The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The onus is on Martin not to punch Zimmerman in the face, leap on top of him and pound his head into the concrete.

How do you know first of all that he wasnt punched because he went reaching?...Hell, even GZ clues you into do you know that he wasnt continually punched because the gun was exposed and he was going for it?...oh GZ didnt tell you that (actually he did)? Thats why. And I wonder why GZ didnt tell you that. The gun was exposed that much we know...he did reach for a phone that wasnt there to call 911 that he knew was already on their way (wink wink). Come on you believe everything you hear. Why? Bias? I could have a bias fact, Ill admit that I did in the beginning...Al and Jessie pissed me off...I had bias...but I put it aside.

Here's your big chance...

Prove to me that Martin attacked because Zimmerman put his hand in his pocket.


So I answer your question but you dont give me the same respect? First of all I have already stated it in another post. But here it is again.

GZ says it...go watch the reenactment...he says he reached and then he got clocked. You use GZs words...and so am I...what more proof do you need? Your guy said it!!
Thats right...great point....walked by several times unmolested and he walked by several times without approaching and calling out Z also...right? in fact even ran away at one point...but that didnt stop MR Z...he kept following...he kept following and Trayvon kept walking...until he was followed on foot near his home...finally he said something...

Z went reaching at that point for a phone to call 911 again? LMAO they were already on their way and he was going to meet them...whatcha calling 911 again for...yeah right. When he reached for what he couldnt find...the creepy follower in the dark got clocked...during the struggle when he kept going for his gun...he continued to get clocked. Oh I know speculation right...why? Because GZ didnt say it? Dont you think he has motive not to say it?

You crack me up are stating that essentially it was Trayvon that repeatedly showed restraint when followed by this strange person in the dark and rain.

How many times must he continue on his way without asking why hes being followed? What number is good for you? Infinitely? Turn tail and book it home...well how do I know he wont be following me the next time I go to the store? I think Ill ask why now and settle it now.

You made my point...I can sleep

Good...I'm glad you'll get some sleep...because I think you are getting a little pun intended.

A) I hope that's not the smoking gun, that he was going to call 911 again.

Why wouldn't he, as a deterrent, or more obviously to let them know exactly where he was, as they were expecting him at the mailboxes, and here was the guy right here...the guy found him.

B) I don't see where you are going with unmolested. My point was to RKM that Zimmmerman never blocked Martin from anywhere...he didn't "cut off Martin's path home". Martin walked right by in unimpeded.

C) No matter how many times you repeat cannot assault someone for reaching into their pocket.

D) You understand that while you can legally make a preemptive strike in some circumstances...the one you are describing is not one of them.

Well thats just it...and you missed it...why not call the same help have already given them the information and they have already cops are on the way...why would you call the other help line....smoking gun...right over your head. During interrogation he fealt the need to say 911 because he had to ... he had already called the other wouldnt make sense. Serino didnt catch it. He knew the cops were enroute in a hurry and in fact they were there within seconds of the incident ending. So why call a different 911 and perhaps go thru it all again if you need to do it quick...why not call the same number and ask them....think, Missouri...think.

I tend to get punchy when people say I am making stuff up and then start throwing out racist scenarios to make their points...sorry.

BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right.

Punchy, as in from too little sleep...Urban Dictionary: punchy

Not a smoking gun.

The non-emergency number may or may not get answered at night.

Happens all the time here.

And it's a switchboard number, so there's no telling who you are going to get.

If you want someone right now on the line for sure, you call 911.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
Good...I'm glad you'll get some sleep...because I think you are getting a little pun intended.

A) I hope that's not the smoking gun, that he was going to call 911 again.

Why wouldn't he, as a deterrent, or more obviously to let them know exactly where he was, as they were expecting him at the mailboxes, and here was the guy right here...the guy found him.

B) I don't see where you are going with unmolested. My point was to RKM that Zimmmerman never blocked Martin from anywhere...he didn't "cut off Martin's path home". Martin walked right by in unimpeded.

C) No matter how many times you repeat cannot assault someone for reaching into their pocket.

D) You understand that while you can legally make a preemptive strike in some circumstances...the one you are describing is not one of them.

