The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Ok. I can't resist any more. Sorry, but I just can't. It's like fingernails on a blackboard.


? I'm confused. Your a smart guy. What am I missing? What about all what GZ did wasn't wreck-less endangerment? There were about a dozen things he did that he should not have done. I don't understand how you can in one sec. agree invol. manslaughter is likely, then in the next second accuse us of emotional conjecture. You can't have it both ways.

Remember when you got cut off on your bike? GZ was cutting this kid off from his path to his home.

Why do you feel the need to lie?
Why are you saying what I said is a lie? Head buried in the sand all day?

You must have missed the evidence showing GZ following TM in his truck, pulling ahead of TM and parking right in front of TM in the oncoming traffic lane on an angle cutting off the direction TM was walking. Forcing TM to walk around his truck. Zimmerman was taunting him. Had the cops on the phone, gun in his holster, wannabe cop mode...

Yes, if you are following someone assess where he's going then pull in front of him and park on an angle blocking the road.. Hell yeah you are cutting off their path to where they are going. TM was going home.
Actually, I believe he may very well have had that attitude...I would be willing to bet that he did. But that doesnt excuse the fact that he is being followed in the dark and a truck the entire complex and then on foot.

Im just trying to get people to see what could have been going through his mind. If he is a thug...okay great...then GZ is following the wrong person in the dark. What gets me is that GZ got the same impression, yet he gets out of his truck and initially runs after him...and then according to his own words with Sean Hannity was continuing after him to "keep an eye on him" to give a better location to police.

When GZ saw that the kid was irritated or wondering why he was being followed it was incumbent upon GZ to use his brain and understand why that would irritate the kid. The problem was he had made up his mind that this kid was up to know good and that the kid was in the wrong. I beg to far it is GZ in the wrong to that point...the kid did no crime...he was creepily following someone.

And in Zimmerman's mind he suspected he understood exactly what was irritating Martin...that Zimmerman was keeping an eye on him.

So he came over to grit on Zimmerman...tryng to intimidate him, to keep Zimmerman from following him...suspicious character Martin...the guy who was scoping out houses in the the rain...

That didn't work...he saw the dude get out of his car to see what Martin was up Martin ran around the corner, making sure the white dude could see which path he took, and hid, hoping to ambush Zimmerman and teach him a lesson.

But Zimmerman didn't go up the path...and when Martin sees Zimmerman was going to leave without following that path at all he called out to him.

"Hey, you got a problem?!?"

This gave Martin time to close the distance...he was going to get this crazy ass cracker, make an example out of him.

"No, no problem." Says Zimmerman.

BAM! Martin sucker punches Zimmerman!

Then leaps on top of him.

Zimmerman struggles to get away.

This is better than Martin could possibly imagine!

He was getting his payback and this little bitch was screaming for help like a pussy.

Martin gets on top of dare this cracka not give him respect.

Now he was going to get a beat down, the kind of beat down whitey deserved for diss'n him.

Wholey fucking shit...whiteys got a gun!

The End.

How's that for imagination and rampant speculation.

Im just gonna count how many times you used the term "whitey", "cracka"...its all about race? Its clouding your have fallen into the race trap. You are now emotionally involved because of race. That much is clear by your are better than that. I know some on the other side are doing the same, but man.

This shouldnt be about race from either diminishes your argument.

There is other stuff blatantly wrong with your post also...Im just running out of energy. :)

Tell that to Rachel and trayvons other buds.
And in Zimmerman's mind he suspected he understood exactly what was irritating Martin...that Zimmerman was keeping an eye on him.

So he came over to grit on Zimmerman...tryng to intimidate him, to keep Zimmerman from following him...suspicious character Martin...the guy who was scoping out houses in the the rain...

That didn't work...he saw the dude get out of his car to see what Martin was up Martin ran around the corner, making sure the white dude could see which path he took, and hid, hoping to ambush Zimmerman and teach him a lesson.

But Zimmerman didn't go up the path...and when Martin sees Zimmerman was going to leave without following that path at all he called out to him.

"Hey, you got a problem?!?"

This gave Martin time to close the distance...he was going to get this crazy ass cracker, make an example out of him.

"No, no problem." Says Zimmerman.

BAM! Martin sucker punches Zimmerman!

Then leaps on top of him.

Zimmerman struggles to get away.

This is better than Martin could possibly imagine!

He was getting his payback and this little bitch was screaming for help like a pussy.

Martin gets on top of dare this cracka not give him respect.

Now he was going to get a beat down, the kind of beat down whitey deserved for diss'n him.

