The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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This is also discussed in CCW class. You don't say nothing. Honestly, I dong think GZ had plans to kill the kid or even have contact with him. I think this death was an honest to God act of stupidity on GZ's part.

Now he is trying to justify it in front of Trayvon's parents and all the world by lying about how it happened.

It may be too late, the prosecution has not been tough enough. The wittnesses aren't good for them but they have no choice but to put them on the stand. For instance, his statements from that night were read by someone who can't even see well enough to read the words. The lead prosecuter, Bernie de la Rionda let her struggle through it and what she was saying was so choppy, it made no sense.

He should have read it and had her follow along.

The video at the police station that night wasn't working so the statement in messy writing was all they had. Hope the prosecution can get their case together, not looking good.

It's hard to tell.

The prosecution has done a real good job of punching holes in the George Zimmerman story and they've slowly established a narrative to he was playing cop.

And when I sat on a jury, it was the deliberations that really decided the verdict and that was more based on reading back the testimony. When you do that, you decide based on content not the person giving it.

What was germane about Rachel's testimony was that what was said is pretty different from how Zimmerman remembers it as well as establishing the "fight" was not one sided.

The testimony of Good and Mora punch holes in 2 other key elements of Zimmerman's story, that head was being bashed, repeatedly, against the side walk and that his mouth and nose were covered. The cell phone recording also discounts that. As do his pictures, which the defense seem to like to parade around every chance they get. It also dispels the myth that Martin was lying in wait for Zimmerman. The EMTs and the Zimmerman pictures also establish that his wounds were pretty minor and not life threatening.

I think the forensics might be the final nail if played right. If indeed Martin's hands aren't damaged badly it's also going to take away more of the notion that Zimmerman was in a life and death struggle.

The problem becomes convincing the Jury that Zimmerman set out to kill Martin. That's the toughie. He probably didn't when he went in chasing Martin, but once the fight started, it looks as if he flew into a rage.

Zimmerman didn't set out to kill Martin, he was just a bigot who had a low place in society who was looking to make a larger name for himself by arresting a black person.

Too bad he killed them and lost his chance, especially with the evidence that he'd already figured them for guilty when they were innocent.
I'm still wondering how Trayvon could have jumped out of the bushes at Zimmerman when there weren't any bushes around the whole fucking complex?

Sorry.......................but I hope Zimmerman can explain himself sufficiently, because if he can't, he should go to jail for a very long time.

And...................the 911 call he made calling Trayvon a "fucking punk" ain't gonna look good for him either.

Big fucking deal. Travis was fucking punk. He dripped fucking punk. We all know GZ would have said that whether it was recorded on the 911 tape or not. And he was right.

So...................if Trayvon (NOT Travis you idiot) was a punk and dripped punk, does that still mean that he should have been followed by a person who desperately wanted to be a cop, but failed the tests and had to settle for being a member of the neighborhood watch, and was shot because some moron (who failed to be selected as a member of the police) thought he was guilty just because he didn't like how he looked?

If you think like George Zimmerman, I feel sorry for your being spun in a bubble of bigotry.

Zimmerman is someone who shot before he thought, and should pay the price for his actions.

I hope he's in jail for 5 to 25 years.

Are you telling me that if you see something suspicious in your neighborhood then you're not allowed to investigate? FUCK THAT AND FUCK YOU.

And it doesn't matter if GZ "desperately wanted to be a cop" either.

How am I a biggot, dick wad? Because I said a black guy was a punk? FUCK OFF. He was a punk. I'm not going to dance around your fairytale BS.

Shot before he thought? He was getting his head pounded against concrete. There's nothing to think about at that point. Maybe, Travis shouldn't have been a thug and started beating on someone just b/c he found a target. GZ is the victim. He is allowed to defend himself. And I tell you what; if more peoople did what GZ did, people would think twice about physically assaulting someone.
Now he is trying to justify it in front of Trayvon's parents and all the world by lying about how it happened.

