The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You mean other than the bullet in his chest and mud in his face as the wannabe mounted the dying boy from behind shoving the boy into the mud making sure he never breathed again, sucking the air out of him cursing him as the boy took his last breath in the grass with the guy who had chased him triumphantly bragging about his good deeds?

Sorry, but I can't shake the picture of GZ straddling him as the teen gasped for his last breath. No CPR Mounted from behind pressing his arms apart and the boys face in the mud. Suffocating him. No remorse. Bragged about it on TV. Said it was gods plan.

GZ is a pathological liar, coward, freak, ....

More crackpot bullshit. GZ never bragged about fighting or killing TM. He was trying to diffuse riots, attacks & revenge killings started by lies told about him by NBC. He was shocked TM was dead.

Shocked? He shot him in the chest. What did he think was gonna happen?

Here, no regrets, NONE:

Give him a gun and he'll go kill some more. God's plan. His words not mine.

It is not wrong or a crime to kill someone who is attempting to kill yourself or someone else. Why should he apologize for killing a racist thug killer? TM spent countless hours every day on the phone with Deedee. She was obviously his intellectual peer. He was fulled with race hating ignorance & was committing a hate crime killing when GZ shot him.
He didn't brag about anything. YOu are watching too much one sided media shit like HLN.
He asked the woman cop about God and whether he would be forgiven or whatever he said so that means after he found out he killed the guy, he felt BAD. But according to the idiots on HLN, all he was concerned about was himself. Well fucking DUH. Yes he was concerned. He just killed another human being. If that doesn't affect someone, then they are a robot, whether the person killed deserved it or not, most NORMAL people will feel bad being the one that ends that life.
I don't understand someone claiming to be afraid and creeped out confronting the person he or she is afraid of.

I don't empathize for one reason. Before, I felt a bit bad about the whole thing. Wanna know who turned me off? My daddy always said birds of a feather flock together. RACHEL is the one that made me see Trayvon in a different light. I was already a bit surprised at the REAL pics of him flashing the gang signs and flipping the bird and acting all ghetto. But RACHEL was his friend and they hung out A LOT. And look at Rachel and her attitude. What makes you think Trayvon did not have the SAME ATTITUDE when he confronted Zimmerman?

So explain that in laymans terms. You may sway me back to thinking poor little pony riding Trayvon was not acting like an idiot along with Zimmerman. But don't hold your breath.

Actually, I believe he may very well have had that attitude...I would be willing to bet that he did. But that doesnt excuse the fact that he is being followed in the dark and a truck the entire complex and then on foot.

Im just trying to get people to see what could have been going through his mind. If he is a thug...okay great...then GZ is following the wrong person in the dark. What gets me is that GZ got the same impression, yet he gets out of his truck and initially runs after him...and then according to his own words with Sean Hannity was continuing after him to "keep an eye on him" to give a better location to police.

When GZ saw that the kid was irritated or wondering why he was being followed it was incumbent upon GZ to use his brain and understand why that would irritate the kid and at least try and defuse the situation. The problem was he had made up his mind that this kid was up to no good and that the kid was in the wrong. I beg to far it is GZ in the wrong to that point...the kid did no crime...he was creepily following someone. His intentions were in the right place, but the person he is following doesnt know what his intentions you see my point, gracie? Please tell me you do...please just one person is all I

I see your point but cannot get past my own point. See the red above that you stated. I, too, would have already came to the conclusion that zimmerman did if I lived in that neighborhood and the majority of the crimes being committed was by blacks and I didn't recognize this guy who probably had a major attitude to boot. People make mistakes. Including both that "kid" and wannabe cop Zimmerman. People like RACHEL make me want to barf and Martin was best buds with her. For all we know, she urged him to go get the cracker. It wouldn't surprise me if she did. But she damn sure isn't going to admit it, now is she?

All conjecture. And prosecution has to prove their case. So far, all they have proven is there are a shitload of teen blacks who want to kill crackers and have fellow teens wanting to do the same now. Kill a cracker. Problem is, the idiots now know Z is not a cracker. He is hispanic. Does that stop them from their stupid ass threats? Nope. Which shows their mentality. And THAT, 25caliber, is what got Zimmerman to do what he did in following someone he was suspicious of.

But see to me, you can still have your view...I actually have almost the same view in its totality. You can still have your view and empathize with the one being followed...putting aside his thug like pictures...on that night just a kid walking home from the store.