Wholey fucking shit...whiteys got a gun!

The End.

How's that for imagination and rampant speculation.

Im just gonna count how many times you used the term "whitey", "cracka"...its all about race? Its clouding your have fallen into the race trap. You are now emotionally involved because of race. That much is clear by your are better than that. I know some on the other side are doing the same, but man.

This shouldnt be about race from either diminishes your argument.

There is other stuff blatantly wrong with your post also...Im just running out of energy. :)

Tell that to Rachel and trayvons other buds.

I have ad nausea on here...bring race into it and you are just as bad as them. Be bigger than that.

Cant have it both ways...if so, then GZ is guilty of racially profiling a black male because of the recent crimes of other black males. "He looks black". Not saying he didnt have a right to be suspicious, but he was suspicious because of the previous black male that he saw standing in the patio and the black male burglarizing the same home. Heres another black kid running between houses? Cant have it both ways.
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? I'm confused. Your a smart guy. What am I missing? What about all what GZ did wasn't wreck-less endangerment? There were about a dozen things he did that he should not have done. I don't understand how you can in one sec. agree invol. manslaughter is likely, then in the next second accuse us of emotional conjecture. You can't have it both ways.

Remember when you got cut off on your bike? GZ was cutting this kid off from his path to his home.

Would he have acted differently if he had known what the outcome would be? Of course, but the fact remains. He broke no law. I'm going to bed. Perhaps you will be more mature tomorrow, but I'm not holding out much hope.

Dude, GZ was asked if he would do anything differently. He said no. Not one thing. The law says if by your own reckless act a person dies you are accountable. That's the law.
Conjecture my ass. Who followed who that night? Who had committed no crime...who was being accused of it by the follower with no evidence to back it up...hes up to no good...excuse me...he hasnt done anything

Thats not conjecture, sir...that is a known fact.


Martin committed the crime of assault.

Touche...but not to that point he hadnt.

Come on M, you cant see my point on any of this? Nothing? You dont have to change your opinion of self defense. But nothing?

Sorry, 25...I don't.

If you followed me, for whatever reason...and I turned around and said "You got a problem, Cochise?" and you said "No, no problem" and put your hand in your pocket...if I attack you...I'm going to jail.

Because you haven't committed any crime and are not only well within your's a free can do whatever you want, as long as it is legal, and doesn't infringe on my rights.

While I on the other hand have committed a crime.

Your following me in a public area doesn't infringe on my rights, and it's totally legal.

And if I'm Martin hell, you left me allow and went off in a different direction.

I took it upon myself to search you out, and confront you.

Which is still totally legal and doesn't infringe on YOUR rights.

Now I've put myself in this position.

I say "what's your problem" you say "no problem" we are cool.

Until !!!

I commit a crime by assaulting you.

Whether it's by reaching into my pocket or not...I acted on a false premise.

I'm the aggressor are the victim.

And it all goes pear shaped.
Uhm... this trial is not about whether TM is guilty of assault. It's about what Zim did.
Do you have anything like pertinent facts to bring to the discussion?

The pertinent facts are.. GZ killed the teen. Admitted it. The actions appear to be in self defense based on GZ apparently refusing to put up ANY OTHER DEFENSE. Apparently killing the kid was the only type of defense GZ could muster. Nothing else. He put himself in that position, wrecklessly. Admitted it. Got out of the truck to follow, armed, admitted it. GZ did not drag him out to the T. GZ went there ARMED in the middle of the night.

Open and shut.

So, you have nothing to dispute Zimmerman's account other than more emotionalism. I thought not. Send me facts. Following someone is not illegal. Being armed in the rain is not illegal. Point to a single illegal thing George did. And No. Shooting Trayvon Martin in self defense was NOT illegal no matter how loudly you wail and how fiercely you gnash your teeth.

And again.. disagree with the "big" man on campus and you get negged by the "big" man on campus. Earnie, when will you realize that you are not going to change my mind with intimidation?
Actually, I believe he may very well have had that attitude...I would be willing to bet that he did. But that doesnt excuse the fact that he is being followed in the dark and a truck the entire complex and then on foot.

Im just trying to get people to see what could have been going through his mind. If he is a thug...okay great...then GZ is following the wrong person in the dark. What gets me is that GZ got the same impression, yet he gets out of his truck and initially runs after him...and then according to his own words with Sean Hannity was continuing after him to "keep an eye on him" to give a better location to police.

When GZ saw that the kid was irritated or wondering why he was being followed it was incumbent upon GZ to use his brain and understand why that would irritate the kid. The problem was he had made up his mind that this kid was up to know good and that the kid was in the wrong. I beg to far it is GZ in the wrong to that point...the kid did no crime...he was creepily following someone.