Well thats just it...and you missed it...why not call the same help have already given them the information and they have already cops are on the way...why would you call the other help line....smoking gun...right over your head. During interrogation he fealt the need to say 911 because he had to ... he had already called the other wouldnt make sense. Serino didnt catch it. He knew the cops were enroute in a hurry and in fact they were there within seconds of the incident ending. So why call a different 911 and perhaps go thru it all again if you need to do it quick...why not call the same number and ask them....think, Missouri...think.

I tend to get punchy when people say I am making stuff up and then start throwing out racist scenarios to make their points...sorry.

BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right.

Punchy, as in from too little sleep...Urban Dictionary: punchy

Not a smoking gun.

The non-emergency number may or may not get answered at night.

Happens all the time here.

And it's a switchboard number, so there's no telling who you are going to get.

If you want someone right now on the line for sure, you call 911.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

LMAO...wrong...he just got off the phone with them 2 minutes ago, dude!! Is that all you have? It doesnt matter who you get...they would have record of your previous call and could tell you exactly where the cops were...which was right around the damn corner. GZ even admits that when he was yelling for help, that he was yelling for the police because he thought they might even already be

Definitely a smoking gun. You just refuse to think, dont you?
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How do you know first of all that he wasnt punched because he went reaching?...Hell, even GZ clues you into do you know that he wasnt continually punched because the gun was exposed and he was going for it?...oh GZ didnt tell you that (actually he did)? Thats why. And I wonder why GZ didnt tell you that. The gun was exposed that much we know...he did reach for a phone that wasnt there to call 911 that he knew was already on their way (wink wink). Come on you believe everything you hear. Why? Bias? I could have a bias fact, Ill admit that I did in the beginning...Al and Jessie pissed me off...I had bias...but I put it aside.

Here's your big chance...

Prove to me that Martin attacked because Zimmerman put his hand in his pocket.


So I answer your question but you dont give me the same respect? First of all I have already stated it in another post. But here it is again.

GZ says it...go watch the reenactment...he says he reached and then he got clocked. You use GZs words...and so am I...what more proof do you need? Your guy said it!!

Sorry, not proof of anything.

That is a logical fallacy.

If he had said "zerbert" and got clocked, would that mean that saying zerbert caused the attack? Of course not.

But...but...but, maybe to Martin, zerbert is a terrible racial of course he was justified in beating the shit out of Zimmerman!

/Sarcasm off.
Careful there, 25caliber. Don't start getting all personal.

Careful, have a bias toward M because he agrees in lockstep with you...I will take that criticism from someone not handing out reps to another guy doing the same thing you are accusing me of. Go read the post you repped...and you are telling me to be careful?
I really don't wish to continue the back and forth with you, 25caliber. You are dealing with emotional issues, not facts. Proof is your comments about if it were your kid that was killed, yet you completely leave out the "what if" ZIMMERMAN was your kid. This shows you are biased to one side. And talking to you about it is like talking to yon wall. There is no wiggle room with you. The wall is the wall.

So...don't be surprised if I don't continue discussing this trial with you.

And where is your wiggle room...and you are the one factually incorrect...blatantly. I have already told you that my initial bias was with Mr Z...I have posted in his favor ad nausea...I am now looking at the other side. So you are completely ignorant of my previous clue is for you to go back and look at some of the posts you pos repped me...thats your first clue. Just a few posts back I cited M being right and RKM being missed that...go back other posts and you will see other

I have yet to see you give the other side or even show the capacity to try. If you me and I will apologize.
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I enjoy reading people with open minds. Yours is closed. And I will hand out reps to those that post what I have a hard time expressing. You are getting personal. Lighten up. That's all I was saying but if you want to make more of it than what it is, be my guest.
Well thats just it...and you missed it...why not call the same help have already given them the information and they have already cops are on the way...why would you call the other help line....smoking gun...right over your head. During interrogation he fealt the need to say 911 because he had to ... he had already called the other wouldnt make sense. Serino didnt catch it. He knew the cops were enroute in a hurry and in fact they were there within seconds of the incident ending. So why call a different 911 and perhaps go thru it all again if you need to do it quick...why not call the same number and ask them....think, Missouri...think.

I tend to get punchy when people say I am making stuff up and then start throwing out racist scenarios to make their points...sorry.

BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right.

Punchy, as in from too little sleep...Urban Dictionary: punchy

Not a smoking gun.