The whole view doesnt have to change, because someone acknowledges there were some things he could have done better.
The kid died because he attacked a man with a gun. simple as that.

But why did the man with a gun get attacked...did Trayvon follow GZ all the way thru the complex? No....GZ followed Low and behold by the time he got to the end of his walk, he finally said something because he was clearly irritated and with good freaking reason. How about you walk down the street at night and I slowly follow behind you in my truck...Then when you speed your walk up and I can no longer follow in my truck...I get out of my truck and follow you on foot...and all your doing is returning from the store?


? I'm confused. Your a smart guy. What am I missing? What about all what GZ did wasn't wreck-less endangerment? There were about a dozen things he did that he should not have done. I don't understand how you can in one sec. agree invol. manslaughter is likely, then in the next second accuse us of emotional conjecture. You can't have it both ways.

Remember when you got cut off on your bike? GZ was cutting this kid off from his path to his home.
The kid died because he attacked a man with a gun. simple as that.

But why did the man with a gun get attacked...did Trayvon follow GZ all the way thru the complex? No....GZ followed Low and behold by the time he got to the end of his walk, he finally said something because he was clearly irritated and with good freaking reason. How about you walk down the street at night and I slowly follow behind you in my truck...Then when you speed your walk up and I can no longer follow in my truck...I get out of my truck and follow you on foot...and all your doing is returning from the store?


Conjecture my ass. Who followed who that night? Who had committed no crime...who was being accused of it by the follower with no evidence to back it up...hes up to no good...excuse me...he hasnt done anything

Thats not conjecture, sir...that is a known fact.
Yeah the only way they get 2nd degree is if they get the pathological liar up on the stand to brag about what he did.

Do you have anything like pertinent facts to bring to the discussion?

The pertinent facts are.. GZ killed the teen. Admitted it. The actions appear to be in self defense based on GZ apparently refusing to put up ANY OTHER DEFENSE. Apparently killing the kid was the only type of defense GZ could muster. Nothing else. He put himself in that position, wrecklessly. Admitted it. Got out of the truck to follow, armed, admitted it. GZ did not drag him out to the T. GZ went there ARMED in the middle of the night.

Open and shut.

So, you have nothing to dispute Zimmerman's account other than more emotionalism. I thought not. Send me facts. Following someone is not illegal. Being armed in the rain is not illegal. Point to a single illegal thing George did. And No. Shooting Trayvon Martin in self defense was NOT illegal no matter how loudly you wail and how fiercely you gnash your teeth.
More crackpot bullshit. GZ never bragged about fighting or killing TM. He was trying to diffuse riots, attacks & revenge killings started by lies told about him by NBC. He was shocked TM was dead.

Shocked? He shot him in the chest. What did he think was gonna happen?

Here, no regrets, NONE:

Give him a gun and he'll go kill some more. God's plan. His words not mine.

It is not wrong or a crime to kill someone who is attempting to kill yourself or someone else. Why should he apologize for killing a racist thug killer? TM spent countless hours every day on the phone with Deedee. She was obviously his intellectual peer. He was fulled with race hating ignorance & was committing a hate crime killing when GZ shot him.
You are projecting. Obviously DeeDee is your intellectual peer.
But why did the man with a gun get attacked...did Trayvon follow GZ all the way thru the complex? No....GZ followed Low and behold by the time he got to the end of his walk, he finally said something because he was clearly irritated and with good freaking reason. How about you walk down the street at night and I slowly follow behind you in my truck...Then when you speed your walk up and I can no longer follow in my truck...I get out of my truck and follow you on foot...and all your doing is returning from the store?


? I'm confused. Your a smart guy. What am I missing? What about all what GZ did wasn't wreck-less endangerment? There were about a dozen things he did that he should not have done. I don't understand how you can in one sec. agree invol. manslaughter is likely, then in the next second accuse us of emotional conjecture. You can't have it both ways.

Remember when you got cut off on your bike? GZ was cutting this kid off from his path to his home.

Why do you feel the need to lie?
Whenever you Zimmerman supporters get the facts exposing his lies thrown in your faces, you always resort to the "reasonable doubt" defense. Knowing that you've successfully muddied the waters so that there's "reasonable doubt." However, you know that your guy is a pathological liar.

Put his A$$ on the stand.

1) You haven't provided any facts exposing his "lies". In fact, the eye witness testimony and the forensic evidence support his claim. You denying those facts aren't exposing lies.