And in Zimmerman's mind he suspected he understood exactly what was irritating Martin...that Zimmerman was keeping an eye on him.

So he came over to grit on Zimmerman...tryng to intimidate him, to keep Zimmerman from following him...suspicious character Martin...the guy who was scoping out houses in the the rain...

That didn't work...he saw the dude get out of his car to see what Martin was up Martin ran around the corner, making sure the white dude could see which path he took, and hid, hoping to ambush Zimmerman and teach him a lesson.

But Zimmerman didn't go up the path...and when Martin sees Zimmerman was going to leave without following that path at all he called out to him.

"Hey, you got a problem?!?"

This gave Martin time to close the distance...he was going to get this crazy ass cracker, make an example out of him.

"No, no problem." Says Zimmerman.

BAM! Martin sucker punches Zimmerman!

Then leaps on top of him.

Zimmerman struggles to get away.

This is better than Martin could possibly imagine!

He was getting his payback and this little bitch was screaming for help like a pussy.

Martin gets on top of dare this cracka not give him respect.

Now he was going to get a beat down, the kind of beat down whitey deserved for diss'n him.

Wholey fucking shit...whiteys got a gun!

The End.

How's that for imagination and rampant speculation.

Im just gonna count how many times you used the term "whitey", "cracka"...its all about race? Its clouding your have fallen into the race trap. You are now emotionally involved because of race. That much is clear by your are better than that. I know some on the other side are doing the same, but man.

This shouldnt be about race from either diminishes your argument.

There is other stuff blatantly wrong with your post also...Im just running out of energy. :)

I made it all up.

I figured if y'all were going to make stuff up, I might as well join in.

When facts and evidence don't matter, this is what you get.

I salted it with some truth, just like y'all do.

It actually looks damn near plausible...

Can't prove that it's true though, I have no idea what Trayvon thought.

It is entirely speculation on my part.

Anyone can do it, as long as they are willing to deviate from the facts and simply conjecture.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

The only racist statement in this trial came from Trayvon.

Why is it wrong of me to parlay that into an alternate theory of the crime?

Welcome to my world.
zimmerman shot the guy on top of him, beating him. I would have done the same and I don't give a rats ass what color he or she is.

Problem solved.
You would have to have the IQ of a houseplant or a Simpson juror to believe Zimmerman instigated the attack.

From what I understand this jury has less of an "inner-city" feel. This puppy is over.
And in Zimmerman's mind he suspected he understood exactly what was irritating Martin...that Zimmerman was keeping an eye on him.

So he came over to grit on Zimmerman...tryng to intimidate him, to keep Zimmerman from following him...suspicious character Martin...the guy who was scoping out houses in the the rain...

That didn't work...he saw the dude get out of his car to see what Martin was up Martin ran around the corner, making sure the white dude could see which path he took, and hid, hoping to ambush Zimmerman and teach him a lesson.

But Zimmerman didn't go up the path...and when Martin sees Zimmerman was going to leave without following that path at all he called out to him.

"Hey, you got a problem?!?"

This gave Martin time to close the distance...he was going to get this crazy ass cracker, make an example out of him.

"No, no problem." Says Zimmerman.

BAM! Martin sucker punches Zimmerman!

Then leaps on top of him.

Zimmerman struggles to get away.

This is better than Martin could possibly imagine!

He was getting his payback and this little bitch was screaming for help like a pussy.

Martin gets on top of dare this cracka not give him respect.

Now he was going to get a beat down, the kind of beat down whitey deserved for diss'n him.

Wholey fucking shit...whiteys got a gun!

The End.

How's that for imagination and rampant speculation.

Im just gonna count how many times you used the term "whitey", "cracka"...its all about race? Its clouding your have fallen into the race trap. You are now emotionally involved because of race. That much is clear by your are better than that. I know some on the other side are doing the same, but man.

This shouldnt be about race from either diminishes your argument.

There is other stuff blatantly wrong with your post also...Im just running out of energy. :)

I made it all up.

I figured if y'all were going to make stuff up, I might as well join in.

When facts and evidence don't matter, this is what you get.

I salted it with some truth, just like y'all do.

It actually looks damn near plausible...

Can't prove that it's true though, I have no idea what Trayvon thought.

It is entirely speculation on my part.

Anyone can do it, as long as they are willing to deviate from the facts and simply conjecture.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

The only racist statement in this trial came from Trayvon.