The non-emergency number may or may not get answered at night.

Happens all the time here.

And it's a switchboard number, so there's no telling who you are going to get.

If you want someone right now on the line for sure, you call 911.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

LMAO...wrong...he just got off the phone with them 2 minutes ago, dude!! Is that all you have? It doesnt matter who you get...they would have record of your previous call and could tell you exactly where the cops were...which was right around the damn corner. GZ even admits that when he was yelling for help, that he was yelling for the police because he thought they might even already be

Definitely a smoking gun. You just refuse to think, dont you?

I think you need some sleep so you can think more clearly.

There is nothing the least bit unusual about calling 911 in this situation.

If you think this is evidence of anything, you need sleep more that you know.

Now, you can keep arguing that it is, but I don't think anyone but you will see it that way.

Well, Truthseeker, Snookie, Zona, and rdean will probably agree with you wholeheartedly...:)
I really don't wish to continue the back and forth with you, 25caliber. You are dealing with emotional issues, not facts. Proof is your comments about if it were your kid that was killed, yet you completely leave out the "what if" ZIMMERMAN was your kid. This shows you are biased to one side. And talking to you about it is like talking to yon wall. There is no wiggle room with you. The wall is the wall.

So...don't be surprised if I don't continue discussing this trial with you.

And where is your wiggle room...and you are the one factually incorrect...blatantly. I have already told you that my initial bias was with Mr Z...I have posted in his favor ad nausea...I am now looking at the other side. So you are completely ignorant of my previous clue is for you to go back and look at some of the posts you pos repped me...thats your first clue.

I have yet to see you give the other side or even show the capacity to try. If you me and I will apologize.

You go back and read MY Posts. I said BOTH were idiots. BOTH got themselves in this mess and BOTH are responsible for what transpired. I also said zimmerman needs a few years in the slammer and shouldn't walk away without some form of punishment.
But...walls can't see because they are walls.

I plan to show you nothing. Your apology is not accepted at this time. Once you decide to get off your duff and go look at my posts, you will see. This is not a cut and dried case. The defense has not even got very far and you already want to see Zimmerman nailed. I want to wait until ALL the facts are in and not play these stupid guessing games when nobody knows and nobody will every know what truly went down. Which means I am open to muse more evidence whereas you? You are a wall. not talk to me again and I will not talk to you. Otherwise, I might get grumpy. I don't like being grumpy. And you wouldn't like me being grumpy either.
I enjoy reading people with open minds. Yours is closed. And I will hand out reps to those that post what I have a hard time expressing. You are getting personal. Lighten up. That's all I was saying but if you want to make more of it than what it is, be my guest.

Dont falsely accuse me of something made more of it. You call that closed...I call it retorting slander.

Here Ill show you one sample just a few posts back...

Me to M:
"BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right."
I really don't wish to continue the back and forth with you, 25caliber. You are dealing with emotional issues, not facts. Proof is your comments about if it were your kid that was killed, yet you completely leave out the "what if" ZIMMERMAN was your kid. This shows you are biased to one side. And talking to you about it is like talking to yon wall. There is no wiggle room with you. The wall is the wall.

So...don't be surprised if I don't continue discussing this trial with you.

And where is your wiggle room...and you are the one factually incorrect...blatantly. I have already told you that my initial bias was with Mr Z...I have posted in his favor ad nausea...I am now looking at the other side. So you are completely ignorant of my previous clue is for you to go back and look at some of the posts you pos repped me...thats your first clue.

I have yet to see you give the other side or even show the capacity to try. If you me and I will apologize.

You go back and read MY Posts. I said BOTH were idiots. BOTH got themselves in this mess and BOTH are responsible for what transpired. I also said zimmerman needs a few years in the slammer and shouldn't walk away without some form of punishment.
But...walls can't see because they are walls.

I plan to show you nothing. Your apology is not accepted at this time. Once you decide to get off your duff and go look at my posts, you will see. This is not a cut and dried case. The defense has not even got very far and you already want to see Zimmerman nailed. I want to wait until ALL the facts are in and not play these stupid guessing games when nobody knows and nobody will every know what truly went down. Which means I am open to muse more evidence whereas you? You are a wall. not talk to me again and I will not talk to you. Otherwise, I might get grumpy. I don't like being grumpy. And you wouldn't like me being grumpy either.