2) Reasonable doubt defense? That's no a defense. That's the standard the Prosecution has to prove. They have to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. If they cannot prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, justice demands he be found Not Guilty.

3) Why would the defense put him on the stand? They already have his side of what happens admitted in the audio that was presented. There is no reason to believe his testimony will be any different

4) Im glad to see you have realized that there is a reasonable doubt and he should be found Not Guilty. That is what would be just in this case.
The left really screwed up, going for a murder charge. Clearly that was a BIG mistake. No way it was murder, they've failed to meet even the minimum criteria for murder.

Heck, they can't even prove assault.
Why are you disregarding his judge, rich , WHITE German father. ( by the way, have you read what he saysa about blacks? Apple....tree...

Does Zimmerman even speak Spanish? What color is his girlfriend, best friend, neighbor etc etc.

the same reason Obama's white mother is ignored.

So the color of your friends determines your race? That's news to me. I really am a mongrel then.
Its funny how you ignored everything I said. Does h speak spanish? A Hispanic school perhaps? A hispanic x wife? Girlfriend? Ever....before killing....claim to be hispanic? Ever? Ever??? Lets not be childish here, he is white.

Ex-fiance: Veronica Zuazo

What kind of name do you think Zuazo is?
But why did the man with a gun get attacked...did Trayvon follow GZ all the way thru the complex? No....GZ followed Low and behold by the time he got to the end of his walk, he finally said something because he was clearly irritated and with good freaking reason. How about you walk down the street at night and I slowly follow behind you in my truck...Then when you speed your walk up and I can no longer follow in my truck...I get out of my truck and follow you on foot...and all your doing is returning from the store?


Conjecture my ass. Who followed who that night? Who had committed no crime...who was being accused of it by the follower with no evidence to back it up...hes up to no good...excuse me...he hasnt done anything

Thats not conjecture, sir...that is a known fact.


Martin committed the crime of aggravated assault with intend to maim, at a minimum.
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Do you have anything like pertinent facts to bring to the discussion?

The pertinent facts are.. GZ killed the teen. Admitted it. The actions appear to be in self defense based on GZ apparently refusing to put up ANY OTHER DEFENSE. Apparently killing the kid was the only type of defense GZ could muster. Nothing else. He put himself in that position, wrecklessly. Admitted it. Got out of the truck to follow, armed, admitted it. GZ did not drag him out to the T. GZ went there ARMED in the middle of the night.

Open and shut.

So, you have nothing to dispute Zimmerman's account other than more emotionalism. I thought not. Send me facts. Following someone is not illegal. Being armed in the rain is not illegal. Point to a single illegal thing George did. And No. Shooting Trayvon Martin in self defense was NOT illegal no matter how loudly you wail and how fiercely you gnash your teeth.


sigh I'll slow down cause I'm not getting the point across, and I don't know why.

I'll respond to your statements pointing out pertinent parts.

>>Following someone is not illegal.
Correct. Following someone you have identified as a suspect is not illegal, it's wreck-less.

>>Being armed in the rain is not illegal.
Correct. Following someone you have identified as a suspect in the rain is not illegal, it's wreck-less.

>> Point to a single illegal thing George did. And No. Shooting Trayvon Martin in self defense was NOT illegal no matter how loudly you wail and how fiercely you gnash your teeth.

It has nothing to do with whether or not GZ killed the kid in self defense. Self defense means nothing in the case for involuntary manslaughter that I'm talking about. The kid died. GZ could have been trying to save the kid and the gun accidentally went off self defense accident, on purpose, does not matter.

Yes or no? George was armed.
Yes or no? George went out into the rain walking around in circles in the area where the "suspect" was recently seen.
Yes or no, he did this after making the call to the police?
Yes or no, he knew the cops were coming and he did not want the suspect to get away?

You are 100% correct up until the point the boy died, GZ had done nothing wrong (this if you believe GZ's testimony.) Where GZ gets into trouble is the fact that the boy died, in part, due to George's wreckless act. You can make the case that it was 99% TM's fault. Fine. 1% George's wreckless act led to the death of a human being. That is Involuntary Manslaughter.

I'm not a lawyer, so If I'm wrong please lawyers speak up and tell me how I'm wrong.

Conjecture my ass. Who followed who that night? Who had committed no crime...who was being accused of it by the follower with no evidence to back it up...hes up to no good...excuse me...he hasnt done anything

Thats not conjecture, sir...that is a known fact.


Martin committed the crime of assault.