Why is it wrong of me to parlay that into an alternate theory of the crime?

Welcome to my world.

I havnt made one thing up...not one. So to say y'all is factually incorrect and irresponsible. I certainly never went to the level you went to. Im disappointed actually.
? I'm confused. Your a smart guy. What am I missing? What about all what GZ did wasn't wreck-less endangerment? There were about a dozen things he did that he should not have done. I don't understand how you can in one sec. agree invol. manslaughter is likely, then in the next second accuse us of emotional conjecture. You can't have it both ways.

Remember when you got cut off on your bike? GZ was cutting this kid off from his path to his home.

Why do you feel the need to lie?
Why are you saying what I said is a lie? Head buried in the sand all day?

You must have missed the evidence showing GZ following TM in his truck, pulling ahead of TM and parking right in front of TM in the oncoming traffic lane on an angle cutting off the direction TM was walking. Forcing TM to walk around his truck. Zimmerman was taunting him. Had the cops on the phone, gun in his holster, wannabe cop mode...

Yes, if you are following someone assess where he's going then pull in front of him and park on an angle blocking the road.. Hell yeah you are cutting off their path to where they are going. TM was going home.

And Martin walked right by unmolested.

Then he had all the time in the world to get home.

He choose to confront Zimmerman instead.

But you knew that.

And then lied about it.
And in Zimmerman's mind he suspected he understood exactly what was irritating Martin...that Zimmerman was keeping an eye on him.

So he came over to grit on Zimmerman...tryng to intimidate him, to keep Zimmerman from following him...suspicious character Martin...the guy who was scoping out houses in the the rain...

That didn't work...he saw the dude get out of his car to see what Martin was up Martin ran around the corner, making sure the white dude could see which path he took, and hid, hoping to ambush Zimmerman and teach him a lesson.

But Zimmerman didn't go up the path...and when Martin sees Zimmerman was going to leave without following that path at all he called out to him.

"Hey, you got a problem?!?"

This gave Martin time to close the distance...he was going to get this crazy ass cracker, make an example out of him.

"No, no problem." Says Zimmerman.

BAM! Martin sucker punches Zimmerman!

Then leaps on top of him.

Zimmerman struggles to get away.

This is better than Martin could possibly imagine!

He was getting his payback and this little bitch was screaming for help like a pussy.

Martin gets on top of dare this cracka not give him respect.

Now he was going to get a beat down, the kind of beat down whitey deserved for diss'n him.

Wholey fucking shit...whiteys got a gun!

The End.

How's that for imagination and rampant speculation.

Im just gonna count how many times you used the term "whitey", "cracka"...its all about race? Its clouding your have fallen into the race trap. You are now emotionally involved because of race. That much is clear by your are better than that. I know some on the other side are doing the same, but man.

This shouldnt be about race from either diminishes your argument.

There is other stuff blatantly wrong with your post also...Im just running out of energy. :)

I made it all up.

I figured if y'all were going to make stuff up, I might as well join in.

When facts and evidence don't matter, this is what you get.

I salted it with some truth, just like y'all do.

It actually looks damn near plausible...

Can't prove that it's true though, I have no idea what Trayvon thought.

It is entirely speculation on my part.

Anyone can do it, as long as they are willing to deviate from the facts and simply conjecture.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

The only racist statement in this trial came from Trayvon.

Why is it wrong of me to parlay that into an alternate theory of the crime?

Welcome to my world.

Jeez...if you don't stop, it is going to take me forever to pos rep you, dude. :clap2:
Why do you feel the need to lie?
Why are you saying what I said is a lie? Head buried in the sand all day?

You must have missed the evidence showing GZ following TM in his truck, pulling ahead of TM and parking right in front of TM in the oncoming traffic lane on an angle cutting off the direction TM was walking. Forcing TM to walk around his truck. Zimmerman was taunting him. Had the cops on the phone, gun in his holster, wannabe cop mode...

Yes, if you are following someone assess where he's going then pull in front of him and park on an angle blocking the road.. Hell yeah you are cutting off their path to where they are going. TM was going home.

And Martin walked right by unmolested.

Then he had all the time in the world to get home.

He choose to confront Zimmerman instead.

But you knew that.

And then lied about it.

So Martin is being creepishly followed and the onus is on him to run as fast as he can home?

Where is the onus on Mr Z not to follow people in the dark? Especially after being told "we dont need you to do that?"

If the onus was on Martin to run home then the onus was also on Mr Z not to get out of his truck.

If both would have happened then we wouldnt have a trial. But no onus on Mr Z just Trayvon right? Up to the point of the punch he was actually the victim, but the onus is on the victim?

