The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I did not become 'a nurse instead.' I was already a board certified NP when I enrolled in law school. I never intended to practice law. A person who only teaches law is not required to hold a license. I got the degree to be better in my field, and to be able to start my own business upon retirement. Fact is, my business has been started for some time now. And FYI a lot of nurses get doctorates, and a lot of us get JDs. We even get paid in our clinical practice for having it because it is a doctorate in a related field. We also have a professional organization known as The American Association of Nurse Attorneys.

As to the wiki and sites from which I post, well you can just suck that one up. I am under no obligation to pay for a service like WestLaw or Lexus/Nexus to post cases on a message board even though I can get free access to both of those through other services available to me through my schools, and through various court websites. But the thing you fail to recognize is that I know which cases to look for, obscure cases, obscure laws, etc. A person who does not have command of the law cannot hone in on those things because they don't have the knowledge of what to look for. So you can suck it up. And am still a board certified nurse practitioner, and I can legally teach the law if I so choose.

You are very young. You would do well to spend your time in pursuit of formal education. I can assure you your life will improve if you do.

Or maybe you just took a couple of criminal justice classes...none of us will ever know or care. You're just another online braggart to me who calls people they dont know faggot. You should have taken some maturity classes.

Im not as young as you think and have a degree. I just dont feel the need to boast of my degrees, certifications, sports trophies and employment as you do. Especially not to an internet message board. You have a need to post your resume every time you think your words or claims will give you some credibility or an edge in your argument.

LMAO. I haven't had any trouble convincing those who have JDs and those who are attorneys because we all know the sweat and toil that goes into it. Clearly you have no clue what it takes to get a JD. I can tell you, and so will they you will read more in your first year of law school than you read in your entire undergraduate career. I didn't even go full time and it was 2,000 pages a week. Every week.

And you have to suck up the faggot thing too. You called me a bigot, and my response was going to rhyme. Get over it. That's how forums work.

And yes, when I can produce the case laws and statutes and you cannot, I do have more credibility and an edge over you.
[MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] (more like moonshine)

Incorrect, ms professor...never called you a lie...Testarosa said "negged" and I jokingly said bigot as if she said the "N" word...we joke like cut in and called me a faggot for no reason. She even corrected you...and you continue to lie anyway.

This is why I doubt your cant even get your facts straight and you blatantly lie. This suggests you are no law student and you dont know a damn about psychology. Liars have no do I decipher your lies from truth? Case law that!

You have spent the last 3 days going to my page, looking at my posts, trolling me, neg repping me and then commenting on them in the other Z now I found one for you...there are more, so keep it up. I am relentless against bullies...ask around.

You are offended with someone showing a different said that I "hate Mexicans" because of the other thread of course.
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BTW...................................if Zimmerman was such a long standing member of the neighborhood watch, then why was it he didn't know the name of the 3 streets in the gated community?

This I can relate to and understand.

Yanno...........................I had to patrol many places, and did them for over 6 months because I had to..................and during those times I knew where each valve and drain was, as well as where the pipes were that could provide the water needed if a fire occurred (I was a member of the At Sea Fire Party).

My question is, if Zimmerman was such a great member of the neighborhood watch, why was he unable to remember the only 3 streets that were in the gated community?And yeah.........................the over 20 years I served in the U.S. Navy, I can still remember where every fire station was that I served in. Why? Because as a member of the At Sea Fire Party, I had to.

I'm wondering why Zimmerman couldn't remember the names of the streets that he supposedly patrolled.

I think he wasn't just a member, he was th Captain wasn't he? Some captain. He did everything you shouldn't do.

Cops are going door-to-door in an American city again, only this time at least they are knocking on doors instead of knocking them down.

The most recent example of a police-state presence is developing even now in Sanford, Fla., where neighborhood-watch participant George Zimmerman is on trial for murder for the death of teenager Trayvon Martin.

t Cops go door-to-door in Trayvon town

And so it begins. Mz Footstool head on the HLN show got her point across loud and clear, didn't she?

She was vile
This just in. Amazing new footage of Bernie trying to question one of his own witnesses.

[ame=]Shark Cat on Roomba Chasing Duck - Original HD TWT Version - YouTube[/ame]
Correct me if Im wrong:

I tell [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] that "her BiaS is so thick I can smell her Depends"

and she takes dont get it.:eusa_boohoo:

(after she trolled me for 3 days and went on a vulgar tirade and called me a mexican
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When did she say this? I missed it. Did I miss her presser????

Dr Drew show. I got so pissed, I changed the channel but then switched back...and Mz Footstool head is not there. They replaced her. Gosh. I wonder why. :eusa_hand:

I'm late to the party. I envisioned Ms Footstool as Rachel/DD/Diamond, which is why I asked about her having a presser. Who then? All I know's obvious if the natives are restless then they see the writing on the wall that this case is going nowhere.

i am not a racist. I am a businesswoman who interacts with people of all races and ethnicities. I hate needing to provide this disclaimer. It's degrading in itself, but the BS PC community expects it so I'll comply.

I haven't heard what happened or that someone was calling for "unrest" if the verdict doesn't comport with the guilty verdict blacks seem to want in this case. When did this happen and who predicted this "tantrum"???

You can announce it all you want, but the race baiters on here will still go after you. I, too, worked with all kinds, and I worked in the projects and in prisons. I continue to be slandered by this new bunch who came from God knows where and called biased. I am definitely biased for the law. Everyone deserves to have counsel. No one deserves to have the law changed to turn a case of self defense into murder. And up to now, I've seen nothing that shows this to be a murder case. Nothing.
Correct me if Im wrong:

I tell [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] that "her BiaS is so thick I can smell her Depends"

and she takes

What's wrong with you? First off you dredge up an old post to get her attention only to be a whiny brat and nasty little creep.