It may be too late, the prosecution has not been tough enough. The wittnesses aren't good for them but they have no choice but to put them on the stand. For instance, his statements from that night were read by someone who can't even see well enough to read the words. The lead prosecuter, Bernie de la Rionda let her struggle through it and what she was saying was so choppy, it made no sense.

He should have read it and had her follow along.

The video at the police station that night wasn't working so the statement in messy writing was all they had. Hope the prosecution can get their case together, not looking good.

It's hard to tell.

The prosecution has done a real good job of punching holes in the George Zimmerman story and they've slowly established a narrative to he was playing cop.

And when I sat on a jury, it was the deliberations that really decided the verdict and that was more based on reading back the testimony. When you do that, you decide based on content not the person giving it.

What was germane about Rachel's testimony was that what was said is pretty different from how Zimmerman remembers it as well as establishing the "fight" was not one sided.

The testimony of Good and Mora punch holes in 2 other key elements of Zimmerman's story, that head was being bashed, repeatedly, against the side walk and that his mouth and nose were covered. The cell phone recording also discounts that. As do his pictures, which the defense seem to like to parade around every chance they get. It also dispels the myth that Martin was lying in wait for Zimmerman. The EMTs and the Zimmerman pictures also establish that his wounds were pretty minor and not life threatening.

I think the forensics might be the final nail if played right. If indeed Martin's hands aren't damaged badly it's also going to take away more of the notion that Zimmerman was in a life and death struggle.

The problem becomes convincing the Jury that Zimmerman set out to kill Martin. That's the toughie. He probably didn't when he went in chasing Martin, but once the fight started, it looks as if he flew into a rage.

Zimmerman didn't set out to kill Martin, he was just a bigot who had a low place in society who was looking to make a larger name for himself by arresting a black person.

Too bad he killed them and lost his chance, especially with the evidence that he'd already figured them for guilty when they were innocent.

Hence the quandary. Zimmerman was engaged in profiling. He had decided an innocent kid was a "suspect". And he decided that this time, the suspect was not getting away with it. He was going to "arrest" the kid and be a hero.

But, things didn't go as planned.

But I am not sure that Zimmerman flying into a rage is going to count as a "depraved mind". Which is why I think the DA overcharged.
Big fucking deal. Travis was fucking punk. He dripped fucking punk. We all know GZ would have said that whether it was recorded on the 911 tape or not. And he was right.

So...................if Trayvon (NOT Travis you idiot) was a punk and dripped punk, does that still mean that he should have been followed by a person who desperately wanted to be a cop, but failed the tests and had to settle for being a member of the neighborhood watch, and was shot because some moron (who failed to be selected as a member of the police) thought he was guilty just because he didn't like how he looked?

If you think like George Zimmerman, I feel sorry for your being spun in a bubble of bigotry.

Zimmerman is someone who shot before he thought, and should pay the price for his actions.

I hope he's in jail for 5 to 25 years.

Are you telling me that if you see something suspicious in your neighborhood then you're not allowed to investigate? FUCK THAT AND FUCK YOU.

And it doesn't matter if GZ "desperately wanted to be a cop" either.

How am I a biggot, dick wad? Because I said a black guy was a punk? FUCK OFF. He was a punk. I'm not going to dance around your fairytale BS.

Shot before he thought? He was getting his head pounded against concrete. There's nothing to think about at that point. Maybe, Travis shouldn't have been a thug and started beating on someone just b/c he found a target. GZ is the victim. He is allowed to defend himself. And I tell you what; if more peoople did what GZ did, people would think twice about physically assaulting someone.

Ok tard boy its like this, had Zimmerman done as trained by this Drover chick, none of this would have happened. You can investigate shit all you want, but you don't get to shoot people when it go's wrong. You are about the definition of stupid. If more people did lime Zimmerman, CCW would end and guns banned.
This is also discussed in CCW class. You don't say nothing. Honestly, I dong think GZ had plans to kill the kid or even have contact with him. I think this death was an honest to God act of stupidity on GZ's part.

Now he is trying to justify it in front of Trayvon's parents and all the world by lying about how it happened.

