoted tirade. you made that mistake...not I.

At this point, I could care less what your opinion is.

This isn't anger or's just a fact.

Oh save it...your patronizing. You went on the bigoted tirade...not I, buddy. You were in a debate and you resorted to stooped to a low level and now you cant handle the response...very telling.

You are one of those dish it out, but cant take it type of fellers...just think tomorrow you can come back on and chat with a bunch of people who agree with everything you fun.
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Fair enough. You built your wall and now you are taking your ball and going home.

Lots of old people on here...we need more clear thinking youngins.

What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

No worries. I won't speak to him again, and have removed him from my friends list. I plan to send him a prezzie too, when I can.

He is new here. This whole board is populated by older and wiser people, so I'm pretty sure they may be insulted he thinks this place should be inhabited by "youngins".

He's one of those folks that pretends to be a nice guy, but if you won't be swayed by their good guy "logic"...well, suddenly they ain't so nice any more.
A dozen travyvons are blow away per day by their own people. Not fucking news!!!!

This is only to guilt whites and spread the flames of hatred within blacks against whites. The media is disgusting.

Yep and many many people on both sides of the race spectrum have fallen into that trap....including 90 percent of the people in this forum.

There might be 10 percent of this forum that can think objectively, imo. Outside of that, there is a huge bias...both sides.

The only bias here is from TM defenders. The evidence clearly shows GZ is innocent.
And when you consider this whole trial is about race.....

Sadly it is. The race pimps on one side, and you retards on the other. Say, where is the most recent statement by Wane LaPiere in support of Zimmerman ?
What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

No worries. I won't speak to him again, and have removed him from my friends list. I plan to send him a prezzie too, when I can.

He is new here. This whole board is populated by older and wiser people, so I'm pretty sure they may be insulted he thinks this place should be inhabited by "youngins".

He's one of those folks that pretends to be a nice guy, but if you won't be swayed by their good guy "logic"...well, suddenly they ain't so nice any more.

Close minded. Hence...being a wall. You can talk to the wall all day long and it will never stop being a wall.
Sunshine is right. We are biased toward the law. The law is clear in this case. We have stated it many times and for some reason you think it is irrelevant. It is not irrelevant. It is crucial.
So unless the prosecution can show that Zimmerman was not in fear of his life when he shot he will be acquitted.

Not so. Persuit is not allowed under stand your ground. The way you state it, Marten was standing his ground.

Repeat: Stand your ground is NOT at issue in this trial. The defense is based on self defense. Not stand your ground.

It is covered quite well in CCW class that picking a fight with someone and then shooting them when your getting beat down is not self defense. This is why George Zimmerman is the poster boy of how its done wrong.
What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

No worries. I won't speak to him again, and have removed him from my friends list. I plan to send him a prezzie too, when I can.

He is new here. This whole board is populated by older and wiser people, so I'm pretty sure they may be insulted he thinks this place should be inhabited by "youngins".

He's one of those folks that pretends to be a nice guy, but if you won't be swayed by their good guy "logic"...well, suddenly they ain't so nice any more.

Says the guy who went postal when hit with a different perspective...yeah, you make a lot of sense. How would you describe you and your tirade...since you think you are so good at sizing people up.

Youre kinda like follow and stalk like a creep...then dont like it when you are confronted. Is there a problem? Oh problem here...lmao.
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That's not going to fly.

And it looks more and more like Zimmerman's going to be cooling his murderous heels in the big house for a few.

You mean b/c your going to close your eyes and wish really hard? She made a legal argument that was not opinion based. Either bring a technical retort or STFU.

Technical 'retort'?

If the standard is that low..a bunch of people are going to start dying and Florida will become the new wild west.

Heck..maybe that's what you folks want.

Some think they do, but in the end , the loudest ones here would shit their pants and scream like a bitch to had they been in the same situation.
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