If this is what you youngin's think passes as cool, we need less of you not more
Dr Drew show. I got so pissed, I changed the channel but then switched back...and Mz Footstool head is not there. They replaced her. Gosh. I wonder why. :eusa_hand:

I'm late to the party. I envisioned Ms Footstool as Rachel/DD/Diamond, which is why I asked about her having a presser. Who then? All I know's obvious if the natives are restless then they see the writing on the wall that this case is going nowhere.

i am not a racist. I am a businesswoman who interacts with people of all races and ethnicities. I hate needing to provide this disclaimer. It's degrading in itself, but the BS PC community expects it so I'll comply.

I haven't heard what happened or that someone was calling for "unrest" if the verdict doesn't comport with the guilty verdict blacks seem to want in this case. When did this happen and who predicted this "tantrum"???

You can announce it all you want, but the race baiters on here will still go after you. I, too, worked with all kinds, and I worked in the projects and in prisons. I continue to be slandered by this new bunch who came from God knows where and called biased. I am definitely biased for the law. Everyone deserves to have counsel. No one deserves to have the law changed to turn a case of self defense into murder. And up to now, I've seen nothing that shows this to be a murder case. Nothing. are really just called me a mexican hater because I suggest that MR Z may have made some are the race baiter! You also call people Faggot and falsely accuse them of calling you a bigot...the person you accuse is apology from nothing...just vulgar hate. You are as hypocritical as they come.
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Dr Drew show. I got so pissed, I changed the channel but then switched back...and Mz Footstool head is not there. They replaced her. Gosh. I wonder why. :eusa_hand:

I'm late to the party. I envisioned Ms Footstool as Rachel/DD/Diamond, which is why I asked about her having a presser. Who then? All I know's obvious if the natives are restless then they see the writing on the wall that this case is going nowhere.

i am not a racist. I am a businesswoman who interacts with people of all races and ethnicities. I hate needing to provide this disclaimer. It's degrading in itself, but the BS PC community expects it so I'll comply.

I haven't heard what happened or that someone was calling for "unrest" if the verdict doesn't comport with the guilty verdict blacks seem to want in this case. When did this happen and who predicted this "tantrum"???

[MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION].....Dr Drew show is on HLN..and his guests are commentators. Mz Ali, aka Footstool Head (african hat) was saying riots are what whites call their temper tantrum...and there probably won't be "temper tantrums" because Z will walk (insert snake head 'tude here). The threats of violence of killing white crackers were posted on a website called The Blaze..which is a newspaper but I do not know where.

Sometime between my channel flipping, they got Mz Footstool off the show. Probably because even the blacks AGAINST zimmerman was aghast at what Footstool said. She showed what she wanted very clearly..hence them hastily retreating her from in front of the camera, I suppose.

In spite of what you have seen from that one witness and from our resident forum blacks, blacks are better fed and more educated than they were back in the 60s. In reality, they had some pretty good reasons to go ape shit in those days. But now, I'm not real sure with all the evidence hanging out there that they will riot over one dead street thug. (See Testa's post about there being only one lone picketer.) I want to believe they can and will see reality.
I'm late to the party. I envisioned Ms Footstool as Rachel/DD/Diamond, which is why I asked about her having a presser. Who then? All I know's obvious if the natives are restless then they see the writing on the wall that this case is going nowhere.

i am not a racist. I am a businesswoman who interacts with people of all races and ethnicities. I hate needing to provide this disclaimer. It's degrading in itself, but the BS PC community expects it so I'll comply.

I haven't heard what happened or that someone was calling for "unrest" if the verdict doesn't comport with the guilty verdict blacks seem to want in this case. When did this happen and who predicted this "tantrum"???

[MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION].....Dr Drew show is on HLN..and his guests are commentators. Mz Ali, aka Footstool Head (african hat) was saying riots are what whites call their temper tantrum...and there probably won't be "temper tantrums" because Z will walk (insert snake head 'tude here). The threats of violence of killing white crackers were posted on a website called The Blaze..which is a newspaper but I do not know where.

Sometime between my channel flipping, they got Mz Footstool off the show. Probably because even the blacks AGAINST zimmerman was aghast at what Footstool said. She showed what she wanted very clearly..hence them hastily retreating her from in front of the camera, I suppose.

In spite of what you have seen from that one witness and from our resident forum blacks, blacks are better fed and more educated than they were back in the 60s. In reality, they had some pretty good reasons to go ape shit in those days. But now, I'm not real sure with all the evidence hanging out there that they will riot over one dead street thug. (See Testa's post about there being only one lone picketer.) I want to believe they can and will see reality.

The cops and the sheriff are working diligently to "Keep the Peace" aka - stomp the shitkickers before they start kicking shit.

So if there is trouble, they're not going to know what hit them.

They don't want to do last year all over again.

This is going to end here with this jury verdict and that's that.
I'm in here again! Laughing out loud.

About my duck....

Don't squish your duck, or you'll get poop.

Not so. Persuit is not allowed under stand your ground. The way you state it, Marten was standing his ground.

Repeat: Stand your ground is NOT at issue in this trial. The defense is based on self defense. Not stand your ground.

It is covered quite well in CCW class that picking a fight with someone and then shooting them when your getting beat down is not self defense. This is why George Zimmerman is the poster boy of how its done wrong.

Except that's not what happened. But dont let facts get in your way.
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