It may be too late, the prosecution has not been tough enough. The wittnesses aren't good for them but they have no choice but to put them on the stand. For instance, his statements from that night were read by someone who can't even see well enough to read the words. The lead prosecuter, Bernie de la Rionda let her struggle through it and what she was saying was so choppy, it made no sense.

He should have read it and had her follow along.

The video at the police station that night wasn't working so the statement in messy writing was all they had. Hope the prosecution can get their case together, not looking good.

It's hard to tell.

The prosecution has done a real good job of punching holes in the George Zimmerman story and they've slowly established a narrative to he was playing cop.

And when I sat on a jury, it was the deliberations that really decided the verdict and that was more based on reading back the testimony. When you do that, you decide based on content not the person giving it.

What was germane about Rachel's testimony was that what was said is pretty different from how Zimmerman remembers it as well as establishing the "fight" was not one sided.

The testimony of Good and Mora punch holes in 2 other key elements of Zimmerman's story, that head was being bashed, repeatedly, against the side walk and that his mouth and nose were covered. The cell phone recording also discounts that. As do his pictures, which the defense seem to like to parade around every chance they get. It also dispels the myth that Martin was lying in wait for Zimmerman. The EMTs and the Zimmerman pictures also establish that his wounds were pretty minor and not life threatening.

I think the forensics might be the final nail if played right. If indeed Martin's hands aren't damaged badly it's also going to take away more of the notion that Zimmerman was in a life and death struggle.

The problem becomes convincing the Jury that Zimmerman set out to kill Martin. That's the toughie. He probably didn't when he went in chasing Martin, but once the fight started, it looks as if he flew into a rage.

If they can't prove it was self defense, Zimmerman is going to prison. I want him on the stand and Angely Corey needs to crack the whip on her team. The best one is the good looking guy, John Guy and no, it isn't just because he is good looking. He gave a very compelling opening statement. Hopefully, they can show that everything they said in that opening statement is true.

I agree with you about Zimmerman flying into a rage. They're not letting past incidences in though, unfortunately. We know there are past incidences with this guy.
So lets just say GZ takes the stand in his own are just a few of the questions Id like to see posed to him:

State: Outside of your phone call to 911 were there any others that night reporting any crimes by an individual fitting the description of Trayvon...any burglaries, prowlers, vandalism, assaults, anything?

GZ: Not that I know of

State: Did you observe him committing an actual crime?

GZ: No

State: Did you have the opportunity at any time to identify yourself?

GZ: Well, I guess at some point I could have.

State: Okay, well you stated in the 911 call that you passed him and that he passed by you on multiple occassions...would you consider that an opportunity to identify yourself or maybe ask him where he was headed or maybe if everything was okay?

GZ: I was on the phone talking to 911

State: So instead of identifying yourself, you continued to talk to 911? Couldnt you have seized this opportunity with 911 on the line?

GZ: Well I guess i could have

State: But you didnt?

GZ: No...I didnt.

State: Mr Zimmerman, would you consider being followed in the dark and rain by a man in a truck through the entire complex suspicious behavior?

GZ: Umm...well yes if I didnt know who the person was...yes I guess I would.

State: Okay, did Trayvon know who you were?

GZ: No

State: If you were trying to lose the person in the truck and you cut through a courtyard where a truck couldnt go and that person got out of their truck and followed you up the path with a flashlight in the dark and rain...would you consider that to be suspicious behavior? Would you feel like you were being pursued?

GZ: Well now wait a minute...I was initially following him, but the dispatcher told me not to so I stopped and then I went looking for an address to give the police a more exact location

State: You stopped? Did you go back to your truck? Or did you proceed up the same path that he ran away from you on?

GZ: Well I proceeded up the same path because it was the most direct route to a street that I knew and I wanted to get an apt #.

State: Did the person you were following...did he hear your 911 call?

GZ: Well no.

State: So then Trayvon didnt know you were going to look for an apt #, did he?

GZ: No

State: So with that said would you assume at this point that Trayvon thought he was still being followed or that you were going to look for an apt #?

GZ: Well he had no way of knowing I was going to get an apt #

State: So is it safe to assume that he would think you were still following him or in pursuit of him?