You mean to tell me that if it was your kid laying dead in the lawn, then you couldnt think of any mistakes GZ made? Nope my son should have just ran home...big dummie. Wouldnt you be pissed after finding out how your son was in fact followed in the dark and rain...relentlessly? Especially knowing that your son had committed no crime? How sad would you be to look down and see that bag of skittles laying there that he was getting at the store for the other 12 year old at home waiting for Trayvon to come home and watch the NBA all star game with him? All Trayvons fault? Nothing on GZ?
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Im just gonna count how many times you used the term "whitey", "cracka"...its all about race? Its clouding your have fallen into the race trap. You are now emotionally involved because of race. That much is clear by your are better than that. I know some on the other side are doing the same, but man.

This shouldnt be about race from either diminishes your argument.

There is other stuff blatantly wrong with your post also...Im just running out of energy. :)

I made it all up.

I figured if y'all were going to make stuff up, I might as well join in.

When facts and evidence don't matter, this is what you get.

I salted it with some truth, just like y'all do.

It actually looks damn near plausible...

Can't prove that it's true though, I have no idea what Trayvon thought.

It is entirely speculation on my part.

Anyone can do it, as long as they are willing to deviate from the facts and simply conjecture.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

The only racist statement in this trial came from Trayvon.

Why is it wrong of me to parlay that into an alternate theory of the crime?

Welcome to my world.

I havnt made one thing up...not one. So to say y'all is factually incorrect and irresponsible. I certainly never went to the level you went to. Im disappointed actually.

You see it differently.

Is there a shred of evidence that Zimmerman putting his hand in his pocket provoked Martin's attack?
Why are you saying what I said is a lie? Head buried in the sand all day?

You must have missed the evidence showing GZ following TM in his truck, pulling ahead of TM and parking right in front of TM in the oncoming traffic lane on an angle cutting off the direction TM was walking. Forcing TM to walk around his truck. Zimmerman was taunting him. Had the cops on the phone, gun in his holster, wannabe cop mode...

Yes, if you are following someone assess where he's going then pull in front of him and park on an angle blocking the road.. Hell yeah you are cutting off their path to where they are going. TM was going home.

And Martin walked right by unmolested.

Then he had all the time in the world to get home.

He choose to confront Zimmerman instead.

But you knew that.

And then lied about it.

So Martin is being creepishly followed and the onus is on him to run as fast as he can home?

Where is the onus on Mr Z not to follow people in the dark? Especially after being told "we dont need you to do that?"

If the onus was on Martin to run home then the onus was also on Mr Z not to get out of his truck.

If both would have happened then we wouldnt have a trial. But no onus on Mr Z just Trayvon right? Up to the point of the punch he was actually the victim, but the onus is on the victim?

The onus is on Martin not to punch Zimmerman in the face, leap on top of him and pound his head into the concrete.
Why do you feel the need to lie?
Why are you saying what I said is a lie? Head buried in the sand all day?

You must have missed the evidence showing GZ following TM in his truck, pulling ahead of TM and parking right in front of TM in the oncoming traffic lane on an angle cutting off the direction TM was walking. Forcing TM to walk around his truck. Zimmerman was taunting him. Had the cops on the phone, gun in his holster, wannabe cop mode...

Yes, if you are following someone assess where he's going then pull in front of him and park on an angle blocking the road.. Hell yeah you are cutting off their path to where they are going. TM was going home.

And Martin walked right by unmolested.

Then he had all the time in the world to get home.

He choose to confront Zimmerman instead.

But you knew that.

And then lied about it.

Thats right...great point....walked by several times unmolested and he walked by several times without approaching and calling out Z also...right? in fact even ran away at one point...but that didnt stop MR Z...he kept following...he kept following and Trayvon kept walking...until he was followed on foot near his home...finally he said something...

Z went reaching at that point for a phone to call 911 again? LMAO they were already on their way and he was going to meet them...whatcha calling 911 again for...yeah right. When he reached for what he couldnt find...the creepy follower in the dark got clocked...during the struggle when he kept going for his gun...he continued to get clocked. Oh I know speculation right...why? Because GZ didnt say it? Dont you think he has motive not to say it?

You crack me up are stating that essentially it was Trayvon that repeatedly showed restraint when followed by this strange person in the dark and rain.

How many times must he continue on his way without asking why hes being followed? What number is good for you? Infinitely? Turn tail and book it home...well how do I know he wont be following me the next time I go to the store? I think Ill ask why now and settle it now.

You made my point...I can sleep
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