The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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“Either he was telling the truth or a complete pathological liar, one of the two,” Serino says.

Bull. Martin was younger, faster, stronger. He was near the place he was visiting. He could have gotten away. His life was taken because he and his teenage brain went crazy and did something reckless. All the evidence shown so far points to Zimmerman doing as advised, ending his pursuit and walking back toward his vehicle. Then getting his head bashed by Martin. Then allegedly, Martin saw Zimmerman's gun and that's when things got even more serious than just Zimmerman's head being slammed into concrete, which was bad enough.
All this head bashing and slamming into concrete yet you have the police and the physician's assistant BOTH claiming that his injuries as HE reported them were overblown.

He himself refused to seek additional medical attention when asked if he wanted to on that day.

If I bust a man's head in the concrete, you can best your bottome dollar you'd see a good deal of HIS blood on the concrete. Where is Zimmerman's blood on the concrete? I've seen or heard of no report of a significant, if any, amount of Zimmerman's blood on the concrete.

Even if you include the bogus witnesses with the bogus NEW claim of "Ground and pound" ala "Ground and Pound" type blood on the concrete. It's a joke.

You are a damn fool if you believe a man who practices MMA and karate daily and believes himself to be some kinda cop that works out got beaten by a young whipper snapper 17 year old.

Trayvon got the best of him because he was fighting for his life and the adrenaline gave him the strength to defend himself against Zimmerman, who saw himself losing and pumped a gunshot into Trayvon's heart and ended the event.

Trayvon got the best because Trayvon probably is the one who attacked.

There is at least reasonable doubt.

And guess what ... this is America. Reasonable doubt means Zimmerman gets off. If the justice system is working correctly.

If Trayvon was being followed, how is it he's the one that attacked? GZ's account has holes in it.
And Martin walked right by unmolested.

Then he had all the time in the world to get home.

He choose to confront Zimmerman instead.

But you knew that.

And then lied about it.

So Martin is being creepishly followed and the onus is on him to run as fast as he can home?

Where is the onus on Mr Z not to follow people in the dark? Especially after being told "we dont need you to do that?"

If the onus was on Martin to run home then the onus was also on Mr Z not to get out of his truck.

If both would have happened then we wouldnt have a trial. But no onus on Mr Z just Trayvon right? Up to the point of the punch he was actually the victim, but the onus is on the victim?

The onus is on Martin not to punch Zimmerman in the face, leap on top of him and pound his head into the concrete.

How do you know first of all that he wasnt punched because he went reaching?...Hell, even GZ clues you into do you know that he wasnt continually punched because the gun was exposed and he was going for it?...oh GZ didnt tell you that (actually he did)? Thats why. And I wonder why GZ didnt tell you that. The gun was exposed that much we know...he did reach for a phone that wasnt there to call 911 that he knew was already on their way (wink wink). Come on you believe everything you hear. Why? Bias? I could have a bias fact, Ill admit that I did in the beginning...Al and Jessie pissed me off...I had bias...but I put it aside.
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You mean to tell me that if it was your kid laying dead in the lawn, then you couldnt think of any mistakes GZ made? Nope my son should have just ran home...big dummie. Wouldnt you be pissed after finding out how your son was in fact followed in the dark and rain...relentlessly? Especially knowing that your son had committed no crime? How sad would you be to look down and see that bag of skittles laying there that he was getting at the store for the other 12 year old at home waiting for Trayvon to come home and watch the NBA all star game with him? All Trayvons fault? Nothing on GZ?

I see you added this after I responded.

I've gone over this like 20 times.

Twenty first time here we come...

Both Zimmerman and Martin have the freedom to go where they want when they want in the public areas.

If Zimmerman want's to follow, he can.

If Martin wants to go home, he can...he does not have a right not to be observed or followed.

Zimmerman has the right to follow or stop following Martin at his whim.

The dispatcher, by their own testimony, has no authority to order Zimmerman to do anything.

We live in a free country.

It isn't free if you are penalized for doing that which you have every right to do.

Martin has every right to confront Zimmerman.

He has every right to inquire why he is being followed.

He has every right not to go home.

Zimmerman has a right to put his hand in his pocket at any time he sees fit to do so.

Martin DOES NOT have a right to assault Zimmerman.

Martin DOES NOT have a right to straddle Zimmerman and pummel him.

Martin DOES NOT have a right to pound Zimmerman's head against concrete.

Martin DOES NOT have a right to cover Zimmerman's mouth or nose or both to keep him from screaming.

Zimmerman DOES have a right to use lethal force if he believed that either his life is in danger or he fears grave bodily harm.

So, who acted within their rights? If you answered George Zimmerman, you are correct.