GZ: Well I guess he would.

State: What does "we dont need you to do that" mean to you?

GZ: I took it to mean to stop following him

State: Does it mean to continue up the same path that he took running away from you?

GZ: No it doesnt

State: But you did keep going up the path right? and when you got to this T in the sidewalk, you even looked around for him, right? According to your own testimony?

GZ: yes

State: How many times did Trayvon pass by your truck while you were following him?

GZ: Oh I cant remember...a few times maybe

State: On any of those occassions did he threaten you, assault you, yell at you, bang on your window?

GZ: No, well he did have his hand in his waistband, and he was looking at me

State: And you were looking at him also, werent you? And you were following him, right? Was he following you?

GZ: Well I dont really consider it following...I consider it keeping an eye on him

State: After you got off the phone with dispatch and you were headed back down the walk towards your truck...what happened then?

GZ: Well out of no where I hear someone say "Do you have a problem"? he is approaching me

State: Did you consider yourself threatened at that moment?

GZ: Yes cause he was coming straight at me and it was dark and raining and I was already following him because I thought he was suspicious.

State: Okay, makes then what?

GZ: I told him "No, I dont have a problem"

State: Did you identify yourself?

GZ: No

State: Why did you say there was no problem...didnt you just report a problem? Werent the police on the way?

GZ: Yes

State: So there was a problem, but you told him there wasnt one?

GZ: Correct

State: What happened next

GZ: Well I felt threatened and I felt like things were getting ugly, so i reached to my right side coat pocket for my phone to call 911, but my phone wasnt there, I forgot which pocket I put it in

State: 911? Didnt you just get off the phone with them?

GZ: Yes, but I wanted to call the emergency 911 this time

State: Why? To get the police there?

GZ: Yes and to give them my location

State: well werent they on the way...why wouldnt you call the same number you just called and find out where they were and to give them a better location? Havnt you given that number all of the information already?

GZ: yes

State: So if you wanted a quicker response, why call the other line and go thru the story again...why not just call the same number and tell them where you were?

GZ: err uhh...err uhh...well I guess I could have done that

State: When you went reaching for the phone you say wasnt there...tell me something...where was your gun?

GZ: It was holstered on my right hip

State: So in the area that you were reaching your phone wasnt there, but your gun was?

GZ: Well yes...but I wasnt reaching for my gun, I was reaching for my phone to call 911

State: Did you tell Trayvon that you were reaching for a phone? Did he know what you were reaching for?

GZ: No I didnt tell him what I was reaching for i just tried to grab it real quick and I was frustrated because it wasnt there

State: So Trayvon didnt know what you were grabbing for?

GZ: No he didnt

State: In your conversation with officer Serino you said that he had his hand in his waistband and that you didnt know if he had a weapon or not, right?

GZ: Yes...he also had something in his hand that I couldnt identify.

State: But you told Officer Serino that the hands in the waistband concerned you and thought he may have a weapon, correct?

GZ: Yes

State: So is it safe to say that by you reaching in the same general area for your phone, that Trayvon might have thought you had a weapon also?

GZ: I guess he could have...I dont know what he was thinking

State: Well what happened while you were reaching for your right side?

GZ: Well he just punched me right in the nose and I fell to the ground

State: So you were punched at almost the same time you went reaching to your right pocket or that area? thats what you said in writing, in the interrogation and in the reenactment, correct?

GZ: Yes

State: When you fell to the ground and trayvon got on top of some point you mentioned the gun and holster were exposed to him, correct?

GZ: Yes

State: And after you say he saw the gun holstered did he continue punching you?

GZ: Yes and he started banging my head on the concrete

State: After he saw the gun exposed?

GZ: Yes and before he saw it also

State: But up until that point, you were the one that followed him? You were the one that followed him up the path on foot in the dark and rain? and when he finally asked you why and was approaching you, you reached for your right pocket for a phone that wasnt there, right? And tell us again where your gun was?

GZ: On my right hip

State: Thank further questions at this time.