Touche...but not to that point he hadnt.

Come on M, you cant see my point on any of this? Nothing? You dont have to change your opinion of self defense. But nothing?

Zimmerman is going to be a very rich man when he's done suing the fucking media. It's going to be fun to watch. ;)

You think he is going to remain a public figure and wait for someone to try to kill him?

The Black Panthers put a bounty on his head, remember? That bounty still stands. He would do good to make himself scarce.
But why did the man with a gun get attacked...did Trayvon follow GZ all the way thru the complex? No....GZ followed Low and behold by the time he got to the end of his walk, he finally said something because he was clearly irritated and with good freaking reason. How about you walk down the street at night and I slowly follow behind you in my truck...Then when you speed your walk up and I can no longer follow in my truck...I get out of my truck and follow you on foot...and all your doing is returning from the store?


? I'm confused. Your a smart guy. What am I missing? What about all what GZ did wasn't wreck-less endangerment? There were about a dozen things he did that he should not have done. I don't understand how you can in one sec. agree invol. manslaughter is likely, then in the next second accuse us of emotional conjecture. You can't have it both ways.

Remember when you got cut off on your bike? GZ was cutting this kid off from his path to his home.

Would he have acted differently if he had known what the outcome would be? Of course, but the fact remains. He broke no law. I'm going to bed. Perhaps you will be more mature tomorrow, but I'm not holding out much hope.
I don't understand someone claiming to be afraid and creeped out confronting the person he or she is afraid of.

I don't empathize for one reason. Before, I felt a bit bad about the whole thing. Wanna know who turned me off? My daddy always said birds of a feather flock together. RACHEL is the one that made me see Trayvon in a different light. I was already a bit surprised at the REAL pics of him flashing the gang signs and flipping the bird and acting all ghetto. But RACHEL was his friend and they hung out A LOT. And look at Rachel and her attitude. What makes you think Trayvon did not have the SAME ATTITUDE when he confronted Zimmerman?

So explain that in laymans terms. You may sway me back to thinking poor little pony riding Trayvon was not acting like an idiot along with Zimmerman. But don't hold your breath.

Actually, I believe he may very well have had that attitude...I would be willing to bet that he did. But that doesnt excuse the fact that he is being followed in the dark and a truck the entire complex and then on foot.

Im just trying to get people to see what could have been going through his mind. If he is a thug...okay great...then GZ is following the wrong person in the dark. What gets me is that GZ got the same impression, yet he gets out of his truck and initially runs after him...and then according to his own words with Sean Hannity was continuing after him to "keep an eye on him" to give a better location to police.

When GZ saw that the kid was irritated or wondering why he was being followed it was incumbent upon GZ to use his brain and understand why that would irritate the kid. The problem was he had made up his mind that this kid was up to know good and that the kid was in the wrong. I beg to far it is GZ in the wrong to that point...the kid did no crime...he was creepily following someone.

And in Zimmerman's mind he suspected he understood exactly what was irritating Martin...that Zimmerman was keeping an eye on him.

So he came over to grit on Zimmerman...tryng to intimidate him, to keep Zimmerman from following him...suspicious character Martin...the guy who was scoping out houses in the the rain...

That didn't work...he saw the dude get out of his car to see what Martin was up Martin ran around the corner, making sure the white dude could see which path he took, and hid, hoping to ambush Zimmerman and teach him a lesson.

But Zimmerman didn't go up the path...and when Martin sees Zimmerman was going to leave without following that path at all he called out to him.

"Hey, you got a problem?!?"

This gave Martin time to close the distance...he was going to get this crazy ass cracker, make an example out of him.

"No, no problem." Says Zimmerman.

BAM! Martin sucker punches Zimmerman!

Then leaps on top of him.

Zimmerman struggles to get away.

This is better than Martin could possibly imagine!

He was getting his payback and this little bitch was screaming for help like a pussy.

Martin gets on top of dare this cracka not give him respect.

Now he was going to get a beat down, the kind of beat down whitey deserved for diss'n him.

Wholey fucking shit...whiteys got a gun!

The End.

How's that for imagination and rampant speculation.

Im just gonna count how many times you used the term "whitey", "cracka"...its all about race? Its clouding your have fallen into the race trap. You are now emotionally involved because of race. That much is clear by your are better than that. I know some on the other side are doing the same, but man.

This shouldnt be about race from either diminishes your argument.

There is other stuff blatantly wrong with your post also...Im just running out of energy. :)
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