And who didn't?
I made it all up.

I figured if y'all were going to make stuff up, I might as well join in.

When facts and evidence don't matter, this is what you get.

I salted it with some truth, just like y'all do.

It actually looks damn near plausible...

Can't prove that it's true though, I have no idea what Trayvon thought.

It is entirely speculation on my part.

Anyone can do it, as long as they are willing to deviate from the facts and simply conjecture.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

The only racist statement in this trial came from Trayvon.

Why is it wrong of me to parlay that into an alternate theory of the crime?

Welcome to my world.

I havnt made one thing up...not one. So to say y'all is factually incorrect and irresponsible. I certainly never went to the level you went to. Im disappointed actually.

You see it differently.

Is there a shred of evidence that Zimmerman putting his hand in his pocket provoked Martin's attack?

LOL...yeah...listen to GZ...he reached and got clocked...listen to the questioning...listen to the reenactment...yeah his own words is the evidence...he tells you. Im not pulling this out of my ass. Im going by what he said and putting two and two together. Was he supposed to wait for the phone to be pulled out...he sees him scared and reaching for something...the follower in the dark got clocked because of it.

How about this? Instead of being scared and saying "oh no I dont have a problem" about you quickly identify yourself and tell him the police are on the about that? Nope no problem here...well there obviously have followed me in the dark thru the entire complex and Ive done nothing wrong....theres no problem?...lmao. he lied! There was a problem and he called police and is now trying to pinpoint his location having done no crime. Damn right there was a problem.
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You mean to tell me that if it was your kid laying dead in the lawn, then you couldnt think of any mistakes GZ made? Nope my son should have just ran home...big dummie. Wouldnt you be pissed after finding out how your son was in fact followed in the dark and rain...relentlessly? Especially knowing that your son had committed no crime? How sad would you be to look down and see that bag of skittles laying there that he was getting at the store for the other 12 year old at home waiting for Trayvon to come home and watch the NBA all star game with him? All Trayvons fault? Nothing on GZ?

I see you added this after I responded.

I've gone over this like 20 times.

Twenty first time here we come...

Both Zimmerman and Martin have the freedom to go where they want when they want in the public areas.

If Zimmerman want's to follow, he can.

If Martin wants to go home, he can...he does not have a right not to be observed or followed.

Zimmerman has the right to follow or stop following Martin at his whim.

The dispatcher, by their own testimony, has no authority to order Zimmerman to do anything.

We live in a free country.

It isn't free if you are penalized for doing that which you have every right to do.

Martin has every right to confront Zimmerman.

He has every right to inquire why he is being followed.

He has every right not to go home.

Zimmerman has a right to put his hand in his pocket at any time he sees fit to do so.

Martin DOES NOT have a right to assault Zimmerman.

Martin DOES NOT have a right to straddle Zimmerman and pummel him.

Martin DOES NOT have a right to pound Zimmerman's head against concrete.

Martin DOES NOT have a right to cover Zimmerman's mouth or nose or both to keep him from screaming.

Zimmerman DOES have a right to use lethal force if he believed that either his life is in danger or he fears grave bodily harm.

So, who acted within their rights? If you answered George Zimmerman, you are correct.

And who didn't?

You didnt answer my question...not one of them. And do have the right NOT to be followed in the dark and rain. If you dont believe me...come follow me like GZ was following Trayvon and find out how quck the cops get called and instruct you to stop following me...if you keep it up...Ill get a restraining order...if you keep it will go to jail. Dont tell me I dont have a right NOT to be followed...are you crazy?

Again, do your kids have right NOT to be followed? You dont have a problem with that? Are you able to answer that?
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You are going on emotion, 25caliber. Stick to the facts as we know them. And if it doesn't must acquit. (Sorry, couldn't resist).
You are going on emotion, 25caliber. Stick to the facts as we know them. And if it doesn't must acquit. (Sorry, couldn't resist).


I am acting the exact opposite of emotion...Im looking at both sides void of emotion.

If GZ had killed someone on heres kid...ill bet you a million they could come up with a ton of things GZ did wrong. Unfortunately, that is the scenario I have to give to try and get people to stop and think for a second. But that doesnt appear to be working...the bias is too deep. Discouraging that people cant keep their opinion yet admit or recognize some mistakes from both sides.

Play the game...see how many you can list.

I admitted my bias of being pro zimmerman in the beginning...see my earlier posts...very pro and jessie piss me off...but I put that aside. its too bad that others cant or wont. They have it all figured me they are showing they dont and far from it. Figuring it out sees both sides and what could be done on both sides to hopefully avoiding this disaster in the future...problem solving...objective thinking.