1) following a person in the dark who had committed no crime
2) never identified himself
3) proceeded up the path in the direction of suspect when told not to
4) when finally confronted...frantically went reaching for pockets
5) when struggling on the ground, the gun was exposed
...theres more but you get the picture.

This should wrap real nice in closing arguments.
Now he is trying to justify it in front of Trayvon's parents and all the world by lying about how it happened.

It may be too late, the prosecution has not been tough enough. The wittnesses aren't good for them but they have no choice but to put them on the stand. For instance, his statements from that night were read by someone who can't even see well enough to read the words. The lead prosecuter, Bernie de la Rionda let her struggle through it and what she was saying was so choppy, it made no sense.

He should have read it and had her follow along.

The video at the police station that night wasn't working so the statement in messy writing was all they had. Hope the prosecution can get their case together, not looking good.

It's hard to tell.

The prosecution has done a real good job of punching holes in the George Zimmerman story and they've slowly established a narrative to he was playing cop.

And when I sat on a jury, it was the deliberations that really decided the verdict and that was more based on reading back the testimony. When you do that, you decide based on content not the person giving it.

What was germane about Rachel's testimony was that what was said is pretty different from how Zimmerman remembers it as well as establishing the "fight" was not one sided.

The testimony of Good and Mora punch holes in 2 other key elements of Zimmerman's story, that head was being bashed, repeatedly, against the side walk and that his mouth and nose were covered. The cell phone recording also discounts that. As do his pictures, which the defense seem to like to parade around every chance they get. It also dispels the myth that Martin was lying in wait for Zimmerman. The EMTs and the Zimmerman pictures also establish that his wounds were pretty minor and not life threatening.

I think the forensics might be the final nail if played right. If indeed Martin's hands aren't damaged badly it's also going to take away more of the notion that Zimmerman was in a life and death struggle.

The problem becomes convincing the Jury that Zimmerman set out to kill Martin. That's the toughie. He probably didn't when he went in chasing Martin, but once the fight started, it looks as if he flew into a rage.

If they can't prove it was self defense, Zimmerman is going to prison. I want him on the stand and Angely Corey needs to crack the whip on her team. The best one is the good looking guy, John Guy and no, it isn't just because he is good looking. He gave a very compelling opening statement. Hopefully, they can show that everything they said in that opening statement is true.

I agree with you about Zimmerman flying into a rage. They're not letting past incidences in though, unfortunately. We know there are past incidences with this guy.

I heard it was domestic violence. If so, why did he have a firearm ?
It's hard to tell.

The prosecution has done a real good job of punching holes in the George Zimmerman story and they've slowly established a narrative to he was playing cop.

And when I sat on a jury, it was the deliberations that really decided the verdict and that was more based on reading back the testimony. When you do that, you decide based on content not the person giving it.

What was germane about Rachel's testimony was that what was said is pretty different from how Zimmerman remembers it as well as establishing the "fight" was not one sided.

The testimony of Good and Mora punch holes in 2 other key elements of Zimmerman's story, that head was being bashed, repeatedly, against the side walk and that his mouth and nose were covered. The cell phone recording also discounts that. As do his pictures, which the defense seem to like to parade around every chance they get. It also dispels the myth that Martin was lying in wait for Zimmerman. The EMTs and the Zimmerman pictures also establish that his wounds were pretty minor and not life threatening.

I think the forensics might be the final nail if played right. If indeed Martin's hands aren't damaged badly it's also going to take away more of the notion that Zimmerman was in a life and death struggle.

The problem becomes convincing the Jury that Zimmerman set out to kill Martin. That's the toughie. He probably didn't when he went in chasing Martin, but once the fight started, it looks as if he flew into a rage.

Zimmerman didn't set out to kill Martin, he was just a bigot who had a low place in society who was looking to make a larger name for himself by arresting a black person.

Too bad he killed them and lost his chance, especially with the evidence that he'd already figured them for guilty when they were innocent.

Hence the quandary. Zimmerman was engaged in profiling. He had decided an innocent kid was a "suspect". And he decided that this time, the suspect was not getting away with it. He was going to "arrest" the kid and be a hero.