Well look whos getting personal now. Im a wall when I get those responses...didnt call the same number because they may not answer when he just got off the damn phone with them? .....seriously?....just who is being the wall there?

But I told you I would apologize...and I did say that...I was wrong. My bad.

So both were idiots and he should serve time...well we agree I manslaughter not M2.
I enjoy reading people with open minds. Yours is closed. And I will hand out reps to those that post what I have a hard time expressing. You are getting personal. Lighten up. That's all I was saying but if you want to make more of it than what it is, be my guest.

Dont falsely accuse me of something made more of it. You call that closed...I call it retorting slander.

Here Ill show you one sample just a few posts back...

Me to M:
"BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right."


Go to bed. Recharge your batteries.
If you want the last word, knock yourself out.
Punchy, as in from too little sleep...Urban Dictionary: punchy

Not a smoking gun.

The non-emergency number may or may not get answered at night.

Happens all the time here.

And it's a switchboard number, so there's no telling who you are going to get.

If you want someone right now on the line for sure, you call 911.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

LMAO...wrong...he just got off the phone with them 2 minutes ago, dude!! Is that all you have? It doesnt matter who you get...they would have record of your previous call and could tell you exactly where the cops were...which was right around the damn corner. GZ even admits that when he was yelling for help, that he was yelling for the police because he thought they might even already be

Definitely a smoking gun. You just refuse to think, dont you?

I think you need some sleep so you can think more clearly.

There is nothing the least bit unusual about calling 911 in this situation.

If you think this is evidence of anything, you need sleep more that you know.

Now, you can keep arguing that it is, but I don't think anyone but you will see it that way.

Well, Truthseeker, Snookie, Zona, and rdean will probably agree with you wholeheartedly...:)

Im a night wide awake and of clear thought. If you really stop and think about exactly what he said and put your thinking cap on it, you might be able to see the oddity in his statement...and yours for that matter. But you have it all figured out and probably wont bother...I did.

If he takes the stand is asked about it, then watch him squirm...then maybe you will go "ahh, I get it"....time will tell.
I really don't wish to continue the back and forth with you, 25caliber. You are dealing with emotional issues, not facts. Proof is your comments about if it were your kid that was killed, yet you completely leave out the "what if" ZIMMERMAN was your kid. This shows you are biased to one side. And talking to you about it is like talking to yon wall. There is no wiggle room with you. The wall is the wall.

So...don't be surprised if I don't continue discussing this trial with you.

And where is your wiggle room...and you are the one factually incorrect...blatantly. I have already told you that my initial bias was with Mr Z...I have posted in his favor ad nausea...I am now looking at the other side. So you are completely ignorant of my previous clue is for you to go back and look at some of the posts you pos repped me...thats your first clue. Just a few posts back I cited M being right and RKM being missed that...go back other posts and you will see other

I have yet to see you give the other side or even show the capacity to try. If you me and I will apologize.

What you don't see is that while you claim are as entrenched in your belief that Zimmerman is guilty of something as you claim we are of his innocence.

The truth is you are neither in the middle nor unprejudiced.
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I enjoy reading people with open minds. Yours is closed. And I will hand out reps to those that post what I have a hard time expressing. You are getting personal. Lighten up. That's all I was saying but if you want to make more of it than what it is, be my guest.

Dont falsely accuse me of something made more of it. You call that closed...I call it retorting slander.

Here Ill show you one sample just a few posts back...

Me to M:
"BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right."


Go to bed. Recharge your batteries.
If you want the last word, knock yourself out.

Thought you werent talking to me anymore...maybe its you that needs the last word...of love being accused of exactly what the other is strengthens my argument.

So i give a sincere apology and you say this? Charge your own batteries, maam...I touched a nerve and you need to take a breath or two...see we can go back and forth with insults all night.

I dont hold grudges...
If he takes the stand is asked about it, then watch him squirm...then maybe you will go "ahh, I get it"....time will tell.

And do you have it in you to go "ahh, I get it" if the defense proves it was self defense? I don't think so. You are determined that you are right and trayvon rode ponies and was 12 years old eating skittles. Your posts show it clearly. So the difference between discussing this with you is...most of us will judge after all evidence is in, not string up zimmerman without hearing the OTHER side.
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