I just see two sides spewing their bias every freaking boring is that...whats that do? It causes a forum race divide and both sides have fallen into it. They may not see it...they may be too ashamed to admit it...but its there. I can see it plain as day.

By the way, speaking of cant give enough reps to someone who is clearly thank that and rep that..."white" "cracka" praise that and then tell me Im See your post #5521.

You admitted to your emotion after seeing ganglike finger signs in pictures...which by the way you would not have had that night.
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Why are you saying what I said is a lie? Head buried in the sand all day?

You must have missed the evidence showing GZ following TM in his truck, pulling ahead of TM and parking right in front of TM in the oncoming traffic lane on an angle cutting off the direction TM was walking. Forcing TM to walk around his truck. Zimmerman was taunting him. Had the cops on the phone, gun in his holster, wannabe cop mode...

Yes, if you are following someone assess where he's going then pull in front of him and park on an angle blocking the road.. Hell yeah you are cutting off their path to where they are going. TM was going home.

And Martin walked right by unmolested.

Then he had all the time in the world to get home.

He choose to confront Zimmerman instead.

But you knew that.

And then lied about it.

Thats right...great point....walked by several times unmolested and he walked by several times without approaching and calling out Z also...right? in fact even ran away at one point...but that didnt stop MR Z...he kept following...he kept following and Trayvon kept walking...until he was followed on foot near his home...finally he said something...

Z went reaching at that point for a phone to call 911 again? LMAO they were already on their way and he was going to meet them...whatcha calling 911 again for...yeah right. When he reached for what he couldnt find...the creepy follower in the dark got clocked...during the struggle when he kept going for his gun...he continued to get clocked. Oh I know speculation right...why? Because GZ didnt say it? Dont you think he has motive not to say it?

You crack me up are stating that essentially it was Trayvon that repeatedly showed restraint when followed by this strange person in the dark and rain.

How many times must he continue on his way without asking why hes being followed? What number is good for you? Infinitely? Turn tail and book it home...well how do I know he wont be following me the next time I go to the store? I think Ill ask why now and settle it now.

You made my point...I can sleep

Good...I'm glad you'll get some sleep...because I think you are getting a little pun intended.

A) I hope that's not the smoking gun, that he was going to call 911 again.

Why wouldn't he, as a deterrent, or more obviously to let them know exactly where he was, as they were expecting him at the mailboxes, and here was the guy right here...the guy found him.

B) I don't see where you are going with unmolested. My point was to RKM that Zimmmerman never blocked Martin from anywhere...he didn't "cut off Martin's path home". Martin walked right by in unimpeded.

C) No matter how many times you repeat cannot assault someone for reaching into their pocket.

D) You understand that while you can legally make a preemptive strike in some circumstances...the one you are describing is not one of them.
Im just gonna count how many times you used the term "whitey", "cracka"...its all about race? Its clouding your have fallen into the race trap. You are now emotionally involved because of race. That much is clear by your are better than that. I know some on the other side are doing the same, but man.

This shouldnt be about race from either diminishes your argument.

There is other stuff blatantly wrong with your post also...Im just running out of energy. :)

I made it all up.

I figured if y'all were going to make stuff up, I might as well join in.

When facts and evidence don't matter, this is what you get.

I salted it with some truth, just like y'all do.

It actually looks damn near plausible...

Can't prove that it's true though, I have no idea what Trayvon thought.

It is entirely speculation on my part.

Anyone can do it, as long as they are willing to deviate from the facts and simply conjecture.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

The only racist statement in this trial came from Trayvon.

Why is it wrong of me to parlay that into an alternate theory of the crime?

Welcome to my world.

Jeez...if you don't stop, it is going to take me forever to pos rep you, dude. :clap2:

:lol: Thanks Gracie...we'll call it even, as I have been trying to rep your posts and get the dreaded Spread around message as well. :thup:
And Martin walked right by unmolested.

Then he had all the time in the world to get home.

He choose to confront Zimmerman instead.

But you knew that.

And then lied about it.

Thats right...great point....walked by several times unmolested and he walked by several times without approaching and calling out Z also...right? in fact even ran away at one point...but that didnt stop MR Z...he kept following...he kept following and Trayvon kept walking...until he was followed on foot near his home...finally he said something...

Z went reaching at that point for a phone to call 911 again? LMAO they were already on their way and he was going to meet them...whatcha calling 911 again for...yeah right. When he reached for what he couldnt find...the creepy follower in the dark got clocked...during the struggle when he kept going for his gun...he continued to get clocked. Oh I know speculation right...why? Because GZ didnt say it? Dont you think he has motive not to say it?

You crack me up are stating that essentially it was Trayvon that repeatedly showed restraint when followed by this strange person in the dark and rain.