But, things didn't go as planned.

But I am not sure that Zimmerman flying into a rage is going to count as a "depraved mind". Which is why I think the DA overcharged.

The only reason the innocent kid was profiled as a suspect was because he was black.

Might wanna listen to the 911 call he made prior to shooting an innocent.
BTW...................................if Zimmerman was such a long standing member of the neighborhood watch, then why was it he didn't know the name of the 3 streets in the gated community?
This is also discussed in CCW class. You don't say nothing. Honestly, I dong think GZ had plans to kill the kid or even have contact with him. I think this death was an honest to God act of stupidity on GZ's part.

Now he is trying to justify it in front of Trayvon's parents and all the world by lying about how it happened.

It may be too late, the prosecution has not been tough enough. The wittnesses aren't good for them but they have no choice but to put them on the stand. For instance, his statements from that night were read by someone who can't even see well enough to read the words. The lead prosecuter, Bernie de la Rionda let her struggle through it and what she was saying was so choppy, it made no sense.

He should have read it and had her follow along.

The video at the police station that night wasn't working so the statement in messy writing was all they had. Hope the prosecution can get their case together, not looking good.

Actually, I find the inconsistencies in the various stories he's told to be troubling.

Sorry......................but there are no bushes in the areas that he used to hunt Trayvon down.

I didn't hear anything about the bushes but at any rate, GZ was stalking the kid and he didn't identify himself. He reacted to the whole scene irrationally. He's def a psycho but they aren't letting any evidence that would point to that in. Evidence such as a medical report that the Physician's Assistant took down. They only allowed a portion of that.
Now he is trying to justify it in front of Trayvon's parents and all the world by lying about how it happened.

It may be too late, the prosecution has not been tough enough. The wittnesses aren't good for them but they have no choice but to put them on the stand. For instance, his statements from that night were read by someone who can't even see well enough to read the words. The lead prosecuter, Bernie de la Rionda let her struggle through it and what she was saying was so choppy, it made no sense.

He should have read it and had her follow along.

The video at the police station that night wasn't working so the statement in messy writing was all they had. Hope the prosecution can get their case together, not looking good.

It's hard to tell.

The prosecution has done a real good job of punching holes in the George Zimmerman story and they've slowly established a narrative to he was playing cop.

And when I sat on a jury, it was the deliberations that really decided the verdict and that was more based on reading back the testimony. When you do that, you decide based on content not the person giving it.

What was germane about Rachel's testimony was that what was said is pretty different from how Zimmerman remembers it as well as establishing the "fight" was not one sided.

The testimony of Good and Mora punch holes in 2 other key elements of Zimmerman's story, that head was being bashed, repeatedly, against the side walk and that his mouth and nose were covered. The cell phone recording also discounts that. As do his pictures, which the defense seem to like to parade around every chance they get. It also dispels the myth that Martin was lying in wait for Zimmerman. The EMTs and the Zimmerman pictures also establish that his wounds were pretty minor and not life threatening.

I think the forensics might be the final nail if played right. If indeed Martin's hands aren't damaged badly it's also going to take away more of the notion that Zimmerman was in a life and death struggle.

The problem becomes convincing the Jury that Zimmerman set out to kill Martin. That's the toughie. He probably didn't when he went in chasing Martin, but once the fight started, it looks as if he flew into a rage.

If they can't prove it was self defense, Zimmerman is going to prison. I want him on the stand and Angely Corey needs to crack the whip on her team. The best one is the good looking guy, John Guy and no, it isn't just because he is good looking. He gave a very compelling opening statement. Hopefully, they can show that everything they said in that opening statement is true.

I agree with you about Zimmerman flying into a rage. They're not letting past incidences in though, unfortunately. We know there are past incidences with this guy.

That's kinda not the standard with Murder 2. The Prosecution has to prove a "depraved mind" in Florida. Which is why I am not sure if "flying into a rage" fits into that standard. It might.

Time will tell.
It's hard to tell.

The prosecution has done a real good job of punching holes in the George Zimmerman story and they've slowly established a narrative to he was playing cop.

And when I sat on a jury, it was the deliberations that really decided the verdict and that was more based on reading back the testimony. When you do that, you decide based on content not the person giving it.

What was germane about Rachel's testimony was that what was said is pretty different from how Zimmerman remembers it as well as establishing the "fight" was not one sided.

The testimony of Good and Mora punch holes in 2 other key elements of Zimmerman's story, that head was being bashed, repeatedly, against the side walk and that his mouth and nose were covered. The cell phone recording also discounts that. As do his pictures, which the defense seem to like to parade around every chance they get. It also dispels the myth that Martin was lying in wait for Zimmerman. The EMTs and the Zimmerman pictures also establish that his wounds were pretty minor and not life threatening.

I think the forensics might be the final nail if played right. If indeed Martin's hands aren't damaged badly it's also going to take away more of the notion that Zimmerman was in a life and death struggle.

The problem becomes convincing the Jury that Zimmerman set out to kill Martin. That's the toughie. He probably didn't when he went in chasing Martin, but once the fight started, it looks as if he flew into a rage.

If they can't prove it was self defense, Zimmerman is going to prison. I want him on the stand and Angely Corey needs to crack the whip on her team. The best one is the good looking guy, John Guy and no, it isn't just because he is good looking. He gave a very compelling opening statement. Hopefully, they can show that everything they said in that opening statement is true.

I agree with you about Zimmerman flying into a rage. They're not letting past incidences in though, unfortunately. We know there are past incidences with this guy.

I heard it was domestic violence. If so, why did he have a firearm ?

Probably because Florida doesn't really bother with background checks.

Cops are going door-to-door in an American city again, only this time at least they are knocking on doors instead of knocking them down.

The most recent example of a police-state presence is developing even now in Sanford, Fla., where neighborhood-watch participant George Zimmerman is on trial for murder for the death of teenager Trayvon Martin.

t Cops go door-to-door in Trayvon town

yep...they see an acquittal and they are preparing themselves. Funny because this is exactly why they charged it in the first place.
BTW...................................if Zimmerman was such a long standing member of the neighborhood watch, then why was it he didn't know the name of the 3 streets in the gated community?

This I can relate to and understand.

Yanno...........................I had to patrol many places, and did them for over 6 months because I had to..................and during those times I knew where each valve and drain was, as well as where the pipes were that could provide the water needed if a fire occurred (I was a member of the At Sea Fire Party).

My question is, if Zimmerman was such a great member of the neighborhood watch, why was he unable to remember the only 3 streets that were in the gated community?

And yeah.........................the over 20 years I served in the U.S. Navy, I can still remember where every fire station was that I served in. Why? Because as a member of the At Sea Fire Party, I had to.

I'm wondering why Zimmerman couldn't remember the names of the streets that he supposedly patrolled.
If they can't prove it was self defense, Zimmerman is going to prison. I want him on the stand and Angely Corey needs to crack the whip on her team. The best one is the good looking guy, John Guy and no, it isn't just because he is good looking. He gave a very compelling opening statement. Hopefully, they can show that everything they said in that opening statement is true.

I agree with you about Zimmerman flying into a rage. They're not letting past incidences in though, unfortunately. We know there are past incidences with this guy.

I heard it was domestic violence. If so, why did he have a firearm ?

Probably because Florida doesn't really bother with background checks.

Hm. CCW does though. I was checked both times I got it.

Cops are going door-to-door in an American city again, only this time at least they are knocking on doors instead of knocking them down.

The most recent example of a police-state presence is developing even now in Sanford, Fla., where neighborhood-watch participant George Zimmerman is on trial for murder for the death of teenager Trayvon Martin.

t Cops go door-to-door in Trayvon town

You ought to stay away from sites like that. They are not good for impressionable citizens.

The article used a simple call for peace on the part of the police in Sanford to bloviate about the "police state".

Stop being such a "fraidy-cat".
I smell smoke and a media ass whipping.

Think I will take the day off when the acquittal comes and order some KFC.

Makes for great TV

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