How many times must he continue on his way without asking why hes being followed? What number is good for you? Infinitely? Turn tail and book it home...well how do I know he wont be following me the next time I go to the store? I think Ill ask why now and settle it now.

You made my point...I can sleep

Good...I'm glad you'll get some sleep...because I think you are getting a little pun intended.

A) I hope that's not the smoking gun, that he was going to call 911 again.

Why wouldn't he, as a deterrent, or more obviously to let them know exactly where he was, as they were expecting him at the mailboxes, and here was the guy right here...the guy found him.

B) I don't see where you are going with unmolested. My point was to RKM that Zimmmerman never blocked Martin from anywhere...he didn't "cut off Martin's path home". Martin walked right by in unimpeded.

C) No matter how many times you repeat cannot assault someone for reaching into their pocket.

D) You understand that while you can legally make a preemptive strike in some circumstances...the one you are describing is not one of them.

Well thats just it...and you missed it...why not call the same help have already given them the information and they have already cops are on the way...why would you call the other help line....smoking gun...right over your head. During interrogation he fealt the need to say 911 because he had to ... he had already called the other wouldnt make sense. Serino didnt catch it. He knew the cops were enroute in a hurry and in fact they were there within seconds of the incident ending. So why call a different 911 and perhaps go thru it all again if you need to do it quick...why not call the same number and ask them....think, Missouri...think.

I tend to get punchy when people say I am making stuff up and then start throwing out racist scenarios to make their points...sorry.

BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right.
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I really don't wish to continue the back and forth with you, 25caliber. You are dealing with emotional issues, not facts. Proof is your comments about if it were your kid that was killed, yet you completely leave out the "what if" ZIMMERMAN was your kid. This shows you are biased to one side. And talking to you about it is like talking to yon wall. There is no wiggle room with you. The wall is the wall.

So...don't be surprised if I don't continue discussing this trial with you.
I made it all up.

I figured if y'all were going to make stuff up, I might as well join in.

When facts and evidence don't matter, this is what you get.

I salted it with some truth, just like y'all do.

It actually looks damn near plausible...

Can't prove that it's true though, I have no idea what Trayvon thought.

It is entirely speculation on my part.

Anyone can do it, as long as they are willing to deviate from the facts and simply conjecture.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

The only racist statement in this trial came from Trayvon.

Why is it wrong of me to parlay that into an alternate theory of the crime?

Welcome to my world.

Jeez...if you don't stop, it is going to take me forever to pos rep you, dude. :clap2:

:lol: Thanks Gracie...we'll call it even, as I have been trying to rep your posts and get the dreaded Spread around message as well. :thup:

Well..if that is you in your pic and you are older than you look in it, I don't mind spreading with ya. Oh. Wait. That didn't sound right. :lol:
So Martin is being creepishly followed and the onus is on him to run as fast as he can home?

Where is the onus on Mr Z not to follow people in the dark? Especially after being told "we dont need you to do that?"

If the onus was on Martin to run home then the onus was also on Mr Z not to get out of his truck.

If both would have happened then we wouldnt have a trial. But no onus on Mr Z just Trayvon right? Up to the point of the punch he was actually the victim, but the onus is on the victim?

The onus is on Martin not to punch Zimmerman in the face, leap on top of him and pound his head into the concrete.

How do you know first of all that he wasnt punched because he went reaching?...Hell, even GZ clues you into do you know that he wasnt continually punched because the gun was exposed and he was going for it?...oh GZ didnt tell you that (actually he did)? Thats why. And I wonder why GZ didnt tell you that. The gun was exposed that much we know...he did reach for a phone that wasnt there to call 911 that he knew was already on their way (wink wink). Come on you believe everything you hear. Why? Bias? I could have a bias fact, Ill admit that I did in the beginning...Al and Jessie pissed me off...I had bias...but I put it aside.

Here's your big chance...

Prove to me that Martin attacked because Zimmerman put his hand in his pocket.

Jeez...if you don't stop, it is going to take me forever to pos rep you, dude. :clap2:

:lol: Thanks Gracie...we'll call it even, as I have been trying to rep your posts and get the dreaded Spread around message as well. :thup:

Well..if that is you in your pic and you are older than you look in it, I don't mind spreading with ya. Oh. Wait. That didn't sound right. :lol:

:redface: <----Look, you're making me blush. :D
:lol: Thanks Gracie...we'll call it even, as I have been trying to rep your posts and get the dreaded Spread around message as well. :thup:

Well..if that is you in your pic and you are older than you look in it, I don't mind spreading with ya. Oh. Wait. That didn't sound right. :lol:

:redface: <----Look, you're making me blush. :D

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